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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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QLB قلب 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ QLB_1 ‘heart; middle, centre; core; mind, soul, spirit’ ↗qalb
▪ QLB_2 ‘to turn around, turn up(ward), invert, reverse, etc.; intrigue’ ↗qalab-, maqlab
▪ QLB_3 ‘palm pith, palm core’ ↗¹qulb (probably belonging to ¹QLB)
▪ QLB_4 ‘bracelet, bangle’ ↗²qulb
▪ QLB_5 ‘form, mold, model, matrix’ ↗qālib
▪ QLB_6 ‘well (n.)’ ↗qalīb
▪ QLB_7 ‘refuse dump, dump pile’ (Eg.) ↗maqlab

BadawiAbdelHalim2008: ‘[QLB_1] brains, heart, inner part, essence; [QLB_2] to turn over, around, upside down or inside out; to reverse, twist; to waver, dissuade; to investigate; to revert to; [QLB_5] form, mould; [QLB_6] well (in particular, an unlined well)’. 
▪ While [v5] is a loan from Syr,
▪ there may be a relation between [v1] and all other values (except [v5]). 
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qalab‑ قَلَبَ , i (qalb
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to turn around, turn about, turn up(ward), upturn; to turn, turn over; to turn face up or face down; to turn inside out or outside in; to turn upside down; to tip, tilt over, topple over; to invert, reverse; to overturn, upset, topple; to capsize; to roll over; to subvert, overthrow (a government); to change, alter, turn, transform, convert, transmute; to transpose; to exchange ( for – WehrCowan1979. 
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▪ Zammit2002: Ar qalaba ‘to turn; to return’ (> Gz qalaba ‘vertere, versare horsum prorsum’), SAr qlb ‘to till, turn over (soil prior to cultivation)’ […1
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qalaba-hū raʔsan, vb. I, to turn upside down.
qalaba la-hū ẓahra ’l-miǧann, vb. I, to show s.o. the back of the shield, i.e., to give s.o. the cold shoulder, become hostile to s.o..

qallaba, vb. II, to turn, turn around, turn about, turn up(ward), upturn, turn over; to turn face up or face down; to turn inside out or outside in; to turn upside down; to tip, tilt over, topple over; to invert, reverse; to overturn, upset, overthrow, topple; to capsize; to roll over; to turn, turn over (pages); to rummage, ransack, rake; to roll; to stir; to examine, study, scrutinize, investigate (s.o.,; to change, alter, turn, transform, convert, transmute ( to or into ints. (?) | ~-hū bi-ʕaqlih, to turn over in one’s mind, reflect on, ponder, brood over; ~ kaffaihi, to repent, be grieved; to be embarrassed; ~ fī-hi ’l-baṣar/naẓar, to scrutinize, eye, regard
taqallaba, vb. V, to be turned around, be turned over, be reversed, be inverted; to be overturned, get knocked over (e.g., a glass); to toss and turn, toss about; to writhe, twist, squirm, wriggle; to be changed, be altered, change; to fluctuate (prices); to be changeable, variable, inconstant, fickle ( in; to move (about), live, be at home ( in); to dispose ( of), have at one’s diaposal ( pass./refl. of II | ~ fī ’niʕmaẗ / fī ʔaʕṭāf al-ʕayš al-nāʕim, to lead a life of ease and comfort, live in prosperity; ~ fī ramḍāʔi ’l-buʔs, to live in utmost misery.
ĭnqalaba, vb. VII, to be turned, be turned around, be turned about, be turned up(ward), be upturned, be turned over; to be reversed, be inverted; to be turned inside out or outside in; to be turned upside down, be toppled, get knocked over; to be overturned, be upset, be overthrown; to be rolled over; to overturn, somersault; to capsize; to be changed, be altered, be transformed, be converted, be transmuted; to change, turn ( or ʔilà into, become; to turn (ʕalà against; ʔilà to); to return; (with foll. ipfv) to proceed suddenly to do, shift instantly to, change over to pass./refl. | ~ ʕalà ’l-huǧūm, to take the offensive.

qalb, n., reversal, inversion; overturn, upheaval; conversion, transformation, transmutation; transposition (of letters), metathesis (gram.); perversion, change, alteration; overthrow (of a government): vn. I.
qullab, adj., tending to change; agile, adaptable, resourceful; versatile, manysided, of varied skills or talents: ints.adj.
qalūb, adj., tending to change; agile, adaptable, resourceful; versatile, manysided: ints.adj.
qallāb, adj., changeable, variable, unsteady, inconstant, fickle, wavering, vacillating; reversible, tiltable: ints.adj.; n., dumper; tip wagon, skip: nominalized adj. | ʕarabaẗ ~aẗ, n., tipcart; ~ ḫallāṭ, n., rotary mixer.
qallābaẗ, n.f., agitator, stirring machine: lexicalized nominalized adj., with f. ending for machines.
maqlab, pl. maqālibᵘ, n., (eg.) refuse dump, dump pile, dump; intrigue, scheme, plot; April fool’s joke: n.loc. of vb. I, or belonging to another etymon, or 2 values from 2 etymons? See s.v.
miqlab, pl. maqālibᵘ, n., hoe: n.instr.
taqlīb: ʕinda ~ al-naẓar, adv., on closer inspection or examination, when examined more closely: prep.phr. with prep. and vn. II.
taqallub, pl. ‑āt, n., alteration, transformation, change; variation; fluctuation (of prices); changeableness, variableness, unsteadiness, inconstancy, fickleness: vn. V; pl. vicissitudes, ups and downs | ~ ǧawwī, n., change of weather; sarīʕ al-~, adj., very changeable, very fickle, capricious.
ĭnqilāb, n., upheaval; revolution, overthrow, bouleversement; alteration, transformation, change; solstice: vn. VII | dāʔiraẗ al-~, n., tropic (geogr.). See also ↗s.v.
maqlūb, adj., turned over, turned upside down, turned about, inverted, inverse, reverse(d), etc.; infolded (bem, seam); reciprocal (math.): PP I | bi’l-~, adv., topsyturvy; upside down; wrong side out; the other way round, reversely, conversely, vice versa.
mutaqallib, also ~ al-ʔadwār, adj., wavering, vacillating, changeable, variable, inconstant, unsteady, fickle, capricious: PA V.
munqalab, n., (place of overthrow, i.e.) the hereafter, the end one meets in death, the way of all flesh, final destiny; tropic: n.loc. VII | ~ šatawī, n., Tropic of Capricorn; ~ ṣayfī, n., Tropic of Cancer

For other items of the root √QLB (some of which may be related to qalab ‘to turn’) cf. ↗QLB. 
qalb قَلْب , pl. qulūb 
ID 703 • Sw 52/70 • BP 110 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
heart; middle, centre; core, gist, essence; marrow, medulla, pith; the best or choicest part; mind, soul, spirit – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Etymology unclear. On account of the Akk evidence, a reconstruction of protSem *ḳalb‑ / *ḳabl‑ is not impossible, but litte reliable (based only on Akk and Ar, with metathetical forms).
▪ Sivkov2014 relates also the complex ‘to come near, approach’ treated under ↗qariba / qaruba, saying that it may be derived from ‘heart, inner part, middle’.
▪ Sivkov2014 also considers the possibility of the complex ‘to turn’ to be denominative from ‘heart’, cf. ↗qalaba.
▪ Kogan2011: The fact that qalb is the basic term for ‘heart’ in Ar is a deviation from the general picture in Sem where most other langs use reflexes of protSem *libb‑ ‘heart’ (preserved also in Ar, cf. ↗lubb).
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▪ Zammit2002: Akk qablu ‘hip; waist’,2 Ar qalb ‘heart’ (> Gz qalb ‘thought, wish’)
▪ Cf. also ↗qulb_1 ‘palm pith, palm core (edible tuber growing at the upper end of the palm trunk)’.
▪ For cognates from QRB ‘to be(come) near, close’, which is perhaps related, cf. ↗qaruba.
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qalb al-ʔasad, n., Regulus (star α in the constellation Leo; astron.).
qalb al-huǧūm, n., center forward (soccer).
suwaydāʔ al-qalb, n., the innermost of the heart, the bottom of the heart.
ʕan ẓahri ’l-qalb, adv., by heart.
qalban wa-qālaban, adv., with heart and soul; inwardly and outwardly.
qulūbāt (al-sukkar),, small candies, lozenges.

qulb, qalb, qilb, n., palm pith, palm core (edible tuber growing at the upper end of the palm trunk): belonging to qalb, or to ↗qalab‑ ‘to turn’, or an item in its own right?
qalbī, adj., of or pertaining to the heart, heart (in compounds), cardiac, cardiacal; cordial, hearty, warm, sincere; qalbiyan, adv., cordially, heartily, warmly, sincerely: nsb-adj. 
¹qulb فُلْب , var. qalb, qilb 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
palm pith, palm core (edible tuber growing at the upper end of the palm trunk) – WehrCowan1979. 
Probably related to ↗qalb ‘heart’.1
▪ For cognates from QRB ‘to be(come) near, close’, which is perhaps related, cf. ↗qaruba.
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²qulb فُلْب 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
bracelet, bangle – WehrCowan1979. 
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qalbaẗ قَلْبة 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
(EgAr) lapel; (pl. ‑āt), a measure of capacity (Tun. ; = 20 l) – WehrCowan1979. 
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qālib قالِب , var. qālab , pl. qawālibᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
form; mold; cake pan; model; matrix; last, boot tree, shoe tree – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Rolland2014: from Grk kalópous, kalápous ‘last, wooden model for shoes’, from Grk kâlon ‘wood’ and poús ‘foot’, probably via mPers kal-pād and Pers kāleb ‘id.’.
▪ The Ar word gave our word calibre
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Before Rolland2014, Fraenkel1886 gave the same from Grk kalopódion as etymon, but proposed Syr qalbīḏ (or, rather, qalbūḏ) (rather than Rolland’s mPers) as the intermediary between Grk and Ar. In contrast, Syr qalbā ‘last, mould’ is probably from the Ar qālib rather than vice versa, cf. the var. Syr qāleb
▪ Engl caliber, calibre ‘degree of merit or importance’ : 1560 s, »a figurative use from mFr calibre (late C15), apparently ultimately from Ar qālib ‘mold for casting’. Ar also used the word in the sense ‘mold for casting bullets’, which is the oldest literal meaning in Engl. Meaning ‘inside diameter of a gun barrel’ is attested from 1580 s. Barnhart remarks that Span calibre, Ital calibro “appear too late to act as intermediate forms” between the Ar word and the Fr« – EtymOnline.1  
qālib ǧubn, n., a chunk or loaf of cheese.
qālib sukkar, n., sugarloaf.
qālib ṣābūn, n., a cake or bar of soap.
qalban wa-qāliban, adv., with heart and soul; inwardly and outwardly: adv.acc.
qālibī قالِبيّ 
Sw – • NahḍConBP … • APD … • © SG | created 8Jun2023
▪ …nsb-formation, from qālib 
qalīb قَليب , pl. ʔaqlibaẗ , qulub , qulbān 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n., m. and f. 
well – WehrCowan1979. 
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maqlab مَقْلَب , pl. maqālibᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
(EgAr) refuse dump, dump pile, dump; intrigue, scheme, plot; April fool’s joke – WehrCowan1979. 
separate value or derived from vb. I ↗qalaba
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ĭnqilāb اِنْقِلاب 
ID 702 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 2832 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
upheaval; revolution, overthrow, bouleversement; alteration, transformation, change; solstice – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ vn. VII, from ĭnqalaba, vb. VII, pass. of ↗qalaba , vb. I, ‘to turn around, turn up(ward), invert, reverse, etc.’
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dāʔiraẗ al-ĭnqilāb, n., tropic (geogr.) 
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