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qānūn قانُون , pl. qawānīnᵘ 
ID 715 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 232 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√QNː (QNN) 
1a canon; b established principle, basic rule, axiom, norm, regulation, rule, ordinance, prescript, precept, statute; c law; d code; e tax, impost; f (Tun.) tax on olives and dates. – 2 a stringed musical instrument resembling the zither, with a shallow, trapezoidal sound box, set horizontally before the performer1 – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ [v1] »from Grk κανών [kanṓn ], which meant firstly ‘any straight rod’, later ‘a measure or rule’, and finally (in the papyri of the 4th and 5th centuries A.D.) ‘assessment for taxation’, ‘imperial taxes’, ‘tariff’.1 The word was adopted into Ar presumably with the continuation, after the Muslim conquest of Egypt and Syria, of the pre-Islamic tax system.2 Whilst the word preserved in Islamic states in general its special meaning as a financial term belonging to the field of land-taxes, it acquired also the sense of ‘code of regulations’, ‘state-law’ (sc. of non-Muslim origin).« – Y. Linant de Bellefonds, art. “ḳānūn”, in EI².
▪ [v2] According to Lane, Manners and Customs, the name of the musical instrument also is »from the Grk κανών [kanṓn ], or from the same origin; and has the same signification—that is, ‘rule’, ‘law’, ‘custom’.« 
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▪ Not a loan from Ar, but going back to the same Grk kanṓn that probably is from (or from a Sem word akin to) Akk qanû, is Engl canon ‘church law; (hence also:) rule, prescription’ (and similar words in many other Eur langs). The Engl word can be traced back to oEngl canon, which is from oFr canon or directly from lLat canōn ‘church law’, a specialised meaning of what in classLat (canōn) still was ‘measuring line, rule, prescription’ in general, from Grk kanṓn ‘any straight rod or bar; (and by extension also:) straightedge; rule (etc.); standard of excellence’. The latter is perhaps (by semantic extension) from, or belongs to, Grk kánna ‘reed; tube, pipe’ (cf. Ar ↗qanāẗ). After having taken on the specifically ecclesiastical sense for ‘decree of the Church’, the word later (c1600) again developed the general sense of ‘standard of judging’. The meaning ‘catalogue of approved authors, composers, etc.’ is probably from mC18EtymOnline
al-qānūn al-ʔasāsī, n., basic constitutional law; statutes.
qānūn al-taʔsīs, n., statutes, constitution.
al-qānūn al-ǧināʔī, n., criminal law, penal law.
qānūn al-ʔaḥwāl al-šaḫṣiyyaẗ, n.f., personal statute.
al-qānūn al-dustūrī, n., constitutional law.
al-qānūn al-duwalī, n., international law.
al-qānūn al-murāfaʕāt, n., code of procedure (jur.; Eg.).
qānūn ʔuṣūl al-murāfaʕāt al-ḥuqūqiyyaẗ, n., (Syr.) dto.
qānūn al-silk al-ʔidārī, n., administrative law.
qānūn (kīmāwī), chemical formula.
al-qānūn al-madanī, n., civil law

qannana, vb. II, to make laws, legislate; to determine, fix: caus., denom.

BP#1158qānūnī, adj., canonical; legal, statutory; lawful, legitimate, licit, accordant with law or regulations, valid, regular: nsb-adj.; n., legist, jurisprudent, jurist: nominalized nsb-adj. | ġayr ~, adj., illegal
qānūniyyaẗ, n.f., legality, lawfulness: abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ.
taqnīn, n., legislation, lawmaking; codification (jur.); regulation by law; rationing: vn. II.
muqannin, adj., legislative, lawmaking: PA II; lawgiver, lawmaker, legislator: nominalized PA II.
muqannan, adj., determined, fixed; rationed; standard (in compounds), standardized: PP II.
QNʔ قنأ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ QNʔ_1 ‘deep(-red), blood(-red)’ ↗qāniʔ (√QNʔ), ↗qān(in) (√QāN, QNY)
▪ QNʔ_2 ‘…’ ↗
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