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qanā / qanaw‑ قَنا، قَنَوْـ , u (qanw , qunūw , qunwaẗ , qunwān)
qanà, qanay‑ قَنَى، قَنَيْـ , i (qany , qunyān
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
qanā : to acquire, appropriate, make one’s own; to possess, own, have;
qanà : to acquire, gain
– WehrCowan1979. 
The Sem verbs listed below in the COGNATES section may all depend on a n. (perhaps the Akk qanû or Sem *qanaw‑) with the basic meaning of ‘reed, cane’, which also came to be employed in the sense of ‘measuring rod’, and hence also ‘scales’. (The same word is at the origin of Ar ↗qanāẗ and ↗qānūn as well as items like cane, can, canister, canal, channel, canyon, canon, cannon in Engl, with correspondances in many other Eur langs.) 
▪ eC7 (ʔaqnà, vb. IV, to cause to possess, to cause to have property; to cause to be content) Q 53:48 wa-ʔanna-hū huwa ʔaġnà wa-ʔaqnà ‘that it is He who enriches and causes to possess/to be content’ 
▪ BDB1906: Akk qanû ‘to gain, acquire’, Hbr qānāʰ ‘to get, acquire’, Ar qanā, qanà ‘to acquire, procure’, Sab qny ‘to acquire, possess; property’, Gz qanaya ‘to acquire, subjugate’, Aram Syr qᵊnâ ‘to acquire’ 
▪ Zimmern1914 takes a dependence (as denominative formation) of ‘to buy, acquire’ on QNW_1 in the specialised sense of ‘scales’ for granted. The only thing that is not clear to him is whether the non-Akk vb.s are directly from the Akk n. or via the n.s that are borrowed from the Akk one. Against a direct borrowing from the Akk n. speaks the fact that, accord. to the author, Akk qanû, unlike Hbr qānêʰ, usually does not mean ‘scales’, but only ‘measuring rod’. There is, however, also the Akk vb. qanû ‘to buy, acquire’. But this is attested not earlier than in nAss times and thus may itself be a (re-)borrowing from WSem.
ĭqtanà, vb. VIII, to acquire; to get, procure, purchase: autobenefactive.

qunwaẗ, qinwaẗ, n.f., appropriation, acquisition: vn. I (QNW); property in livestock, wealth, fortune, possessions, property: by semantic extension.
qunyaẗ, qinyaẗ, n.f., acquisition, property: vn. I (QNY), and with meaning extended from vn. to its object.
ĭqtināʔ, n., purchase, acquisition: vn. VIII.
qānin, det. qānī, pl. qāniyaẗ, n., possessor, owner: nominalized PA. — See also ↗qān(in) .
muqtanan, det. muqtanà, pl. muqtanayāt, n., thing acquired, acquisition: PP VIII. 
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