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maqūl مَقُول , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 that which is said, utterance, saying; 2 word(s), speech; 3 (pl.) al-~āt al-ʕašr, the ten categories (philos.
▪ Morphologically a PP I, from ↗qāla ‘to say’.
▪ The ten categories are ↗ǧawhar ‘substance’, ↗kam ‘quantity’, ↗kayf ‘quality’, ↗ʔiḍāfaẗ ‘relation’, ↗ʔayn ‘place’, ↗matà ‘time’, ↗waḍʕ ‘collocation’, ↗milk ‘possession’, ↗fiʕl ‘action’, and ↗ĭnfiʕāl ‘passion’ – Hava1899. 
▪ … 
▪ Tu makule ‘sort, kind, (coll.) contemptible thing; (log.) category’: 1546 Laṭīfî, Teẕkīretü'ş-Şuʕarâ : Ṭabaḳāt-i şuʕarāda vasaṭ maḳūlesiydi ‘he was in the middle category of ranking among the poets’, from Ar maqūlaẗ, which translates the tech. term in logic, Grk katēgoría – Nişanyan25Sep2014. 
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