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KRʕ كرع 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 17Feb2023
▪ KRʕ_1 ‘foot, trotter (esp. of animals); leg; extremity’ ↗kurāʕ; cf. also ↗kāriʕ ‘foot, trotter; ankle, anklebone; pl. (EgAr) kawāriʕᵘ, dish prepared of sheep’s trotters’
▪ KRʕ_2 ‘to sip’ ↗karaʕa ~ kariʕa

Other values, now obsolete, include (WKAS I 1970, Hava1899):

KRʕ_3 ‘long, stony tract of land, slope’ ²kurāʕ
KRʕ_4 ‘professional singer, dancer; loose woman’ : karrāʕaẗ
KRʕ_5 ‘rain-water’ : ¹karaʕ
KRʕ_6 ‘low, vulgar people; vile, contemptible (pl.)’ : ³karaʕ
KRʕ_ ‘...’ : krʕ
▪ [gnrl] : All values in this root, except perh. [v6], may go back to [v1] which, originally, was the ‘shank, shinbone’. Closely associated with the shanks or shinbones was their ‘thinness’, hence prob. fig. use in [v3] ‘long, stony tract of land, slope’ (? *‘tract of land as thin as, or shaped like, a shank/shinbone’?) and [v4] ‘professional singer, dancer’ (? *‘the thin-legged one’?). – Ultimately, also [v2] ‘to sip’ perhaps developed from [v1], as many animals kneel down when drinking from a source of water. Yet, while the vb. kar˅ʕa ‘to sip’ could be denom. from kurāʕ ‘shank, shinbone’, the other value that has to do with ‘water’ and ‘drinking’ – [v5] ¹karaʕ ‘rain-water’ – does not look like a secondary development. – [v6] is homonymous with [v5] but there is no obvious semantic link between the two.
▪ [v1] : perh. the etymon of all other values (except [v6]?), cf. [gnrl], above; original meaning: ‘shank, shinbone’; accord. to SED (I #157) from protSem *kʷirāʕ ‘knee and shin-bone; lower leg (of animal)’ (cf., however, EthSem and modSAr with forms that make this reconstruction slightly doubtful). Closely associated with the shanks or shinbones was their ‘thinness’ (historically attested in Ar ²karaʕ ‘thinness of the shank’ and the adj. ʔakraʕᵘ ‘thin-legged, thin-armed’; semantically and phonologically close to ²kariya ‘to have thin and parted legs’ and karāⁿ ‘thinness of the shank’, cf. ↗KRY_5), hence prob. fig. use in [v3] and [v4]. – [v2] ‘to sip’ and [v5] ‘rain-water’ may be derived from [v1] via the idea of *‘kneeling down to drink from a water-source’.
▪ [v2] : ‘To sip’ is either denom. from [v5] ¹karaʕ ‘rain-water’ (so Ullmann in WKAS I 1970) or a development, together with the latter, from [v1] ‘shank, shinbone’ via the idea of *‘kneeling down to drink from a source of water’.
[v3] ²kurāʕ ‘long, stony tract of land, slope’: prob. fig. use of [v1] ‘shank, shinbone’ (*‘tract of land as thin as, or shaped like, a shank/shinbone’).
[v4] karrāʕaẗ ‘professional singer, dancer; loose woman’: prob. fig. use of [v1] ‘shank, shinbone’ (*‘woman with as thin as shanks/shinbones, or with thin shanks/shinbones’). Cf. also the name al-ǧarādatān ‘the two grass-hoppers’ (↗ǧarād) given to two well-known pre-Isl singing girls; here, too, singers/dancers are associated with thin legs.
[v5] ¹karaʕ ‘rain-water’ : perh. the etymon of [v2] ‘to sip’, though itself perh. dependent on [v1], see above [gnrl], [v1], and [v2].
[v6] ³karaʕ ‘low, vulgar people’ : etymology obscure; homonymous with [v5], but without obvious semantic relation.
▪ [gnrl] DRS #KRʕ-1 Ug krʕ ‘jarret, articulation’, Hbr kāraʕ ‘plier les genoux, s’agenouiller’, kᵊraʕ ‘jambe, péroné’, kᵊrāʕīm ‘pattes’, JudPalAram kᵊraʕ ‘se baisser, s’agenouiller’, karʕā ‘genou, jambe’, Mnd kraia ‘pied, jambe, patte’, Syr kᵊrāʕā ‘jambe’, Ar kurāʕ ‘pied de mouton ou de bœuf; bas de la jambe, tibia (chez l’homme)’, kirʕān ‘extrémités’, Sab krʕ ‘patte de chameau’, Jib kermoʕ (pl. kurūʕ) ‘talon’, Soq šerʕan, šerḥan, šerʕehan (pl.), Mhr śərayn (pl. śərōn). - ? 2 Ar karaʕa ‘boire sans le secours des mains ; boire (animal)’ ; EAr karraʕ ‘boire avec excès’, karʕaẗ ‘gorgée’, YemAr karaʕ ‘eau de pluie qui remplit les fossés et les creux’, karraʕ ‘répandre, disperser, disséminer’. -3 Ar kuraʕ ‘crête de montagne’, karaʕa ‘s’engager dans les montagnes, traverser les hauteurs’, Te kəräʕ ‘montagne, pré de montagne’.1 -4. Gz kʷarʕa, kʷarrəʕa ‘donner des coups de poing ou des soufflets à la tête, frapper violemment’, Tña kʷaraʕ ʔabälä ‘frapper sur la tête’.2 -5 Gz kʷarʕa ‘être fier, arrogant’, Tña kʷarʕa, Amh kʷärra ‘être fier, vaniteux’.
▪ [v1] MilitarevKogan2000 (SED I) #157: Akk kurītu ‘shin (of animals)’, Ug krʕ ‘jarrete, artejo’, Hbr kᵊrāʕayim (du.) ‘lower leg, fibula’, JudAram karʕā, krʕ, pl. krʕyn, kwrʕn ‘knee, leg’, Syr kᵊrāʕā ‘crus’, Mnd kraia ‘foot, leg’, Ar kurāʕ ‘partie la plus mince de la jambe entre le pied et le genou; os du tibia | shank, shinbone; leg’, DaṯAr kirʕān ‘tibia de l’homme et jambe de la bête’, Sab krʕ ‘leg of a camel’, Gz kʷərnāʕ ‘elbow, forearm’, Tña kʷərnaʕ ‘gomito’, Amh kərn ‘elbow, point of the elbow’, Arg kərra ‘arm, elbow’, kərn ‘elbow’, Har kuruʔ ‘cubit, arm’, Sel kəre, Wol həri, Zwy hərə ‘arm, cubit, arm below the elbow’, Gog Sod kərrä, Muh Msq ḫərrä, Cha ḫənä, Eža ḫənnä, Enn Gye ḫənʔä, Msq ḫənnä ‘id.’
▪ ...
▪ [gnrl] DRS #KRʕ-1: «La racine KRʕ est à la base de plusieurs racines sur lesquelles sont construits divers termes liés à la désignation des membres inférieurs, voir sous KRR, KRSʕ, KRN, KRNʕ, KRN/R(ʕ).
▪ [v1] Comparer Ar ↗rakaʕa ‘s’incliner profondément, se courber’. – Les formes du modSAr manifestent une certaine complexité. Celle du singulier en Jib kermoʕ ‘talon’ comporte un -m- absent du pl. kuruʕ, lequel se rattache directement au radical krʕ ; en Soq alors que le sg. śab est relié à une autre racine (v. s. Šʔ/YP), les pl. šerʕan, šerḥan, šerʕehan, pourraient témoigner d’une prépalatalisation de la première consonne, mais reproduisent dans leur structure une forme analogue à celle de l’Ar kirʕān. Le sg. en Mhr s̃orayn ‘jambe’, s’il ne correspond pas à une racine qui ne nous est pas connue, peut être un fait (non évident) de dérivation régressive. SED 141 #157 propose une forme reconstruite *kʷirāʕ- ‘genou et tibia ; partie inférieure de la patte d’un animal’. Mais on ne peut pas ne pas tenir compte de l’existence en Sem d’une racine ŠRʔ/Y/W : Akk šerʔān-, šerḫān- ‘ligament, articulation, tendon, veine, artère’, Syr šārtītā ‘articulation’, šeryānā ‘articulation, artère’ > Ar ↗šaryān ‘artère’ ; Gz šerw ‘tendon, nerf, muscle’ signifie aussi ‘racine, origine, etc.’ ; c’est probablement la raison pour laquelle on l’a rattaché souvent à ŠRR, ŠRŠ (par exemple Leslau CDG 535); voir cependant sous ces racines.
▪ [v1] SED: »Note the widespread verbal root ↗RKʕ ‘to kneel’ (Hbr, Ar, Ug) that is likely related to this nominal root. ... -n- in some of the EthSem examples may be an old suffix incorporated into the stem (cf., however, modSAr). ... Cf. also Jib kɛrmóʕ, pl. kurūʕ, ‘heel’ with a plausible meaning shift (and -m- < *-n-?). Other modSAr forms possibly related to the present root with metathesis (and loss of ?) are: Mhr Qishn rḗkən ‘joint’ and Soq rékin ‘os | poignet; coude; épaule; phalange; articulation; os’ ....«
▪ [v2] DRS: « Lié probablement au précédent : ‘boire en se penchant sur l’eau courante’, la forme MġrAr karraʕ est définie par Beaussier 859 : ‘boire à même une rivière, une mare, étant penché, couché ou à genoux’.
▪ See also above, section CONC.
▪ ...


kurāʕ كُراع, pl. ʔakruʕ, ʔakāriʕᵘ
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 17Feb2023
1a foot, trotter (esp. of sheep or oxen); b leg; 2 extremity – WehrCowan1976
▪ MilitarevKogan2000 (SED I #157) reconstruct protSem *kʷirāʕ- ‘knee and shin-bone; lower leg (of animal)’ as the “ancestor” of the Ar word and its cognates. Cf., however, EthSem and modSAr with forms that make this reconstruction slightly doubtful (see COGN and DISC).
▪ Closely associated with the shanks or shinbones was their ‘thinness’, cf. the historically attested n. ²karaʕ ‘thinness of the shank’ and the adj. ʔakraʕᵘ ‘thin-legged, thin-armed’. Semantically and phonologically close are also ²kariya ‘to have thin and parted legs’ and karāⁿ ‘thinness of the shank’ (cf. ↗KRY_5). The idea of ‘thinness’ is prob. the basis for fig. use in ²kurāʕ ‘long, stony tract of land, slope’ as well as karrāʕaẗ ‘professional singer, dancer; loose woman’.
▪ For ‘to sip’ as possible derivation (< *‘to kneel down on the kurāʕ to drink from a water-source’), see ↗karaʕa ~ kariʕa.
▪ Cf. also ↗rakaʕa ‘to bend the body, bow (esp. in prayer); to kneel down, drop to one's knees’. According to MilitarevKogan2000 (SED I), »the widespread verbal root ↗RKʕ ‘to kneel’ (Hbr, Ar, Ug) […]is likely related to this nominal root«.
▪ …
¹kurāʕ (f., also m.) ‘shank, shinbone; leg’, ²karaʕ ‘thinness of the shank’, karraʕa ‘to cut off s.o.’s shanks’, ʔakraʕᵘ ‘thin-legged, thin-armed’
▪ ...
DRS #KRʕ-1 Ug krʕ ‘jarret, articulation’, Hbr kāraʕ ‘plier les genoux, s’agenouiller’, kᵊraʕ ‘jambe, péroné’, kᵊrāʕīm ‘pattes’, JudPalAram kᵊraʕ ‘se baisser, s’agenouiller’, karʕā ‘genou, jambe’, Mnd kraia ‘pied, jambe, patte’, Syr kᵊrāʕā ‘jambe’, Ar kurāʕ ‘pied de mouton ou de bœuf; bas de la jambe, tibia (chez l’homme)’, kirʕān ‘extrémités’, Sab krʕ ‘patte de chameau’, Jib kermoʕ (pl. kurūʕ) ‘talon’, Soq šerʕan, šerḥan, šerʕehan (pl.), Mhr śərayn (pl. śərōn) | Outside Sem: Dem gr.t ‘pied’, SCopt čra ‘jambe’. - ? 2 Ar karaʕa ‘boire sans le secours des mains ; boire (animal)’ ; EAr karraʕ ‘boire avec excès’, karʕaẗ ‘gorgée’, YemAr karaʕ ‘eau de pluie qui remplit les fossés et les creux’, karraʕ ‘répandre, disperser, disséminer’. -3-5 ....
▪ MilitarevKogan2000 (SED I) #157: Akk kurītu ‘shin (of animals)’, Ug krʕ ‘jarrete, artejo’, Hbr kᵊrāʕayim (du.) ‘lower leg, fibula’, JudAram karʕā, krʕ, pl. krʕyn, kwrʕn ‘knee, leg’, Syr kᵊrāʕā ‘crus’, Mnd kraia ‘foot, leg’, Ar kurāʕ ‘partie la plus mince de la jambe entre le pied et le genou; os du tibia | shank, shinbone; leg’, DaṯAr kirʕān ‘tibia de l’homme et jambe de la bête’, Sab krʕ ‘leg of a camel’, Gz kʷərnāʕ ‘elbow, forearm’, Tña kʷərnaʕ ‘gomito’, Amh kərn ‘elbow, point of the elbow’, Arg kərra ‘arm, elbow’, kərn ‘elbow’, Har kuruʔ ‘cubit, arm’, Sel kəre, Wol həri, Zwy hərə ‘arm, cubit, arm below the elbow’, Gog Sod kərrä, Muh Msq ḫərrä, Cha ḫənä, Eža ḫənnä, Enn Gye ḫənʔä, Msq ḫənnä ‘id.’
▪ Cf. also ↗rakaʕa.
▪ ...
DRS #KRʕ-1 : « Les formes du modSAr manifestent une certaine complexité. Celle du singulier en Jib kermoʕ ‘talon’ comporte un -m- absent du pl. kuruʕ, lequel se rattache directement au radical krʕ ; en Soq alors que le sg. śab est relié à une autre racine (v. s. Šʔ/YP), les pl. šerʕan, šerḥan, šerʕehan, pourraient témoigner d’une prépalatalisation de la première consonne, mais reproduisent dans leur structure une forme analogue à celle de l’Ar kirʕān. Le sg. en Mhr s̃orayn ‘jambe’, s’il ne correspond pas à une racine qui ne nous est pas connue, peut être un fait (non évident) de dérivation régressive. SED 141 #157 propose une forme reconstruite *kʷirāʕ- ‘genou et tibia ; partie inférieure de la patte d’un animal’. Mais on ne peut pas ne pas tenir compte de l’existence en Sem d’une racine ŠRʔ/Y/W : Akk šerʔān-, šerḫān- ‘ligament, articulation, tendon, veine, artère’, Syr šārtītā ‘articulation’, šeryānā ‘articulation, artère’ > Ar ↗šaryān ‘artère’ ; Gz šerw ‘tendon, nerf, muscle’ signifie aussi ‘racine, origine, etc.’ ; c’est probablement la raison pour laquelle on l’a rattaché souvent à ŠRR, ŠRŠ (par exemple Leslau CDG 535); voir cependant sous ces racines. »
▪ MilitarevKogan2000 (SED I #157): » -n- in some of the EthSem examples may be an old suffix incorporated into the stem (cf., however, modSAr). ... Cf. also Jib kɛrmóʕ, pl. kurūʕ, ‘heel’ with a plausible meaning shift (and -m- < *-n-?). Other modSAr forms possibly related to the present root with metathesis (and loss of ?) are: Mhr Qishn rḗkən ‘joint’ and Soq rékin ‘os | poignet; coude; épaule; phalange; articulation; os’ ....«
▪ See also above, section CONC.
▪ ...

ʔakāriʕ al-ʔarḍ (pl.), the remotest areas of the earth

kāriʕ, pl. kawāriʕᵘ, n., 1a foot, trotter; b ankle, anklebone; c pl. (EgAr) dish prepared of sheep’s trotters
takarraʕa, vb. V, 1 to wash one’s feet, perform the partial ablution of the legs (in preparation for prayer); 2 to belch, burp, eruct

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗karaʕa ~ kariʕa as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√KRʕ.
kāriʕ كارِع, pl. kawāriʕᵘ
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 17Feb2023
1a foot, trotter; b ankle, anklebone; c pl. (EgAr) dish prepared of sheep’s trotters – WehrCowan1976
▪ Var. of ↗kurāʕ, with slightly different spectrum of meanings. Possibly a secondary formation.
▪ …
¹kurāʕ (f., also m.) ‘shank, shinbone; leg’, ²karaʕ ‘thinness of the shank’, karraʕa ‘to cut off s.o.’s shanks’, ʔakraʕᵘ ‘thin-legged, thin-armed’
▪ ...
▪ ↗kurāʕ.
▪ ...
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ ...

kurāʕ, n.m./f., pl. ʔakruʕ, ʔakāriʕᵘ, 1a foot, trotter (esp. of sheep or oxen); b leg; 2 extremity | ʔakāriʕ al-ʔarḍ, the remotest areas of the earth
takarraʕa, vb. V, 1 to wash one’s feet, perform the partial ablution of the legs (in preparation for prayer); 2 to belch, burp, eruct

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗karaʕa ~ kariʕa as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√KRʕ.
karaʕ- كَرَعَ and kariʕ- كَرِعَ , a (karʕ, kurūʕ)
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 17Feb2023
vb., I
to sip – WehrCowan1976
▪ ‘To sip’ is either denom. from (now obsol.) ¹karaʕ ‘rain-water’ (so Ullmann in WKAS I 1970) or a development, together with the latter, from ↗kurāʕ ‘shank, shinbone’ via the idea of *‘kneeling down to drink from a source of water’.
▪ …
▪ (Hava1899:) kar˅ʕa ‘to lean upon (a vessel) for drinking’
▪ (WKAS I 1970:) ¹karaʕ ‘rain-water’; denom. karaʕa ‘to find rainwater, give (cattle) rainwater to drink’, ʔakraʕa ‘to let drink, sip’, makraʕ ‘water-hole’, kāriʕ ‘drinking; (pl.f. as a design. of palm-trees) standing at the edge of water’, mukraʕ, mukriʕ ‘having a water-hole, standing at the edge of water’
▪ ...
DRS #KRʕ-1 Ug krʕ ‘jarret, articulation’, Hbr kāraʕ ‘plier les genoux, s’agenouiller’, kᵊraʕ ‘jambe, péroné’, kᵊrāʕīm ‘pattes’, JudPalAram kᵊraʕ ‘se baisser, s’agenouiller’, karʕā ‘genou, jambe’, Mnd kraia ‘pied, jambe, patte’, Syr kᵊrāʕā ‘jambe’, Ar kurāʕ ‘pied de mouton ou de bœuf; bas de la jambe, tibia (chez l’homme)’, kirʕān ‘extrémités’, Sab krʕ ‘patte de chameau’, Jib kermoʕ (pl. kurūʕ) ‘talon’, Soq šerʕan, šerḥan, šerʕehan (pl.), Mhr śərayn (pl. śərōn) | Outside Sem: Dem gr.t ‘pied’, SCopt čra ‘jambe’. - ? 2 Ar karaʕa ‘boire sans le secours des mains ; boire (animal)’ ; EAr karraʕ ‘boire avec excès’, karʕaẗ ‘gorgée’, YemAr karaʕ ‘eau de pluie qui remplit les fossés et les creux’, karraʕ ‘répandre, disperser, disséminer’. -3-5 ....
▪ ...
¹karaʕ ‘rain-water’ is perh. the etymon of kar˅ʕa ‘to sip’, unless itself dependent on ↗kurāʕ ‘shank, shinbone’.
DRS #KRʕ, too, think that ‘to sip’ is possibly related to ‘shank, shinbone’. As an indication for this, they quote the definition of the vb. in some dictionaries as ‘boire en se penchant sur l’eau courante’ as well as MġrAr karraʕ which « est définie par Beaussier 859 : ‘boire à même une rivière, une mare, étant penché, couché ou à genoux’ ».
▪ See also above, section CONC.
▪ ...

karʕaẗ, n.f., sipping, sip, swallow: n.vic.
takrīʕaẗ, n.f., belching, eructation: n.vic. of vn. II.

For other meanings attached to the root, cf. ↗kurāʕ and ↗kāriʕ as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√KRʕ. 
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