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KRKR كركر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 9Feb2023
▪ KRKR_1 ‘to repeat, reiterate, do repeatedly’ ↗¹karkara
▪ KRKR_2 ‘to rumble (stomach); to laugh (loudly)’ ↗²karkara
▪ KRKR_3 ‘to tickle’ ↗³karkara

Other values, now obsolete, include (WKAS, Hava1899):

KRKR_4 ‘(tr.) to collect, blow into a ball (wind the clouds) | to pile up (; to heap up and drive the clouds (wind); (intr.) to withdraw, return’: karkara; cf. also karkara ‘to squash, grind’ and kirkiraẗ (pl. karākirᵘ) ‘callosity on the breast of the camel (and other hoofed animals); mass, crowd, troop of horsemen’
KRKR_5 ‘a hot dish which is drunk (in the cold season to warm the body); soup’: kurkūr
KRKR_ ‘…’ : krkr

For other, presumably onomatopoetic meanings or values dependent on the idea of *‘repetition, reiteration, usw.’, see ↗¹karkara
▪ With the exception, perhaps, of [v5] (the etymology of which remains obscure), all values attached to the reduplicating root √KRKR in Ar seem to be related to two basic notions of the 2-cons. protSem nucleus ↗*KR-, namely *‘to be round, turn, return’ and *voice/crying (DRS)
▪ From among the 8 values listed s.v. KRKR in DRS, only the first (#KRKR-1) is relevant to the Ar evidence.
▪ [v1] seems to be an intensified version of ↗²karra ‘to return, come back, etc.’, similar to the reduplication in the latter’s D-stem, ↗karrara.
▪ [v2] : The values ‘to rumble (stomach); to laugh (loudly)’ are with all likelihood onomatopoetic imitations of sounds heard as repetition of a basic *kar-, (↗²karra), i.e., ↗²karkara (historically also the ‘murmuring’ of water, etc.); cf. also the – likewise onomatopoetic – 2-cons. ↗¹karra ‘to rattle in the throat’.
▪ [v3] : prob. same as [v2], although, if valid, the cause, ‘tickling’, would then fall together with its result, the ‘bursting out into laughter’.
[v4] : The obsol. value ‘to collect, blow into a ball (wind: the clouds); to pile up; to heap up and drive the clouds (wind)’ is closest to the idea of ‘rolling’ expressed, among others, in ↗kuraẗ ‘ball’. Other obsol. items such as kirkiraẗ (pl. karākirᵘ) ‘callosity on the breast of the camel (and other hoofed animals); mass, crowd, troop of horsemen’ most likely belong here.
[v5] : As long as we do not know details about the ‘hot dish, soup’ called kurkūr we cannot know which of its aspects may be responsible for the association of its name with the root √KR(KR). The pattern FuʕLūL (or rather FuʕFūʕ) indicates the intense presence of a quality expressed by √KR(KR) in this dish.
▪ …

DRS #KRKR-1 Ug krkr ‘enrouler, entortiller; faire tournoyer (doigts)’, Hbr *kirkēr ‘aller rapidement, courir, bouger de ci de là, danser’, JudPalAram kirker ‘tourner autour’, Ar karkara ‘tourner (la meule), amasser, entasser (des objets)’, takarkara ‘hésiter’; MġrAr karkar ‘traîner derrière soi’ ; Gz ʔankʷarkʷara ‘rouler, tourner autour’, Tña kärärä, ʔənkʷərkʷər bälä, ʔankʷäraräyä ‘être rond’, Te kärkära ‘rouler’, ʔänkʷärkʷära ‘dégringoler’, Amh tänkʷäräkkʷärä ‘rouler’; kʷäräkkʷärä ‘fouiller avec le doigt dans l’oreille pour en retirer le cérumen’. - ? Te kärkär bela ‘faire du bruit’, Amh täkärakkärä ‘se quereller’. -2 Te kärkära ‘moudre grossièrement’, Gur (tä)kʷräkkʷärä ‘être grumeleux (farine)’. -3 Gz ʔankʷarkʷara ‘amincir’. -4 Amh käräkkärä ‘entailler, entamer, équarrir’. -5 Sab krkr ‘mesure de poids’. -6 Hbr kirkārāʰ ‘chamelle? char?’. -7 Amh kärkar ‘louage des bêtes de somme’. -8 Amh kärkärro, Arg karkaro ‘sanglier’.1
▪ Outside Sem: DRS #KRKR-1 : Gordon UT 423 #1034 rapproche Copt (B) skerker ‘s’enrouler’, (S) skorkr ‘rouler’, considérant ces forms comme des causatifs à préfixe s-, la base étant krkr, ce qui n’est pas l’interprétation habituelle. V. Vycichl, DELC 344. - En Cush, Sa et Bil présentent une forme karkar ‘être rond’ – Leslau EDG III: 349, CDG 292.
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
¹karkar- كَرْكَرَ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 26Jan2023
vb., I 
1 to repeat, reiterate, do repeatedly; 2 ↗²karkara; 3 ↗³karkara
▪ Reduplicating the 2-cons. nucleus of ↗²karra ‘to turn around and attack; to return, come back, recur’
▪ The latter is prob. also underlying the values (now obsolete; see below section HIST) of ‘detaining, withholding s.o.’ (< *‘successfully returning on s.o., attacking and thus detaining s.o.’) and ‘removing (ʕan from)’ (< *‘coming back on’), but also of ‘to hover (bird, cloud); to bestir one’s self ( in an affair)’ (< *‘to move to and fro’) and ‘to call (hens)’ (< *‘to repeat the call, imitate the clucking of hens’ – but this may also be from ↗²karkara ‘to rattle, rumble, murmur, etc.’).
▪ …
▪ In addition to [v1] and [v2], dictionaries (here Hava1899 and BK1860) registered karkara with the values (now obsolete) ‘to collect, blow into a ball (wind: the clouds), pile up, heap up and drive the clouds (wind) | amonceler, entasser (se dit du vent qui entasse les nuages en les poussant de differents points sur un seul) ; ramasser, reunir’ (cf. ↗KRKR_4), ‘ faire aller, tourner (la meule, le moulin)’, ‘to detain, withhold s.o. | retenir qn (et l’empecher d’aborder qn)’, ‘to remove (ʕan from)’, ‘to call (hens) | appeler (les poules)’, and ‘to hover (bird, cloud); to bestir one’s self ( in an affair)’.
▪ …
DRS #KRKR-1 Ug krkr ‘enrouler, entortiller; faire tournoyer (doigts)’, Hbr *kirkēr ‘aller rapidement, courir, bouger de ci de là, danser’, JudPalAram kirker ‘tourner autour’, Ar karkara ‘tourner (la meule), amasser, entasser (des objets)’, takarkara ‘hésiter’; MġrAr karkar ‘traîner derrière soi’ ; Gz ʔankʷarkʷara ‘rouler, tourner autour’, Tña kärärä, ʔənkʷərkʷər bälä, ʔankʷäraräyä ‘être rond’, Te kärkära ‘rouler’, ʔänkʷärkʷära ‘dégringoler’, Amh tänkʷäräkkʷärä ‘rouler’; kʷäräkkʷärä ‘fouiller avec le doigt dans l’oreille pour en retirer le cérumen’. - ? Te kärkär bela ‘faire du bruit’, Amh täkärakkärä ‘se quereller’. -2-8 […].
▪ Outside Sem: DRS #KRKR-1 : Gordon UT 423 #1034 rapproche Copt (B) skerker ‘s’enrouler’, (S) skorkr ‘rouler’, considérant ces forms comme des causatifs à préfixe s-, la base étant krkr, ce qui n’est pas l’interprétation habituelle. V. Vycichl, DELC 344. - En Cush, Sa et Bil présentent une forme karkar ‘être rond’ – Leslau EDG III: 349, CDG 292.
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗²karkara and ↗³karkara as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗KRKR. – Cf. also ↗KRː (KRR), ↗KRW, ↗KRW/Y, and ↗KRY. 
²karkar- كَرْكَرَ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 26Jan2023, last update 9Feb2023
vb., I 
1 ↗¹karkara; 2 to rumble (stomach) | karkara fī ’l-ḍaḥk, to burst into loud laughter, roar with laughter; 3 ↗³karkara – WehrCowan1976
▪ onomatopoetic, imitating several types of sound: the rumbling of a stomach, roaring laughter, (obsol.) murmuring water, etc.; cf. also the 2-cons. ↗¹karra ‘to rattle in the throat’ and the obsol. karkara ‘to call (hens)’.
▪ Prob. related to the notion of ‘returning’, ‘repetition’ inherent in this type of sounds; if valid, ²karkara may be related to ¹karkara ‘to repeat, reiterate, do repeatedly’, itself based on ↗KRː (KRR).
▪ …
▪ Hava1899: karkara, (also:) ‘to murmur (water)’; karkaraẗ ‘stomach rumble, borborygmus’
▪ …
▪ ↗¹karkara, ↗¹karra.
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
karkaraẗ, n.f., 1 loud laughter; 2 rumbling (of the stomach): vn./n.vic.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹karkara and ↗³karkara as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗KRKR. – Cf. also ↗KRː (KRR), ↗KRW, ↗KRW/Y, and ↗KRY. 
³karkar- كَرْكَرَ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 26Jan2023
vb., I 
1 ↗¹karkara; 2 ↗²karkara; 3 to tickle – WehrCowan1976
▪ Prob. simply extended use of ↗²karkara, esp. in the expression karkara fī ’l-ḍaḥk ‘to burst into loud laughter, roar with laughter’, hence (?) also ‘action producing laughter’.
▪ …
▪ …
▪ ↗²karkara
▪ …
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ …
For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹karkara and ↗²karkara as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗KRKR. – Cf. also ↗KRː (KRR), ↗KRW, ↗KRW/Y, and ↗KRY. 
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