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KWN كون 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
KWN_1 ‘to be, exist; to happen, take place’ ↗kāna
KWN_2 ‘the planet Saturn’ ↗kaywān
KWN_3 ‘…’ ↗

♦ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘place, status; to become submissive [↗√KYN]; existence, to exist, to be; to form, to create; happenings’ 
▪ KWN_1 : From protSem *√KWN ‘to be, be(come) firm, true’ – Huehnergard2011.
▪ KWN_2 : From Pers keyvān ‘Saturn’
▪ KWN_3 : … 
▪ … 
▪ DRS 10 (2012) #KWN-1 Akk kānu, kuānu ‘être stable, ferme, solide, droit’, Ug kn ‘exister’, mknt ‘place’, yknn ‘il crée’, Phoen kn ‘exister’, Hbr hekīn ‘dresser, placer, disposer, décider’, mākān ‘station, place’, nākōn ‘être droit, raide’, kēn ‘oui’, Aram kān ‘arriver, être’, oAram ʔkyn, JP kēn, Syr ʔakēn, hākan ‘ainsi’, Ar kāna ‘être’, makān ‘lieu, demeure’, Ṣaf kʔn [= kāʔin] ‘imminent’, Sab Qat kwn ‘devenir, être, avoir lieu, survenir’; Sab ‘soutenir qn’, *hkn ‘faire arriver qc, ordonner, décréter’, Qat škn ‘imposer une punition’, kwn, Sab mknt ‘statut légal, siège; domaine agricole’, Sab Qat mknt ‘chambre sainte dans un temple’, Gz kōna ‘arriver, se produire, devenir’, Tña kōna ‘être’, Gz makān, Tña mäḫʷan ‘lieu’, Amh honā ‘devenir’, huneta ‘situation, état condition’ ; Te ʔaḱōn ‘place, lieu’, Gaf hona, Har ḫāna, Gur Sod kʷänä, Go hʷänä, Ča ḫärä ‘être, devenir’. – Tña kunät ‘circonstance’, kuntat ‘condition, situation’. -2 […]. -3 YemAr kawn ‘blessure subie dans un combat’, EAr kāwan ‘quereller; frapper’, t(i)kāwan ‘en venir aux mains, se bagarrer; se combattre, se faire la guerre’, kawn ‘attaque, combat, guerre’, ? DaṯAr kuwan, kūnāt ‘bâton gros et court’, Mhr šekēwen, Ḥrs šekewen, Śḥr škewen ‘lutter corps à corps avec’, ? Mhr Ḥrs kōwen ‘douleur’. -4 MġrAr kowwun ‘garder le silence’. -5 Amh käwwänä ‘faire, achever, bien disposer’. -6 Hbr kawwān : sorte de gâteau rituel (en particulier pour le culte d’Ištar).
▪ For a distinct set of meanings, cf. ↗√KYN. 
▪ Engl n.prop. Sargonkāna (+ Akk šarru ‘king’). 
kān‑ / kun‑ كان / كُنـ , ū (kawn
ID … • Sw – • BP 10 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1 to be; 2 to exist; 3 to happen, occur, take place – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ … 
▪ … 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘¹firm, just, right; ²to be, become’) Akk ¹kēnu, Hbr ¹kēn, Syr ¹kēnā, Gz ²kṓna yékūn.
▪ DRS 10 (2012) #KWN-1 Akk kānu, kuānu ‘être stable, ferme, solide, droit’, Ug kn ‘exister’, mknt ‘place’, yknn ‘il crée’, Phoen kn ‘exister’, Hbr hekīn ‘dresser, placer, disposer, décider’, mākān ‘station, place’, nākōn ‘être droit, raide’, kēn ‘oui’, Aram kān ‘arriver, être’, oAram ʔkyn, JP kēn, Syr ʔakēn, hākan ‘ainsi’, Ar kāna ‘être’, makān ‘lieu, demeure’, Ṣaf kʔn [= kāʔin] ‘imminent’, Sab Qat kwn ‘devenir, être, avoir lieu, survenir’; Sab ‘soutenir qn’, *hkn ‘faire arriver qc, ordonner, décréter’, Qat škn ‘imposer une punition’, kwn, Sab mknt ‘statut légal, siège; domaine agricole’, Sab Qat mknt ‘chambre sainte dans un temple’, Gz kōna ‘arriver, se produire, devenir’, Tña kōna ‘être’, Gz makān, Tña mäḫʷan ‘lieu’, Amh honā ‘devenir’, huneta ‘situation, état condition’ ; Te ʔaḱōn ‘place, lieu’, Gaf hona, Har ḫāna, Gur Sod kʷänä, Go hʷänä, Ča ḫärä ‘être, devenir’. – Tña kunät ‘circonstance’, kuntat ‘condition, situation’. 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: The Ar verb is of Sem origin, but there is only one cognate with the same meaning ‘to be, become’ as in Ar: Gz kṓna yékūn. In other languages the cognate signifies ‘strong, firm, right, just’: Akk kēnu, Hbr kēn, Aram kēnā.
▪ … 
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl Sargon, from Hbr sargôn, from Akk šarru-kīn ‘the king is true, legitimate’, from šarru ‘king’, and kīn, predicate form of kīnu, vb.adj. of kânu ‘to be(come) firm, true’, akin to Ar kāna
kawwana, vb. II, 1 to make, create, produce, originate, bring forth, bring into being, form, shape, fashion; 2 (MġrAr) to educate, train: D‑stem, caus.
BP#2630takawwana, vb. V, 1a to be created, be formed; 1b to come into existence, form, arise, develop; 2 to be composed, made up, be formed, consist (of): Dt‑stem, refl./pass. of II (D).

BP#739kawn, pl. ʔakwān, n., being, esse; event, occurrence, incident; al‑kawn, the existing, reality; the world; the cosmos, the universe
BP#4739kawnī, adj., cosmic, relating to the universe: nisba formation of kawn.
BP#1942kiyān, n., 1 being, esse; 2 existence; 3 essence, substance; nature; entity, a being
al‑yakūn, n.det., the sum total: nominalized
BP#179makān, pl. ʔamākinᵘ, ʔamkinaẗ, n., 1 place; 2 position: n.loc.
BP#2116makānaẗ, n.f., position, standing, status, reputation: n.loc.f.
makānī, adj., local: nisba formation, from makān.
makāniyyaẗ, n.f., spatiality (philos.): abstract formation in ‑iyyaẗ.
BP#1936takwīn, n., 1 creating; 2 educating; 3 structure: vn. II.
takawwun, n., 1 genesis, birth, nascency, origin, incipience, rise, development; 2 formation: vn. V.
BP#2439kāʔin, 1 existing, located; 2 pl. ‑āt, n., creature: PA I.
BP#2618mukawwin, n., 1 creator; – 2 pl. ‑āt, component; formative, constituent; factor, element: PA II.
BP#2831mukawwan, adj., composed, consisting (of): PP II.

▪ For a distinct set of meanings, cf. ↗√KYN. 
takwīnī تَكْوينيّ 
Sw – • NahḍConBP … • APD … • © SG | created 8Jun2023
√KWN  
▪ nsb-formation, from vn. II takwīn, D-stem of kān 
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kaywān كَيْوان 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
the planet Saturn – WehrCowan1979. 
From Pers kayvān ‘Saturn’. 
▪ … 
▪ Nişanyan_28Jul2015 / WKAS: from Pers kayvān, from Aram kēwān, from Akk *kay[ya]wān, lBab pronunciation of kayyamānu ‘persistent; Saturn’.
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▪ Tu keyvan [Sinan Paşa, Tazarru'nâme, 1482] küngüre-i eyvānı evc-ı Keyvāne irmiş-idi.
▪ … 
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