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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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laʔmaẗ لَأْمَة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
cuirass, pair of cuirasses – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Together with an obsol. luʔ(a)maẗ ‘ploughshare’, laʔmaẗ ‘cuirass, chainmail’ most probably belongs to ↗laʔama (ClassAr meaning: ‘to put together, fit together, connect, repair; to fit into one another, set on top of one another, esp. the feathers of an arrow’ – WKAS), both showing the overlapping of single elements, put together and/or on top of one another. 
WKAS : in ClassAr also laʔm ‘armour made of iron rings, chainmail’ 
▪ No direct cognates.
▪ If akin to ↗laʔama, cf. there and, for the general picture, ↗LʔM. 
Cf. CONC above. 
LBː (LBB) لبّ / لبب 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√LBː (LBB) 
▪ LBː (LBB)_1 ‘to remain, abide, stay (in a place)’ ↗labba?
▪ LBː (LBB)_2 ‘kernel, core, innermost, essence, best part; heart, mind, intellect, reason; to be sensible, reasonable, intelligent’ ↗lubb?
▪ LBː (LBB)_3 ‘breast collar (of a horse’s harness); martingale1 ; to gird o.s.’ ↗labab; ‘upper part of the chest, throat’ ↗labbaẗ; ‘golden necklace’ ↗EgAr libbaẗ
▪ LBː (LBB)_4 ‘lion’ ↗LBʔ, ↗LBW
▪ LBː (LBB)_5 ‘…’ ↗

♦ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘kernel, core, the edible inside of nuts and fruits; the essence; heart, mind, reason; veins in the heart said to be the source of kindness, amiable person, diligent person, upper part of the chest’ 
▪ LBː (LBB)_1-3 : three roots or (partly?) related to each other? Unclear semantics.
▪ LBː (LBB)_1 : (Kogan2015 Sw#40:) from protSem *libb‑ ‘heart’ (SED I #174).
▪ LBː (LBB)_2 : …
▪ LBː (LBB)_3 : …
▪ LBː (LBB)_4 : short for full forms with R₃ = ʔ or W, cf. ↗LBʔ, ↗LBW
▪ LBː (LBB)_5 : …
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
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