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LBː (LBB) لبّ / لبب 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√LBː (LBB) 
▪ LBː (LBB)_1 ‘to remain, abide, stay (in a place)’ ↗labba?
▪ LBː (LBB)_2 ‘kernel, core, innermost, essence, best part; heart, mind, intellect, reason; to be sensible, reasonable, intelligent’ ↗lubb?
▪ LBː (LBB)_3 ‘breast collar (of a horse’s harness); martingale1 ; to gird o.s.’ ↗labab; ‘upper part of the chest, throat’ ↗labbaẗ; ‘golden necklace’ ↗EgAr libbaẗ
▪ LBː (LBB)_4 ‘lion’ ↗LBʔ, ↗LBW
▪ LBː (LBB)_5 ‘…’ ↗

♦ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘kernel, core, the edible inside of nuts and fruits; the essence; heart, mind, reason; veins in the heart said to be the source of kindness, amiable person, diligent person, upper part of the chest’ 
▪ LBː (LBB)_1-3 : three roots or (partly?) related to each other? Unclear semantics.
▪ LBː (LBB)_1 : (Kogan2015 Sw#40:) from protSem *libb‑ ‘heart’ (SED I #174).
▪ LBː (LBB)_2 : …
▪ LBː (LBB)_3 : …
▪ LBː (LBB)_4 : short for full forms with R₃ = ʔ or W, cf. ↗LBʔ, ↗LBW
▪ LBː (LBB)_5 : …
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
labb‑ / labab‑ لَبّـ / لَبَبْـ , u (labb
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√LBː (LBB) 
vb., I 
to remain, abide, stay (bi‑ in a place) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Dependent on, or akin to, ↗lubb ‘kernel, core, heart, essence’, ↗labbaẗ ‘upper part of the chest, throat’, and/or ↗labab ‘martingale1 ’? 
▪ … 
See above, section CONC. 
For other items of the root, cf. ↗lubb, ↗labbaẗ, ↗EgAr libbaẗ, ↗labab, and, for the overall picture, ↗LBː (LBB). 
lubb لُبّ , pl. lubūb, ʔalbāb
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√LBː (LBB) 
1a (pl. lubūb) kernel, core (of fruits); b the innermost, marrow, pith; c core, gist, essence; d prime, best part; 2 (pl. ʔalbāb) a heart; b mind, intellect, reason, understanding – WehrCowan1976.
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#1668: from protSem *libab‑ ‘heart’ < AfrAs *lib‑ / *lub‑ ‘heart’.
▪ Kogan2015: from protSem *libb‑ ‘heart’ (SED I No. 174). Successors of protSem *libb‑ are the main word for ‘heart’ throughout Sem, except in Ar, where it is replaced by ↗qalb, probably related to Akk ḳablu ‘middle’ (SED I No. 161). In Ar, protSem *libb‑ is preserved as lubb ‘what is in the inside; understanding, intelligence, mind’ (Lane 2643). 
▪ … 
▪ Bergsträsser1928: Akk libbu, Hbr lēḇ, Aram lebbā, Gz lebb ‘heart’
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#1668: Akk libbu, Ug lb, Hbr lēb, Syr lebbā, Gz ləbb, Ḥrs ḥelbēb, Mhr ḥewbēb, Soq elbeb). – Outside Sem: Eg (pyr) i͗b ‘heart’, (WCh) ləp ‘lungs’ (in 1 idiom), (CCh) liḅī, lib(i) ‘belly, stomach'; ʔurvə‑ŋude, rivi‑ḍiya, arve ‘heart’, (ECh) ʔulbo ‘heart’ (1 idiom), Agaw läbbäka, läbakaa, ləbäkaa ‘heart’, (SA) Afar lubbi ‘heart’, (LEC) Som laab, Or lubbu, labbe, (Omot) yiboo ‘heart’, libʔa ‘belly’, (Rift) liba ‘chest’ (1 idom).
▪ Elmedlaoui2012 treats lubb and ↗qalb as one item and gives Berb ul / ulaw‑n ‘heart/s’ as cognates.
▪ See also ↗√LBː (LBB) !
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#1668: protSem *libab‑ ‘heart’, Eg (pyr) i͗b ‘heart’, protWCh *l˅b‑, protCCh *(H˅‑)lib‑, protECh *lub‑, protAgaw *l˅b‑ak‑ ‘heart’ (suffix *‑ak‑), protSA *lub(b)‑, protLEC *lab‑ / *lub‑ ‘heart’, protOmot *lib‑ ‘heart’, protRift *lib‑ ‘chest’; all from a hypothetical AfrAs *lib‑ / *lub‑ ‘heart’.
▪ Any relation to ↗labba ‘to stay, remain, abide’ and/or ↗labab ‘upper part of the chest, throat; breast collar (of a horse’s harness); martingale1 ; to gird o.s.’? Cf. also EgAr ↗libbaẗ ‘golden necklace’.
▪ … 
labba / labib‑, a (labab), and ~ / labub‑, u (labābaẗ), vb. I, to be sensible, reasonable, intelligent: prob. denom. from lubb [v2b].
labbaba, vb. II, to kernel, ripen into kernels, produce kernels (grain, nuts): D‑stem, caus., denom. of [v1].
talabbaba, vb. V, to gird o.s., prepare o.s.: Dt‑stem, intr./refl., from labab (akin to lubb [v1])?

labbaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1a upper part of the chest; b throat of an animal, spot where its throat is slit in slaughtering: akin to lubb [v1]?
EgAr libbaẗ, n.f., golden necklace: akin to lubb [v1]?
labab, pl. ʔalbāb, n., 1 = labbaẗ; 2 breast collar (of a horse’s harness); 3 martingale1 : akin to lubb [v1]?
lubāb, n., marrow, pith, core, quintessence, gist, prime, best part.
labīb, pl. ʔalibbāʔᵘ, adj., understanding, reasonable, sensible, intelligent: ints.adj., quasi-PP, from labba / lubb [v2].
talbīb, pl. talābībᵘ, n., collar: taFʕīL formation, rarely producing nouns other than vn. II, but here evidently used to signify an object that is worn on the chest, like labab / EgAr libbaẗ.

For other items of the root, cf. ↗labba, ↗lubb, ↗labbaẗ, ↗EgAr libbaẗ, ↗labab, and, for the overall picture, ↗LBː (LBB). 
labbaẗ لَبّة , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√LBː (LBB) 
1a upper part of the chest; b throat of an animal, spot where its throat is slit in slaughtering – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Prob. related to ↗labab ‘breast collar (of a horse’s harness); martingale2 ’; cf. also EgAr libbaẗ ‘golden necklace’.
▪ Relation (if any) to ↗lubb ‘kernel, core, essence, heart’ unclear.
▪ MSA has preserved the orig. meaning, which, according to WKAS II/1, is ‘upper part of the chest, low neckline; place on the throat where an animal is slaughtered’.
▪ … 
▪ … 
See above, section CONC. 
EgAr libbaẗ, n.f., golden necklace.

For other items of the root, cf. ↗labba, ↗lubb, ↗labab, and, for the overall picture, ↗LBː (LBB). 
libbaẗ لِبّة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√LBː (LBB) 
(EgAr) golden necklace – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ Apparently related to ↗labab ‘breast collar (of a horse’s harness)’ (orig. *‘chest strap preventing the saddle from slipping backwards’) and ↗labbaẗ ‘upper part of the chest; throat of an animal, spot where its throat is slit in slaughtering’.
▪ Perh. also related to ↗lubb ‘kernel, core, essence, heart’, but nature of relation unclear.
▪ … 
See above, section CONC. 
For other items of the root, cf. ↗labba, ↗lubb, ↗labbaẗ, ↗labab, and, for the overall picture, ↗LBː (LBB). 
labab لَبَب , pl. ʔalbāb 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√LBː (LBB) 
1a upper part of the chest; b throat of an animal, spot where its throat is slit in slaughtering; 2 breast collar (of a horse’s harness); 3 martingale2 – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ According to WKAS II/1, the orig. meaning is ‘chest strap (of horse, etc., which prevents the saddle from slipping backwards)’, i.e., the value closest to modern [v3] ‘martingale’.
▪ Apparently related to ↗labbaẗ with which it is overlapping in meaning today ([v1], [v2]).
▪ Perh. also related to ↗lubb ‘kernel, core, essence, heart’, but the precise nature of such a relation remains unclear.
▪ … 
See above, section CONC. 
talabbaba, vb. V, to gird o.s., prepare o.s.: Dt‑stem, intr./refl., [v3], *‘to put on the labab’.

labbaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1a upper part of the chest; b throat of an animal, spot where its throat is slit in slaughtering: now semantically almost identical with labab; cf., however, WKAS II/1 where the original values are given as ‘chest strap (of horse, etc., which prevents the saddle from slipping backwards)’ for labab, and ‘upper part of the chest, low neckline; place on the throat where an animal is slaughtered’ for labbaẗ.
EgAr libbaẗ, n.f., golden necklace: also akin to lubb?
talbīb, pl. talābībᵘ, n., collar: taFʕīL formation, rarely producing nouns other than vn. II, but here evidently used to signify an object that is worn on the chest, cf. [v2]; cf. also libbaẗ.

For other items of the root, cf. ↗labba, ↗lubb, ↗labbaẗ, ↗EgAr libbaẗ, and, for the overall picture, ↗LBː (LBB). 
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