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lisān لِسان , pl. ʔalsinaẗ , ʔalsun 
ID 786 • Sw 44/172 • BP 1026 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 tongue; 2 language; 3 mouthpiece (fig.), organ (esp., of a newspaper; = ~ al-ḥāl see below) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *lišān‑ ‘tongue’.
▪ … perh. < AfrAs *les‑ ‘id.’.
▪ Acc. to Brockelmann1909 §133a the word is a n.instr. formed from a verbal basis lsn, while Bittner1 regards it as a nomen agentis from a base *ls‑ ‘to lick’, i.e., properly *‘licker, the licking one’.
▪ In ClassAr, lisān often meant ‘(foreign) language’, a value that today is mostly rendered by ↗luġaẗ (orig. perh. like ‘the way people [not in our tribe] speak’, i.e. similar to ↗lahǧaẗ ‘way of speaking; (later also :) ‘dialect’ – art. “Luġa” (Tamás Iványi), in EALL
▪ eC7 1 (tongue) Q 75:16 lā tuḥarrik bi-hī lisāna-ka li-taʕǧala bi-hī ‘[Prophet] do not move your tongue with it [Qur’anic verses as they are being revealed] in an attempt to hasten [your memorising] it’; 2 (language) Q 30:22 wa-min ʔāyāti-hī ḫalqu ’l-samawāti wa’l-ʔarḍi wa-’ḫtilāfu ʔalsinaẗi-kum wa-ʔalwāni-kum ‘and among His wonders are the creation of the heavens and earth, and the diversity of your languages and colours’; 3 (speech) Q 28:34 wa-ʔaḫī Hārūnu huwa ʔafṣaḥu min-nī lisānan ‘and my brother Aaron is more eloquent than me in speech’; 4 (repute) Q 19:50 wa-wahabnā la-hum min raḥmati-nā wa-ǧaʕalnā la-hum lisāna ṣidqin ʕaliyyan ‘and We granted them of Our grace, and bestowed on them high and true renown (or: We gave them a noble tongue of truthfulness)’
▪ Hava1899 has still also lasana u (lasan) ‘to bite s.o. in words (WKAS: to abuse, revile, give s.o. a good dressing down)’; lāsana, vb. III, ‘to contend in words with; (WKAS: to abuse, revile)’; ʔalsana, vb. IV, ‘to relate to s.o. (the words) of, send s.o. a message from s.o. else; (WKAS:) to speak to, address s.o.’; talassana, vb. V, ‘(WKAS: to be sharpened in the shape of a tongue); to flare in little tongues of flame, to blaze (fire)’; (WKAS : lisn ‘language, dialect, idiom’); milsan, n., ‘stone at the entrance of a trap’. 
▪ Bergsträsser1928, Orel&Stolbova1994#1666, Zammit2002, Kogan2011# Akk lišānu, Ug lšn, Hbr lāšōn, Syr leššānā, Sab ls1n, Gz ləssān, Jib εls̃έn, Mhr εwšēn, Soq léšin ‘tongue’.1
▪ For cognates outside Sem cf. DISC below. 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#1666: From Sem *lišān- ‘tongue’ (so also Kogan2011). – All Sem cognates show a final vowel + -n. Evidence in non-Sem branches of AfrAs however makes it highly probable that Sem *-ān- is only a suffix. Thus, Berb words for ‘tongue’ are, e.g., Siwa elles and Kby iləs (< Berb *l˅s-), Eg has ns (Copt *les), WCh forms (of which some show a prefix *ḥa- and/or a suffix *-um- for body parts) are liis, leus, lis, lisi-m, lusu, ḍi-lis, ilmiši, ḍe-linsa, lim, limši, ʔalis, ʔaləs, and, last but not least, Hs halše, harše (< WCh *ḥa-lis-um-), CCh has eles, ɛlɛsi (< CCh *ʔ˅-lyas-, with prefix *ʔ˅-), ECh li-t, lesi, ʔilze, lɛ:s-ɛn, leese (< ECh *lyas-), and Omot mi-laso (Omot *mi-las-, prefix *mi-). Ultimately, all these forms go back to AfrAs *les- ‘tongue’.
▪ For other extensions from the root nucleus *LS- ‘tongue, to lick, bite, sting, etc.’ cf. lasaba ‘to sting (bee, scorpion)’, lasada i (lasd) ~ lasida a (lasad) ‘to lick (honey, a vessel)’, ↗lasaʕa ‘to sting (scorpion etc.)’, lasama u (lasm) ‘to taste’, lasā u (lasw) ‘to eat greedily’, as well as ↗LHS and ↗LḤS ‘to lick’.
ʕalà lisānih, adv., from his mouth, through him
ʕalà lisān al-ṣuḥuf, adv., through the organ of the press
qīla ʕalà lisāni-hī mā…, expr., things were ascribed to him which…, he was rumored to have said things which…
lisān rasmī, n., official organ
mutaḥaddiṯ bi-lisān al-ḫāriǧiyyaẗ, n.f., a spokesman of the Foreign Ministry
bi’l-lisān, lisānan, adv., orally, verbally
dāra ʕalà ʔalsinaẗ al-ʕāmma wa’l-khāṣṣa, vb. I, expr., to be the talk of the town, be on everyone’s lips
lisān al-ṯawr, n., borage (Borago officinalia; bot.)
lisān al-ḥāl, n., the language which things themselves speak, silent language, mute expression (as distinguished from the spoken word); organ (of a party or political movement; a newspaper)
wa-lisān ḥāli-hī yaqūlu, expr., adv., while he seemed to say…, with an expression as if he wanted to say
lisān al-ḥamal, n., plantain (Plantago major L.; bot.)
lisān al-ʕuṣfūr, n., common ash (Fraxinus excelsior; bot.)
lisān al-qufl, n., bolt of the lock
lisān al-qawm, n., spokesman (of a crowd)
lisān al-kalb, n., hound’s-tongue (Cynoglossum; bot.); (eg.) also a variety of scorpion’s tail (Scorpiurus muricatus L.; bot.), having circinately coiled pods
lisān al-miftāḥ, n., bit of the key
ḏū lisānayn, n., double-tongued, deceitful, insincere, two-faced
lisān markazī, n., official party organ (newspaper)
lisān al-nār, pl. ʔalsinaẗ al-nīrān, n., tongue of flame

lasina, a (lasan, lasānaẗ), vb. I, to be eloquent: denom.
lassana, vb. II, to point, taper, sharpen (* D-stem, denom.fig. (*to give the shape of a tongue, make look like a tongue)
lasan, n., eloquence: vn. I.
lasin and ʔalsanᵘ, f. lasnāʔᵘ, pl. lusn, adj., eloquent.
lisānī, adj., oral, verbal: nsb-adj.; pl. lisāniyyāt, (Mor.) linguistics: n.abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ, pl.f.
malsūn, n., liar: PP I (*equipped with a sharp tongue). 
LṢː (LṢṢ) لصّ / لصص 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√LṢː (LṢṢ) 
▪ LṢː (LṢṢ)_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ LṢː (LṢṢ)_2 ‘…’ ↗
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
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