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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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mās ماس 
ID 795 • Sw – • BP 6902 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
… – WehrCowan1979. 
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māʕūn ماعُون 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 3Jun2023
√MʕN, ʕWN, MāʕūN
help – Jeffery1938 
▪ … 
▪ eC7 Q cvii, 7 – Jeffery1938.
▪ Jeffery1938: »This curious word occurs only in an early Meccan Sūra, though v, 7, is possibly Madinan (cf. Nöldeke-Schwally, i, 93), and the Commentators could make nothing of it. The usual theory is that it is a form fāʕūl from maʕana, though some derived it from ʕāna. / Nöldeke, Neue Beiträge, 28, shows that it cannot be explained from Ar material,1 and that we must look for its origin to some foreign source. Geiger, 58,2 would derive it from Hbr māʕôn ‘a refuge’, which is possible but not without its difficulties. Rhodokanakis, WZKM, xxv, p. 67, agrees that it is from Hbr but coming under the influence of maʕūnaẗ (cf. Aram mʔnʔ, Syr mʔnā), developed the meaning of ‘benefit, help’.3 «
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