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MǦD مجد 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 13May2023
▪ MǦD_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ MǦD_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ MǦD_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to feed on plentiful luscious pasturage; to be of good stock, be exalted, be glorified; splendour, glory’ 
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maǧd مَجْد , pl. ʔamǧād 
ID … • Sw – • BP 2326 • APD … • © SG | 5Nov2022
1 glory; 2 splendor, magnificence, grandeur; 3 nobility, honor, distinction – WehrCowan1976 
▪ From protCSem *magd- ‘excellence’, prob. to be analyzed as composed of an old ma-prefix derivate from the protWSem biconsonantal element *GD ‘to be good, lucky, excellent’, cf. also ↗ǦDː(ǦDD)_2 ‘to be good, approvable, excellent’ (incl. ↗²ǧadd ‘good luck, good fortune’) and ↗ǦWD ‘to be good, approvable, excellent’ – Kogan2015: 193 #37.
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▪ Hbr gad ‘fortune’, Ar ǧadd- ‘good fortune’, ǧwd ‘to be good, approvable, excellent’, Sod gud ‘wonderful, marvelous, splendid’ (also in most of the other modern EthSem languages) Kogan2015: 193 #37.
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maǧad-, u (maǧd), and maǧud-, u (maǧādaẗ), vb. I, to be glorious, illustrious, exalted: G-stem, denom. (?)
maǧǧada, vb. II, and ʔamǧada, vb. IV, to praise, extol, laud, glorify, celebrate: D- and *Š-stem, respectively, both (denom.?) caus.
tamaǧǧada, vb. V, 1 to be extolled, be glorified, be lauded, be praised; 2 to boast, glory: tD-stem, self-ref.

maǧdī, adj., laudable, praiseworthy, glorious: nsb-adj.
BP4467maǧīd, adj., 1 glorious, illustrious; 2a celebrated, famous; b glorified, exalted; c praiseworthy, laudable, admirable, excellent, splendid; 3 noble: quasi-PP I | al-Qurʔān al-maǧīd, the Koran
maǧīdī, 1 n., medjidie, a Turkish silver coin of 20 piasters coined under Sultan ʕAbdülmecīd; 2 adj., (of money) Turkish: nsb-formation, from (Sultan ʕAbd al-) Maǧīd
ʔamǧād,, people of rank, distinguished people: nominalized pl. of maǧīd
ʔamǧadᵘ, pl. ʔamāǧidᵘ, 1 more glorious, more illustrious; 2 more distinguished: elat. formation
tamǧīd, n., praise, glorification, exaltation, idolization: vn. II
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