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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionEtymArab
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²manǧam منْجم , pl. manāǧimᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 ↗¹manǧam; 2 ↗¹manǧam – WehrCowan1979; 3 well traced road | chemin bien tracé et large – Hava1899, Kazimirski1860.
▪ The word is probably the same as ↗¹manǧam, but treated separately here because of unclear semantics: how could the value ‘well traced road; way out’ be related to either ‘source, origin’ or ‘mine, pit’? Riḍà1960 interprets it as maḫraǧ ‘way out’, but this does not help much to explain the word’s etymology either. Given that the primary meaning of manǧam is ‘source, origin, place where appears, comes in sight’ (n.loc., formed from ↗naǧama ‘to appear’, cf., e.g., ClassAr manǧam al-nahār ‘place where the sun rises’), the ‘well traced road’ is perh. the *‘road that appears (as a way out)’? The fact that manǧam also can signify a ‘mine, pit’ (↗¹manǧam) does not bring any light in this.
▪ … 
▪ See above, section CONC.
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