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hāǧiraẗ هاجِرة , pl. hawāǧirᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 midday heat, midday, noon – WehrCowan1979. – 2 For another meaning see ↗huǧr
Etymology obscure. ClassAr lexicography constructs a relation to ↗haǧara ‘to depart, emigrate’, but this is hardly to be trusted. 
▪ Hava1899 still has the (denom.) vbs. II haǧǧara ‘to be intensely hot (day)’; id., ʔahǧara (IV), and haǧǧara (V) ‘to journey in the middle of the day’; as well as the n. (nominalized adj.?) haǧūrī ‘midday-meal’. 
DRS 5 (1995)#HGR-2 Ar haǧr, haǧīraẗ ‘milieu du jour, le plus fort de la chaleur’, HispAr hāžira ‘heure de la sieste’, Mhr hēgər ‘faire chaud à midi’, Jib hógər ‘midi’. 
▪ ClassAr lexicography constructs a relation between ‘midday heat’ and ↗haǧara ‘to depart, emigrate’, claiming that the former is dependent on the latter »because people [then] shelter themselves in their tents or houses, as though they forsook one another (tahāǧarū)« (Lane, quoting Qāmūs). But this looks very much as a late attempt at explaining, and unifying, semantic variety within the root.
▪ The word not only appears in the form hāǧiraẗ that looks like PA I f. (FāʕiL-aẗ-), but also as haǧr, haǧīr and haǧīraẗ (the latter two displaying a quasi-PP I pattern (FaʕīL-aẗ-). DRS lists haǧr and haǧīraẗ as the most original forms, but does not provide further explanation. 
ḫaṭṭ al-hāǧiraẗ, n.f., meridian (geogr.)

haǧr, n., 1haǧara. – 2 hottest time of the day.
haǧīr, n., midday heat: quasi-PP I.
haǧīraẗ, n.f., midday heat, midday, noon: quasi-PP I, f.
hāǧirī, adj., midday (adj.); meridional (geogr.); excellent, outstanding: nsb-adj.
mahǧūr, adj., 1 abandoned, forsaken, deserted: PP I of ↗haǧara. – 2 lonely, lonesome: ext. of v1. – 3 in disuse, out of use; obsolete (word), antiquated, archaic: ext. of v1. – 4 (Hava1899:) uncouth (word), absurd (speech): cf. ↗huǧr.

For other values attached to the root, see ↗HǦR, ↗haǧara ‘to depart, emigrate’, ↗huǧr ‘obscene language’, ↗huǧraẗ ‘agricultural settlement of the Wahabi Ikhwān in Nejd’. 
HDː (HDD) هدّ/هدد 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 20May2023
√ HDː (HDD) 
▪ HDː (HDD)_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ HDː (HDD)_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ HDː (HDD)_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to pull down, demolish; thud, thundering sound, devastating event; to frighten, threaten’ 
▪ … 
HDF هدف 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ HDF_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ HDF_2 ‘…’ ↗
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
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