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HDY هدي 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ HDY_1 ‘to lead, guide; (right) way, path, road; manner, mode’ ↗hadà
▪ HDY_2 ‘to offer, give as present; present, gift’ ↗hadiyyaẗ
▪ HDY_3 ‘to totter, stagger, reel (in walking)’ ↗tahādà

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘guide, vanguard, to guide, to rightly guide; to explain, to clarify; road; daylight; objective; piety; mode; manner; a present, to give a present; a sacrificial offering, to offer a sacrificial offering’ 
[v1] and [v2] are most probably connected to each other, perhaps also [v3]. With Zammit2002 it may be assumed that the meaning ‘to stretch out the hand’, preserved in Hbr, is possibly »more generic« than ‘to guide, lead, direct’ (but cf. “DISC” below). Thus, the meaning [v1] ‘to guide’ may have evolved from *‘to stretch out the hand to s.o. in order to guide him/her’, while [v2] ‘to give, offer, present’ may be from *‘to stretch out the hand in order to give to s.o.’ (unless dependent on ‘to guide’, as from *‘to direct find its way to s.o.’). [v3] ‘to totter, stagger, reel (in walking)’ is seen as an independent value by DRS, but may well be a tentative/conative *‘to try to guide o.s., find the balance’. 
DRS 5 (1995)#HDY–1 Hbr hādāh ‘tendre (la main)’, Syr haddī, Mand hda, Ar hadà ‘conduire, diriger’, istahdà ‘mener la nouvelle mariée (à son époux)’, Palm hdy, Syr hadāyā, Ar hadw ‘guide, conducteur’, Sab hdy ‘guide, chef’, TargAram ba-hᵃdē ‘avec, chez’, la-hᵃdē ‘à, vers, en direction de’; Ar hadà (li‑) ‘exposer, prouver à’, ʔahdà (bi‑) ‘présenter, adresser’, haddà ‘offrir, séparer, disjoindre’; hady‑ ‘manière, façon, coutume; politesse, offrande’, EgAr hada, hāda ‘offrir’, orient. hadà ‘guider’, ChadAr SudAr hidwe, hadi ‘conseil’, MġrAr hdā ‘pousser, orienter vers; faire un présent; continuer, ne pas cesser de’, Mhr hədū ‘changer d’attitude, retrouver le droit chemin, tourner la page’, Jib hédé ‘faire changer d’attitude’. – Mhr hōdi, Ḥrs hēd, Jib ohodi ‘diviser, partager’, Jib hede ‘faire un présent’, Te hadā ‘se marier, prendre femme’, tähadda ‘se marier (femme)’. –2 Ar hādà ‘se trainer lentement à côté de qn’, tahādà ‘marcher en chancelant, en se balançant’, SudAr ‘marcher seul, d’une démarche chancelante’. –3 Ar hadin, det. hadī ‘eau blanchâtre émise lors d’un accouchement’. –4 EAr hadā ‘s’inquiéter (de qn)’. –5 Ḥrs šhedō ‘connaître’. — See HD, and also HDʔ. –1 Le rapport entre ‘guider’ et ‘poursuivre, continuer à’ trouve son parallèle au Maghrib dans sāq qui signifie aussi ‘guider, conduire devant soi’ et ‘poursuivre, continuer à (après avoir été interrompu)’. Le Soq (y)hotidi ‘être partagé’ est à transcrire hʸótedi et appartient à la racine ŠDY. –2 Berbère touareg hədəddy ‘chanceler’ ? Le caractère originellement laryngal de la consonne initiale ne peut pas être affirmé. –3 Berbère tamazight aheddawi ‘vagabond, errant’? 
DRS 5 (1995) distinguishes five values attached to the root in Sem, four of which are represented in Ar. Among these four, one (no. -4.) is to be found in EAr only, and one (no. -3.) has not survived into MSA. Thus, EtymArab has to deal with the first two only, i.e., according to DRS’ grouping, 1. ‘to stretch out the hand; to guide; to offer, present’, and 2. ‘to totter, stagger, reel (in walking)’.
▪ Badawi 2008 lists the following values for the root in ClassAr: ‘guide, vanguard, to guide, to rightly guide; to explain, to clarify; road; daylight; objective; piety; mode; manner; a present, to give a present; a sacrificial offering, to offer a sacrificial offering’. All of these seem to belong to DRS’ main value no. 1 (‘to explain, clarify’ = *‘to guide s.o. to the solution’; ‘road’ = *‘the way on which one is led/guided’; ‘daylight’ = *‘the light that guides, shows the right way/direction’; ‘objective’ = *‘what one is led/guided to’; ‘piety’ = the result of being led on, or following, the right path; ‘mode, manner’ = fig. use of *‘way, road’; ‘present’ = *‘what is presented/offered when stretching out the hand to s.o.’).
▪ Although they are with all probability etymologically connected, EtymArab treats ‘to lead, guide’ and ‘to offer, give as a present’ as two individual items, for the mere sake of making the semantic variety within the root easier to handle and to account for the fact that, from a modern perspective, the two do not have to much to do with each other any longer.
▪ If Zammit2002: 553 is right then »[t]he Hbr sense ‘to stretch out the hand’ might be more generic and neutral than the sense ‘to guide’ attested in Ar, SAr, Syr and which could have developed later.« Ar [v1] ‘to guide’ may thus properly be *‘to stretch out the hand to s.o. in order to guide him/her’, while [v2] ‘to give, offer, present’ could be explained as having developed from *‘to stretch out the hand in order to give to s.o.’. However, [v2] may also depend on ‘to guide’, the notion of ‘giving (as a present, or sacrifice)’ having evolved from *‘to direct find its way to s.o.’. An expression which could be seen as a semantic link between both is Ar hadā-hā ʔilay-hi ‘he led/guided her [sc. the bride] to him [sc. the bridegroom]’, an expression in which ‘leading, guiding’ and ‘giving, handing over, presenting’ overlap and cannot be separated, cf. also the meaning of ↗hadiyyaẗ, in ClassAr, not only as ‘present’ but also as ‘bride’ and ‘beast of sacrifice’ (to be led to Mekkah and presented there) (Freytag1835, Steingass1884, Wahrmund1887). – [v3] ‘to totter, stagger, reel (in walking)’ is more difficult to relate to [v1] or [v2], but since it is unlikely that an Ar form VI stands there isolated both in its Ar and Sem “root environment”, and since also derivation from ‘to guide, lead, direct’ does seem possible, we may explain it as a tentative/conative *‘to try to guide o.s., find the balance’, not uncommon with form VI.
▪ For HDY_1, Huehnergard 2011 reconstructs WSem *HDY ‘to lead, extend’.
hadà هَدَى / haday‑ هَدَيْـ , i (hady , hudan , det. hudà , hidāyaẗ
ID … • Sw – • BP 3652 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to lead (s.o.) on the right way (DO), guide (s.o. on a course, 2x DO); to guide, show, direct (s.o. ʔilà to), show (s.o.) the way (ʔilà to); to lead (s.o., to the true faith); to supply, bring, procure (; — (hidāʔ) to bring, lead, conduct ( the bride ʔilà to the bridegroom) — WehrCowan1979. 
▪ From WSem *hdy ‘to lead, extend’ (Huehnergard2011), probably developed from the notion of ‘to stretch out the hand’ (as preserved in Hbr hādā).
▪ The item is related to, or perhaps the etymon of, the semantic complex of ‘giving (as a present), offering’, treated under ↗hadiyyaẗ, as well as of ‘tottering, staggering (in walking)’, treated under ↗tahādà. For the broader context, cf. ↗HDY.
▪ In the Islamic context, the vb. and many of its derivatives have taken on a specifically religious-moral connotation (right path, right guidance, etc.) 
▪ eC7 hadà (to give the ability to know right from wrong, to give the ability to fend for o.s., to instil the instinct for survival) Q 20:50 rabbu-nā ’llaḏī ʔaʕṭà kulla šayʔin ḫalqa-hū ṯumma hadà ‘our Lord is He who gave everything its form then showed them how to find their way’, (to provide or offer guidance) 41:17 wa-ʔammā ṯamūdu fa-hadaynā-hum fa-’staḥabbū ’l-ʕamà ʕalà ’l-hudà ‘as for Thamūd, We called them to guidance, but they preferred blindness over guidance’, (to guide to the right path) 6:161 hadā-nī rabbī ʔilà ṣirāṭin mustaqīmin ‘my Lord has guided me to a straight path’, ((of God) to lead to Paradise, to guide to ultimate heavenly reward) 7:43 ▪ ĭhtadà (to use for guidance) 6:97, (to seek guidance) 2:53, (to find guidance) 3:20, (to follow in the footsteps of the guided, to accept guidance) 2:170, (to stay on the right course) 20:82 ▪ hādin (one guiding to the right path) 27:81, (a guide, resuer) 25:31 ▪ hudan (guiding, showing the right way) 16:37, (news, information, directions) possibly in 20:10, (spiritual guidance) 3:73, (the Revelation, the Qur’an) 72:13 ▪ ʔahdà (most guided; elat.) 67:22 ▪ muhtadin (one finding the way, one coming to a conclusion, one reaching the right decision) 2:70, (one who follows s.o.’s path) 43:22, (one who has found or accepted true guidance) 57:26 
▪ Zammit 2002: Hbr hādā ‘to stretch out the hand’, Aram Syr haddī, SAr hdy ‘to lead, guide, direct’. 
▪ Zammit2002: 553 »The Hbr sense ‘to stretch out the hand’ might be more generic and neutral than the sense ‘to guide’ attested in Ar, SAr, Syr and which could have developed later.«
▪ Huehnergard 2011: WSem *hdy ‘to lead, extend’.
▪ The item is related to, or perhaps the etymon of, the semantic complex of ‘giving (as a present), offering’, treated under ↗hadiyyaẗ. For the broader context, cf. ↗HDY. 
mahdi, 1792, spiritual and temporal leader expected by some Muslims, from Ar mahdiyy ‘he who is guided aright, rightly guided (one), Mahdi’’, PP I of hadà, vb. I, ‘to lead in the right way’. Applied c.1880 to insurrectionary leaders in the Sudan who claimed to be him. (EtymOnline
tahaddà, vb. V, to be rightly guided, be led well: quasi-pass.; to get (ʔilà to), reach (ʔilà a place, resultative (of quasi-pass.).
tahādà, vb. VI, to move forward, move on, advance; to glide along (e.g., a sailboat), to get (ʔilà to), reach (ʔilà a place); to get as far as, penetrate (ʔilà to); to flock (ʔilà to s.o.), rally (around s.o.): resultative (of quasi-pass.). – For other meanings see ↗s.v. and ↗hadiyyaẗ.
ĭhtadà, vb. VIII, to be rightly guided, be led on the right way; to be led, be shown, be taken (ʔilà, li‑ to): quasi-pass.; to find the way (to); to find, detect, discover (ʔilà, come upon (ʔilà; to hit upon (ʔilà or li‑, e.g., an idea), be made aware, think (ʔilà or li‑ of), arrive (at): resultative (of quasi-pass.); to be led back, find one’s way back (ʔilà to the true faith, min away from evil); to be guided (bi‑ by s.o.), take (bi‑ s.o. or as an example or model, follow s.o.’s (bi‑) lead: quasi-pass.
ĭstahdà, vb. X, to ask to be rightly guided, pray for divine guidance, seek the right way: requestative.

hady, n., guidance, direction; way, road, course, direction; manner, mode, fashion: lexicalized vn. I.
BP#2341hudan, det. hudà, n., right guidance (esp., in a religious sense); guiding, leading (of s.o.); right way, true religion: lexicalized vn. I. | kāna ʕalà hudan, vb. I, to be on the right way; to embrace the true religion; ʕalà ġayri hudan, adv., aimlessly, at random; sāra ʕalà ġayri hudan, vb. I, to wander aimlessly.
hadyaẗ, var. hidyaẗ, n., (line of) conduct, procedure, policy, course, way, direction; manner, mode, fashion: n.un. of vn. I hady (?).
hidāyaẗ, n.f., guidance: vn. I | ʕalà ġayri hidāyaẗ, adv., without divine guidance, aimlessly, at random.
ʔahdà, adj., better guided; more correct, more proper, better: elat.
hādin, det. hādī, pl. ‑ūn, hudāẗ, adj., leading, guiding: PA I; n., leader, guide: nomin. PA I.
mahdiyy, adj., rightly guided: PP I; n., Mahdi: nomin. PP I.
muhtadin, det. muhtadī, adj., rightly guided; finding the right way; guided by the right feelings; certain, steady (manner of walking, steps, etc.): PA VIII; (pl. ‑ūn), n., a convert to Islam: nomin. PA VIII. 

tahādà تهادَى / tahāday‑ تهادَيْـ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., VI 
to totter, stagger, reel (in walking); to walk with a sway or rolling gait – WehrCowan1979. – For other meanings see ↗hadà and ↗hadiyyaẗ
See "Discussion", below. 
▪ … 
DRS 5 (1995)#HDY–2 Ar hādà ‘se trainer lentement à côté de qn’, tahādà ‘marcher en chancelant, en se balançant’, SudAr ‘marcher seul, d’une démarche chancelante’. 
▪ In DRS, the item is given (in form III and VI) as a separate value, to be distinguished from ‘to lead, guide’. But it is perhaps related to the latter ↗hadà ‘to guide, lead, conduct’ as a derivation, not uncommon in form VI, with a tentative/conative reflexive meaning, i.e., *‘to try to guide o.s., to try to find the balance (for o.s.)’; ClassAr form III could be interpreted as associative *‘to take as a guide/point of orientation (when not being sure of o.’s own way, and thus tottering)’. The assumption gains plausibility through the fact that it is unlikely that an Ar form VI stands there isolated, both in its Ar and Sem “root environment”. On the other hand, the notion of ‘tottering, staggering’ is not sufficiently explainable from the usual meanings of form III and VI.
hudaⁿ هُدىً , det. hudà 
ID 890 • Sw – • BP 2341 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
right guidance (esp., in a religious sense); guiding, leading (of s.o.); right way, true religion – WehrCowan1979. 
The word is a vn. I of the vb. I, ↗hadà ‘to lead, guide, direct, show the way, conduct’ and has taken on a religious connotation since early times. In the religious field, the ‘right guidance’ became identified with the ‘right path’ a believer follows, hence ‘true religion’. 
▪ eC7 (guiding, showing the right way) 16:37 ʔin taḥriṣ ʕalā hudā-hum fa-ʔinna ’ḷḷāha lā yahdī man yuḍillu ‘if you (Muḥammad) are eager to guide them, [know that] God does not guide those who lead [others] astray [from the right way]’, (news, information, directions) possibly in 20:10 ʔiḏ raʔā nāran fa-qāla li-ʔahli-hī ’mkuṯū ʔin-nī ʔānastu nāran laʕall-ī ʔātī-kum min-hā bi-qabasin ʔaw ʔaǧidu ʕalā ’l-nāri hudan ‘when he saw a fire and said unto his folk: stay here, I have perceived a fire; maybe I will bring you a brand from it or find [guidance] directions there’, (spiritual guidance) 3:73 al-hudà hudà ’ḷḷāhi ‘true guidance is the guidance of God’, (the Revelation, the Qur’an) 72:13 wa-ʔannā lammā samiʕnā ’l-hudà ʔāmannā bihī ‘and when we heard the Guidance we came to believe in it’. 
See ↗hadà
See ↗hadà
Cf. ↗hadà, esp.

tahaddà, vb. V, to be rightly guided, be led well: quasi-pass.
ĭhtadà, vb. VIII, to be rightly guided, be led on the right way; to be led back, find one’s way back (ʔilà to the true faith, min away from evil): quasi-pass.
ĭstahdà, vb. X, to ask to be rightly guided, pray for divine guidance, seek the right way: requestative. 

hadiyyaẗ هَدِيّة , pl. hadāyā 
ID … • Sw – • BP 1438 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
gift, present, donation; offering, sacrifice – WehrCowan1979. 
The n. is a nominalized pseudo-PP of *hadà ‘to give (as a present)’, which is not attested with this general meaning, neither in MSA nor ClassAr but only as hadà, i (hidāʔ), vb. I, with the specialized meaning of ‘to bring, lead, conduct a bride to the bridegroom’ (which also shows the relation between ‘giving’ and ‘leading, conducting’, cf. ↗HDY and ↗hadà). The (hypothetical but quite likely) general sense survived in derivatives such as hādà (III) ‘to exchange presents’, tahādà (VI) ‘to make each other presents, exchange presents’, or ClassAr ĭnhadà, vb. VII, ‘to be offered, given as a present’, reflecting a general giving (of presents). The items listed below in the “Derivatives” section are, properly speaking, not from the lemma hadiyyaẗ but from this reconstructed vb. I. 
▪ eC7 hady (offering brought to the Sacred Mosque in Mecca in accordance with the teachings) Q 48:25 humu ’llaḏīna kafarū wa-ṣaddū-kum ʕani ’l-masǧidi ’l-ḥarāmi wa’l-hadya maʕkūfan ‘These it was who disbelieved and debarred you from the Inviolable Place of Worship, and debarred the offering from reaching its goal’ ▪ hadiyyaẗ (gift) 27:35 wa-ʔinnī mursilatun ʔilayhim bi-hadiyyatin ‘but I am sending them a present’
hadiyyaẗ : until lC19 also ‘bride’ (Freytag1835, Steingass1884, Wahrmund1887). 
▪ Zammit 2002: Hbr hādā ‘to stretch out the hand’, Aram Syr haddī, SAr hdy ‘to lead, guide, direct’
▪ Cf. also the cognates given in the entry on ↗hadà
▪ Zammit2002: 553 #HDY: »The Hbr sense ‘to stretch out the hand’ might be more generic and neutral than the sense ‘to guide’ attested in Ar, SAr, Syr and which could have developed later.«
▪ Huehnergard 2011: WSem *hdy ‘to lead, extend’.
▪ The meanings ‘present; to give as a present’ etc. are either a development directly from a WSem *hdy ‘to stretch out the hand’ as an act performed in order to give to s.o. else, or from ↗hadà ‘to lead, guide, direct’ used with a metaphorical meaning, *‘to direct (esp. a present) to s.o., to make find its way’. A semantic “bridge” where the notions of ‘guiding, conducting’ and ‘giving away’ overlap, or merge, is the specialized meaning of ↗hadà, i, vb. I, ‘to bring, lead, conduct a bride to the bridegroom’ (vn. hidāʔ). Accordingly, the pseudo-PP I hadiyyaẗ is properly *‘ that is brought (conducted, led) (to s.o., to a destination)’, whence developed the specialized values of ‘gift, present, donation’, ‘offering, sacrifice’ (Steingass1884: ‘beast of sacrifice (to be led to Mekkah and presented there’), and (attested until lC19) also ‘bride’. 
hādà, vb. III, to exchange presents (DO with s.o.): assoc.
ʔahdà, vb. IV, to bring, lead, conduct (‑hā the bride ʔilà to the bridegroom); to give as a present, present, make s.o. (li‑ or ʔilà) a present of (DO): from (hypothetical) vb. I, or denominative from hadiyyaẗ ?; to dedicate ( to s.o.), confer, bestow, award (e.g., an order); to send, convey, transmit ( li‑ or ʔilà to): fig. use.
tahādà, vb. VI, to make each other presents, exchange presents; to exchange among each other (, also al-taḥiyyaẗ, to exchange greetings, greet or salute each other); – For other meanings see ↗hadà and ↗s.v..

ʔihdāʔ, n., presentation; donation, grant(ing); award, bestowal, conferment; dedication (of a book): vn. IV.
muhdan, det. muhdà, adj., presented, given: PP IV.

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