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waǧh وَجْه 
ID 911 • Sw – • BP 170 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 face, countenance; 2a front, face, facade; b outside; c surface; 3a right side of a fabric; b dial (of a clock or watch); c face, obverse (of a coin); 4 prominent personality; 5 exterior, look(s), appearance, guise, semblance; 6 side; 7 direction; 8a intention, intent, design, purpose, aim, goal, objective, end; b course, policy, guiding principle, precept; 9 way, manner, mode, procedure, method; 10 reason, cause; 11 sense, meaning, signification, purport; 12 beginning, start, outset, first part of a given period of time; – pl. ʔawǧūh and wuǧūh, 13a aspect; b approach, point of view; c viewpoint, standpoint; – pl. ʔawǧūh, 14 phase (of the moon; also el.) – WehrCowan1979. 
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I Adverbial phrases:
waǧhan, adv., apparently
waǧhan bi‑\li‑waǧh, adv., in private, personally, directly
waǧhan min al-wuǧūhi, adv., (with preceding negation) in no way (whatsoever)
bi‑waǧh al-ʔiǧmāl, adv., on the whole, by and large, in general
bi‑\ʕalà waǧh al-taqrīb, adv., approximately, roughly, nearly
waǧh ḫāṣṣ or ʕalà waǧh ḫāṣṣ, adv., especially, in particular
bi‑\ʕalà waǧh ʕāmm, adv., generally, in general
bi‑waǧh mā, adv., 1 some way or other, somehow; 2 in a certain way, to a certain extent
bi‑dūn waǧh ḥaqq, adv., without any legitimate claim, without being in the least entitled, in an entirely unlawful manner
ʕalà waǧh…, prep., 1 in the manner of, in the form of, in the shape of; 2 with regard to, concerning, about
ʕalà waǧhi-h, adv., 1 in his own way; 2 in the right manner, correctly, properly, as it should be
ʕalà ġayr waǧhi-h, adv., improperly, incorrectly, wrongly
maḍà ʕalà waǧhi-h and ḏahaba ʕalà waǧhi-h, vb., one’s own way, go one’s way
ʕalà hāḏā ’l-waǧh, adv., in this manner, this way, thus
ʕalà waǧh al-ʔiǧmāl, adv., 1 on the whole, by and large, in general; 2 altogether, in the aggregate
ʕalà ’l-waǧh al-tālī, adv., in the following manner, as follows
ʕalà waǧh al-tafṣīl, adv., at great length, in detail, elaborately
ʕalà waǧh al-ḥaṣr, adv., in a condensed form, briefly stated, in a nutshell
ʕalà waǧh al-ʕumūm, adv., in general, generally
ʕalà waǧh al-yaqīn, adv., with certainty
fī waǧhi-h, adv., 1 before him, in his presence; counter to him; 2 before his (very) eyes
li‑waǧhi ’llāh, adv., 1 for the sake of God, regardless of any reward in this life; 2 for nothing, gratis
min kull waǧh, adv., in every respect, from every point of view, on all grounds
min wuǧūh kaṯīraẗ, adv., many points of view, in many respects
min baʕḍ al-wuǧūh, adv., in some ways
min kulli al-wuǧūh, adv., in every respect, in every way, all the way through, completely.

II Verbal phrases:
ĭbyaḍḍa waǧhu-h, vb., to enjoy an excellent reputation, stand in good repute
ĭswadda waǧhu-h, vb., to fall into discredit, be discredited, be in disgrace
ʔaḫaḏa waǧhan, vb., to win respect, gain prestige
ʔaḫaḏa waǧh al-ʕarūsaẗ, vb., to consummate marriage
ʔahāna-hū fī waǧhi-h, vb., to insult s.o. to his face
bayyaḍa waǧha-h, vb., 1 to make s.o. appear blameless, in a favorable light, to whitewash, exculpate, vindicate, justify s.o., play s.o. up, make much of s.o.; 2 to honor s.o., show honor to s.o.
ḥalā lahū waǧhu ’l-ṭarīq, expr., his way was unobstructed, he had clear sailing
saffaha waǧha-h or sawwada waǧha-h, vb., to expose s.o. t show s.o. up, make a fool of s.o., bring s.o. into discredit, disgrace s.o., dishonor s.o.
šawwaha waǧh al-ḥaqīqaẗ, vb., to distort the truth
waǧh al-waẓīfaẗ, vb., to disgrace one’s profession or office
ḍaraba waǧh al-ʔamr wa-ʕayna-h, vb., to touch on the very essence of a matter, hit the mark
qāma fī waǧh fulān, vb., to stand up to s.o., take a stand against s.o.
haraba min waǧh fulān, vb., to flee from s.o.

III Nominal phrases:
al-waǧh al-baḥrī, n., Lower Egypt
al-waǧh al-qiblī, n., Upper Egypt
waǧh al-ḥāl, n., the circumstances, the state of affairs, the factual situation
waǧh al-šabah, n., point of resemblance
waǧh al-nahār, adv., during the daytime
kalām ḏū waǧhayn, n. pl., equivocal statement, ambiguous words
ʔawǧuh al-qamar, n. pl., the lunar phases
wuǧūh al-nās, n. pl., prominent people, leading personalities.

IV With gen.neg.:
lā waǧhᵃ li‑, expr., there is no reason for
lā waǧhᵃ la-hū min al-ṣiḥḥaẗ, expr., it has no validity at all

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