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wariṯ‑ وَرِثَ , yariṯu (wirṯ, ʔirṯ, ʔirṯaẗ, wirāṯaẗ, riṯaẗ, turāṯ
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 01May2021
vb., I 
1a to be heir (to s.o.), be s.o.’s heir; b to inherit (ʕan or min from s.o.) – WehrCowan1976. 
▪ From protWSem *wrṯ ʻto inherit’ – Kogan2015: 100 #66.
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▪ WRṮ_1: DRS 7 (1997) #WRṮ-1, Kogan2015 100 #66 (abb. K): Ug yrṯ, Hbr yāraš, modHbr yrš, oAram yrt, EmpAram SamAram yrt, Palm wrš ʻhériter’, Nab yrt ʻhéritier’, JudPal yᵊrēt, ChrPal yrwt, Syr ʔiret, nSyr yarit, Ar wariṯa ʻhériter’, ThamAr Liḥ wrṯ ʻhéritier’, HispAr waráṯ, reṯ ʻhériter’, werréṯ ʻdonner en héritage; engendrer’, MaltAr wiret ʻhériter, présenter des caract̀ères dus à l’hérédité’, Sab twrṯ (K wrṯ), Min Qat wrṯ ʻhériter de’, Qat trṯ ʻhéritage’, Mhr wīreṯ (K wīrəṯ), Jib érṯ (K erɔ́ṯ), Soq ərət (K érət) ʻhériter de qn’; Ḥrs werōṯ, wēreṯ, Jib eróṯ ʻhériter qc’; Gz warasa, Te wärsa, Tña Gur wäräsä, Har warasa, Amh Gaf wärräsa ʻhériter’. -2 […].
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▪ »While not directly attested in Akk, the WSem root has a good chance of being related to Akk rašu ʻto acquire, obtain’« – Kogan2015: 100 #66.
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warraṯa, vb. II, 1 to appoint as heir (s.o.); 2 to transfer by will, leave, bequeath, make over (to s.o. D-stem, ¹declar., ²caus.
ʔawraṯa, vb. IV, 1 = II; 2 to draw down, bring down (on s.o., cause (s.o., *š-stem, ²caus.
tawāraṯa, vb VI, 1a to have inherited (; b to possess as an inheritance ( Lt-stem

ʔirṯ, n., 1 heritage, inheritance, legacy; 2 estate (of inheritance): vn. I.
wirṯ, n., inheritance, legacy: vn. I.
wirāṯaẗ, n.f., 1 inheritance, legacy; 2 hereditariness, hereditary transmission, heredity: vn. I.
BP#4764wirāṯī, adj., hereditary: nisba formation from preceding. | ʔamrāḍ wirāṯiyyaẗ,, hereditary diseases
warīṯ, pl. wuraṯāʔᵘ, n., heir, inheritor: FaʕīL formation, ints.
turāṯ, n., inheritance, legacy: vn. I.
mīrāṯ, pl. mawārīṯᵘ, n., heritage, inheritance, legacy, estate: formally a n.instr.
tawāruṯ, n., 1 transmission by inheritance; 2 heredity: vn. VI.
wāriṯ, pl. waraṯaẗ, wurrāṯ, n., 1 inheriting; 2 heir, inheritor: PA I.
mawrūṯ, adj., 1a inherited; b handed down, transmitted, traditional; c hereditary: PP I.
muwarriṯ, var. mūriṯ, n., testator, legator: PA II, var. IV.
mutawāraṯ, adj., inherited: PP VI.
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