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WZR وزر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ WZR_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ WZR_2 ‘…’ ↗
▪ WZR_3 ‘…’ ↗
▪ WZR_4 ‘…’ ↗
▪ WZR_5 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘impregnable mountain, refuge, armament; support, counsellor; to bear, back up; to carry, heavy load, crime, sin’ 
▪ BAH2008: The word wazar ‘mountain’ or ‘refuge’ is said to be of Nab origin, and wazīr is said to be originally Pers. Cf., however, s.v.
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▪ For Engl vizier see ↗wazīr). 
wizr وِزْر , pl. ʔawzār 
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1 heavy load, burden, encumbrance. – 2 sin, crime. – 3 responsibleness, responsibility – WehrCowan1979. 
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wizr ▪ eC7 1 (load, burden, heavy weight) Q 20:87 walākin-nā ḥummilnā ʔawzāran min zīnāti ’l-qawmi fa-qaḏafnā-hā ‘but we were laden with burdens from the people’s ornaments, so we threw them [into the fire]. – 2 (guilt, crime, sin, responsibility) 20:100 man ʔaʕraḍa ʕan-hu fa-ʔinna-hū yaḥmilu yawma ’l-qiyāmati wizran ‘whoever turns away from it will bear a heavy responsibility on the Day of Resurrection’. – wāziraẗ (PA I f., a person/soul having the capacity to be responsible for his/her actions, a legal entity) Q 6:164 wa-lā taziru wāziratun wizra ʔuḫrà ‘no soul capable of carrying responsibility shall bear the guilt of another’. – wazar (refuge, place of refuge) Q 75:11 kallā lā wazara ‘truely, there will be no refuge’. – wazīr (counsellor, helper, supporter) Q 20:29 wa-’ǧʕal lī wazīran min ʔahlī ‘and provide for me a helper from my family’ 
DRS 6 (1996)#WZR-1: Ar wazara ‘porter (un fardeau)’, wazira ‘porter [une charge de] faute, être accusé d’un péché, d’une faute, d’un crime’, wizr ‘lourd fardeau, charge, crime’, wazr ‘montagne pouvant servir de refuge’, wāzara ‘aider, assister qn’, ʔawzara ‘cacher, procurer un refuge’, ĭstawzara ‘emporter qc’, ʔawzar ‘armes’.
▪ Cf. however also ↗wazīr and ↗WZR in general. 
ḥammala-hū wizra ‑hū, to make s.o. bear the responsibility for, make s.o. answerable for
waḍaʕat-i ’l-ḥarbu ʔawzāra ‑hā, the war has come to an end: cf. Q 47:4.

wazara (1), yaziru (wizr), vb. I, to take upon o.s., carry (a burden): denom.?
wazara (2), yaziru, and wazira, yawzaru (wizr, wazr, ziraẗ), vb. I, to commit a sin: fig. use of preceding?
wāzara, vb. III, to help, assist, aid, support (ʕalà in L-stem, associative (*‘to carry the burden together with s.o.’). Or var. of ↗ʔāzara ‘id.’, from ↗ʔazara ‘to surround, gird’?
ʔawzara, vb. IV, to support, back up, strengthen s.o.’s (DO) arm: probably denom. from waz(a)r ‘(mountain-) refuge’ (see WZR_6 s.v. ↗WZR), lit. *‘to provide a refuge for s.o.’?
tawazzara, vb. V, to become a (cabinet) minister: t-stem (quasi-pass.) of D-stem *wazzara ‘to appoint as vizier, minister’, appell., denom. from wazīr.
tawāzara, vb. VI, to help each other: t-stem of III, recipr.
ĭttazara, vb. VIII, 1wazraẗ. – 2 to commit a sin: t-stem (< *ĭwtazara), denom. from wizr [v2].
ĭstawzara, vb. X, 1 to appoint as (cabinet) minister; 2 to be appointed as (cabinet) minister: Št-stem, request., denom. from wazīr (*‘to ask s.o. to be a minister’ or *‘to aspire to become a minister’).
BP#96wazīr, pl. wuzarāʔ, n., 1 (cabinet) minister; 2 vizier; 3 queen (in chess): [v1] is modern, [v3], both from [v2], which existed in the meaning of ‘helper’ as a quasi-PP of vb. I, lit. *‘loaded with a burden (wizr)’, but then merged with, and was superseded by, a loanword from mPers. – For details and compounds, see ↗s.v.
BP#217wizāraẗ, pl. -āt, n.f., 1 ministry; 2 rank of minister; 3 cabinet, government:, from wazīr. – For compounds see ↗s.v.
BP#2900wizārī, adj., ministerial: nsb-adj., from wizāraẗ.

For other items of √WZR, cf. ↗WZR, ↗wizraẗ, ↗wazaraẗ
wizraẗ وِزْرة , pl. wizarāt 
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loincloth – WehrCowan1979. 
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ĭttazara, vb. VIII, 1 to wear a loincloth; to put on (a garment): denom. – 2wizr 
wazaraẗ وزرة , pl. ‑āt 
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skirt, skirting (arch.) – WehrCowan1979. 
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wazīr وَزِير , pl. wuzarāʔᵘ 
ID 921 • Sw – • BP 96 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last update 11Apr2023
1 (cabinet) minister. – 2 vizier. – 3 queen (in chess) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Cheung2017rev: rather not of Ir origin, but < Ar ↗wazara ‘to take upon oneself, carry a burden’. For details, see below, section DISC.
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▪ eC7 (counsellor, helper, supporter) Q 20:29 wa-’ǧʕal lī wazīran min ʔahlī ‘and provide for me a helper from my family’ 
DRS 6 (1996)#WZR-2: Ar wazīr, Mhr wəzayr, EJib ɛzayr, Gz wazir ‘vizir, ministre’, Amh wäzir, wazir ‘conseiller d’un monarque’.
▪ Cf. however also ↗wizr.
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▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl vizier, from Ar wazīr ‘vizier, minister, burdened’, either from ʔāzara ‘to help’, L-stem of ↗ʔazara ‘to surround’ (see above), or from ↗wazara ‘to carry a burden, take upon oneself’. 
wazīr al-dawlaẗ, n.f., minister of state, cabinet minister without portfolio
wazīr mufawwaḍ, n., minister plenipotentiary (dipl.)
wazīr muqīm, n., minister resident (Tun.)
al-wazīr al-ʔakbar or al-wazīr al-ʔawwal, n., the Prime Minister
maǧlis al-wuzarāʔ, n., cabinet, council of ministers; for the various departments see entry ↗wizāraẗ.

tawazzara, vb. V, to become a (cabinet) minister: tD-stem, pass. of caus. *II, denom.
ĭstawzara, vb. X, 1 to appoint as (cabinet) minister: tŠ-stem, appellative; 2 to be appointed as (cabinet) minister: intr./quasi-pass. use of [v1].
BP#217wizāraẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1 ministry; 2 rank of minister; 3 cabinet, government: nomin. formation, designating the office of a wazīr. – For the various departments see separate entry ↗wizāraẗ
BP#2900wizārī, adj., ministerial: nsb-adj., from wizāraẗ
wizāraẗ وِزارَة , pl. ‑āt 
ID 920 • Sw – • BP 217 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 ministry. – 2 rank of minister. – 3 cabinet, government – WehrCowan1979. 
nomin. formation, designating the office of a ↗wazīr
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wizāraẗ al-ʔiršād al-qawmī, n.f., ministry of national guidance (Eg.)
wizāraẗ al-ʔašġāl al-ʕumūmiyyaẗ, n.f., ministry of public works
wizāraẗ al-ʔiʕlām, n.f., ministry of information
wizāraẗ al-ĭqtiṣād al-waṭanī, n.f., ministry of national economy
wizāraẗ al-ʔawqāf, n.f., ministry of religious endowments, wakf ministry
wizāraẗ al-baḥriyyaẗ, n.f., naval department, ministry of the navy
wizāraẗ al-tiǧāraẗ, n.f., ministry of commerce
wizāraẗ al-taḫṭīṭ, n.f., ministry of city planning and road construction
wizāraẗ al-tarbiyaẗ wa’l-taʕlīm, n.f., ministry of education
wizāraẗ al-tamwīn, n.f., ministry of supply
wizāraẗ al-ḥarbiyyaẗ, n.f., war ministry
wizāraẗ al-ḥaqqāniyyaẗ, n.f., ministry of justice
wizāraẗ al-ḫāriǧiyyaẗ, n.f., foreign ministry
wizāraẗ al-dāḫiliyyaẗ, n.f., ministry of the interior
wizāraẗ al-difāʕ al-waṭanī, n.f., ministry of national defence
wizāraẗ al-zirāʕaẗ and wizāraẗ al-filāḥaẗ, n.f., ministry of agriculture
wizāraẗ al-šuʔūn al-ĭǧtimāʕiyyaẗ, n.f., ministry of social affairs
wizāraẗ al-šuʔūn al-baladiyyaẗ wa’l-qarawiyyaẗ, n.f., ministry of municipal and rural affairs
wizāraẗ al-ṣiḥḥaẗ al-ʕumūmiyyaẗ, n.f., ministry of public health
wizāraẗ al-ṣināʕaẗ wa’l-ṭāqaẗ, n.f., ministry of industry and energy ressources
wizāraẗ al-ṭayarān, n.f., air ministry
wizāraẗ al-ʕadl (al-ʕadliyyaẗ), n.f., ministry of justice
wizāraẗ al-quwà al-ʕāmilaẗ wa’l-tadrīb al-mihanī, n.f., ministry of labour and vocational training
wizāraẗ al-māliyyaẗ, n.f., finance ministry
wizāraẗ al-maʕārif, n.f., ministry of education
wizāraẗ al-muwāṣalāt, n.f., ministry of communication

BP#2900wizārī, adj., ministerial: nsb-adj., from wizāraẗ
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