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WṬN وطن 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ WṬN_1 ‘to dwell, live, reside, stay’ ↗waṭana, ‘homeland, fatherland, home’ ↗waṭan
▪ WṬN_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘habitat; a battlefield, a place where is done; to settle in, to reconcile o.s. to’ 
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DRS 6 (1996)#WṬN–1 Ar waṭana ‘séjourner, habiter’, ʔawṭana ‘se domicilier, s’établir’, waṭan ‘contrée, territoire, patrie’, mawṭin ‘demeure, pays, théâtre d’un combat’, mīṭān ‘but, fin’, MġrAr waṭṭan ‘appliquer, habituer son esprit à qc’, Sab mwṭn ‘champ (?), champ de bataille, temple’, Jib ōṭən ‘commencer à vivre dans un nouveau lieu’. [–24: not attested in Ar].
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994 #2562 connect (WCh) Tala ten ‘to sit’ to the Ar wṭn i ‘to dwell, stay’. 
▪ Out of the four values attested in Sem (accord. to DRS), only one is represented in Ar.
▪ BAH2008 give the variety of meanings in ClassAr as ‘habitat; a battlefield, a place where is done; to settle in, to reconcile o.s. to’
▪ From the Ar forms, Orel&Stolbova1994 #2562 reconstruct Sem *w˅ṭin‑ (in StarLing modified to Sem *w/y˅ṭin‑) ‘to dwell, stay’, from the WCh verb ten the WCh *ṭyan‑ ‘to sit’ (with loss of initial *w˅‑, which may be a prefix). For both items, the authors assume an origin in AfrAs *w˅ṭen‑ (in StarLing modified to AfrAs *y˅ṭin‑) ‘to dwell, stay’ 
waṭan‑ وَطَنَ , yaṭinu (waṭn
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to dwell, live, reside, stay (bi‑ in a place) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Accord. to Orel&Stolbova from Sem *w/y˅ṭin‑ ‘to dwell, stay’, perhaps from AfrAs *y˅ṭin‑ ‘to dwell, stay’. Reconstruction weak. 
▪ eC7 mawṭin (place where battles are fought, battlefield (also battles, by extension) Q 9:25 la-qad naṣara-kumu ’ḷḷāhu fī mawāṭina kaṯīratin ‘God has helped you [believers] in many battlefields’ 
DRS 6 (1996)#WṬN–1 Ar waṭana ‘séjourner, habiter’, ʔawṭana ‘se domicilier, s’établir’, waṭan ‘contrée, territoire, patrie’, mawṭin ‘demeure, pays, théâtre d’un combat’, mīṭān ‘but, fin’, MġrAr waṭṭan ‘appliquer, habituer son esprit à qc’, Sab mwṭn ‘champ (?), champ de bataille, temple’, Jib ōṭən ‘commencer à vivre dans un nouveau lieu’. [–24: not attested in Ar].
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994 #2562 connect (WCh) Tala ten ‘to sit’ to the Ar wṭn i ‘to dwell, stay’. 
▪ From the Ar forms, Orel&Stolbova1994 #2562 reconstruct Sem *w˅ṭin‑ (in StarLing modified to Sem *w/y˅ṭin‑) ‘to dwell, stay’, from the WCh verb ten the WCh *ṭyan‑ ‘to sit’ (with loss of initial *w˅‑, which may be a prefix). For both items, the authors assume an origin in AfrAs *w˅ṭen‑ (in StarLing modified to AfrAs *y˅ṭin‑) ‘to dwell, stay’ 
The following items are either from vb. I waṭana or from the n. waṭan

waṭṭana, vb. II, to choose for residence (a place), settle down, get settled, take up one’s residence (DO in a place) | ~ nafsa-hū ʕalà, vb., to get used to, adjust o.s. to, reconcile o.s. to, put up with; to prepare o.s. mentally for; to make up one’s mind to (do D-stem, caus.
tawaṭṭana, vb. V, to settle down (DO or bi‑ in a place): TD-stem.

ĭstawṭana, vb. X, to choose for residence (a place); to settle (a country); to settle down, get settled, take up one’s residence (DO in); to live permanently (DO in a place); to take root, become naturalized, acclimated (DO in)

BP#373waṭan, pl. ʔawṭān, n., C homeland, home country, fatherland; home | al-~ al-qiblī, n.prop.loc., Cape Bon (tun.); al-~ al-qawmī al-ʔisrāʔīlī, n., the Jewish National Home; ʔahl ~i-hī,, his countrymen, his compatriots; ḥubb al-~, n., patriotism; šāʔiʕ al-~, adj./n., cosmopolitan.
BP#4087mawṭin, pl. mawāṭinᵘ, n., C residence, domicile; habitat; native place, home town, home; native country, home country, fatherland; place, locality, area, region, section, district, zone; point, spot; right place; right time: n.loc. | ~ al-ḍuʕf, n., soft or sore spot; weak spot, weakness; waḍaʕa yada-hū ʕalà ~ al-ʕillaẗ, expr., to lay one’s finger on an open sore, touch a sore spot; al-~ al-waḍīʕ, n., the lowest point, the low mark, the bottom.
ĭstīṭān, n., immigration; settling down; settling, settlement, colonization; "istitan", a special impost in Tunisia: vn. X.
mutawaṭṭin, adj., native, indigenous, domestic; resident; deep-rooted; endemic (med.): PA V.
mustawṭin, adj., native, indigenous, domestic; resident; deep-rooted: PA X.
BP#3811mustawṭanaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., C settlement, colony: n.loc. X | ~ zirāʕiyyaẗ, n., agricultural collective, kibbutz (in Israel): ↗ĭstīṭān.

For other items belonging to √WṬN, cf. ↗waṭan
ĭstawṭan‑ اِسْتَوْطَنَ , ‑stawṭin‑ (ĭstīṭān
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., X 
to choose for residence (a place); to settle (a country); to settle down, get settled, take up one’s residence (DO in); to live permanently (DO in a place); to take root, become naturalized, acclimated (DO in) – WehrCowan1979.
See DISC below. 
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waṭan, ↗waṭana
▪ It is not clear whether one should regard form X (ĭstawṭana, vn. ĭstīṭān) as being derived from the n. ↗waṭan ‘permanent dwelling, residence; home; place where the cattle lie down or are tied up, stable’ or from the vb. I ↗waṭana ‘to be accustomed to a place, stay there permanently, abide, dwell’. In any case, the meaning is autobenefactive, combining the causative notion of a Š-stem with the reflexive one of the T-stem. 
ĭstīṭān, n., immigration; settling down; settling, settlement, colonization; "istitan", a special impost in Tunisia: vn. X.
BP#3811mustawṭanaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., settlement, colony: PP f. / n.loc. X. See also s.v.
waṭan وَطَن , pl. ʔawṭān 
ID 926 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 373 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n., C 
homeland, home country, fatherland; home – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ In ClassAr, the word meant ‘permanent dwelling, residence; home; place where the cattle lie down or are tied up, stable’, and the pl. al-ʔawṭān was used in the sense of ‘places between which nomads alternate’ (Steingass1884).
▪ In ClassAr, waṭan »is often used in the sense of ‘homeland’ or ‘birthplace,’ and appears frequently with a connotation of sentiment and nostalgia. Longing for one’s waṭan is often associated with lamenting for one’s departed youth. It had no political connotation, and there is no suggestion that the waṭan could in any sense be the focus of allegiance or identity or the basis of some political structure. / The new meaning dates from the last years of the eighteenth century, and can be traced to foreign influence. The earliest examples of its use in a clearly political sense that have so far come to light occur in the report of the Turkish ambassador to Paris after the French Revolution. There he uses the word vatan in a number of contexts where it obviously represents the French patrie, with the normal political connotations which the word held at that time and in that place. / In the course of the nineteenth century, the word waṭan, with derivatives for ‘patriot’ and ‘patriotism,’ passed into common use as part of the new nationalist terminology, and a number of older terms, part of the political language of Islam, began to acquire new meanings. The ideological influences coming from Europe after the French Revolution suggested new concepts of political identity and authority, based, not on communal loyalty and dynastic allegiances, as in the past, but on country or nation.«1  
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waṭana (vb.) 
waṭana (vb.) 
▪ The word was borrowed into many other "Islamic" languages.

▪ In Tu, vaṭan is first attested in 1377 (Erzurumlu Darir, Ḳıṣṣa-i Yūsuf tercümesi). From the 1860’s onwards, the Ottoman word took on also a political meaning in the sense of Fr patrie – Nişanyan (23.06.2013) 
al-waṭan al-qiblī, n.prop.loc., Cape Bon (tun.).
al-waṭan al-qawmī al-ʔisrāʔīlī, n., the Jewish National Home.
ʔahl waṭani-hī,, his countrymen, his compatriots.
ḥubb al-waṭan, n., patriotism.
šāʔiʕ al-waṭan, adj./n., cosmopolitan.

BP#143waṭanī, adj., C home, native; indigenous, domestic; patriotic; national; nationalistic: nsb-adj. from waṭan; (pl. ‑ūn) nationalist, patriot: nominalized nsb-adj. | maṣnūʕāt ~iyyaẗ,, domestic products, products of the country
BP#3547waṭaniyyaẗ, n.f., C nationalism; national sentiment, patriotism: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ from waṭan.
BP#3606muwāṭanaẗ, n.f., citizenship: vn. III.
BP#327muwāṭin, n., countryman, compatriot, fellow citizen: PA III. | ~ ʕālamī, n., world citizen.

The following items are either (denominative) from waṭan or (deverbative) from vb. I waṭana :

waṭṭana, vb. II, to choose for residence (a place), settle down, get settled, take up one’s residence (DO in a place) | ~ nafsa-hū ʕalà, vb., to get used to, adjust o.s. to, reconcile o.s. to, put up with; to prepare o.s. mentally for; to make up one’s mind to (do D-stem, caus.
tawaṭṭana, vb. V, to settle down (DO or bi‑ in a place): TD-stem.
ĭstawṭana, vb. X, to choose for residence (a place); to settle (a country); to settle down, get settled, take up one’s residence (DO in); to live permanently (DO in a place); to take root, become naturalized, acclimated (DO in).
BP#4087mawṭin, pl. mawāṭinᵘ, n., C residence, domicile; habitat; native place, home town, home; native country, home country, fatherland; place, locality, area, region, section, district, zone; point, spot; right place; right time: n.loc. | ~ al-ḍuʕf, n., soft or sore spot; weak spot, weakness; waḍaʕa yada-hū ʕalà ~ al-ʕillaẗ, expr., to lay one’s finger on an open sore, touch a sore spot; al-~ al-waḍīʕ, n., the lowest point, the low mark, the bottom.
ĭstīṭān, n., immigration; settling down; settling, settlement, colonization; "istitan", a special impost in Tunisia: vn. X.
mutawaṭṭin, adj., native, indigenous, domestic; resident; deep-rooted; endemic (med.): PA V.
mustawṭin, adj., native, indigenous, domestic; resident; deep-rooted: PA X.
BP#3811mustawṭanaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., C settlement, colony: n.loc. X | ~ zirāʕiyyaẗ, n., agricultural collective, kibbutz (in Israel): ↗ĭstīṭān.
waṭanī وَطَنِيّ 
ID 927 • Sw – • BP 143 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
¹adj.; ²n. C 
home, native; indigenous, domestic; patriotic; national; nationalistic; (pl. ‑ūn) nationalist, patriot – WehrCowan1979. 
A nsb-adj. coined from ↗waṭan
▪ … 
maṣnūʕāt waṭaniyyaẗ,, domestic products, products of the country  
waṭaniyyaẗ وَطَنِيَّة 
ID 928 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 3547 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n.f., C 
nationalism; national sentiment, patriotism – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ An abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ from ↗waṭan. »The word appeared at the end of the 19th century, in the context of the extension to the field of state politics of ↗waṭan (pl. awṭān) ‘homeland’, hitherto applied to place of birth or of residence. The noun-adjective ↗waṭanī refers to the same sectors of meaning (autochthonous, national, patriotic), while the noun ↗muwāṭin denotes a compatriot or fellow-citizen.«2  
▪ See above, section CONC.
18.. ▪ … 
mawṭin مَوْطِن , pl. mawāṭinᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 4087 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n., C 
residence, domicile; habitat; native place, home town, home; native country, home country, fatherland; place, locality, area, region, section, district, zone; point, spot; right place; right time – WehrCowan1979. 
n.loc. of vb. I, ↗waṭana
▪ eC7 mawṭin (place where battles are fought, battlefield (also battles, by extension) Q 9:25 la-qad naṣara-kumu ’ḷḷāhu fī mawāṭina kaṯīratin ‘God has helped you [believers] in many battlefields’.
▪ The old value of ‘battlefield’ is almost lost in MSA. Wahrmund1887 still gives ‘Schlachtfeld wo Märtyrer fielen; Märtyrerthum’ (= Steingass1884: ‘battlefield where martyrs fell; martyrdom’), and also Hava1899 still has mentions ‘battlefield’. 
waṭan, ↗waṭana
waṭan, ↗waṭana
mawṭin al-ḍuʕf, n., soft or sore spot; weak spot, weakness.
waḍaʕa yada-hū ʕalà mawṭin al-ʕillaẗ, expr., to lay one’s finger on an open sore, touch a sore spot.
al-mawṭin al-waḍīʕ, n., the lowest point, the low mark, the bottom.

muwāṭin مُواطِن , pl. ‑ūn 
ID 925 • Sw – • BP 327 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n., C 
countryman, compatriot, fellow citizen – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ A PA III, coined from ↗waṭan. As »the modern Arabic word for ‘citizen’, in the legal sense of the term (meaning ‘one holding the citizenship or nationality of a sovereign state’)«, the term »was coined around the turn of the 20th century from ↗waṭan — initially a place of residence and, by extension, a country or patrie3
18.. … 
See above, section CONC, above. 
A PA III, coined from ↗waṭan
muwāṭin ʕālamī, n., world citizen.

Cf. also:
BP#3606muwāṭanaẗ, n.f., citizenship: vn. III.
mustawṭanaẗ مُسْتَوْطَنَة , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP 3811 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n.f., C 
settlement, colony – WehrCowan1979. 
The word is derived from vb. X, ↗ĭstawṭana. It can be interpreted as a PP f. X (‘[spot, city, etc.] which was chosen/made to be a ↗waṭan, i.e., a place to settle and live’) or a singulative (n.un.) of a n.loc. X (‘place that was chosen as waṭan ’, hence: ‘colony’). Given the fact that ‘place to stay, settle, live’ is already expressed in the old n.loc. I, ↗mawṭin, it is clear that the term was coined to express more specific, a technical term needed to address particularly the phenomenon of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories. This assumption is corroborated by the fact that WehrCowan1976 does not yet mention the term (although there is ĭstīṭān); so it seems to have come up only after the mid-1970s. 
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waṭana, ↗waṭan
waṭana, ↗waṭan
mustawṭanaẗ zirāʕiyyaẗ, n.f., agricultural collective, kibbutz (in Israel) 
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