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mawṭin مَوْطِن , pl. mawāṭinᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 4087 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n., C 
residence, domicile; habitat; native place, home town, home; native country, home country, fatherland; place, locality, area, region, section, district, zone; point, spot; right place; right time – WehrCowan1979. 
n.loc. of vb. I, ↗waṭana
▪ eC7 mawṭin (place where battles are fought, battlefield (also battles, by extension) Q 9:25 la-qad naṣara-kumu ’ḷḷāhu fī mawāṭina kaṯīratin ‘God has helped you [believers] in many battlefields’.
▪ The old value of ‘battlefield’ is almost lost in MSA. Wahrmund1887 still gives ‘Schlachtfeld wo Märtyrer fielen; Märtyrerthum’ (= Steingass1884: ‘battlefield where martyrs fell; martyrdom’), and also Hava1899 still has mentions ‘battlefield’. 
waṭan, ↗waṭana
waṭan, ↗waṭana
mawṭin al-ḍuʕf, n., soft or sore spot; weak spot, weakness.
waḍaʕa yada-hū ʕalà mawṭin al-ʕillaẗ, expr., to lay one’s finger on an open sore, touch a sore spot.
al-mawṭin al-waḍīʕ, n., the lowest point, the low mark, the bottom.

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