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wahab‑ وَهَبَ , yahabu (wahb
ID … • Sw – • BP 4449 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to give, donate; to grant, accord; to present; to endow – WehrCowan1979. 
From Sem *w˅h˅b‑ ‘to give’. 
▪ eC7 Out of the 4 values the root WHB shows in ClassAr according to Badawi2008 – ‘1. gift, donation, to give freely, to bestow; 2. to last; 3. to possess; 4. small stream’ – the Koran has only the first, cf. ‘to grant, to give freely, to bestow’, as in Q 19:19 li-ʔahiba la-ki ġulāman zakiyyan ‘to grant you a pure boy’, and ‘one who is given to bestowing favours’, as in Q 3:8 al-wahhāb ‘the Ever-Giving’ (an attribute of God). No other values given in Polosin1995 either. 
DRS 6 (1996)#WHB: Hbr *yahab : hab, hābā (impér.) ‘donne!’, yəhab ‘fardeau, charge’, JP yəhab ‘donner, mettre, placer’, yəhᵃbat, yəhābīt ‘don, part’, yəhābā ‘charge’, Syr ya(h)b, yihab, Mand ɛhab, nAram app, appi, nSyr yāwil ‘donner’, Nab Palm yhb ‘déposer, placer’, mwhbh ‘don, donation’, Ar wahaba ‘donner’, hibaẗ, mawhab, mawhabaẗ, mawhibaẗ ‘don’, wāhib ‘donateur’, wahhāb ‘donateur; généreux, libéral’, ʔawhaba (li‑) ‘demeurer, rester (à qn)’, Ṣaf hb, Tham hbn (impér.) ‘donne!’, whb, hb ‘don’, Daṯ habā ‘donner’, HispAr hiba ‘dot’, SAr whb ‘donner concéder’, ythb ‘recevoir’, hbt, mwhbt ‘don’, Soq habu, hibo ‘donne!, donnez!’, weheb ‘généreux’, Gz wahaba, habt, habhab ‘don’, Te haba, Tña habä, Arg hawa, Gaf Gur wabä, Tña wähabi, Amh wabi ‘qui donne, généreux’, Gaf yəb ‘généreux’, Amh habt ‘bonne chance, fortune’, habtam ‘fortuné, riche’; ? wub ‘beau, gracieux’, täwabä ‘être beau, gracieux’. — Outside Sem: En Cush, de nombreuses langues présentent, avec le sens de ‘donner’, des formes qui ont été rapprochées de celles du sémitique: Bed hi(w), Ag Bil uw, Demb Qw yuw, Sa ʕAf uw. — Faut-il rapprocher aussi l’Eg qui atteste h3b dont le sens est ‘envoyer’?
▪ In addition to the Sem forms (as in DRS), TB2007 mentions, as cognate outside Sem, (WChad) Sura hwɔ́p ‘to borrow’, and perhaps also OEg h3b ‘to send’ (but this is doubtful since the function of ‑3‑ is not clear; rather < *hrb), and (Berb) Ahg hub-ǝt, Ayr hub-ǝt ‘to drag, pull along’. 
DRS 6 (1996)#WHB: En Ug, on relève la forme mhbn comme épithète du dieu Rašap. — Many consider the root √WHB to have developed from √ʔHB (cf. Ar ʔuhbaẗ ‘équipement) [references given]. — Certain formes in modSAr (weheb ‘generous’), as well as Tna wähabi seem to be borrowed from Ar.
▪ TB2007 reconstructs Sem *w˅h˅b‑ ‘to give’, from AfrAs *h˅wab‑ ‘to give, send’, with initial *h˅w, not (as in Sem) *w˅h‑, evidently for now other reason than the possibility of a WChad parallel that is reconstructed as WChad *hwab‑ ‘to borrow’. Given that the latter is based on evidence in only 1 language (and OEg h3b ‘to send’ and Berb *hub‑ ‘to drag, pull along’ are not necessarily related), the AfrAs reconstruction seems rather weak. 
wahabat ‑hu min ḏāti nafsihā, vb.f., she gave herself unreservedly to him.
hab, vb.imp., suppose that…, assuming that…
hab-nī faʕaltu, vb.imp., suppose I had done it.

ʔawhaba, vb. IV, to give, present: ints. of vb. I, or denom. from hibaẗ ?
ĭstawhaba, vb. X, to request as a gift: requestative (denom. from hibaẗ ?)
BP#4067hibaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., gift, present, donation, grant. | ʕaqd al-hibaẗ, n., deed of gift.
wahbaẗ, n.f., tip, gratuity: n.un. of vn. I.
wahhābī, n., Wahabite; adj., Wahabi: nsb-adj from ʕAbd al-Wahhāb, PN of the founder of the W. sect.
al-wahhābiyyaẗ, n.abstr., Wahabiism: abstr. in aẗ from ʕAbd al-Wahhāb, PN of the founder of the W. sect.
BP#3022mawhibaẗ, var. mawhabaẗ, pl. mawāhibᵘ, gift; talent:.
ʔīhāb, donation, grant(ing): vn. IV.
wāhib, n., giver, donor: PA I.
mawhūb, adj., given, granted; gifted; talented: PP I. | mawhūb lahū, n., recipient of a gilt or grant, donee. 

WHǦ وهج 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 22May2023
▪ WHǦ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ WHǦ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ WHǦ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘intense midday heat; to burn brightly, blaze; to glitter, glimmer, twinkle, sparkle; (of scent) to waft about’ 
▪ … 
WHN وهن 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 22May2023
▪ WHN_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ WHN_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ WHN_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to be weak, be feeble, be infirm, be languid, be lethargic; the last hours of the night’ 
▪ … 
WHY وهي 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 27Feb2023
▪ WHY_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ WHY_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ WHY_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘crack, weakness, to slacken, to collapse, to fall down, to become frayed; to act foolishly’ 
▪ … 
WYL ويل 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 21May2023
▪ WYL_1 ‘(interj.)’ ↗wayl
▪ WYL_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ WYL_3 ‘...’ ↗... 
▪ … 
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