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YD يد 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ YD_1 ‘hand’ ↗yad
▪ YD_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘hand, palm, forearm, handle, to be handy, possession; unity, power, assistance; to give, favour; to have influence on others; to scatter’ 
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ Engl iota, jot, yodh, akin to Ar ↗yad
yad يَد , pl. ʔaydin (def. al‑ʔaydī), ʔayādin (def. al‑ʔayādī
ID 943 • Sw 48/66 • BP 148 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
hand; foreleg; handle; power, control, influence, authority; assistance, help, aid; (Isl.Law) (personal) possession, actual control; benefit; favor – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2015 (Sw#37): from protSem *yad‑ ‘hand’ (SED I #291).
▪ »Selon les langues et les dialectes, le mot peut signaler, outre la ‘main’ proprement dite, l’avant-bras ou le bras, […] ‘du bout des doigts à l’épaule’. – Le nom de la ‘main’, comme ceux d’autres parties du corps, est, dans de nombreuses langues sémitiques, à la base de valeurs et de formes dérivées, de mots outils, prépositions etc.« (DRS 10 (2012)). 
▪ … 
DRS 10 (2012)#YD: Akk id ‘bras, côté, bord; aile’, Ug yd ‘main’, Hbr yād ‘avant-bras, main, côté, rive; part, possession; force’, Phn yd, EmpAram Nab Palm yd, BiblAram yᵊdā, Syr ʔīdā ‘main; côté; pouvoir’, Liḥ yd ‘main, pouvoir’, Sab yd ‘main; part; allégeance, loyalisme’, Mhr Ḥrṣ ḥayd, Soq ʔəd, əʔəd, Jib ed, Gz ʔəd, Te ʔəde, Tña ʔid, Amh ʔəǧǧ, Har iǧi, Arg ənǧ, Gur äǧ, ənǧi ‘main’; Ug yd ‘avec’, Phn Pun bd ‘par l’intermédiaire de’.
▪ Bergsträsser1928: Akk īdu, Hbr yāḏ, Aram īḏ.ā, Gz ed ‘hand, arm, side’.
▪ Elmedlaoui 2012: For Sem yad ‘hand’ cf. Berb ta-yd-t ‘arm’. 
▪ From Sem *yad‑ ‘hand’ (Fronzaroli#2.79 ‘arm (with the hand)’).
▪ ….
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl iota, jot, from Grk iōta ‘iota’; yodh, from Hbr yōd ‘yodh’; both from Phoen *yōd ‘hand, tenth letter of the Phoen alphabet’, cf. Ar yad.
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl Betelgeuse, ultimately from Ar yad al-ǧawzāʔ ‘hand of Gemini’, from yad ‘hand’. 
BP#4671yadawī, adj., manual, by hand: nsb-adj.
YRʕ يرع
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 27Jul2023
▪ YRʕ_1 ‘to be a coward, be chickenhearted’ ↗yariʕa (with ³yarāʕ ‘coward’)
▪ YRʕ_2 ‘reed; reed pen, (writing) pen’ ↗¹yarāʕ (n.un. ¹yarāʕaẗ, obs. also ‘reed pipe, clarinet’)
▪ YRʕ_3 ‘glowworm, firefly’ ↗²yarāʕ (n.un. ²yarāʕaẗ, obs. also ‘Cicindela; mosquito, gnat’)

Other values, now obsolete, include (Hava1899) :

YRʕ_4 ‘young calf’ : yarʕ
YRʕ_5 ‘ostrich’ : yarāʕaẗ
▪ [gnrl] : The root √YRʕ displays an amazing variety of values for which it seems difficult to find a common denominator. We may distinguish 5 main ideas, of which only [v1] and [v2] may be connected (see next paragraph).
▪ Nöldeke1910 (NBSS) 206 thought [v1] *‘cowardness’ was fig. use based on [v2] ‘reed, cane’, a cowardly person being as weak and submissive as reed bowing under the wind. – Cf., however, verbal cognates for [v1] given in DRS 7 (see below, section COGN).
▪ [v1] : DRS lists yariʕa ‘to be a coward, be chickenhearted’ twice : once in entry DRS 10 (2012) #YRʕ-4 (without mentioning any cognates), and earlier in DRS 7 (1997) #WRʔ/ʕ~YRʔ/ʕ-1 where it is listed as cognate with (Ug), Hbr items as well as Ar parallels from √WRʕ meaning ‘to fear, shy away from’, perh. also with another group, #WRʔ/ʕ~YRʔ/ʕ-2 (see below, section COGN), about the belonging of which the authors express some doubt (»?«).
▪ [v2] = DRS #YRʕ-3 : ¹yarāʕ ‘reed; reed pen, (writing) pen’ : etymology obscure.
▪ [v3] = DRS #YRʕ-2 : ²yarāʕ ‘glowworm, firefly’, ²yarāʕaẗCicindela; mosquito, gnat’ : cognates in Aram, but elso without furthur etymology.
[v4] = DRS #YRʕ-5 : yarʕ ‘young calf’: prob. metathesis of likewise obsol. yaʕr ‘goat, goat thrown into a pit to attrack lions or wolves’ which has cognates in Hbr and Te as well as outside Sem, all (accord. to MilitarevKogan2005 SED II #248) from AfrAs *w/yaʕr‑ / *w/yarʕ‑ ‘(young of) ungulate’ (≙ OrelStolbova1994 HSED #1112 AfrAs *ʕor‑ ‘goat’).
[v5] yarāʕaẗ ‘ostrich’: etymology obscure; prob. related to [v1] (ostrich as *‘coward’) or [v2] (likening the ostrich’s long neck to a ‘reed’).

▪ [gnrl] DRS 10 (2012) #YRʕ-1 Hbr yᵉrīʕā, TargAram yərīʕtā, Syr yārīʕtā ‘toile de tente, étoffe de tente’.1 -2 yarrīʕā, Ar yarāʕ ‘ver luisant; sorte de cousin (insecte)’. -3 yarāʕaẗ ‘roseau pour écrire (taillé ou encore non taillé)’; yarāʕaẗ ‘clarinette’. -4 Ar yariʕa ‘être poltron’. -5 yarʕ ‘veau’.
▪ [v1] DRS 7 (1997) #WRʔ/ʕ~YRʔ/ʕ-1 Ug *yrʔ, Hbr yārēʔ ‘craindre’, *yāraʕ ‘trembler, manquer de courage’, EmpAram yrʕ ‘faire tort à’, JudPalAram yaraʕ ‘désespérer’, Ar wariʕa ‘être pieux, craignant Dieu, faible, peureux’, waraʕ ‘crainte pieuse, piété’, waraʕa ‘s’abstenir des choses illicites’, warraʕa, ʔawraʕa ‘détourner des choses illicites’, yariʕa ‘être peureux, poltron’, yarāʕ, waraʕ ‘poltron; faible, petit’, HispAr *wāriʕ ‘chaste’.2 -?2 Ar waraʔa ‘repousser, pousser violemment’,3 warraʕa ‘ramener (le troupeau) de l’abreuvoir’, wāraʕa ‘discuter’, warraʕa, ʔawraʕa, tawarraʕa ‘repousser, s’interposer’; HispAr warraʕ ‘effrayer’, tawarraʕ ‘craindre’, ʕOmAr warraʕ ‘ramener (bêtes, gens)’, Sab hwrʕ ‘intimider, arrêter, repousser; (faire) revenir’, Mhr həwrā ‘faire revenir, ramener (bêtes, gens); tenir à l’écart (les mauvais esprits)’, Ḥrs awrā ‘ramener (le bétail) au soir’, Te wära ‘menacer, battre’; ? wärʕ ‘eau bénite, magique’, wärʕa ‘asperger (d’eau bénite, magique)’; ? Tña wəruʕ ‘vaniteux’. -3-6 ....
[v4] : if metathesis of yaʕr ‘goat, goat thrown into a pit to attrack lions or wolves’, then compare (with MilitarevKogan2005 SED II #248), Hbr yaʕᵃrā ‘kid’ and Te warʕe ‘mountain-goat’ ; outside Sem : Eg (Med) ʕr ‘goat’, (WCh) Montol Gerka ur, Kulere war ‘he-goat’, (ECh) Lele ōrē ‘goats’, (NOmot) Male wari ‘goat’ ....
▪ [v1] : Kogan2015: 315 #76: Ug yrʔ ‘to be afraid’, Hbr yrʔ ‘to fear’ : »There is no immediate etymological parallel to protCan *yrʔ ‘to be afraid,’ which, at least in Hbr, has become the basic verb with this meaning. Hypothetical cognates (DRS 483, 615‒616) involve either metathesis (Ar wʔr ‘to frighten’) or consonantal variation (↗wrʕ ‘to fear’).«


yariʕ‑ يَرِعَ , a (yaraʕ)
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 27Jul2023
vb., I
to be a coward, be chickenhearted – WehrCowan1976
▪ The root √YRʕ displays an amazing variety of values for which it seems difficult to find a common denominator. Nöldeke1910 (NBSS) 206 thought *‘cowardness’ was fig. use based on ↗¹yarāʕ ‘reed, cane’ (itself of unknown etymology), a cowardly person being as weak and submissive as reed bowing under the wind. – Cf., however, the other verbal cognates suggested in DRS 7 (see below, section COGN).
DRS lists yariʕa twice : once in entry DRS 10 (2012) #YRʕ-4 (without mentioning any cognates), and earlier in DRS 7 (1997) #WRʔ/ʕ~YRʔ/ʕ-1 where it is listed as cognate with Ug, Hbr items as well as Ar parallels from √WRʕ meaning ‘to fear, shy away from’, perh. also with another group, #WRʔ/ʕ~YRʔ/ʕ-2 (see below, section COGN), about the belonging of which the authors express some doubt (»?«).
▪ A relation to ↗²yarāʕ ‘glowworm, firefly’ (historically also Cicindela; mosquito, gnat’) is unlikely.
▪ Any connection betw. ↗YRʕ_4 yarʕ ‘young calf’ and *‘cowardness’ ?
▪ ↗YRʕ_5 yarāʕaẗ ‘ostrich’ may be related to yariʕa, the animal being seen as the *‘coward’.
▪ ...
DRS 10 (2012) #YRʕ-4 Ar yariʕa ‘être poltron’.
DRS 7 (1997) #WRʔ/ʕ~YRʔ/ʕ-1 Ug *yrʔ, Hbr yārēʔ ‘craindre’, *yāraʕ ‘trembler, manquer de courage’, EmpAram yrʕ ‘faire tort à’, JudPalAram yaraʕ ‘désespérer’, Ar wariʕa ‘être pieux, craignant Dieu, faible, peureux’, waraʕ ‘crainte pieuse, piété’, waraʕa ‘s’abstenir des choses illicites’, warraʕa, ʔawraʕa ‘détourner des choses illicites’, yariʕa ‘être peureux, poltron’, yarāʕ, waraʕ ‘poltron; faible, petit’, HispAr *wāriʕ ‘chaste’.4 -?2 Ar waraʔa ‘repousser, pousser violemment’,5 warraʕa ‘ramener (le troupeau) de l’abreuvoir’, wāraʕa ‘discuter’, warraʕa, ʔawraʕa, tawarraʕa ‘repousser, s’interposer’; HispAr warraʕ ‘effrayer’, tawarraʕ ‘craindre’, ʕOmAr warraʕ ‘ramener (bêtes, gens)’, Sab hwrʕ ‘intimider, arrêter, repousser; (faire) revenir’, Mhr həwrā ‘faire revenir, ramener (bêtes, gens); tenir à l’écart (les mauvais esprits)’, Ḥrs awrā ‘ramener (le bétail) au soir’, Te wära ‘menacer, battre’; ? wärʕ ‘eau bénite, magique’, wärʕa ‘asperger (d’eau bénite, magique)’; ? Tña wəruʕ ‘vaniteux’. -3-6 ....
▪ ...
▪ Kogan2015: 315 #76: Ug yrʔ ‘to be afraid’, Hbr yrʔ ‘to fear’ : »There is no immediate etymological parallel to protCan *yrʔ ‘to be afraid,’ which, at least in Hbr, has become the basic verb with this meaning. Hypothetical cognates (DRS 483, 615‒616) involve either metathesis (Ar wʔr ‘to frighten’) or consonantal variation (↗wrʕ ‘to fear’).«

yarāʕ, n./adj., 1 ↗¹yarāʕ; 2 ↗²yarāʕ; 3 coward; cowardly

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗¹yarāʕ and ↗²yarāʕ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√YRʕ.
¹yarāʕ يَراع
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 27Jul2023
1a cane, reed; b reed pen; 2 ↗²yarāʕ; 3 coward; cowardly – WehrCowan1976
▪ ¹yarāʕ ‘reed; reed pen, (writing) pen’, historically also attested as ¹yarāʕaẗ ‘reed pipe, clarinet’, is of unknown origin – no cognates identified by DRS 10 (2012) #YRʕ-3.
▪ Nöldeke1910 (NBSS) 206 thought that ↗yariʕa ‘to be cowardly, faint-hearted’ (cf. [v3] was fig. use based on ¹yarāʕ ‘reed, cane’, a cowardly person being as weak and submissive as reed bowing under the wind.
▪ Relation betw. ¹yarāʕ ‘reed, etc.’ and [v2] ↗²yarāʕ ‘glowworm, firefly’ (hist. also ²yarāʕaẗCicindela; mosquito, gnat’) rather unlikely.
▪ Unlikely also a relation betw. ¹yarāʕ ‘reed, etc.’ and yarʕ ‘young calf’ (↗YRʕ_4) as well as yarāʕaẗ ‘ostrich’ (↗YRʕ_5). Or is the ostrich perh. called *‘reed, cane’ on account of its long neck?
▪ ...
▪ Hava1899, DRS : ¹yarāʕaẗ attested also as ‘reed pipe, clarinet’.
▪ ...
DRS 10 (2012) #YRʕ-3 yarāʕaẗ ‘roseau pour écrire (taillé ou encore non taillé)’; yarāʕaẗ ‘clarinette’.
DRS 7 (1997) #WRʔ/ʕ~YRʔ/ʕ-1 Ug *yrʔ, Hbr yārēʔ ‘craindre’, *yāraʕ ‘trembler, manquer de courage’ ...; Nöldeke[1910] NBSS 206 : »Täuschend ist noch die Ähnlichkeit von ↗wariʕa ‘scheu s.’ in mancherlei Formen und Bedeutungsnuancen mit ↗yarāʕ oder yarāʕaẗ ‘Feigling’ […], denn da haben wir das bekannte Wort, das ‘Rohr’ bedeutet und das als Bild für dem schwachen, feigen Menschen gebraucht wird. […] Wenn das Abstraktum yaraʕ ‘Feigheit’ (Qāmūs) echt ist, so ist es erst von yarāʕ in dieser Bedeutung gebildet.«.
▪ ...
▪ See above, section CONC.

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗yariʕa and ↗²yarāʕ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√YRʕ.
²yarāʕ يَراع
ID – • Sw – • BP 7106 • APD … • © SG | 27Jul2023
n.coll. (n.un. ‑aẗ)
1 ↗¹yarāʕ; 2 glowworm, firefly; 3 ↗¹yarāʕ, ↗yariʕa – WehrCowan1976
▪ The root √YRʕ displays an amazing variety of values for which it seems difficult to find a common denominator though the identity of words like yarāʕ, used at the same time for ‘reed, cane’, ‘coward’ and ‘glowworm’, etc. raises suspicion about a possible belonging together. Until now, however, such a belonging together seems hard to prove or reject. For instance, the etymology of ²yarāʕ ‘glowworm, firefly’ (historically attested also ²yarāʕaẗCicindela; mosquito, gnat’) remains as obscure as that of the homonymous items. The fact that this entry’s ²yarāʕ has cognates in Aram does not help much to sort out things : In addition to ↗¹yarāʕ ‘reed, cane’ (hence also yarāʕaẗ ‘reed pipe, clarinet’) and ↗³yarāʕ ‘coward’ we find also yarʕ ‘young calf’ (↗YRʕ_4) and yarāʕaẗ ‘ostrich’ (↗YRʕ_5). What would the ²yarāʕ ‘glowworm, firefly’ have in common with all these?
▪ ...
▪ ...
DRS 10 (2012) #YRʕ-2 Syr yarrīʕā, Ar yarāʕ ‘ver luisant; sorte de cousin (insecte)’.
▪ ...
▪ See above, section CONC.
▪ ...

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗yariʕa and ↗¹yarāʕ, as well as, for the overall picture, root entry ↗√YRʕ. 
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