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ḫāʔ خاء 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
The letter of the Arabic alphabet. 
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ḪBʔ خبأ 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪBʔ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪBʔ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪBʔ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘(there is a degree of overlap between this root and the root ḫ-b-w) to hide, to keep in safety, to treasure; secrets, treasure; woollen tents for living in, shelter’ 
▪ … 
ḪBT خبت 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪBT_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪBT_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪBT_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘wide low land, deep valley covered with herbage; to subside, abate, lie low; to become humble, show humility, feel tenderness in one’s heart’ 
▪ … 
ḪBR خبر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḪBR_1 (= DRS #ḪBR-2) ‘to try, test, experience; to have tried, experienced, know by experience; to get to know thoroughly; information, news, intelligence’ ↗ḫabara
▪ ḪBR_2 ‘cotter, peg, pin, wedge’ ↗ḫābūr

Other values, now obsolete or dialectal only, include (cf. Lane, Wahrmund1886, Hava1899, DRS 10 2012):
  • ḪBR_3 ‘große Reisetasche für Proviant’ (big bag for traveler’s provision): ḫabr (pl. ḫubūr) ~ ḫibr, ḫabrāʔ ; whence also (fig. use?): ‘plenty of young camels yielding much milk’.
  • ḪBR_4 (= DRS #ḪBR-7) ‘portion, ration’: ḫubraẗ (pl. ḫubar). Hence (?) also ‘sheep bought (and shared by a group of people) for being slaughtered; food; large bowl (in which a kind of soup is served, shared); provisions of a traveller’; MġrAr muḫābara ‘bail à portion de céréales dans lequel le cultivateur fournit les semences’.
  • ḪBR_5 (= DRS #ḪBR-5) ‘endroit où l’eau stagne et croupit’: ḫabraẗ, ḫabiraẗ, ḫabrāʔ . Hence also (ʔarḍ) ḫabiraẗ ‘soil/field with lote-tree’, (ʔarḍ) ḫabrāʔ (pl. ḫibār, ḫabārà, ḫabārī, ḫabrāwāt) ‘field with lote-trees’ > ‘lote-tree’ (also ḫabr).
  • ḪBR_6 ‘soft soil, soil with holes’: ḫabār, meaning also ‘burrow of a mole’. > denom. vb. ḫabira a ‘viele Mauslöcher (ḫabār) haben (Boden)’.
  • ḪBR_7 ‘the lion’: al-ḫabūr .
  • ḪBR_8 ‘seed-produce’: ḫabīr . (Cf. also ↗ḫabara as well as ḪBR_9 and ḪBR_10 below.)
  • ḪBR_9 ‘camel’s hair’: ḫabīr . (Cf. also ↗ḫabara, ḪBR_8, ḪBR_10.)
  • ḪBR_10 ‘foam of the mouth of a camel’: ḫabīr . (Cf. also ↗ḫabara as well as ḪBR_8 and ḪBR_9 above.)
  • ḪBR_11 (= DRS #ḪBR-3) part of the loom: ḫabbir .
  • ḪBR_12 ‘mantilla’: ḫabbāraẗ .
  • ḪBR_13 (= DRS #ḪBR-8) ‘tomber (feuilles, fruits de l’arbre)’: YemAr ḫabar .
  • ḪBR_14 ‘planta quaedam (Freytag1830), elder-tree (Hava1899), elder-berry (id., al-Mawrid 1995)’: ḫābūr . – ? (= DRS #ḪBR-9) MġrAr ḫābōr ‘genêt d’Espagne’ (spartium, Spanish broom), ḫābōre ‘jaune de la couleur de ces genêts’?
  • ḪBR_15 ‘black snake’: ḫaybarà .
BAH2008: ‘1 experience, to experience, expert, to be informed; 2 to inform, news, to seek information; 3 to test; 4 sense, intrinsic, the inner self’ 
Out of the 10 values DRS lists for the root ḪBR in Sem, only 1 or 2 are relevant for MSA, another 5 are obsolete or dialectal only. Most of the ḪBR items of MSA belong to ḪBR_1 (= DRS #ḪBR-2), while ḪBR_2 (ḫābūr ‘peg, pin, wedge’), obviously a loanword, unless belonging to the complex of Sem ‘to join, unite, associate’ (treated as #ḪBR-1 in DRS) or a somehow fig. use of the word for a plant (of obscure etymology, this one too), perhaps is of Akk origin. 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪBR-1 Akk ḫabāru ‘rassembler’, ḫibr- ‘clan’, Ug ḫbr ‘communauté?’, ḥbr [ḥ] ‘compagnon’, Hbr ḥābar ‘être uni, joint’, ḥäbrā ‘compagnie, association’, ḥabēr, Nab ḥbr ‘compagnon, camarade’, JP ḥabber ‘joindre, lier’, Syr ḥabbar ‘s’associer’, Gz ḫabara, ḫabra ‘être associé, s’associer, rejoindre, s’accorder, conspirer’. -2 Ar ḫabara ‘éprouver par expérience’, ḫabura ‘être bien informé, savoir pertinemment’, ḫabbara ‘informer, annoncer’, SAr Mhr ḫəbūr, Jib ḫōr ‘examiner quelqu’un’, Jib oḫōr ‘dire les mots de salutation’, ḫotbər ‘se saluer’, Ḥrs ḫebōr ‘savoir, demander des nouvelles’, Soq ḥəbor ‘sonder, mesurer; donner la nouvelle d’un décès’, ḥéyber ‘être limité’, maḥber ‘limite’. -3 Akk ḫabāru ‘faire du bruit’, ḫubūr- ‘bruit, tapage’. – ? Gz ḫəbr ‘incantation, sorcellerie’. – ? Ar ḫabbir : une partie du métier à tisser. -4 Akk ḫabāru ‘être épais’, ḫabbart - ‘vêtements épais?’, ‘vieux vêtements?’. -5 Akk ḫibarīt- ‘terrain marécageux’, Ar ḫabraẗ, ḫabiraẗ, ḫabrāʔ ‘endroit où l’eau stagne et croupit’. -6 Akk ḫabbur - : sorte de vin. -7 Ar ḫubraẗ ‘portion, ration’, MġrAr muḫābara ‘bail à portion de céréales dans lequel le cultivateur fournit les semences’, Gz ḫəbr ‘portion de terrain’. -8 YemAr ḫabar ‘tomber (feuilles, fruits de l’arbre)’. -9 MġrAr ḫābōr ‘genêt d’Espagne’, ḫābōre ‘jaune de la couleur de ces genêts’. -10 Akk ḫuburt- ‘écorce de roseau?’, ‘jeune fille’. 
▪ ḪBR_1: DRS distinguishes this value (= #ḪBR-2) from that of ‘to assemble, join, associate’ (= #ḪBR-1), while Klein1987 treats the two as belonging together (in entry on Hbr √ḤBR). The latter value does not seem to be represented in Ar (unless ḪBR_2 one day should turn out to be related, see below). – According to DRS, »les verbes ‘saluer’ sont délocutifs de Mhr ḫəbōr? ‘(quelles) nouvelles?’ (< ʔaḫbār, pl. de ḫəbēr […])«.
▪ ḪBR_2: The value ‘cotter, peg, pin, wedge’ is not found in the usual dictionaries of ClassAr (Freytag1830, Kazimirski, Lane, BustānīMuḥīṭ); there, ḫābūr is only ‘a certain plant’ (Freytag1830), a tree (Bustānī), identified however by Hava1899 as ‘elder-tree’ and by DRS (in MġrAr) as ‘genêt d’Espagne’ (see ḪBR_14, below).1 The fāʕūl form would suggest that we are dealing with a loanword, but the source remains obscure so far. Should we assume Akk (lBab, neoBab) ḫabburu (var. ḫaburru, ḫabūru ḫabbaru) ‘(green) shoot, stalk’ (CAD), in itself a Sum (?) loanword,2 to be the etymon? A direct loan cannot per se be excluded, but a borrowing via Aram would be more common. However, given that the word is not mentioned in ClassAr dictionaries and only seems to appear at rather late stage in the history of the language would make us doubt the Akk hypothesis. The item is neither mentioned by Fraenkel1886 nor Zimmern1914. The first attestation found so far is in Hava1899, where it is said to be LevAr. But, as evidenced by BadawiHinds1986, it is also an EgAr item: ḫā̆būr (pl. ḫawā̆bīr) ‘wedge, wooden peg or plug’;3 and both WehrCowan1979 and Baalbaki1995 (al-Mawrid) list it as a MSA item. If Akk ḫabburu ‘(green) shoot, stalk’ should have to be excluded and if the meaning ‘peg, pin, wedge’ is not just a development, however unlikely, from the homonymous ḫābūr ‘certain plant, elder-tree, spartium’ (ḪBR_14) (*used as peg, pin, wedge?), should we then assume a relation to Sem ḪBR (DRS #ḪBR-1) ‘to assemble, join, connect, associate’? Rather unlikely either.4
▪ ḪBR_3: identical with / belonging to ḪBR_4 (= DRS #ḪBR-7)?
▪ ḪBR_4 (= DRS #ḪBR-7): includes perh. ḪBR_3.
▪ ḪBR_5 (= DRS #ḪBR-5): According to DRS, von Soden relates this item to Sem KBR as well as to Akk ḫamāru ‘(se) dessécher’ (cf. Ar ḫamira ‘changer, subir un changement’).
▪ ḪBR_6: no further information available.
▪ ḪBR_7: probably fig. use of some of the other items, but which?
▪ ḪBR_8-10: the values ‘seed-produce’, ‘camel’s hair’, and ‘foam of the mouth of a camel’ come in addition to the more common values of ḫabīr such as ‘aware; omniscient (God)’ (ḪBR_1, ↗ḫabara); a case of homonymy or fig. use? – the semantics are highly confusing here.
▪ ḪBR_11 (= DRS #ḪBR-3) ḫabbir, a part of the loom: according to DRS, CAD »semble expliquer le nom d’une ‘partie du métier à tisser’ par le bruit qu’elle provoque. – Pour le Gz, le rapport avec l’Akk est supposé par Finkelstein JBL 75/328 qui le justifie par le fait que l’enchanteur émet des sons.«
▪ ḪBR_12: no further information available.
▪ ḪBR_13 (= DRS #ḪBR-8): no further information available.
▪ ḪBR_14 ‘elder-tree (Hava1899), elder-berry (id., al-Mawrid 1995)’: ḫābūr. – For Freytag1830, this is just ‘some kind of plant’ (planta quaedam). But is it the same as the one called ḫābōr in DRS (#ḪBR-9), marked MġrAr there and identified as ‘genêt d’Espagne’ (spartium, Spanish broom) (whence also ḫābōre ‘jaune de la couleur de ces genêts’)? Cf. also (CAD) Akk (lBab) ḫubūru C ‘(a plant)’. – For a possible relation (or identity?) with ḪBR_2, see above s.v.
▪ ḪBR_15: no further information available.
▪ See ↗ḫabar
ḫabar‑ خَبَرَ , u (ḫubr , ḫibraẗ
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1 to try, test; to experience; 2 to have tried, have experienced, know by experience; 3 to get to know thoroughly, know well – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Inside Sem, the value ‘to try, test, experience’ for the root ḪBR is attested only for Ar and modSAr. Semantics partially overlapping with ↗ḤBR and ↗BḤR.
▪ Any relation with Sem ḪBR ‘to assemble, join, associate’, a value (treated in DRS as #ḪBR-1) that otherwise does not seem to be realized in Ar? For discussion, see “root”/disambiguation entry ↗ḪBR. 
▪ eC7 ḫubr (vn., used as adv.; knowledge of the internal secret state, understanding, comprehension) Q 18:91 ʔaḥaṭnā bi-mā laday-hi ḫubran ‘We encompassed all that he has in [Our] knowledge, We knew every thing about him’. – ḫabar 1 (item of news, tidings, report) Q 28:29 qāla li-ʔahli-hī ’mkuṯū ʔin-nī ʔānastu nāran laʕall-ī ʔātī-kum min-hā bi-ḫabarin ‘he said to his household, ‘Wait! I have caught sight of a fire, maybe I will bring you news from there’, 2 (record of affairs) Q 47:31 wa-la-nabluwanna-kum ḥattā naʕlama ’l-muǧāhidīna min-kum wa’l-ṣābirīna wa-nabluwa ʔaḫbāra-kum ‘We will try you till We know who strive hard among you and are steadfast; and We examine your record’. – ḫabīr (ints. PA) 1 (one who knows well, one in the know (in an interpretation of 35:14) wa-yawma ’l-qiyāmati yakfurūna bi-širki-kum wa-lā yunabbiʔu-ka miṯlu ḫabīrin ‘and on the Day of Judgement they will deny your associating [them with God] and none can inform you like someone in the know’, 2 (an attribute of God: the All-Knowing, All-Aware) Q 31:16 ʔinna ’llāha laṭīfun ḫabīrun ‘for God is All-Subtle and All-Aware’. 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪBR-2 Ar ḫabara ‘éprouver par expérience’, ḫabura ‘être bien informé, savoir pertinemment’, ḫabbara ‘informer, annoncer’, SAr Mhr ḫəbūr, Jib ḫōr ‘examiner quelqu’un’, Jib oḫōr ‘dire les mots de salutation’, ḫotbər ‘se saluer’, Ḥrs ḫebōr ‘savoir, demander des nouvelles’, Soq ḥəbor ‘sonder, mesurer; donner la nouvelle d’un décès’, ḥéyber ‘être limité’, maḥber ‘limite’. 
DRS distinguishes the value ‘to try, test, experience’ (= #ḪBR-2) from that of ‘to assemble, join, associate’ (= #ḪBR-1), while Klein1987 (in entry on Hbr √ḤBR) treats the two as belonging together. The value ‘to assemble, join, associate’ does not seem to be represented in Ar (unless ↗ḫābūr ‘peg, pin, wedge’ one day should turn out to be related, see s.v.).
▪ According to DRS, »les verbes ‘saluer’ [in modSAr] sont délocutifs de Mhr ḫəbōr? ‘(quelles) nouvelles?’ (< ʔaḫbār, pl. de ḫəbēr […])«.
▪ See ↗ḫabar
ḫabura u, vb. I, to know thoroughly (bi‑ or DO), be fully acquainted (bi‑ or DO with
BP#3894ḫabbara, vb. II, to notify, advise, apprise, inform, tell (s.o. bi‑ of or about): D-stem, caus.
ḫābara, vb. III, to write to (DO), address (s.o.), turn, appeal to, contact in writing; to communicate by telephone; to negotiate, treat, parley: L-stem, assoc., prob. denom. from ḫabar (*to direct a message to…).
BP#2683ʔaḫbara, vb. IV, to notify, inform, apprise, advise (s.o. bi‑ of), let know, tell (s.o. bi‑ about); to communicate, report, relate (to s.o. bi‑, tell (s.o. bi‑ Š-stem, caus.
taḫabbara, vb. V, to inquire (DO of s.o.), ask (s.o.): tD-stem.
taḫābara, vb. VI, 1 to inform one another, notify one another, keep one another informed; 2 to correspond, write each other; 3 to negotiate, treat, parley (maʕa with s.o., bi‑ about): tL-stem, recipr.
ĭḫtabara, vb. VIII, to explore (, search into, seek information about; to test, examine; to try, put to the test; to have tried, have experienced, know by experience; to know well:…
ĭstaḫbara, vb. X, to inquire (of s.o., ʕan about), ask (s.o. ʕan about): Št-stem, requestative.

ḫubr, n., knowledge; experience: could also serve as the etymon proper.
BP#285ḫabar, pl. ʔaḫbār, n., 1 news; information, intelligence; 2 report, communication, message; notification; 3 rumor; 4 story; 5 matter, affair; 6 (gram.) predicate of a nominal clause; 7 pl. annals | saʔala-hū ʕan ʔaḫbāri-hī, expr., to inquire of s.o. about s.o. else; kāna/daḫala fī ḫabari kāna, expr., to belong to the past, be passé, be no longer existent: could also serve as the etymon proper.
BP#1125ḫibraẗ, pl. ḫibarāt, n.f., experience (which s.o. has had); knowledge, skill resulting from experience: quasi-vn. | tabādul al-ḫibarāt, n., exchange of experience.
BP#1247ḫabīr, adj., 1 experienced, expert (bi‑ in); familiar, conversant, well-acquainted (bi‑ with), cognizant (bi‑ of): ints. quasi-PP; 2 al-~, the Knowing (one of the attributes of God); 3 (pl. ḫubarāʔᵘ), n., expert, specialist: nominalized adj. | ~ al-ḍarāʔib, n., tax expert, tax adviser. – Other values of ḫabīr, now obsolete (cf. ↗ḪBR): ‘4 seed-produce (ḪBR_8); 5 camel’s hair (ḪBR_9); 6 foam of the mouth of a camel (ḪBR_10)’.
maḫbar, n., 1 sense, intrinsic significance; 2 real message, sense, content (e.g., of a work of art; in contrast to its form); 3 inner nature of being, spirit and soul (of a person; in contrast to maẓhar external appearance); 4 (pl. maḫābirᵘ) laboratory : n.loc. (and fig. use).
miḫbār, pl. maḫābīrᵘ, n., test tube (chem.) : n.loc., neolog.
BP#2503muḫābaraẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., correspondence, (esp. written) information (in classified ads: al-~ bi-…, please write to…, please contact…), notice, notification, communication: vn. III | ~ tilifūniyyaẗ, n.f., telephone call, telephone conversation; ~ ḫāriǧiyyaẗ, n.f., long-distance call; ~ sirriyaẗ, n.f., secret communiqué; qalam al-muḫābarāt, n., or dāʔiraẗ al-muḫābarāt, n.f., intelligence bureau; wikālaẗ al-muḫābarāt al-markaziyyaẗ, n., Central Intelligence Agency, CIA; al-muḫābarāt al-ʕāmmaẗ,, General Intelligence (Jord.); al-~ ḥuḍūriyyan, expr., apply in person (in classified ads).
ʔiḫbār, n., 1 notification, information, communication, note, message; report; 2 indirect discourse, oratio obliqua (gram.): vn. IV.
ʔiḫbārī, adj., news-, information- (in compounds): nsb-adj. of preceding item.
ʔiḫbāriyyaẗ, n.f., denouncing, informing (against s.o.): abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ, from ʔiḫbār.
taḫābur, n., negotiation; correspondence; communication; intelligence contact (maʕa with a foreign power): vn. VI.
BP#2032ĭḫtibār, pl. ‑āt, n., 1 exploration, examination (of, by o.’s own experience, experimentally); 2 test; test item (of an examination); trial, probation, testing; 3 experience, empirical knowledge; practical experience: vn. VIII. | ~āt taḥrīriyyaẗ,, written tests; ~ ḏātī, n., self-probing, self-knowledge (through testing or experience); ʕalà sabīl al-~, adv., experimentally; taḥt al-~, adv., on probation, on trial; ḥuqūl al-~,, experimental fields; ~ buqaʕ al-ḥibr, n., Rorschach test (psych.); ~āt ʕalà ’l-ḥayawānāt,, animal tests.
ĭḫtibārī, adj., experimental; experiential; empirical: nsb-adj., from preceding item. | masraḥ ~, n., experimental theatre.
ĭḫtibāriyyaẗ, n.f., empiricism : abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ, from ĭḫtibār; neolog.
BP#3334ĭstiḫbār, pl. ‑āt, inquiry; pl., secret service, intelligence service: vn. X | dāʔiraẗ al-~āt,, information bureau.
muḫbir, pl. ‑ūn, 1 reporter; 2 detective; 3 informer, stool pigeon; 4 denouncer: PA IV.
muḫtabar, pl. ‑āt, laboratory: n.loc. VIII. | ~ luġaẗ, n., language laboratory; ~ faḍāʔ, n., space laboratory.
muḫtabarī, adj.: ʔabḥāṯ muḫtabariyyaẗ,, laboratory research; taǧārib ~,, laboratory experiments.

For another item of the root cf. ↗ḫābūr. For the whole picture see ↗ḪBR. 
ḫabar خَبَر , pl. ʔaḫbār 
ID … • Sw – • BP 285 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 news; information, intelligence; 2 report, communication, message; notification; 3 rumor; 4 story; 5 matter, affair; 6 (gram.) predicate of a nominal clause; 7 pl. annals – WehrCowan1979. 
(Resultative) quasi-vn. of vb. I, ↗ḫabara ‘to try, test, experience, get to know’. Could also be taken as the etymon proper of the complex treated under vb. I. 
▪ eC7 ḫabar 1 (item of news, tidings, report) Q 28:29 qāla li-ʔahli-hī ’mkuṯū ʔin-nī ʔānastu nāran laʕall-ī ʔātī-kum min-hā bi-ḫabarin ‘he said to his household, ‘Wait! I have caught sight of a fire, maybe I will bring you news from there’, 2 (record of affairs) Q 47:31 wa-la-nabluwanna-kum ḥattā naʕlama ’l-muǧāhidīna min-kum wa’l-ṣābirīna wa-nabluwa ʔaḫbāra-kum ‘We will try you till We know who strive hard among you and are steadfast; and We examine your record’. 
▪ See ↗ḫabara
See ↗ḫabara
▪ Lokotsch1927#763: Ar ḫabar ‘message, notification, information’ > Tu haber ‘id.’ > Rum habar, haber ‘worry, anxiety’; Bulg Serb haber, Serb habar ‘message, news’, Ru (dial.) xabar ‘advantage, profit; bribe’, xabarčij ‘messenger, courier’ [with Tu suffix -či, -ǧi, for occupations] > Ukr chabar ‘Sporteln’; Pol chabar ‘bribe’. 
saʔala-hū ʕan ʔaḫbāri-hī, expr., to inquire of s.o. about s.o. else
kāna/daḫala fī ḫabari kāna, expr., to belong to the past, be passé, be no longer existent: could also serve as the etymon proper.

For derivatives cf. ↗ḫabara
ḫibraẗ خِبْرة , pl. ḫibarāt 
ID … • Sw – • BP 1125 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 experience (which s.o. has had); 2 knowledge, skill resulting from experience – WehrCowan1979. 
Vn. of vb. I ↗ḫabara ‘to try, test, experience; to have tried, experienced, know by experience; to (get to) know thoroughly, know well’. 
▪ … 
▪ See ↗ḫabara
See ↗ḫabara
tabādul al-ḫibarāt, n., exchange of experience.

For related items cf. ↗ḫabara, ↗ḫabīr
ḫabīr خَبِير , pl. ḫubarāʔᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP 1247 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
adj., n. 
adj., 1 experienced, expert (bi‑ in); familiar, conversant, well-acquainted (bi‑ with), cognizant (bi‑ of); 2 al-~, adj./n., the Knowing (one of the attributes of God); 3 (pl. ḫubarāʔᵘ), n., expert, specialist – WehrCowan1979. – Other values of ḫabīr, now obsolete (cf. ↗ḪBR): ‘4 seed-produce (ḪBR_8); 5 camel’s hair (ḪBR_9); 6 foam of the mouth of a camel (ḪBR_10)’. 
Quasi-PA, ints., and (v2, v3) nominalized adj., belonging to the complex treated s.v. ↗ḫabara, vb. I, ‘to try, test, experience; to have tried, experienced, know by experience; to (get to) know thoroughly, know well’. 
▪ eC7 ḫabīr (ints. PA) 1 (one who knows well, one in the know (in an interpretation of 35:14) wa-yawma ’l-qiyāmati yakfurūna bi-širki-kum wa-lā yunabbiʔu-ka miṯlu ḫabīrin ‘and on the Day of Judgement they will deny your associating [them with God] and none can inform you like someone in the know’, 2 (an attribute of God: the All-Knowing, All-Aware) Q 31:16 ʔinna ’llāha laṭīfun ḫabīrun ‘for God is All-Subtle and All-Aware’. 
▪ See ↗ḫabara
See ↗ḫabara
ḫabīr al-ḍarāʔib, n., tax expert, tax adviser.

For related items cf. ↗ḫabara, ↗ḫibraẗ
ḫābūr خابُور , pl. ḫawābīrᵘ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
peg; pin; wedge – WehrCowan1979. 
Etymology obscure. Unless simply a specialisation of the homonymous ḫābūr ‘(a plant, or tree, perh.) elder-tree (or spartium)’, a borrowing from Akk ḫabburu ‘(green) shoot, stalk’ (in itself a loanword) does not seem impossible, though not very likely, given that the modern value ‘peg, pin, wedge’ is attested only very late and there are no Aram cognates. Is it perhaps a representative of the other value that the root ḪBR can take in Sem, namely ‘to assemble, join, associate’? From a semantic perspective, this would seem difficult to explain. 
▪ … 
▪ No obvious cognates in Sem. But cf. DISC below and items/roots referred to there. 
▪ The value ‘cotter, peg, pin, wedge’ is not found in the usual dictionaries of ClassAr (Freytag1830, Kazimirski, Lane, BustānīMuḥīṭ); there, ḫābūr is only ‘a certain plant’ (Freytag1830), a tree (Bustānī), identified however by Hava1899 as ‘elder-tree’ and by DRS (in MġrAr) as ‘genêt d’Espagne’ (see ḪBR_14 s.v. ↗ḪBR). The fāʕūl form would suggest that we are dealing with a loanword, but the source remains obscure so far. Should we assume Akk (lBab, neoBab) ḫabburu (var. ḫaburru, ḫabūru ḫabbaru) ‘(green) shoot, stalk’ (CAD), in itself a Sum (?) loanword,5 to be the etymon? A direct loan cannot per se be excluded, but a borrowing via Aram would be more common. However, given that the word is not mentioned in ClassAr dictionaries and only seems to appear at a rather late stage in the history of the language would make us doubt the Akk hypothesis. The item is neither mentioned by Fraenkel1886 nor Zimmern1914. The first attestation found so far is in Hava1899, where it is said to be LevAr. But, as evidenced by BadawiHinds1986, it is also an EgAr item: ḫā̆būr (pl. ḫawā̆bīr) ‘wedge, wooden peg or plug’;6 and both WehrCowan1979 and Baalbaki1995 (al-Mawrid) list it as a MSA item. If Akk ḫabburu ‘(green) shoot, stalk’ should have to be excluded and if the meaning ‘peg, pin, wedge’ is not just a development, however unlikely, from the homonymous ḫābūr ‘certain plant, elder-tree, spartium’ (see above) (*used as peg, pin, wedge?), should we then assume a relation to Sem ḪBR (DRS #ḪBR-1) ‘to assemble, join, connect, associate’?7 Rather unlikely either. Hbr ḥābûr, which would be the closest item phonologically, means ‘attached, joined, connected’ (accord. to Klein1987 a PP of ḥāḇar ‘to be united, be joined’);8 so, if this is the etymon then the ‘peg, pin, wedge’ would originally be *‘the joining/joined one’ – not very convincing!
▪ According to PayneSmith1879 and BDB1906 there is also a, Ar ḫābūr, Hbr ḥāḇûr, Syr ḥâbûr, ḥâbûrâ, Grk Xabṓras, which are from Akk ḫubur ~ ḫabur ‘place of the river ordeal; (the river of the) nether world’, which (accord. to CAD) is a Sum loanword. A connection with ‘peg, pin, wedge’ can probably be excluded. 
muḫābaraẗ مُخابَرَة , pl. ‑āt 
ID 247 • Sw – • BP 2503 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
correspondence, (esp. written) information (in classified ads: al-~ bi‑…, please write to…, please contact…), notice, notification, communication – WehrCowan1979. 
Vn. III, associative, denom. from ↗ḫabar ‘news, information, message, notification’. 
▪ … 
▪ See ↗ḫabara
See ↗ḫabara
muḫābaraẗ tilifūniyyaẗ, n.f., telephone call, telephone conversation
muḫābaraẗ ḫāriǧiyyaẗ, n.f., long-distance call
muḫābaraẗ sirriyaẗ, n.f., secret communiqué
al-muḫābaraẗ ḥuḍūriyyan, expr., apply in person (in classified ads)
qalam al-muḫābarāt, n., or dāʔiraẗ al-muḫābarāt, n.f., intelligence bureau
wikālaẗ al-muḫābarāt al-markaziyyaẗ, n.f., Central Intelligence Agency, CIA
al-muḫābarāt al-ʕāmmaẗ,, General Intelligence (Jord.)

For other related items cf. ↗ḫabara, ↗ḫabar
ĭḫtibāriyyaẗ اِخْتِبارِيّة 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
empiricism – WehrCowan1979. 
Neolog., abstr. in ‑iyyaẗ, from ĭḫtibār, vn. of ĭḫtibara, vb. VIII, t-stem of ↗ḫabara, vb. I, ‘to try, test, experience’. 
▪ … 
▪ See ↗ḫabara
See ↗ḫabara
For other related items cf. ↗ḫabara, ↗ḫabar, ↗ḫibraẗ
muḫbir مُخْبِر , pl. ‑ūn 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 reporter; 2 detective; 3 informer, stool pigeon; 4 denouncer – WehrCowan1979. 
PA, from ʔaḫbara, vb. IV, ‘to notify, inform, communicate, report’, Š-stem, caus., from ↗ḫabar ‘news; information, intelligence; report, communication, message; notification; rumor; story’. 
▪ … 
▪ See ↗ḫabara
See ↗ḫabara
For other related items cf. ↗ḫabar
muḫtabar مُخْتَبَر , pl. ‑āt 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
laboratory – WehrCowan1979. 
n.loc., from ĭḫtibara, vb. VIII, t-stem of ↗ḫabara, vb. I, ‘to try, test, experience’. 
▪ … 
▪ See ↗ḫabara
See ↗ḫabara
muḫtabar luġaẗ, n.f., language laboratory
muḫtabar faḍāʔ, n., space laboratory.

muḫtabarī, adj.: ʔabḥāṯ muḫtabariyyaẗ,, laboratory research; taǧārib ~,, laboratory experiments.

For other related items cf. ↗ḫabara, ↗ḫibraẗ, ↗ḫabīr
ḪBZ خبز 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḪBZ_1 ‘bread’ ↗ḫubz
▪ ḪBZ_2 ‘mallow’ ↗ḫubbāz

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘1 to beat with two hands, drive hard; 2 to subside, be beaten low; 3 to knead, bake, a baker, bread’ 
▪ … 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪBZ-1 Ar ḫubz ‘pain’, Mhr ḫəbūz, Ḥrs ḫebōz, Jib ḫōz ‘faire du pain’, Mhr, Jib Ḥrs ḫabz ‘pain’, Gz ḫabaza, Amh abbäzä ‘faire cuire le pain’, Te ḥəbbäzät ‘pain rond épais’, Gz ḫəbəst ‘pain’, ḫabbasa ‘faire le pain’, Tña ḫabəsti: sorte de pain de froment, hostie, pain d’autel pour la messe, ḫibist: pain sacramentel. -2 CollAr ḫubbāz, ḫubbayzaẗ, ḫubbēzaẗ, ḫəbbēzaẗ ‘mauve (plante )’, Gz ḫəbəst, Tña ḫəbəsti, Te ḫəbbəzät, Gur Ed ḫabz ‘cire d’abeille’. -3 MġrAr ḫbez ‘parler à tort et à travers; rouer de coups’, tḫābəz ‘se combattre par des intrigues’. -4 Ḥass ḫabze ‘creux de la main’. -5 Min ḫbz: bloc de pierre.
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ …
▪ … 
ḫubz خُبْز , pl. أخْباز ʔaḫbāz 
ID 248 • Sw – • BP 2153 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
bread – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ The word is generally regarded as a borrowing from Ethiopic that is to be found already in the Q
▪ eC7 (bread) Q 12:36 ʔinnī ʔarānī ʔaḥmilu fawqa raʔsī ḫubzan taʔkulu ’l‑ṭayru minhu ‘I see myself carrying on my head bread from which the birds are eating’. 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪBZ-1 Ar ḫubz ‘pain’, Mhr ḫəbūz, Ḥrs ḫebōz, Jib ḫōz ‘faire du pain’, Mhr, Jib Ḥrs ḫabz ‘pain’, Gz ḫabaza, Amh abbäzä ‘faire cuire le pain’, Te ḥəbbäzät ‘pain rond épais’, Gz ḫəbəst ‘pain’, ḫabbasa ‘faire le pain’, Tña ḫabəsti: sorte de pain de froment, hostie, pain d’autel pour la messe, ḫibist: pain sacramentel.
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#1364: Within Sem, Ar ḫubz has cognates in Gz ḫəbəst, Ḥrs ḫabz, Mhr ḫabz, Śḥr ḫobz, all meaning ‘bread’. From these forms an original Sem root *ḫubz‑ may be reconstructed. Outside Sem, one finds a vuǯi ‘millet’ in a CCh language, and a buzu ‘seed’ in a ECh one, whence the authors reconstruct CCh *buʒ‑ and ECh *bus‑, both of which do not have the initial laryngeal of Sem. Orel&Stolbova explain this as loss of the initial sound and reconstruct AfrAs *ḫubuʒ‑ ‘cereal’. However, based on the Chad evidence where the initial *ḫu‑ is missing, they note that this *ḫu‑ may be a prefix in AfrAs (which then would have been preserved in Sem).
▪ …
▪ … 
▪ Jeffery1938, 121-22: »It occurs only in the baker’s dream in the Joseph story. – The word is from the Eth [Gz] as Nöldeke, Neue Beiträge, 56, has noted, pointing out that bread is an uncommon luxury to the Arabs, but literally the staff of life among the Abyssinians, and therefore a word much more likely to have been borrowed by the Arabs than from them. [Gz] ḫabaza is ‘to bake’ in general, and ‘to bake bread’ in particular, ḫabbāzī is a ‘baker’, as e.g. in the Joseph story, and ḫəbəst is ‘bread’, the z being modified to s before t, and was probably earlier *ḫəbəzt, as is indicated by the common Tigré word ḥəbəzt used for a popular kind of bread. It was probably an early borrowing into Ar, for the root has become well naturalized and many forms have been built from it.«
▪ Leslau 1979 ("Semitic roots"): cf. Gur ḫäbs.
▪ Schall1982: a loan, to be found already in the Q, from Gz ḫəbəst ‘bread’.
▪ … 
ḫabaza, i (ḫabz), vb. I, and ĭḫtabaza, vb. VIII, to bake (bread): denom. (?)

ḫubzaẗ, n.f., loaf of bread: n.un.
ḫabbāz, pl. ‑ūn, n., baker:
ḫibāzaẗ, n.f., baker’s trade, art of baking: vn. I.
maḫbzaẗ, n., maḫbazaẗ, n.f., pl. maḫābizᵘ, bakery: n.loc.
ḫubbāz خُبَّاز , var. ḫubbayz, ḫubbāzà 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
mallow (bot.) – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ … 
▪ … 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪBZ-2 CollAr ḫubbāz, ḫubbayzaẗ, ḫubbēzaẗ, ḫəbbēzaẗ ‘mauve (plante )’, Gz ḫəbəst, Tña ḫəbəsti, Te ḫəbbəzät, Gur Ed ḫabz ‘cire d’abeille’.
▪ … 
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▪ … 
ḪBṬ خبط 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪBṬ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪBṬ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪBṬ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to beat, beat about, strike with two feet, beat off leaves for animals; to go about aimlessly; to be confused, be insane; to brand’ 
▪ … 
ḪBW خبو 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪBW_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪBW_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪBW_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): (there is a degree of overlap between this root and root ↗ḪBʔ) ‘a small bedouin woollen tent, a house; the encasing of grains inside the ear of corn; (of fire) to abate, die out, become extinct’ 
▪ … 
ḪTR ختر 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪTR_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪTR_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪTR_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘numbness, relaxation, corruption; treachery, to betray, to corrupt’ 
▪ … 
ḪTM ختم 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḪTM_1 ‘seal ring, seal, ring; stamp; to finish, close, terminate’ ↗ḫātam
▪ ḪTM_2 ‘…’ ↗

BAH2008: ‘seal, sealing material; to seal up, enclose, block, secure, cover up, brand, mark; a ring, to wear a ring; to complete, conclude, the end part, the concluding one, conclusion’ 
▪ … 
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ḫātam خاتَم , var. ḫātim , pl. ḫawātimᵘ 
ID 249 • Sw – • BP 4763 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 seal ring, signet ring; 2a ring, finger ring; b seal, signet; 3 stamp – WehrCowan1979. 
Probably from Eg ḫtm ‘stamp, seal’ (hypothesis doubted however by Pennacchio on account of missing attestation in Akk and Ug). 
▪ eC7 ḫātam (concluding one, final seal) Q 33:40 mā kāna muḥammadun ʔabā ʔaḥadin min riǧāli-kum wa-lākin rasūla ’ḷḷāhi wa-ḫātama ’l-nabiyyīna ‘Muḥammad is not the father of any one of your men; he is God’s Messenger and the seal of the prophets’ (»The passage is late Madinan and the word is used in the technical phrase ḫātam al-nabiyyīn «, Jeffery 1938). – ḫatama (to seal up) Q 36:65 al-yawma naḫtimu ʕalā ʔafwāhi-him wa-tukallimu-nā ʔaydī-him ‘on this day We will seal up their mouths, but their hands will speak out to Us’. – ḫitām (concluding/conclusion, end part, seal/sealing; crowning touch) Q 83:26 ḫitāmu-hū miskun ‘whose seal (or: end part, conclusion) is musk’. – maḫtūm (that which is sealed, concluded, ended) Q 83:25 yusqawna min raḥīqin maḫtūmin ‘they are given to drink of pure wine, sealed’. 
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#2035: Hbr ḥoṭēm, Ar ḫatm ‘ring; seal (on a ring)’, Jib ḫotem, Ḥrs ḫōtem , Śḥr ḫotem ‘ring’. – Outside Sem: Eg ḫtm ‘stamp, seal’ (OK); katam ‘ring’ in 1 WCh lang.
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪTM–1 Hbr ḥātam, Phn nPun ḥtm ‘sceller, compléter’, EmpAram ḥwtm, JP ḥᵃtam, ChrPal ḥtm, Mand htm ‘compléter, sceller’, Syr ḥatmā ‘sceau, cachet’, Ar ḫatama ‘sceller, cacheter; se cicatriser’, ḫāta/im ‘sceau, bague’, ḫitām ‘clôture, conclusion, fin’, ḫātim ‘anus, bout du rectum’, MġrAr ḫtām ‘hymen, pucelage’, DaṯAr ḫattam ‘mettre le couvercle sur le four’, Qat ḫtm ‘appliquer son sceau’, Jib ḫtum ‘finir’, Mhr Ḥrs ḫōtəm, Jib ḫótəm ‘bague, anneau’, Gz ḫatama ‘sceller, terminer’, Tña ḥatämä, ḫatämä ‘sceller, imprimer’, ḥatma ‘sceau, empreinte’, Amh attämä, Arg hattäma, Gur atämä ‘sceller’. [–23 not represented in MSA. –4 SyrAr only] 
▪ Jeffery1938, 120-21: »On the surface it would seem to be a genuine derivative from ḫtm ‘to seal’, but as Fraenkel, Vocab, 17, points out, a form fāʕal is not regular in Ar, and the vb. itself, as a matter of fact, is denom.9 The verb occurs in the Qurʔān in vi, 46; xlv, 22, and the derivative ḫitām, which Jawharī says is the same as ḫātam, is used in lxxxiii, 26. All these forms are in all probability derived from the Aram as Noeldeke had already noted.10 – Hirschfeld, Beiträge, 71, claimed that the word was of Jewish origin, quoting the Hbr ḥôtām ‘seal’; Syr ḥatmā. In his New Researches, 23, he quotes Haggai ii, 23, a verse referring to Zerubbabel, which shows that the idea of a man being a seal was not foreign to Jewish circles, beside which Horovitz, KU, 53, appositely cites 1 Cor. ix:2, “ye are the seal of my Apostleship” – -σφραγίς μου τῆς ἀποστολῆς sphragís mou tē̂s apostolē̂s, where the Peshitta reads ḥatmā. The Targumic ḥtymh and ChrPal ḥtīmā,11 meaning ‘obsignatio, finis, conclusio, clausula,’ give us even closer approximation to the sense of the word as used in the Qurʔān. – In the general sense of ‘seal’ it must have been an early borrowing, for already in Imruʔu ’l-Qays, xxxii, 4 (Ahlwardt, Divans, 136), we find the pl. ḫawātim used, and in the SAr inscriptions we have ḫtm (Rossini, Glossarium, 158).«
▪ Pennacchio2011, 10-11: »… the noun ḫātam ‘seal’, appearing only once in the Qur’ān, in the expression ‘seal of the prophets’ (33-40). The Prophet Muhammad is regarded as the ‘seal’ of the prophets, meaning the last one. His book is so clear that it cannot be misunderstood and therefore no other apostle will be needed after him. For Fraenkel, fāʕal is not a regular form in Ar and the vb. ḫatama ‘to seal’ is denom. The n. ḫātam seems to have been borrowed from Aram. For Hirschfeld, the word may well have a Jewish origin since it is found in a passage of the Bible in which a man is compared to a ‘seal’ ḥôtām (Hag 2:23). This biblical image probably served as an inspiration for the Qur’ānic one, but the borrowed word with the sense of ‘to seal’ existed much earlier since it appears in ʔImruʔ al-Qays’ verses and in a SAr inscription. According to Maximilian Ellenbogen, the Hbr ḥôtām was borrowed from the Eg ḫtm. This is attested neither in Akk nor in Ug. The initial /ḫ/ in the Ar word suggests that the latter has the same source as the Hbr. Had the word been borrowed from Hbr or Aram, it would probably have started with a /ḥ/.«
▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#2035: The authors reconstruct Sem *ḫatm‑ ‘ring; seal (on a ring)’, Eg ḫtm ‘stamp, seal’, WCh *qatam‑ ‘ring’, all from AfrAs *qatam‑ ‘ring, seal’.
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪTM-1: From Eg ḫtm ‘sceau, sceller’. 
ḫātam al-zawāǧ, n., wedding ring.
ḫātam al-nabiyyīn, n., the Seal (i.e., the last) of the Prophets = Mohammed.

BP#3681ḫatama, i (ḫatm, ḫitām), vb. I, 1 to seal, provide with a seal or signet: denom.; 2 to stamp, impress with a stamp; 3 to seal off, close, make impervious or inaccessible; 4 to put one’s seal on, conclude, terminate; 5 to wind up, finish, complete; to close, heal, cicatrize (wound): fig. use.
taḫattama, vb. V, to put on or wear a ring (bi‑): denom., self-ref./refl.
BP#3621ĭḫtatama, vb. VIII, to conclude, finish, terminate, wind up: intr.

ḫatm, n., sealing: vn. I. – (pl. ʔaḫtām, ḫutūm) seal, signet, seal impring; stamp, stamp imprint: transferred meaning (from action to instrument used in it, or its object); also = ḫatmaẗ (see following item).
ḫatmaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., recital of the entire Koran, esp. on festive occasions.
ḫātām, pl. ḫawātīmᵘ, n., seal ring, signet ring; ring:…
BP#1971ḫitām, n., 1 sealing wax: transfer of meaning from quasi-vn. [v2] to the wax used in sealing; 2 end, close, conclusion, termination, closure, end: quasi-vn.
BP#4010ḫitāmī, adj., concluding, closing, final: nsb-adj., from ḫitām.
ĭḫtitām, n., end, close, conclusion, termination: vn. VIII.
ḫātimaẗ, pl. ḫawātimᵘ, ḫawātīmᵘ, n., 1 end, close, conclusion, termination: nominalized PA I f.; 2 epilogue (of a book): specialisation of [v1]; 3 ḫawātīmᵘ, pl., final stage.
muḫattam, adj., ringed, adorned with a ring or rings (hand): PP II.
muḫtatam, adj., end, close, conclusion, termination: n.loc. 
ḪDː (ḪDD) خدّ/خدد 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
√ ḪDː (ḪDD) 
▪ ḪDː (ḪDD)_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪDː (ḪDD)_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪDː (ḪDD)_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘cheek, pillow, lateral side; furrow, groove, ditch, trench, to furrow, (of a flood) to cut a channel, to become divided into factions’ 
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ḪDR خدر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḪDR_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ ḪDR_2 ‘…’ ↗
▪ … 
DRS 10 (2012) #ḪDR-1 Akk ḫadāru, adāru ‘être sombre, obscur’, Ar ḫadar ‘nuit obscure’, ʔaḫdar ‘sombre, obscur’, ḫudraẗ ‘grande obscurité’. – ḫadira ‘être engourdi (membres), rester blotti dans sa tanière’, ḫaddara ‘engourdir, anesthésier’, Syr ḫidir ‘indolent, endormi’. – Ug ḥdr ‘chambre’, Hbr ḥȩdȩr ‘intérieur de la maison, chambre funéraire’, Pun ḥdr, ḥdrt ‘chambre, chambre funéraire’, Ar ḫidr ‘intérieur des appartements, gynécée; rideau, portière, voile qui cache le reste des appartements’, ḫidār ‘antre, caverne (du lion)’, ḫadara ‘s’arrêter et séjourner dans un lieu’, DaṯAr maḫdara ‘hutte faite pour le mariage’, Sab ḫdr, m(ḫ)dr ‘chambre, chambre funéraire’, Qat ḫdr ‘établir un magasin, un dépôt de marchandises’, ḫdr ‘magasin, dépôt de marchandises’, Soq ḥdr ‘s’arrêter’, maḥdera ‘rideau’, Jib ḫadər ‘grotte habitée; maison couverte de chaume, enclos’, Gz ḫadara ‘rester dans un endroit, fixer son domicile’, māḫdar ‘siège, domicile’, Tña ḫadärä ‘passer la nuit, séjourner’, Te ḥadra ‘rester, demeurer’, Amh Gaf Gur addärä, Har ḥadära, Arg addära ‘passer la nuit’. – ?2 Akk ḫadāru ‘s’exciter, se fâcher’, ? adāru ‘être sombre, obscur; avoir peur’. -3 Arḫadar ‘intensité (du froid ou de la chaleur), Ṣaf ḫdr ‘être intense’; ? Jib ḫodor, Ḥrs ḫedōr ‘dresser un parasol, monter une tente’. -4 Akk ḫadir ‘parc à petit bétail’. -5 YemAr maḫdūr ‘percé, perforé’, DaṯAr ḫaddar ‘percer, trouer, perforer’. -6 EAr ḫadīr ‘bouse de vache fraîche’. -7 Tña ḫaddärä ‘pousser, mûrir rapidement à la superficie du sol (sorte de tubercules appelés ḫadar)’.
▪ …
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muḫaddir مُخَدِّر 
ID 250 • Sw – • BP 2291 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
¹adj.; ²n. 
I adj., anesthetic, painkilling, tranquilizing; II pl. ‑āt,, 1 an anesthetic; 2 a narcotic, drug, dope – WehrCowan1979. 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪDR- 1 Akk ḫadāru, adāru ‘être sombre, obscur’, Ar ḫadar ‘nuit obscure’, ʔaḫdarᵘ ‘sombre, obscur’, ḫudraẗ ‘grande obscurité’. – ḫadira ‘être engourdi (membres), rester blotti dans sa tanière’, ḫaddara ‘engourdir, anesthésier’, Syr ḫidir ‘indolent, endormi’. – Ug ḥdr ‘chambre’, Hbr ḥȩdȩr ‘intérieur de la maison, chambre funéraire’, Pun ḥdr, ḥdrt ‘chambre, chambre funéraire’, Ar ḫidr ‘intérieur des appartements, gynécée; rideau, portière, voile qui cache le reste des appartements’, ḫidār ‘antre, caverne (du lion)’, ḫadara ‘s’arrêter et séjourner dans un lieu’, DaṯAr maḫdara ‘hutte faite pour le mariage’, Sab ḫdr, m(ḫ)dr ‘chambre, chambre funéraire’, Qat ḫdr ‘établir un magasin, un dépôt de marchandises’, ḫdr ‘magasin, dépôt de marchandises’, Soq ḥdr ‘s’arrêter’, maḥdera ‘rideau’, Jib ḫadər ‘grotte habitée; maison couverte de chaume, enclos’, Gz ḫadara ‘rester dans un endroit, fixer son domicile’, māḫdar ‘siège, domicile’, Tña ḫadärä ‘passer la nuit, séjourner’, Te ḥadra ‘rester, demeurer’, Amh Gaf Gur addärä, Har ḥadära, Arg addära ‘passer la nuit’. – 2-7 […].
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ḪDʕ خدع 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪDʕ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪDʕ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪDʕ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to cover up, cover, hide; an inner room, bed chamber; to cheat, deceive, delude; to take precautions; to become bad, stagnant; the jugular veins’ 
▪ … 
ḪDM خدم 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 21Feb2021
▪ ḪDM_1 ‘to attend to, serve’ ↗ḫadama
▪ ḪDM_2 ‘…’ ↗
▪ …
DRS 10 (2012) #ḪDM-1 Ar ḫadama ‘servir qn; travailler, être à œuvre’, MġrAr ḫdəm ‘servir qn, être au service de qn; travailler’, ḫdīm ‘serviteur, domestique’, Sab ḫtdm ‘faire cultiver (les champs), être cultivé (champ)’, ḫdmt ‘servante’, Qat ḫdm ‘exécuter, faire’ ; Soq ḥédom, Mhr ḫədōm, Jib ḫódúm ‘travailler’, Ḥrs ḫedōm ‘faire, travailler, construire’. -2 SyrAr nḫadam ‘se renverser’. -3 MġrAr ḫudmi, ḫadmi ‘couteau (surtout de cuisine)’.
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ḫadam‑ خَدَمَ , i, u (ḫidmaẗ
ID 251 • Sw – • BP 2129 • APD … • © SG | 21Feb2021
vb., I 
1a domestic servant, help;b manservant; c woman servant; 2 employee; 3 attendant; 4 waiter; 5 deacon (Chr.) – WehrCowan1979. 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪDM-1 Ar ḫadama ‘servir qn; travailler, être à œuvre’, MġrAr ḫdəm ‘servir qn, être au service de qn; travailler’, ḫdīm ‘serviteur, domestique’, Sab ḫtdm ‘faire cultiver (les champs), être cultivé (champ)’, ḫdmt ‘servante’, Qat ḫdm ‘exécuter, faire’ ; Soq ḥédom, Mhr ḫədōm, Jib ḫódúm ‘travailler’, Ḥrs ḫedōm ‘faire, travailler, construire’.
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ḫadama ’l-ʔarḍ, vb., to till or cultivate the soil;
ḫadamahū ḫidamāt kaṯīraẗ , expr., he rendered him many services;
ḫadama rikāba fulān, vb., to be at s.o.’s beck and call;
ḫadama maṣāliḥa fulān, vb., to serve s.o.’s interests;
ḫadama ’l-quddāsaẗ, vb., to celebrate Mass (Chr.).

ḫaddama, vb. II, 1a to employ, hire (s.o.), engage the services (of s.o.); b to give work (to s.o.), provide work (for): D-stem, caus.
BP#1055ĭstaḫdama, vb. X, 1a to employ, hire, take on (s.o., li‑ for, engage the services (li‑ of s.o. for; b to put in operation, operate (e.g., a public utility); c to employ, use (, li‑ for), make use, avail o.s. (of, li‑ for a purpose): *Št-stem, caus.autobenef.

ḫadam, n., servants, attendants.
BP#307ḫidmaẗ, pl. ḫidam, ‑āt, n.f., 1a a service (rendered); b attendance, service; 2 operation; 3a office, employment, occupation, job; b work: vn. I | fī ḫidmaẗ šayʔ, expr., in the service of; fī ḫidmatikum, expr., at your service; ḫidmaẗan lil-ḥaqīqaẗ, expr., in the interest of truth, for the sake of truth; al- ḫidmaẗ al-ʕaskariyyaẗ, n.f., military service; al- ḫidmaẗ al-ʔiǧbāriyyaẗ, n.f., conscription, compulsory service; al-ḫidmaẗ al-sirriyyaẗ, n.f., secret service (pol.); ḫidmaẗ al-quddās, n.f., celebration of Mass (Chr.).
ḫaddām, pl. ‑aẗ, n., 1a manservant, servant, attendant; b woman servant, female domestic servant, maid: ints. formation.
ḫadāmaẗ, n.f., 1 attendance, service; 2 employment, occupation, office, job.
ḫaddāmaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., woman servant, female domestic servant, maid: ints. formation, f.
taḫdīm, n., work, occupation or duty of an employment agent: vn. II | maktab al- taḫdīm, n., labor office, employment bureau.
BP#645ĭstiḫdām, n., 1a (putting into) operation; b use, utilization; 2a employment, hiring (of an employee); b service, occupation, position, job: vn. X.
BP#2129ḫādim, pl. ḫuddām, ḫadamaẗ, n., 1a domestic servant, help;b manservant; c woman servant; 2 employee; 3 attendant; 4 waiter; 5 deacon (Chr.): PA I.
ḫādimaẗ, n.f., 1a woman servant; b female domestic servant, maid; c woman attendant: PA I, f.
ḫādimiyyaẗ, n.f., status of a servant: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ.
maḫdūm, pl. ‑ūn, maḫādīmᵘ, n., master, employer: PP I, lit. *ʻperson attended to’.
maḫdūmaẗ, n.f., mistress, lady (of the house), woman employer: PP I, f. of preceding.
maḫdūmiyyaẗ, n.f., status of the master or employer: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ.
muḫaddim, pl. ‑ūn, n., employment agent: PA II.
BP#3089mustaḫdim, pl. ‑ūn, n., employer: PA X.
BP#3259mustaḫdam, 1 adj., used, utilized, employed; – 2 (colloq. mustaḫdim), pl. ‑ūn, n., employee, official: PP X.
ḪDN خدن 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪDN_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪDN_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪDN_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘friend, companion, confidant; to take a friend; lover’ 
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ḫidīw خِدِيو , var. ḫudaywī 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 16May2023
khedive – WehrCowan1976 
▪ Rolland2014 : from Pers ḫidīv ‘ruler, governor, king’, from mPers ḫʷatāy ‘God’, IE *gʰeu‑ ‘to pour a libation’ or *gʰeu(ə)‑ ‘to invoke’.1 – « Du même etymon » (accord. to Rolland) : ↗ḫawāǧaẗ. – See also EgAr ↗ḫōgaẗ
– (loanword) 
▪ »Khedive (mPers ḫidev, nPers ḫediv, Ott hidiv, hıdīv, Ar ḫidīw[ī]) ‘great prince, ruler, master, sovereign’ was a Persian honourific title of sultans and grand viziers in Ottoman Turkish correspondence and poetry, and the imperial rank of the Ottoman governor of Egypt between 1867 and 1914. By the end of the nineteenth century, it was used in the sense of ‘viceroy of Egypt’ in Arabic, French, English, and other languages. / ḫediv in nPers possibly derives from ClassPers ḫudā-var ‘god-like’, that is, ‘ruler’« – A. Mestyan, art. »Khedive«, in ³EI (2020). 
ḫidīwī, adj., khedivial: nsb-formation 
ḪḎL خذل 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪḎL_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪḎL_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪḎL_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘straggler; to stay behind, be left behind; to fail to support; to weaken, stay put’ 
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*ḪR‑ خرـ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ *ḪR–_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ *ḪR–_2 ‘…’ ↗
A bi-consonantal sequence that forms part of groups of several tri-consonantal themes. 
DRS 10 (2012): séquence biconsonantique présente dans des groupes des racines triconsonantiques dont chacun possède une valeur commune: 1. ‘bon, bien’: ḪRW, ḪWR. – 2. ‘creuser’: ḪRW, ḪRR, ḪRḪR, ḪRKM/N, ḪRQ, ḪRT. – 3. ‘fendre, déchirer’: ḪRBQ, ḪRṬ, ḪRʕ, ḪRŚ, ḪRQ, ḪRM, ḪRML, ḪRT. – 4. ‘nez; gorge’: ḪRṬ(M,Ṭ), ḪRR, ḪMR. – 5. ‘excréments’: ḪRR, ḪRʔ/Y, ḪRŠ, comparer sous *GR-. – 6. ‘se gâter’: ḪRB, ḪRWṬ, ḪLBṬ, ḪRBṢ.

For realisations of these values in MSA, cf.

1. ‘good, good thing’ ↗ḪYR.
2. ‘to pierce, perforate, make a hole’ ↗ḪRT, ↗ḪRQ.
3. ‘to split, mince, chop, throw into disorder, confuse, spoil’ ↗ḪRBṬ, ↗ḪRBQ, (?↗ḪRDL,) ↗ḪRṬ, ↗ḪRQ, ↗ḪRM.
4. ‘nose; to snore, murmur, bubble, gurgle; rhinoceros; trunk (of elephant)’ ↗ḪRː (ḪRR), ↗ḪRḪR, ↗ḪRṬṬ, ↗ḪRṬM.
5. ‘excrement, feces’ ↗ḪRʔ, ↗ḪRY.
6. ‘(to become) destroyed, ruined’ ↗ḪRB

ḪRː (ḪRR) خرّ / خرر 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ḪRː (ḪRR) 
▪ ḪRː (ḪRR)_1 ‘…’ ↗
▪ ḪRː (ḪRR)_2 ‘…’ ↗

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘sound of blowing wind, falling water or falling stones; rumbling, snoring, purring; to enjoy affluence; to surprise; to fall, to crumble, to collapse; to die’ 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪRR-1 Akk ḫarāru ‘creuser, évider’, Aram ḥᵃrar, Ar ḫarra ‘creuser, perforer, percer’. – Akk ḫurr‑, Ug ḫr, ḫrt, Hbr ḥōr ‘trou’, Ar ḫurr ‘trou de la meule’, Sar ḥrt ‘canal d’irrigation; digue’, Ḥrs ḫerayt ‘déchirure’, ? Har aḫraḫara ‘creuser’. -2 Akk ḫarurt‑, Syr ḥarroštā ‘gorge’. – Syr ḥar ‘être enroué’, Ar ḫarra ‘ronfler; murmurer (eau)’, SyrAr ḫarr ‘frotter, produire un bruit, cliquetis, grondement, etc.’. – Akk ḫarāru, araru ‘pousser des cris de souffrance, croasser (?), avoir des convulsions (?)’. -? MġrAr ḫarr ‘sortir et s’écouler avec un léger bruit’. -? Akk ḫarāra, ḫarra, harr ‘protestation’. -3 Akk ḫarāru, arāru ‘trembler, vaciller’. – ? 4 Akk ḫarāru ‘répandre un liquide putride’, Ug ḫr ‘avoir des spasmes de diarrhée’, Ḥass ḫəṛṛ ‘déféquer’. -5 Ar ḫarra ‘tomber, tomber roide mort, se prosterner’. -6 Ḥaḍr ḫrr ‘coloniser (?)’. -7 Akk ḫurri, ḫur ‘toujours’.
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ḫurr خُرّ 
ID … • Sw – • BP –APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
√ ḪRː (ḪRR) 
hole in the millstone to put the corn in – Ehret1995. 
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▪ Ehret1995#402: ‎from a bi-consonantal “pre-Proto-Semitic” (pPS, i.e. preSem) root *ḫr ‘to split, make a hole in’ < ‎AfrAs *‑ḫʷâr‑ ‘to split, make a hole in’. – Extensions from the same pre-Sem root: ‎‎↗ḪRB, ↗ḪRT, ↗ḪRʕ, ↗ḪRQ
ḪRʔ خرأ 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḪRʔ_1 ‘to evacuate the bowels, defecate’ ↗ḫariʔa
▪ ḪRʔ_2 ‘…’ ↗
▪ Kogan2011: from protWSem *ḫ˅rʔ‑ ḫarr, ḫurʔ, ḫary, which is one out of a variety of Sem terms for ‘excrement, dung’; cf. also ↗ǧallaẗ, ↗dimn, ↗ḍafʕ, ↗kibà, kibaẗ, kubaẗ, as well as ↗ẓiyyaẗ ‘corpse in putrefaction’.
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ḫariʔ‑ خرِئ , a (ḫarʔ
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
to evacuate the bowels, defecate – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Kogan2011: from protWSem *ḫ˅rʔ‑ ḫarr, ḫurʔ, ḫary, which is one out of a variety of Sem terms for ‘excrement, dung’.
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DRS 10 (2012)# ḪRʔ/Y: Ug ḫrʔ, ḫr, Syr ḥᵉrā, Ar ḫariʔa, Maġr ḫṛa, Tña ḥarʔe, Te ḥarʕa, Amh arra, Gur arre ‘aller à la selle, déféquer’, Ug *hrʔu, Hbr ḥᵃrāʔīm, ḥiryōnīm, nHbr ḥᵃrē, JP ḥārayyā, Ar ḫurʔ, Soq ḥaryomoh, Tña ḥarʔi, Amh ar, Arg har, Gur arä ‘fiente, excréments, matières fécales’. – Eg ḥryt, Demot ḥr.t, Copt ḥayre, Berb_Sous ihhan (pl.), Sa Af hara, Som ḥar, […] ‘excrément’. 
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ḫurʔ and ḫarāʔ, n., excrement, feces 
ḪRB خرب 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
▪ ḪRB_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ ḪRB_2 ‘carob’ ↗ḫarrūb
▪ ḪRB_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to pull down, lay waste, level, destroy, ruin; ruins; to desert, neglect; to pierce’ 
▪ [v2] : From protSem *ḫar(r)ūb‑ ‘carob’ – Huehnergard2011.
▪ …
▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl carob; algaroba, from Ar (al‑) ḫarrūbaẗ ‘(the) carob pod’, from ↗ḫarrūb ‘carob’. 
ḪRTT خرتت
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 19May2023
▪ ḪRTT_1 ‘rhinoceros’ ↗ḫartīt
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ḫartīt خَرْتيت , var. ḫarṭīṭ خَرْطيط
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 19May2023
rhinoceros – WehrCowan1976
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ḪRǦ خرج 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ḪRǦ_1 ‘to go out, come out, emerge’ ↗ḫaraǧa
▪ ḪRǦ_2 ‘expenditure, expense(s), costs; land tax’ ↗ḫarǧ
▪ ḪRǦ_3 ‘’ ↗
▪ ḪRǦ_4 ‘’ ↗
▪ ḪRǦ_.. ‘’ ↗
▪ ḪRǦ_.. ‘’ ↗
▪ ḪRǦ_.. ‘’ ↗
▪ ḪRǦ_.. ‘’ ↗
▪ ḪRǦ_.. ‘(land) tax, kharaj (Isl.Law)’ ↗ḫarāǧ
▪ ḪRǦ_.. ‘saddlebag, portemanteau’ ↗ḫurǧ

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to exit, to issue, to emerge, to come out, to leave, to eject; to explain, to deduce; to cultivate; to show ability, to blossom, to yield, a yield, land taxation; to gain experience; taste, (of colour of herbage) to be patchy’ 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪRG-1 Ar ḫaraǧa ‘sortir, sortir contre qn, se révolter’, ḫarǧ, ḫurǧ ‘dépense, frais; revenu, revenus d’un pays, d’une terre; impositions’, Ḥrs ḫerōg ‘sortir, partir; s’acquitter de qc, mourir’, Jib ḫarog ‘mourir, être perdu’; oḫorg ‘investir’. -2 Ar ḫarraǧa ‘élever, instruire qn dans les lettres, les bonnes manières, etc.’; SAr s̃ḫerg ‘lire; écrire un charme’, Mhr ḫōrəg ‘servir qn’, Mhr šəḫārəg ‘lire, interpréter’. – ? Sab ḫrg ‘intenter un procès à’. -3 Ar ʔaḫraǧᵘ ‘à deux couleurs, noir et blanc, clair et sombre’, ḫ̣araǧ ‘bigarrure’. -4 Ar ḫurǧ, Jib ḫarg, Mhr ḫarǧ, Ḥrs ḫəri ‘selle à sacoches pour un âne’, Tña kärädit ‘sac’. -5 Akk ḫarāg: récipient en argile.
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ḫarāǧ خَراج 
ID 252 • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1a tax; b kharaj, land tax (Isl. Law) – WehrCowan1979. 
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▪ ? DRS 10 (2012) #ḪRG-1 Ar ḫaraǧa ‘sortir, sortir contre qn, se révolter’, ḫarǧ, ḫurǧ ‘dépense, frais; revenu, revenus d’un pays, d’une terre; impositions’, Ḥrs ḫerōg ‘sortir, partir; s’acquitter de qc, mourir’, Jib ḫarog ‘mourir, être perdu’; oḫorg ‘investir’. -2-5 […].
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ḫaraǧ‑ خَرَجَ 
ID 253 • Sw – • BP 345 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1a to go out, walk out; b to come out (min of), emerge (min from); c to drive or ride out, go out (in a vehicle); d to flow out, exude, effuse; e to go away, depart, leave, retire; f to protrude, project, stick out; g to leave (min; h to dismount, alight, disembark (min from), get out, step out (min of); 2 to emanate, issue, arise, originate, result (min from); 3a to draw away, segregate, separate, secede, dissent (ʕan from), disagree (ʕan with); b to deviate, depart (ʕan from an arrangement, from a principle); c to be an exception (ʕan to); d to be outside a given subject (ʕan), go beyond a topic (ʕan), exceed (ʕan a topic); e to be alien (ʕan to), be extraneous (ʕan from), not to belong (ʕan to), be not included (ʕan in), have nothing to do with (ʕan); lā yaḫruǧ ʕan, expr., it is limited to …, it is nothing but …; 4a to go forth (into battle); b to attack (ʕalà s.o.,, rise, fight (ʕalà against); c to rebel, revolt (ʕalà against); 5 to violate, break, infringe (ʕalà a rule, a regulation); 6a ~ ʕalay-hī bi‑ , expr., to come up to s.o. with …, confront s.o. with …; b to get out, bring out, take out (bi‑ s.o.); c to turn out, oust, dislodge (bi‑ s.o.); d to lead away, dissuade (ʕan from, ʕan bi‑ s.o.);7 to find out, discover (bi‑ – WehrCowan1979. 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪRG-1 Ar ḫaraǧa ‘sortir, sortir contre qn, se révolter’, ḫarǧ, ḫurǧ ‘dépense, frais; revenu, revenus d’un pays, d’une terre; impositions’, Ḥrs ḫerōg ‘sortir, partir; s’acquitter de qc, mourir’, Jib ḫarog ‘mourir, être perdu’; oḫorg ‘investir’. -2-5 […].
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ḫurǧ خُرْج , pl. ḫiraǧaẗ 
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
saddlebag, portemanteau – WehrCowan1979. 
From Pers ḫurǧ ‘id.’ 
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DRS 10 (2012) #ḪRG-1-3 […]. -4 Ar ḫurǧ, Jib ḫarg, Mhr ḫarǧ, Ḥrs ḫəri ‘selle à sacoches pour un âne’, Tña kärädit ‘sac’. -5 […].
▪ … 
There is also the obsol. Ar kurz ‘shepherd’s bag, knapsack’, which is from the same Pers etymon as ḫurǧ, but via Aram kurzā ‘id.’. See KRZ_6 s.v. ↗KRZ. 
ḪRDL خردل 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ BAH2008: ‘mustard seeds; a large chunk of meat, to cut into small pieces; (of a palm tree) to shed its fruits before they are ripe’

▪ ḪRDL_1 ‘mustard, mustard seeds’ ↗ḫardal

Other values, now obsolete:
  • ḪRDL_2 ‘to cut into big pieces’: ḫardala

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘mustard seeds; a large chunk of meat, to cut into small pieces; (of a palm tree) to shed its fruits before they are ripe’ 
Out of the 4 values given in DRS for the root in Sem, only 1 (ḪRDL_1) is realized in MSA. 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪRDL–1: JP ḥardᵉlā, Ar ḫardal, Soq ḥardal ‘moutarde, senevé’. –2 Ar ḫardala ‘couper en gros morceaux’. –3 AndAr ḫardal ‘cueillir des raisins dans une grappe’; être petis ou rare (raisins). –4 MġrAr ḫardəl ‘parler à tort et à travers’ 
▪ The Ar values given in DRS apart from ‘mustard, mustard seeds’ are obsolete in MSA.
▪ Any relation between ḪRDL_1 ‘mustard (seeds)’ and ḪRDL_2 ḫardala ‘to cut into big pieces’ ? The latter may belong to a group of roots that seem to be derived from, or extensions of, a bi-consonantal basis ↗*ḪR- ‘to split, mince, chop, throw into disorder, confuse, spoil’, to which also belong ↗ḪRBṬ, ↗ḪRBQ, ↗ḪRṬ, ↗ḪRQ, ↗ḪRM
ḫardal خَرْدَل 
ID 254 • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
n.coll. (n.un. ‑aẗ
mustard seeds; mustard – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ According to Jeffery, the Ar word is borrowed from Syr ḥarḏᵊlā ‘mustard (seeds)’, of unknown origin.
▪ From a cultural-historical perspective, the use of mustard seeds for medical purposes is interesting, cf., e.g., Lane ii (1865): ‘[mustard-seed;] the grain of a certain tree, (Q) well known; (Ṣ,Q) a species of ḥurf [q.v.]; (JQ) heating; emollient; drawing; a phlegmagogue; lenitive; digestive; used as a liniment, good for the niqris [or gout], and [especially] the nasā [or sciatica], and the [malignant species of leprosy termed] baraṣ, (Q) and the [mild species thereof termed] bahaq; clearing to the face; good for the alopecia, especially the wild sort thereof; (TA) its smoke drives away serpents, or, as in the Qānūn, venomous or noxious reptiles or the like; (TA) its juice, dropped, allays earache, (Q) and in like manner its oil; (TA) and its powder, upon the aching tooth, is extremly efficacious, (Q) especially when ḥilṯīt [or assa] has been cooked with it’. 
▪ eC7 (mustard seed) Q 21:47 wa-ʔin kāna miṯqāla ḥabbatin min ḫardalin ʔataynā bi-hā ‘Though it be of the weight of a grain of mustard seed, We bring it’ 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪRDL-1: JP ḥardᵉlā, Ar ḫardal, Soq ḥardal ‘moutarde, senevé’ 
▪ Fraenkel1886: 141: is to be found in the Q due to the parable of the mustard seed, but must have been known in Arabia already earlier, since the word is attested already in the Dīwān of the Huḏaylites (Div. Huḏ. 83,3). The existence of the variant ḫarḏal (with instead of d) arouses the suspicion that it is from Syr.
▪ Jeffery1938, 122: »Both passages [in the Qurʔān] are reminiscent of the [Grk] hōs kókkon sinápeōs of Matt, xvii, 20, etc. – The Muslim authorities take it as an Ar word, though they are in some doubt as to whether it should be ḫardal or ḫarḏal. Fraenkel, Fremdw, 141, has shown, however, that the word is a borrowing from Aram ḥardāl; Syr ḥarḏᵊlā. The probabilities are in favour of its being from the Syr ḥarḏᵊlā, which as a matter of fact translates sínapi in the Peshitta text of Matt. xvii, 20, etc., and occurs also in Christian Palestinian.12 The borrowing will have been early for the word is used in the old poems, e.g. Dīwān Hudhayl, xcvii, 11.«
▪ Any relation between ḪRDL_1 ‘mustard (seeds)’ and ḪRDL_2 ḫardala ‘to cut into big pieces’? The latter may belong to a group of roots that seem to be derived from, or extensions of, a bi-consonantal basis ↗*ḪR- ‘to split, mince, chop, throw into disorder, confuse, spoil’, to which also belong ↗ḪRBṬ, ↗ḪRBQ, ↗ḪRṬ, ↗ḪRQ, ↗ḪRM. Mustard, then, could be *‘the crushed, grinded seeds’. 
ḪRŠF خرشف 
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▪ ḪRŠF_1 ‘artichoke’ ↗ḫuršūf

Other values, now obsolete (Hava1899):
  • ḪRŠF_2 ‘hard and rugged ground’: ḫiršāf
  • ḪRŠF_3 ‘to stir; uncouth speech’: ḫaršafaẗ
  • ḪRŠF_4 ‘’:
▪ …
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪRŚP-1 Ar ḫiršāf ‘sol raboteux’. -2 ḫaršafaẗ ‘confusion dans les paroles’. -3 ḫaršūf ‘artichaut’, MġrAr ḫəršəf ‘cardon’. -4 MġrAr ḫəršəf ‘bourgeonner (nez, visage), se couperoser’ 
▪ ḪRŠF_1 perhaps from mPers, cf. ↗ḫuršūf 
▪ See ↗ḫuršūf
ḫuršūf خُرْشوف , pl. ḫarāšīfᵘ 
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n.coll. (n.un. ‑aẗ
artichoke – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Etymology obscure. According to Rolland2014a perhaps from mPers ḫār-šōb ‘stick with thorns’ (in which the element ḫār goes back to IE *kar‑ / *ker‑ ‘hard’, and šōb is from oPers čop ‘stick’).
▪ The Ar word is the etymon of Eur words for ‘artichoke’. The Arabs probably used the plant in medicine, thanks to the bitter chemical constituent cynarine contained in it (Osman2002). Artichokes were known in Italy by the 1450s, brought to Florence from Naples in 1466. 
▪ … 
DRS 10 (2012)#ḪRŚP-1-2 […]. -3 ḫaršūf ‘artichaut’, MġrAr ḫəršəf ‘cardon’. -4 […].
▪ … 
▪ Hava1899 marks ḫuršūf as specifically EgAr.
▪ Relation to other items of the root ↗ḪRŠF unclear. 
▪ [gnrl] : If DRS is right, the Sem root ḪRṬ displays 4 major values, all of which are represented in Ar (1 only in MġrAr). There is, however, enormous diversity within DRS’s #ḪRṬ-1, which would cover all of values [v1]-[v4], kept distinct here for systematic reasons. If DRS’ juxtaposition is valid, [v2]-[v4] are somehow fig. use of and/or semantic extensions from [v1]. Given (still with DRS) the wide attestation in Sem, one may assume a common origin of [v1]-[v4] and its cognates in Sem *ḪRṬ ‘to pull\scrape off, strip’. – Values [v5] and [v6] are not mentioned in DRS, while [v7] and [v10] are treated under √ḪRṬṬ. [v8] corresponds to DRS #ḪRṬ-4, and [v9] to DRS #ḪRṬ-3.
▪ [v1] : Ar ¹ḫaraṭa ‘to pull off, strip (leaves from a tree)’ may have preserved the Sem etymon *ḪRṬ ‘to pull\scrape off, strip’ rather faithfully. As can be seen from what DRS regards as cognates of the Ar items (see DRS #ḪRṬ-1 in section COGN, below), there is considerable semantic diversity within this group across Sem, so that it is difficult to decide which of the values should be more original than others; but the Ar [v1] is certainly a strong candidate. The value ²‘to turn, shape with a lathe (wood, metal)’ is widespread in Ar as well and seems to have in its turn formed the basis for further semantic developments (see [v2], perh. also [v3], unless directly from [v1]). Despite its obvious old age, however, this development seems to have remained an Ar ideosyncrasy, a special use of the original *‘scraping, stripping’.
▪ [v2] : The value ‘to exaggerate, boast, brag, lie’ (³ḫaraṭa) is prob. the result of fig. use of the secondary aspect of [v1], ‘turning, shaping with a lathe’ (²ḫaraṭa). According to WehrCowan1976, this semantic development is specific to EgAr; in DRS the value is marked as SyrAr EAr.
▪ [v3] : ⁴ḫaraṭa ‘to cut into small pieces, mince, chop, dice (meat, carrots, etc.)’ could be a specialisation based on either ¹ḫaraṭa ‘to pull off, strip (leaves from a tree)’ or ²ḫaraṭa ‘to turn, shape with a lathe (wood, metal)’. However, given the fact that the semantic relation between these and ‘to cut, mince, chop’ is not self-evident, it is perh. safer, for the moment, to keep the value apart.
▪ [v4] : A relation of vb. VII ĭnḫaraṭa ‘to join, enter, affiliate with, penetrate, plunge headlong into, embark rashly upon’ and [v1] ‘to scrape off, strip; to turn, shape with a lathe’ or [v2] ‘to exaggerate, boast, brag, lie’ or also [v3] ‘to cut, mince, chop’ is less than obvious. If [v4] has somehow developed from [v1], the line of derivation may be imagined as *‘to get quickly rid of the bark, etc. (for so to be free to go over to else and) > plunge into, embark rashly upon’. But this is still rather speculative. DRS does not list this value. Interestingly enough, however, Klein1987 establishes a similarly distinct value for postBiblHbr hiṯḥārēṭ ‘to repent, regret’ (from a homonymous root ²ḤRṬ) and puts Ar ĭnḫaraṭa ‘to do ignorantly’ (sic!) alongside with it.
▪ [v5] : no obvious semantic relation between SyrAr ḫarrāṭaẗ ‘skirt’ and any of the other values; perh. *‘easy to strip off’ (in which case it would be derived from [v1]). The value is not mentioned in DRS. If not from √ḪRṬ, it may be a borrowing (< Akk ?). For more details and discussion, see entry ↗ḫarrāṭaẗ.
▪ [v6] : Prob. via It carta (< Lat c(h)arta) from Grk χártē ‘sheet of paper’, itself perh. a borrowing (with metathesis, from Eg sḫr.t ‘bundle of papyrus rolls, scroll’?). The earlier form, Grk χártēs ‘leaf of paper, made from the separated layers of papyrus’ (LidellScott1901), may be the origin of, or have the same etymon as, Ar ↗qirṭās. In MSA, ḫāriṭaẗ has become confused with, and ousted by, ḫarīṭaẗ (in ClassAr meaning ‘leathern container, receptable’, see [v9]; the confusion may have become possible because maps used to be stored in leathern receptables). – For more details, and also a possible etymology of the Grk χártēs, see entry ↗ḫāriṭaẗ.
▪ [v7] : For ḫarṭīṭ ‘rhinoceros’, see s.v. (arranged s.r. ↗ḪRṬṬ).
[v8] : The etymology of ḫaraṭ ‘coagulation of the milk in the udder’ and related items
2 is obscure. DRS lists it as a distinct value (#ḪRṬ-4), but without cognates in other Sem languages.
[v9] : In Hava1899, ḫarīṭaẗ is rendered as ‘leathern bag for silkworms’ eggs’, while Lane ii 1865 has still the more general ‘receptable, pouch, purse (of leather, rag, etc.)’.3 The word is a nominalized quasi-PP I describing, originally, *‘scraped off’ leather, hence also bags or other receptables made thereof. – The confusion of the old, genuine ḫarīṭaẗ ‘leathern receptable’ with the younger borrowing ḫāriṭaẗ (prob. from It c(h)arta, see above, [v6]) as ‘map, chart’, was perh. possible because maps used to be kept in leathern containers. According to DHDA, ḫarīṭaẗ is first attested in 681 CE (in the sense of ‘leathern container, receptable’), while ḫāriṭaẗ appeared only much later (not attested in sources of the first three Islamic centuries).
[v10] : Formed on the rare pattern XIII (ĭFʕawwaLa), the vb. ĭḫrawwaṭa comes with a variety of values of which some hardly can be linked to any of the other values represented in the root. One is ‘to become long (beard); to protract (bi‑ a journey)’. Etymology obscure.
[v11] : Another strange value ofĭḫrawwaṭa is ‘to hurry on’. Etymology obscure.
[v12] : For ḫirṭīṭ (pl. ḫarāṭīṭᵘ) ‘butterfly brightly coloured’, see s.v. (arranged s.r. ↗ḪRṬṬ).
▪ Klein1987, DelOlmoLete2003, DRS #ḪRṬ-1 Akk ḫarāṭu ‘to eat, devour (leaves, etc.)’,1 Ug ḫrṭ ‘plumer (?) | to pull out, pull up, pluck’, Hbr ḥᵆrät ‘stylet pour écrire, graver | graving tool, stylus’, modHbr ‘pen, pencil’, postBiblHbr ḥāraṭ ‘to chisel, engrave’, modHbr ‘to etch, turn’, Syr ḥᵃrat ‘entailler, inciser, couper, déchirer | to cut, scratch, tear’, Ar ḫaraṭa ‘enlever l’écorce, effeuiller un arbre; tourner, façonner au tour; atterrer, ruiner, affliger’, SyrAr EAr ḫaraṭ ‘fabriquer des mensonges; trancher, frapper’, ḫaraṭ, ḫawraṭ ‘emporter la terre (eau de ravinement)’, MġrAr ḫarəṭ ‘raviner; bâcler; racler, raboter’, ? ḫarreṭ ‘faire peur, causer de la frayeur’; ttəḫrəṭ ‘se détourner pour dégainer son arme’, Sab ḫrṭ ‘saisir vivement, dégainer’, Soq ḥeroṭ ‘dégainer; cueillir’, Jib ḫaroṭ ‘dépouiller une branche de feuilles et de fruits’. Les verbes SAr et leurs formes dérivées ont aussi des sens figurés : ‘se disputer, injurier, insulter’. – Voir aussi ḪRT. -2 MġrAr ḫraṭ ‘s’habituer à, se familiariser avec; faire montre de trop de familiarité’, cp. KRT. -3 Hbr ḥārîṭ ‘poche, bourse’, Ar ḫarṭaẗ ‘sac, sacoche’. -4 Ar ḫaraṭ ‘maladie des femelles à lait, dont le lait coule en grumeaux’.
▪ Klein1987 : postBiblHbr hiṯḥārēṭ ‘to repent, regret’, Ar ĭnḫaraṭa ‘to do ignorantly’
ḫaraṭ‑ خَرَطَ , u, i (ḫarṭ)
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vb., I 
1 to pull off, strip (leaves from a tree); 2 to turn, lathe, shape with a lathe (‑h wood, metal); – 3 u (EgAr) to exaggerate, boast, brag, lie; – 4 u (EgAr) a to cut into small pieces; b to mince, chop, dice (meat, carrots, etc.) – WehrCowan1976
▪ [v1] : ḫaraṭa in the sense of ‘to pull off, strip (leaves from a tree)’ may have preserved the Sem etymon *ḪRṬ ‘to pull\scrape off, strip’ rather faithfully. As can be seen from what DRS regards as cognates of the Ar items (DRS #ḪRṬ-1, see below, section COGN), there is considerable semantic diversity within this group across Sem, so that it is difficult to decide which of the values should be more original than others; but the Ar value is certainly a good candidate (see below, section DISC).
▪ [v2] ‘to turn, shape with a lathe (wood, metal)’ is widespread in Ar and seems to have itself formed the basis for further semantic development (see [v3] and [v4]). Despite its obvious old age, however, this development seems to have remained an Ar ideosyncrasy, a special use of the original *‘scraping, stripping’, i.e., [v1].
▪ [v3] ‘to exaggerate, boast, brag, lie’ is prob. the result of fig. use of [v2], where the fabrication of lies etc. is compared to ‘turning, shaping with a lathe’. According to WehrCowan1976, this semantic development is specific to EgAr; in DRS, however, the value is marked as SyrAr and EAr. Or should one compare Copt šōrt ‘to confuse; to be mentally confused, crazy, obsessed’? The latter is prob. fig. use, from Copt šort, šoort, šart ‘veil, cover’ (< Eg ḫrd ‘bundle of linen’) – Westendorf2008.4
▪ [v4] : The meaning ‘to cut into small pieces, mince, chop, dice (meat, carrots, etc.)’ of ḫaraṭa could be a specialisation based on either [v1] ‘to pull off, strip (leaves from a tree)’ or [v2] ‘to turn, shape with a lathe (wood, metal)’. However, given the fact that the semantic relation between these and ‘to cut, mince, chop’ is not self-evident, it is perh. safer, for the moment, to keep the value apart.
▪ [gnrl] : For historically attested values that clearly are akin to those of the present entry, see below, section HIST. For other (possibly related) values, see section DISC.
▪ [gnrl] : A relation of vb. VII, ↗ĭnḫaraṭa ‘to join, enter, affiliate with, penetrate, plunge headlong into, embark rashly upon’ and any of the other values of ḫaraṭa may exist, but is hard to establish. If ĭnḫaraṭa has somehow developed from [v1] ‘to strip/peel off (bark, etc.)’, the line of derivation may be imagined as *‘to get quickly rid of the bark, etc. (for so to be free to go over to else and) > plunge into, embark rashly upon’. But this is rather speculative. DRS does not list ĭnḫaraṭa. Interestingly enough, however, Klein1987 establishes a similar, distinct value for postBiblHbr hiṯḥārēṭ ‘to repent, regret’ (from a homonymous root ²ḤRṬ) and puts Ar ĭnḫaraṭa ‘to do ignorantly’ (sic!) alongside with it.
▪ [gnrl] : ḫarīṭaẗ ‘receptable, pouch, purse (of leather, rag, etc.)’ (↗ḪRṬ_9) seems to be a quasi-PP I describing, originally, *‘scraped off’ leather, hence also bags or other receptables made thereof. – For confusion and semantic merger ḫarīṭaẗ ~ ḫāriṭaẗ ‘map, chart’ (prob. from It c(h)arta), see ↗ḫāriṭaẗ.
▪ [gnrl] : No obvious semantic relation with other items from same root, √ḪRṬ. SyrAr ↗ḫarrāṭaẗ ‘skirt’ is perh. *‘(the garment that is) easy to strip off’ (in which case it would be derived from [v1]). The value is not mentioned in DRS. |
▪ [gnrl] : The etymology of ḫaraṭ ‘coagulation of the milk in the udder’ (↗ḪRṬ_8) and related items5 is obscure. DRS lists it as a distinct value (#ḪRṬ-4), but without cognates in other Sem languages.
▪ [gnrl] : For the rare vb. XIII, ĭḫrawwaṭa, and its various meanings, cf. ↗ḪRṬ_10-11.
▪ Hava1899 lists some more historically attested values that shed more light on the semantics in question here:
  • To [v1] we may put : ḫaraṭa (u, i; ḫarṭ) ‘to beat off (the leaves of a tree); to pick (grapes with the hand)’ ; ḫaraṭa (I) and ḫarraṭa (II) ‘to purge s.o. (medicine)’ (< * ‘to make s.o. get rid of unwanted food, etc.’), hence also ĭnḫaraṭa (VII) ‘to be slender (body)’ ; ĭḫtaraṭa (VIII) ‘to unsheathe (a sword)’ ; the adj. ḫarūṭ (pl. ḫurṭ) for ‘restive (animal)’ is obviously fig. use, likening an obstinate animal to a twig that resists being stripped of its leaves or bark.
  • Ad [v2] : ḫurāṭaẗ ‘parings falling from a lathe’
  • Ad [v3] : ḫaraṭa ‘to brag; to crack a joke’, (?) ḫarūṭ (pl. ḫurṭ) ‘blunderer; humbug’
    ▪ Klein1987, DelOlmoLete2003, DRS #ḪRṬ-1 Akk ḫarāṭu ‘to eat, devour (leaves, etc.)’,2 Ug ḫrṭ ‘plumer (Tropper2008 : ‘Federn rupfen’) | to pull out, pull up, pluck’, Hbr ḥᵆrät ‘stylet pour écrire, graver | graving tool, stylus’, modHbr ‘pen, pencil’, postBiblHbr ḥāraṭ ‘to chisel, engrave’, modHbr ‘to etch, turn’, Syr ḥᵃrat ‘entailler, inciser, couper, déchirer | to cut, scratch, tear’, Ar ḫaraṭa ‘enlever l’écorce, effeuiller un arbre; tourner, façonner au tour; atterrer, ruiner, affliger’, SyrAr EAr ḫaraṭ ‘fabriquer des mensonges; trancher, frapper’, ḫaraṭ, ḫawraṭ ‘emporter la terre (eau de ravinement)’, MġrAr ḫarəṭ ‘raviner; bâcler; racler, raboter’, ? ḫarreṭ ‘faire peur, causer de la frayeur’; ttəḫrəṭ ‘se détourner pour dégainer son arme’, Sab ḫrṭ ‘saisir vivement, dégainer’, Soq ḥeroṭ ‘dégainer; cueillir’, Jib ḫaroṭ ‘dépouiller une branche de feuilles et de fruits’. Les verbes SAr et leurs formes dérivées ont aussi des sens figurés : ‘se disputer, injurier, insulter’.3 – Voir aussi ḪRT. -2-4 ....
    ▪ ...
    ▪ The reconstruction of Sem *ḪRṬ ‘to pull\scrape off, strip’ can be based on Akk ḫarāṭu ‘to eat, devour (leaves, etc.) | (von Soden, AHW:) abfressen (wie Heuschrecken), i.e., eat away, gnaw off (like locusts)’, Ar ḫaraṭa ‘to remove (bark), strip (a tree)’, MġrAr ḫarəṭ ‘to scrape, plane’, Soq ḥeroṭ ‘to draw; to pluck’, perh. also Ug ḫrṭ ‘to pluck (geese, etc.)’; Jib ḫaroṭ ‘stripping a branch of leaves and fruit’ may be an Arabism. (In Hbr and Syr, the general meaning is rather *‘to incise, cut, engrave’.)
    ▪ ...
    EgAr ḫarraṭ, vb. II, to cut into small pieces, mince, chop: D-stem, ints. (cf. ⁴ḫaraṭa)
    ĭnḫaraṭa, vb. VII, 1 to be turned, be lathed, be shaped with a lathe; 2-3 ↗s.v.: N-stem, pass. (< ²ḫaraṭa)

    ḫarṭ, n., 1 pulling-off (of leaves) | dūna ḏālika ḫarṭ al-qatād, expr., before one can do that, one must strip the tragacanth of its leaves, i.e., accomplish the impossible; 2 turning, turnery : vn. I of ¹ḫaraṭa and ²ḫaraṭa, respectively.
    ḫarrāṭ, n., pl. ‑ūn, 1 turner, lather; 2 (EgAr) braggart, bluffer, storyteller: ¹, ²fig. use (?) (both < ²ḫaraṭa)
    ḫirāṭaẗ, n.f., turner’s trade, turnery, art of turning: vn. I (²ḫaraṭa)
    ḫarrāṭaẗ, n.f., 1 ↗s.v.; – 2 (EgAr) chopping knife, mincing knife, mezzaluna: ²ints-formation, quasi-n.instr. (⁴ḫaraṭa)
    miḫraṭaẗ, n.f., pl. maḫāriṯᵘ, lathe: n.instr. (²ḫaraṭa)
    maḫrūṭ, 1a n., cone (math.); b adj., conic: PP I (< ²ḫaraṭa)
    maḫrūṭī, adj., conic : nsb-formation of preceding

    For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗(SyrAr) ḫarrāṭaẗ, ↗ḫāriṭaẗ and also ↗ḫarṭīṭ, as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗ḪRṬ and ↗ḪRṬṬ.
    ĭnḫaraṭaاِنْخَرَطَ, ‑nḫariṭ‑ (ĭnḫirāṭ)
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    vb., VII
    1ḫaraṭa; 2a to join, enter, affiliate (, fī silkⁱ... with an organisation, a community); b to penetrate ( or into); c to plunge headlong ( into), embark rashly ( upon); 3 to labor, slave, toil – WehrCowan1976
    ▪ While the vb. VII ĭnḫaraṭa also occurs in the pass. sense of ‘to be turned, be lathed, be shaped with a lathe’ (where it is from ↗²ḫaraṭa), a relation of the values ²‘to join, enter, affiliate with, penetrate, plunge headlong into, embark rashly upon’ and ³‘to labor, slave, toil’ to any of the values of ↗ḫaraṭa is hard to establish. What could be the common denominator of ‘joining, entering, affiliating with; penetrating; laboring, toiling’ on the one hand, and ‘scraping off, stripping’, ‘shaping with a lathe’, ‘fabricating lies, boasting, bragging’ and ‘cutting, mincing, chopping’, on the other hand? If ‘joining, entering, affiliating with’ etc. is somehow dependent on ‘scraping off, stripping’, a derivation trajectory may be imagined as *‘to get quickly rid of the bark, etc. (for so to be free to go over to else and) > plunge into, embark rashly upon’. But this would be highly speculative. – DRS does neither list ĭnḫaraṭa nor items with similar semantics. In contrast, and interestingly enough, Klein1987 establishes a homonymous Hbr root ⁱⁱḤRṬ alongside the main ⁱḤRṬ; under ⁱⁱḤRṬ he groups postBiblHbr hiṯḥārēṭ ‘to repent, regret’ and list Ar ĭnḫaraṭa ‘to do ignorantly’ (sic!) as a cognate.
    ▪ An item with a similar meaning, traditionally likewise ascribed to √ḪRṬ, is the rare vb. XIII ĭḫrawwaṭa in the sense of ‘to be entangled (bi‑ in a snare; hunter); hence (?) also : to become long (beard); to hurry on; to protract (bi‑ a journey)’ – Hava1899.
    ▪ ...
    ▪ Cf. ↗ḫaraṭa ?
    ▪ Klein1987 : postBiblHbr hiṯḥārēṭ ‘to repent, regret’, Ar ĭnḫaraṭa ‘to do ignorantly’ (sic!)
    ĭnḫaraṭa fī ’l-bukāʔ, to break into tears

    For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḫaraṭa, ↗(SyrAr) ḫarrāṭaẗ, ↗ḫāriṭaẗ and also ↗ḫarṭīṭ , as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗ḪRṬ and ↗ḪRṬṬ.
    (SyrAr) ḫarrāṭaẗ خَرّاطة
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    1 (SyrAr) skirt; 2ḫaraṭa – WehrCowan1976
    ▪ While ḫarrāṭaẗ, in EgAr, signifies a [v1] ‘chopping\mincing knife, mezzaluna’ and is as such an ints-formation, used as a quasi-n.instr., from EgAr ↗⁴ḫaraṭa ‘to cut into small pieces, mince, chop, dice (meat, carrots, etc.)’, the SyrAr value [v2] ‘skirt’ does not have a self-evident etymology. Perhaps it is the *‘garment that is easy to strip off’, in which case it would be derived from ¹ḫaraṭa. – For other possible etymologies, see below, section DISC.
    ▪ …
    ḫarrāṭaẗ ‘petticoat’ – Hava1899.
    ▪ ...
    ▪ Klein1987, DelOlmoLete2003, DRS #ḪRṬ-1ḫaraṭa. -2 .... -3 Hbr ḥārîṭ ‘poche, bourse’, Ar ḫarṭaẗ ‘sac, sacoche’. -4 ....
    ▪ ...
    ▪ The value ‘skirt’ is not mentioned in DRS but confirmed in several sources. If it is not from ¹ḫaraṭa ‘to strip off’, it is likely a borrowing. Hoch1994 #353 mentions the item as possibly related to Eg *ḫariṭa or *ḫariṭ (?) ‘a garment?, bag\purse?’, a word with unclear meaning but apparently signifying that is »always ... made of fine linen«. »Perhaps«, the author speculates, one has to compare »BiblHbr ḥᵃrîṭîm, sometimes rendered ‘purses’, which occurs in a list of women’s garments (Isa. 3:22), but is used to wrap pieces of silver (Kings 5:23). The Hbr word is apparently related to Ar ḫarīṭaẗ ‘bag’, modSyrAr ḫarrāṭaẗ ‘skirt’. The Akk ḫurdatu (a garment or cover), although dubious,13 is another possibility. Černý (Ety.Dict. 252) identified the word with SCopt šort ‘awning, veil’, but the connection is not certain.« – Given that the value ‘skirt’ of ḫarrāṭaẗ seems to be a specifically Levantine phenomenon, an Akk etymology would look more likely than a Copt one. But the morpho-phonological structures of Ar ḫarrāṭaẗ and Akk ḫurdaẗ are quite different, so that also an Akk etymology would be problematic. Moreover, Hoch’s equation of ḫarrāṭaẗ ‘skirt’ with ḫarīṭaẗ ‘(leathern) bag, purse, receptable’ is doubtful, as the latter is a quasi-PP I, orig. prob. meaning *‘scraped off’, sc. referring to the leather, while the Faʕʕālaẗ form of ḫarrāṭaẗ rather has active connotations. And: if the meaning ‘skirt’ were simply a semantic development from ‘bag’ – a skirt seen as a ‘container’ – then why should Levantines not have taken ḫarīṭaẗ itself?
    ▪ ...
    For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḫaraṭa, ↗ĭnḫaraṭa, ↗ḫāriṭaẗ and also ↗ḫarṭīṭ , as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗ḪRṬ and ↗ḪRṬṬ.
    ḫāriṭaẗخارِطة, pl. ‑āt
    ID – • Sw – • BP 3518 • APD … • © SG | 19May2023
    map, chart – WehrCowan1976
    ▪ Prob. via It carta (< Lat c(h)arta) from Grk χártē ‘sheet of paper’, itself perh. a borrowing (with metathesis, from Eg sḫr.t ‘bundle of papyrus rolls, scroll’ ?). The earlier form, Grk χártēs ‘leaf of paper, made from the separated layers of papyrus’ (LidellScott1901), may be the origin of, or have the same etymon as, ↗qirṭās.
    ▪ In MSA, the value ‘map, chart’ is more frequently expressed by ḫarīṭaẗ than by ḫāriṭaẗ. In ClassAr, ḫarīṭaẗ meant ‘receptable, pouch, purse (of leather, rag, etc.)’ (see ↗ḪRṬ_9). Formed on the quasi-PP I pattern Faʕīlaẗ, ḫarīṭaẗ originally meant *‘scraped off’, prob. referring to the leather from which the bags etc. were made. – Was the confusion of, and eventual merger between, the old, genuine ḫarīṭaẗ ‘leathern receptable’ and the younger borrowing ḫāriṭaẗ as ‘map, chart’ perh. possible because maps used to be kept in leathern containers? According to DHDA, ḫarīṭaẗ is first attested in 681 CE (in the sense of ‘leathern container, receptable’), while ḫāriṭaẗ appeared only much later (not attested in sources of the first three Islamic centuries).
    ▪ …
    ▪ ...
    ▪ Klein1987, DelOlmoLete2003, DRS #ḪRṬ- [?]1ḫaraṭa. -2 .... -[?] 3 Hbr ḥārīṭ ‘poche, bourse’, Ar ḫarṭaẗ ‘sac, sacoche’. -4 ....
    ▪ ...
    ▪ Rolland2014̈ (s.v. ḫarīṭaẗ, var. ḫāriṭaẗ ‘carte (de géographie)’14 et q˅rṭās ‘cahier, feuille, papier’) : « Seraient tous deux issus – directement ou via les formes latinisées carta et chart – du Grk χártēs ‘rouleau de papyrus’. C’est l’opinion de Rajki, confirmé par Nişanyan. / Mais si l’emprunt semble avéré pour qarṭās, les choses sont moins claires pour ḫarīṭaẗ, que la plupart de nos auteurs semblent considérer comme un simple dérivé adjectival substantivé du verbe ḫaraṭa ‘dépouiller une branche de ses feuilles’. Auquel cas, l’origine de [Grk] χártēs étant inconnue, tout laisse supposer, pour ce mot comme pour bon nombre d’autres mots grecs, une origine sémitique (phénicienne?) commune à Ar ḫarīṭaẗ et au Grk χártēs. / Dans un deuxième temps, l’arabe aura emprunté à son tour Grk χártēs sous les formes ḫāriṭaẗ et qarṭās. / Du même étymon : ḫarṭūš ou ḫarṭūšaẗ ‘cartouche’ < Fr cartouche < It cartoccio, proprement ‘cornet de papier’, diminutif de carta ‘papier’ ; et [Ar] kārtūn ou kartūn ‘carton’ < Fr carton < It cartone, augmentatif de carta.
    ▪ Not from Ar ḫāriṭaẗ ~ ḫarīṭaẗ, but perh. from the main source is Engl card : »(eC15) ‘a playing card’, from oFr carte (C14), from mLat carta/charta ‘a card, paper; a writing, a charter’, from Lat charta ‘leaf of paper, a writing, tablet’, from Grk χártēs ‘layer of papyrus’, which is prob. from Eg (see below). The form has been influenced by It cognate carta ‘paper, leaf of paper’. Compare chart (n.). The shift in Engl from -t to -d is unexplained« – EtymOnline.
    ▪ Cf. also Fr chartre, from ClassLat chartula ‘petit écrit’, en LLat et mLat ‘acte, document’, from ClassLat charta ‘feuille de papyrus préparée pour recevoir l’écriture’, d’où ‘écrit’ et ‘lettre’, spécialement en LLat (pl.) ‘écrits, actes authentiques; pièces d’archives’; en mLat ‘acte dispositif’ – CNRTL.
    ▪ Grk (χártē <) χártēs is, in its turn, quite likely to be a borrowing. Beekes and others (EtymOnline, Kluge, etc.) assume that the donor must have been Eg; but, apparently, there is no semantically or phonologically obvious Eg etymon. The only candidates in TLA that could come close to Grk χártēs are the divine epitheton Eg ḥr.jt-wʾḏ=s ‘the one (goddess) who is on her papyrus column’ and sḫr.t ‘bundle of papyrus rolls, scroll’. The former is semantically prob. too specialised to pass as a serious candidate for the etymon of Grk χártēs; the latter could fit with regard to the semantics, but we would have to assume a metathesis Eg sḫr.t [> *ḫrts] > Grk χártēs. So, is it perh. from a Sem language (Phoen?, as Rolland2014 asks)? This would be similar to the view, put forward by ClassAr sources, that ḫarīṭaẗ is a quasi-PP I from ¹ḫaraṭa, i.e., the *‘(container made from) scrapped off (skin, i.e., leather)’.
    ▪ ...
    ḫāriṭaẗ al-ṭarīq, road map

    BP#2687ḫarīṭaẗ, pl. ḫarāʔiṭᵘ, ḫuruṭ, n.f., map, chart

    For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗ḫaraṭa, ↗ĭnḫaraṭa, ↗(SyrAr) ḫarrāṭaẗ, and also ↗ḫarṭīṭ , as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗ḪRṬ and ↗ḪRṬṬ.
    ḪRṬŠ خرطش 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 17May2023
    ▪ ḪRṬŠ_1 ‘cartridge; lead (of a pencil); cartouche (arch ); daybook’ ↗ḫarṭūš
    ▪ ḪRṬŠ_ ... 
    ▪ [v1] : (Rolland2014) : < Fr cartouche < It cartoccio, proprement ‘cornet de papier’, diminutif de carta ‘papier’ < Grk χártēs ‘rouleau de papyrus’ [perh., with metathesis, from Eg sḫr.t ‘bundle of papyrus roles, scroll’ – S.G.] 
    ḫarṭūš خَرْطوش , and ḫarṭūšaẗ, pl. ḫarāṭīšᵘ 
    ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 17May2023
    1 cartridge; 2 lead (of a pencil); 3 cartouche (arch. ); 4 daybook – WehrCowan1976 
    ▪ (Rolland2014): < Fr cartouche < It cartoccio, proprement ‘cornet de papier’, diminutif de carta ‘papier’ < Grk χártēs ‘rouleau de papyrus’ [perh., with metathesis, from Eg sḫr.t ‘bundle of papyrus rolls, scroll’ – S.G.] 
    - (loanword) 
    ḪRṬṬ خرطط
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 19May2023
    ▪ ḪRṬṬ_1 ‘rhinoceros’ ↗ḫarṭīṭ
    ▪ … 
    ḫarṭīṭ خَرْطيط, var. ḫartīt خَرْتيت
    ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 19May2023
    √ḪRṬ, ḪRṬṬ 
    rhinoceros – WehrCowan1976 
    ▪ … 
    ḪRṬM خرطم 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
    ▪ ḪRṬM_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪRṬM_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪRṬM_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘nose, trunk (of an elephant), to hit on the nose, to bottle up one’s anger; notables’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪRʕ خرع 
    Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | created 31May2023
    ▪ … 
    ĭḫtirāʕ اِخْتِراع 
    Sw – • NahḍConBP 4502 • APD … • © SG | created 31May2023
    ▪ vn., VIII 
    ḪRF خرف 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    There seem to be 2 main themes:

    ▪ ḪRF_1 ‘to talk foolishly’ ↗ḫaraf
    ▪ ḪRF_2 ‘autumn, fall; lamb’ ↗ḫarīf, ↗ḫarūf 

    ▪ From protSem *√ḪRP ‘to be early, do (something) early’, with associated nouns denoting ‘early season’ – Huehnergard2011.
    ▪ For ḪRF_1 cf. DRS 10 (2012) s.v. ḪRP-3: Hbr *ḥārap ‘railler, insulter’ [BDB ḥārap̄ ‘to reproach’, prop. ‘to say sharp things against’, cf. Aram ḥᵃrap̄‑ ‘reproach’, Syr ḥarep ‘to sharpen’, ḥarīp ‘sharp, keen’, (CAD) Akk ḫarāpu (ḫarābu) ‘to cut’], Ar ḫarifa ‘avoir le cerveau troublé, délirer, radoter (vieillard)’, Maġr ḫarrəf, or. ḫarraf ‘débiter des balivernes, radoter’, ḫrāfa ‘conte’, Jib ḫarof ‘débiter des absurdités, des inepties’.

    For ḪRF_2 cf. ibid 10 (2012) s.v. ḪRP-2: Akk ḫarāpu (also ḫarābu) ‘être précoce’ [CAD ‘to be early’], ḫarp‑ ‘précoce’ [CAD ḫarpu ‘early’], ḫarpū (pl.) ‘autumn’ [CAD ḫarpū plurale tantum 1. (OA only) ‘(early) harvest’, 2. ‘summer’], ? Ug ḫrpnt ‘autumn’, Hbr ḥoręp‑ ‘autumn, autumn and winter’ [BDB ḥoräp̄ ‘harvest-time, autumn’], Ar ḫarīf ‘autumn, autumn rain’, ḫarāf ‘temps de la récolte des fruits’, YemAr ḫarīf ‘année (en cours)’, Maġr ḫrīf ‘arrière-saison, automne’, ḫrəf ‘passer de saison, cesser de donner des fruits’, Sab Qat ḫrf ‘autumn’, Qat ‘autumn harvest, year’, Mhr ḫarf, Jib ḫorf ‘période des pluies de mousson (de juin au début de septembre)’, Soq ḥorf, Hars ḫōref ‘autumn’, Gz ḫarif ‘l’année en cours’. – Akk ḫurāp‑ ‘mouton de l’année’ [CAD ḫurāpu adj. ‘spring (lamb/kid)’, from OB on], Ug ? ḫrpt ‘brebis (?)’, Syr ḥūrpā ‘brebis d’un an’, Ar ḫarūf ‘agneau, jeune mouton mâle, jeule poulain’, Min ḫrf ‘mouton (?)’. – [CAD ḫurpu ‘early crop’] Ar ḫarīf ‘cueilli (fruit), feuille d’automne, feuille tombée’ [BDB ‘freshly gathered fruit’], YemAr taḫarraf ‘to harvest’, Mhr ḫayref ‘mûrir, fleurir’, Jib ḫerf ‘produire des fruits’, Soq ḥorf ‘fruit, récolte’, Ḥars ḫōref ‘cueillir’. – ḫerefōt ‘petit lièvre’. 

    While ḪRF_1 and ḪRF_2 really seem to be different items,15 the relation within ḪRF_2 between ‘autumn, fall’ (↗ḫarīf) and ‘lamb’ (↗ḫarūf) is probably the fact that the lamb is called after the season, or a one year-old lamb after the return of the season in which it was born, a lamb thus being ‘the fall-born’. Cf. cognates as quoted from DRS above. 
    ḫarifa, a (ḫaraf), vb. I: ↗ḫaraf
    ḫarrafa, vb. II: ↗ḫaraf
    ḫarif and ḫarfān, adj. : ↗ḫaraf
    BP#3094ḫarīf, n.: ↗s.v.
    ḫarīfī, adj.: ↗ḫarīf
    , n.: ↗s.v.
    ḫurāfaẗ, n. : ↗ḫaraf
    ḫurāfī, adj. ↗ḫurāfaẗ
    maḫrafaẗ, n. ↗ḫaraf
    taḫrīf, n. ↗ḫaraf
    muḫarrif, adj./n., ↗ḫaraf 
    ḫaraf خَرَف 1  
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    feeble-mindedness, dotage, senility; childishness (of an old man) – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) s.v. ḪRP-3: Hbr *ḥārap ‘railler, insulter’ [BDB ḥārap̄ ‘to reproach’, prop. ‘to say sharp things against’, cf. Aram ḥᵃrap̄‑ ‘reproach’, Syr ḥarep ‘to sharpen’, ḥarīp ‘sharp, keen’, (CAD) Akk ḫarāpu (ḫarābu) ‘to cut’], Ar ḫarifa ‘avoir le cerveau troublé, délirer, radoter (vieillard)’, Maġr ḫarrəf, or. ḫarraf ‘débiter des balivernes, radoter’, ḫrāfa ‘conte’, Jib ḫarof ‘débiter des absurdités, des inepties’. 
    ▪ Probably unrelated to ↗ḫarīf ‘autumn, fall’ or ↗ḫarūf ‘lamb’.
    ▪ Cf. ↗√ḪRF for the overall picture. 
    ḫarifa, a (ḫaraf), vb. I, to dote, be senile and feeble-minded; to drivel, talk foolishly: denominative (unless the vb. itself is the etymon).
    ḫarrafa, vb. II, to dote, be senile and feeble-minded; to drivel, talk foolishly: intensive formation, denominative or from I or the adj. ḫarif.
    ḫarif and ḫarfān, adj., feebleminded, doting; childish; n., dotard: While ḫarfān is clearly secondary (and intensive in ‑ān), ḫarif can be an adj. formation from the vb. ḫarifa or the n./vn. ḫarafa, or be itself the etymon from which the other forms are derived.
    ḫurāfaẗ, n.f., pl. ‑āt, superstition; fable, fairy tale:.
    ḫurāfī, adj., fabulous, fictitious, legendary: nsb-adj from ḫurāfaẗ.
    maḫrafaẗ, n.f., prattle, drivel, twaddle, bosh:.
    taḫrīf, n., folly, delusion; foolish talk, drivel, twaddle, bosh, buncombe: lexicalized vn. II.
    muḫarrif, adj., childish, foolish: PA II; n., (pl. ‑ūn) prattler, chatterbox, windbag; charlatan: nominalized PA II 
    ḫarīf خَرِيف 
    ID … • Sw – • BP 3094 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    autumn, fall – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *ḥ˅rp‑ ‘autumn’.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ Fronzaroli#3.: Akk ḫarpu ‘early, precocious’, (Ass.) ḫarpū (pl.) ‘autumn’, Hbr ḥōrep, Syr ḥurpā ‘one year-old lamb’, Ar ḫarīf ‘autumn’, ḫarūf ‘lamb’, SAr ḫrf ‘autumn, year’, Gz ḫarīf ‘current year’.
    ▪ Kogan2011: Akk ḫarpu ‘autumn’, (? Ug ḫrpnt,) Hbr ḥōräp, Ar ḫarīf ‘autumn; (also: year)’, SAr ḫrf ‘year’, Gz ḫarif ‘current year’, Mhr ḫarf, Jib. ḫɔrf, Soq ḥorf ‘autumn’.
    DRS 10 (2012) s.v. ḪRP-2: Akk ḫarāpu (also ḫarābu) ‘être précoce’ [CAD ‘to be early’], ḫarp‑ ‘précoce’ [CAD ḫarpu ‘early’], ḫarpū (pl.) ‘autumn’ [CAD ḫarpū plurale tantum 1. (OA only) ‘(early) harvest’, 2. ‘summer’], ? Ug ḫrpnt ‘autumn’, Hbr ḥoręp‑ ‘autumn, autumn and winter’ [BDB ḥoräp̄ ‘harvest-time, autumn’], Ar ḫarīf ‘autumn, autumn rain’, ḫarāf ‘temps de la récolte des fruits’, YemAr ḫarīf ‘année (en cours)’, Maġr ḫrīf ‘arrière-saison, automne’, ḫrəf ‘passer de saison, cesser de donner des fruits’, Sab Qat ḫrf ‘autumn’, Qat ‘autumn harvest, year’, Mhr ḫarf, Jib ḫorf ‘période des pluies de mousson (de juin au début de septembre)’, Soq ḥorf, Hars ḫōref ‘autumn’, Gz ḫarif ‘l’année en cours’. – Akk ḫurāp‑ ‘mouton de l’année’ [CAD ḫurāpu adj. ‘spring (lamb/kid)’, from OB on], Ug ? ḫrpt ‘brebis (?)’, Syr ḥūrpā ‘brebis d’un an’, Ar ḫarūf ‘agneau, jeune mouton mâle, jeule poulain’, Min ḫrf ‘mouton (?)’. – [CAD ḫurpu ‘early crop’] Ar ḫarīf ‘cueilli (fruit), feuille d’automne, feuille tombée’ [BDB ‘freshly gathered fruit’], YemAr taḫarraf ‘to harvest’, Mhr ḫayref ‘mûrir, fleurir’, Jib ḫerf ‘produire des fruits’, Soq ḥorf ‘fruit, récolte’, Ḥars ḫōref ‘cueillir’. – ḫerefōt ‘petit lièvre’. 
    ▪ Fronzaroli#3.31: Sem *ḫarup‑ ‘early (Fr/It precoce)’.
    ▪ Kogan2011: Sem *ḫ˅rp‑ ‘autumn’.
    ▪ Probably unrelated to ↗ḫaraf ‘foolish talk’.
    ▪ For the semantic connection between ḫarīf ‘autumn, fall’ and ḫarūf ‘lamb’ ↗s.v..
    ▪ See also ↗√ḪRF for the overall picture. 
    ḫarīfī, adj., autumnal: nsb-adj from ḫarīf 
    ḫarūf خَرُوف , pl. ḫirāf , ʔaḫrifaẗ , ḫirfān 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    young sheep, lamb, yearling; wether – WehrCowan1979. 
    The word seems to be akin to ↗ḫarīf ‘autumn, fall’, the original meaning being ‘yearling’ or *‘the fall-born’.
    ▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *ḫ˅r˅p‑ ‘lamb’ (?).
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ According to DRS 10 (2012) s.v. ḪRP-2, ḫarūf is connected to ḫarīf ‘autumn’: Akk ḫarāpu (also ḫarābu) ‘être précoce’ [CAD ‘to be early’], ḫarp‑ ‘précoce’ [CAD ḫarpu ‘early’], ḫarpū (pl.) ‘autumn’ [CAD ḫarpū plurale tantum 1. (OA only) ‘(early) harvest’, 2. ‘summer’], ? Ug ḫrpnt ‘autumn’, Hbr ḥoręp‑ ‘autumn, autumn and winter’ [BDB ḥoräp̄ ‘harvest-time, autumn’], Ar ḫarīf ‘autumn, autumn rain’, ḫarāf ‘temps de la récolte des fruits’, YemAr ḫarīf ‘année (en cours)’, Maġr ḫrīf ‘arrière-saison, automne’, ḫrəf ‘passer de saison, cesser de donner des fruits’, Sab Qat ḫrf ‘autumn’, Qat ‘autumn harvest, year’, Mhr ḫarf, Jib ḫorf ‘période des pluies de mousson (de juin au début de septembre)’, Soq ḥorf, Hars ḫōref ‘autumn’, Gz ḫarif ‘l’année en cours’. – Akk ḫurāp‑ ‘mouton de l’année’ [CAD ḫurāpu adj. ‘spring (lamb/kid)’, from OB on], Ug ? ḫrpt ‘brebis (?)’, Syr ḥūrpā ‘brebis d’un an’, Ar ḫarūf ‘agneau, jeune mouton mâle, jeule poulain’, Min ḫrf ‘mouton (?)’. – [CAD ḫurpu ‘early crop’] Ar ḫarīf ‘cueilli (fruit), feuille d’automne, feuille tombée’ [BDB ‘freshly gathered fruit’], YemAr taḫarraf ‘to harvest’, Mhr ḫayref ‘mûrir, fleurir’, Jib ḫerf ‘produire des fruits’, Soq ḥorf ‘fruit, récolte’, Ḥars ḫōref ‘cueillir’. – ḫerefōt ‘petit lièvre’. 
    Probably unrelated to ↗ḫaraf ‘foolish talk’. For the overall picture ↗√ḪRF
    ḪRQ خرق 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 12Mar2023
    ▪ ḪRQ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪRQ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪRQ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘gap, hole, perforation; rag; to pierce; to invent, feign; to lie; to be foolish, ignorant, confused’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪZN خزن 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪZN_1 ‘to store, stock, amass; warehouse; treasury, financial department, (hence also: the Makhzan, i.e., Moroccan government); wardrobe, cupboard’ ↗ḫazana
    ▪ ḪZN_2 ‘the nearest, shortest way, a short cut’ ↗maḫāzinᵘ

    Other values, now obsolete or dialectal only:
    • ḪZN_3 ‘to feel bad’: ḎatAr ḫuzin

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘store, storing place, treasury; to store up; to hide, to keep secret, a storekeeper; to take a shortcut’ 
    ▪ Out of the 4 values of the root listed in DRS, only 1 (ḪZN_1 ‘to store, etc.’, acc. to Huehnergard from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, G-stem ḥəsan ‘to be strong, overpower’, Sem √*ḤS/ṢN) is represented in MSA. The value ‘(to take a) shortcut’ (ḪZN_2), to be found in dictionaries of ClassAr as well as MSA (WehrCowan1979), is missing from DRS and without obvious relation to ḪZN_1. So is also the dialectal (YemAr) ‘to feel bad’ (ḪZN_3). 
    DRS 10 (2012)#ḪZN-1 Ar ḫazana ‘garder, enfermer, conserver (dans un magasin, un cellier, etc.), maḫzan ‘magasin’, ḫizānaẗ ‘armoire’, DaṯAr ḫaznaẗ ‘trésor’; Jib ḫozun ‘mettre en lieu sûr’.4 -2 Akk ḫazann - ‘maire, bourgmestre’,5 nHbr ḥazzān, JP hazzānā ‘superintendant, officier, administrateur de synagogue’.6 -3 DaṯAr ḫuzin ‘sentir mauvais’. -4 Akk ḫuzūn : un objet en or; un vêtement. – ? Jib ḫezunt : bijou en or et perle fixé sur le nez. 
    ▪ ḪZN_1: Jeffery1938 (#ḫazānaẗ) thinks that »it is fairly obvious that ḫazana is a denominative vb., and the word has been recognized by many Western scholars as a foreign borrowing«. He dismisses, however, Hoffmann’s suggestion to derive ḫazana from Pers ganǧ ‘treasure’ (from which is Ar ↗kanz). Instead, he thinks that »Barth, Etymol.Stud., 51, makes the happier suggestion that it may be connected with the form that is behind the Hbr ḥōsän ‘treasure’«, a theory that is taken up by Huehnergard2011 (#ḪSN), who thinks that Ar ḫazana ‘to store’ is from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, D-stem of ḥəsan ‘to be strong’, Sem √*ḪSN. – Ar items from ḪZN denoting some kind of political or executive power are usually seen as deriving from ‘treasury’, the person in charge of the latter often fulfilling a higher governmental function. This latter may seem to bring the Akk ḫazannu ‘chief magistrate of a town, of a quarter of a larger city, a village or large estate’ (CAD), mentioned in DRS as a distinct value (ḪZN#2), close to ḪZN_1 (DRS: ḪZN#1); but this is a mere coincidence or a later overlapping, for the Akk word is probably from Sem √*X̣ZY, not from ḪZN (cf. Huehnergard2011: MishHbr, JudAram hazzân ‘superintendent, cantor’, from Akk ḫazannu ‘administrator, mayor’, perh. from earlier *ḫāziyānum ‘overseer’, PA of protAkk vb. ḫazāyum ‘to see’).
    ▪ ḪZN_2: Any relation to ḪZN_1 or ḪZN_3 or the other, non-Ar items given in DRS (#2, #4)?
    ▪ ḪZN_3: Landberg1920 thinks this item is a (metathetical) variant of ḫaniza (√ḪNZ) ‘sentir mauvais, (Lane: to become stinking)’, a vb./root that is missing from MSA.
    ▪ ḪZN_1: Engl magazinemaḫzan; For words signifying ‘treasury’ in Slav langs see ↗ḫaznaẗ (?). 
    ḫazan‑ خَزَنَ , u (ḫazn
    ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    vb., I 
    1 to store, stock, lay up, hoard, amass, accumulate; 2 to contain, conceal (, e.g., oil, minerals; of discovery sites); 3 to keep secret, keep (a secret) – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ Jeffery1938 and others believe the vb. to be denominative, but opinion differs as to what may be the etymon. The theory that it might be taken from Pers ganǧ ‘treasure’ is dismissed, given that ganǧ is likely to be origin of ↗kanz and that another, different derivation would be little probable. Instead, Jeffery follows Barth in assuming that the word »may be connected with the form that is behind the Hbr ḥōsän ‘treasure’«, an idea which is supported by Huehnergard2011 who thinks that Ar ḫazana ‘to store’ is from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, G-stem ḥəsan ‘to be strong’, Sem √*ḪSN).
    ▪ The pl. maḫāzin, from the n.loc. ↗maḫzan ‘storeroom, depot, etc.’, is at the origin of Eur words like Fr magasin ‘warehouse’ or Engl magazine, while ḫaznaẗ produced Slav words for ‘treasury’. 
    ▪ eC7 ḫāzin (PA I, one who stores up, keeps control, storekeeper) Q 15:22 fa-ʔanzalnā min-a ’l-samāʔi māʔan fa-ʔasqaynā-kumū-hu wa-mā ʔantum la-hū bi-ḫāzinīna ‘and We bring down out of the sky water and we give it to you to drink—and you are not its keepers’. – ḫazāʔinᵘ (pl. of ḫizānaẗ, 1 treasure house, storehouse, treasury) Q 12:55 qāla ’ǧʕal-nī ʕalà ḫazāʔini ’l-ʔarḍi ‘he said, “Put me in charge of the nation’s storehouses”’, (2 knowledge, control, resources, storehouses) Q 15:21 wa-ʔin min šayʔin ʔillā ʕinda-nā ḫazāʔinu-hū wa-mā nunazzilu-hū bi-qadarin maʕlūmin ‘there is nothing of which We do not have control, only sending it down according to a well-defined measure’ 
    DRS 10 (2012)#ḪZN-1 Ar ḫazana ‘garder, enfermer, conserver (dans un magasin, un cellier, etc.), maḫzan ‘magasin’, ḫizānaẗ ‘armoire’, DaṯAr ḫaznaẗ ‘trésor’; Jib ḫozun ‘mettre en lieu sûr’.7  
    ▪ Jeffery1938, 122-23: »The verb ḫazana does not occur in the Qurʔān, but besides ḫazānaẗ [sic!] (which occurs, however, only in the pl. form ḫazāʔinᵘ), we find a form ḫāzin ʻone who lays in storeʼ in xv:22; and ḫazanaẗ ʻkeepersʼ in xxxix:71,73; xl:49; lxvii:8. – It is fairly obvious that ḫazana is a denom. vb., and the word has been recognized by many Western scholars as a foreign borrowing.16 Its origin, however, is a little more difficult to determine. Hoffmann, ZDMG, xxxii, 760,17 suggested that we should find its origin in the [Pers] ganǧ. This ganǧ which BQ defines as zar va-gowharī keh dar zamīn dafn konand, is cognate with Skr gañǧa (= kīša), a ʻtreasuryʼ or ʻjewel roomʼ,18 and has been borrowed through the Aram gnzā; Syr gnzā into Ar as ↗kanz. It seems hardly likely that by another line of borrowing, through say Hbr gᵊnāzīm 19 or Mand גאזאנא20 it has come to form the Ar ḫazānaẗ. – Barth, Etymol. Stud, 51, makes the happier suggestion that it may be connected with the form that is behind the Hbr ḥosän ʻtreasureʼ.«
    ▪ For Fr magasin ‘warehouse’, Engl magazine, Ge Magazin, etc., cf. ↗maḫzan.
    ▪ Accord. to Lokotsch1927#855, Ar ḫazīnaẗ ‘treasure’ [should probably rather be ḫaznaẗ, S.G.] gave Tu hazna, whence the word went into Rum as hazna ‘treasury; toilet’, Venet casná ‘lot of money’ [L’Oriente I: 196]; Ru kazna ‘crown, state, assets, powder magazine’, kaznačej ‘(chief) cashier’ [this meaning probably under the influence of kasa ‘Kasse’], Bulg hazna ‘much money, treasure’, Serb hazna, Pol kazna, Ukr hazná ‘cashier, treasure’. 
    ḫazzana, vb. II, 1 to store, stock, lay up, warehouse (; to hoard, accumulate (provisions); to keep, put in safekeeping (, esp. valuables); 2 to dam, dam up (water in a basin or reservoir); to store up (energy, etc.; phys., techn.): ints.
    ĭḫtazana, vb. VIII, to store, stock, hoard, accumulate; to keep, put in safekeeping: T-stem, autobenef.
    ḫazn, n., storing; accumulation, hoarding, amassing; storage, warehousing: vn. I.
    ḫaznaẗ, n.f., 1 treasure house; 2 safe, coffer, vault; 3 wardrobe, locker; 4 cupboard. – See also ↗s.v.
    BP#3757ḫizānaẗ, pl. ‑āt, ḫazāʔinᵘ, n.f., 1 treasure house; 2 money-box; 3 vault, safe; 4 treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; 5 locker, wardrobe, closet; 6 cupboard; 7 library: nominal formation with quasi-pass. sense | ḫizānaẗ al-dawlaẗ, ḫizānaẗ ʕāmmaẗ, n.f., public treasury, exchequer; ḫizānaẗ al-ṯalǧ, n.f., icebox, refrigerator; ḫizānaẗ al-kutub, n.f., bookcase, library; ḫizānaẗ ḫuṣūṣiyyaẗ, n.f., private library; ḫizānaẗ al-malābis, n.f., wardrobe, closet, locker.
    ḫazīnaẗ, pl. ‑āt, ḫazāʔinᵘ, n.f., treasure house; public treasury, exchequer; treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; cashier’s office; vault, coffer, safe; cashbox, tili (of a merchant): quasi-PP I, f. | al-ḫazīnaẗ al-ḫāṣṣaẗ, n.f., (formerly) the Royal Privy Purse (Ir.); ḫazīnaẗ al-dawlaẗ, n.f., public treasury, exchequer; ḫazīnaẗ (nuqūd) rāṣidaẗ, n.f., cash register.
    ḫazzān, pl. ‑āt, ḫazāzīnᵘ, n., 1 dam: ints., quasi-PA I; 2 reservoir; basin, sump, pool: meaning transferred from the activity (to store) to its result (stored); 3 storage tank (also for oil): mod. use; — 4 (pl. ‑ūn) storehouseman, warehouseman: | ḫazzān al-waqūd, n., gasoline tank (of an auto).
    maḫzan, pl. maḫāzinᵘ, n., 1 storeroom, storehouse; depository; stockroom, storage room; 2 depot, magazine, warehouse; 3 store, shop, department store: n.loc.; 4 al-maḫzan, the Makhzan, the Moroccan government (formerly: governmental finance department; Mor.): specialized use, from the sense of ‘treasury’ | maḫzan ʔadwiyaẗ, n., drugstore; maḫzan al-ʔiṣdār, n., shipping room (com.);
    maḫzanī, adj., being under government control or administration, belonging to the government (Mor.): nsb-adj., from al-maḫzan in the special sense of ‘Moroccan government’ | ʔamlāk maḫzaniyyaẗ,, government land (Mor.).
    maḫāzinī, pl. ‑iyyaẗ, n., native gendarme (Mor.): nsb-adj., from maḫāzinᵘ, pl. of maḫzan [v4] ‘Moroccan government’.
    maḫāzinᵘ: m. al-ṭarīq, the nearest, shortest way, a short cut: belonging here, or to be distinguished as items with own etymology? Cf. ↗ḪZN and ↗s.v.
    maḫzanǧī, n., storehouseman, warehouseman: < maḫzan ‘storehouse’ + suffix ‑ǧī (Tu ‑cı ~ ‑ci, for professions).
    ḫazandār, ḫaznadār, n., treasurer: < ḫazna ‘treasury’ + Pers suffix ‑dār ‘keeper of…’.
    BP#4915taḫzīn, n., storage (also phys., techn.); accumulation; damming; safekeeping: vn. II, with lexicalized specializations | taḫzīn al-ṭāqaẗ, n., energy storage (phys., techn.).
    ḫāzin, pl. ḫazanaẗ, ḫuzzān, n., treasurer: lexicalized PA I.
    BP#4002maḫzūn, adj., stored, stored up, deposited, warehoused; in stock, in inventory (goods, materials): PP I; (pl. ‑āt), n., stock, store, supplies; reserves, deposits (of oil, in the ground, at a discovery site): nominalized adj.
    ḫaznaẗ خَزْنة 
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    1 treasure house; 2 safe, coffer, vault; 3 wardrobe, locker; 4 cupboard – WehrCowan1979. 
    From Ar ↗ḫazana ‘to store, stock, keep’, probably from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, G-stem ḥəsan ‘to be strong’ (Sem √*ḪSN). 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ ↗ḫazana 
    ▪ Lokotsch1927#855 takes Ar ḫazīnaẗ [sic!] as the origin of Tu hazna, which he says is a vulgar form of Tu hazine. From Tu hazna derive Rum hazna ‘treasury; toilet’, Venet casná ‘lot of money’ [L’Oriente I: 196]; Ru kazna ‘crown, state, assets, powder magazine’, kaznačej ‘(chief) cashier’ [this meaning probably under the influence of kasa ‘Kasse’], Bulg hazna ‘much money, treasure’, Serb hazna, Pol kazna, Ukr hazná ‘cashier, treasure’. 
    ḫizānaẗ خِزانَة , pl. ḫazāʔinᵘ 
    ID 255 • Sw – • BP 3757 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1 treasure house; 2 money-box; 3 vault, safe; 4 treasury, treasury department (of an official agency), any office for the deposit and disbursement of funds; 5 locker, wardrobe, closet; 6 cupboard; 7 library – WehrCowan1979. 
    While the n. looks as if it were a nominal formation from the vb. ↗ḫazana, Jeffery thinks that »[i]t is fairly obvious that ḫazana is a denom. vb., and the word has been recognized by many Western scholars as a foreign borrowing.« Both Pers ganǧ ‘treasure’ and another etymology (akin to Hbr ḥōsän ʻtreasureʼ) have been discussed, but these are probably not tenable. 
    Q 6:50, 11:31; 12:55; 17:100; 38:9; 52:37; 63:7 ‘treasury, storehouse’. 
    ▪ ↗ḫazana, ↗ḪZN 
    ▪ Jeffery1938, 122-23: »The verb ḫazana does not occur in the Qurʔān, but besides ḫazānaẗ [sic!] (which occurs, however, only in the pl. form ḫazāʔinᵘ), we find a form ḫāzin ʻone who lays in storeʼ in xv, 22; and ḫazanaẗ ʻkeepersʼ in 39:71, 73; 40:52; 67:8. – It is fairly obvious that ḫazana is a denom. vb., and the word has been recognized by many Western scholars as a foreign borrowing.21 Its origin, however, is a little more difficult to determine. Hoffmann, ZDMG, xxxii, 760,22 suggested that we should find its origin in the [Pers] ganǧ. This ganǧ which BQ defines as zar va-gowharī keh dar zamīn dafn konand, is cognate with Skr gañǧa (= kīša), a ʻtreasuryʼ or ʻjewel roomʼ,23 and has been borrowed through the Aram gnzʔ; Syr [gazzā, from] *ganzā into Ar as ↗kanz. It seems hardly likely that by another line of borrowing, through say Hbr gᵊnāzīm 24 or Mand גאזאנא25 it has come to form the Ar ḫazānaẗ. – Barth, Etymol. Stud, 51, makes the happier suggestion that it may be connected with the form that is behind the Hbr ḥosän ʻtreasureʼ.«
    ▪ Cf. ↗ḪZN, ↗ḫazana
    ḫizānaẗ al-dawlaẗ, ḫizānaẗ ʕāmmaẗ, n.f., public treasury, exchequer.
    ḫizānaẗ al-ṯalǧ, n.f., icebox, refrigerator.
    ḫizānaẗ al-kutub, n.f., bookcase, library.
    ḫizānaẗ ḫuṣūṣiyyaẗ, n.f., private library.
    ḫizānaẗ al-malābis, n.f., wardrobe, closet, locker.
    maḫzan مَخْزَن , pl. maḫāzinᵘ 
    ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1 storeroom, storehouse; depository; stockroom, storage room; 2 depot, magazine, warehouse; 3 store, shop, department store; 4 al-maḫzan, the Makhzan, the Moroccan government (formerly: governmental finance department; Mor.) – WehrCowan1979. 
    n.loc., from ↗ḫazana ‘to store, stock, keep’. – [v4] specialized use, from the sense of ‘treasury’. 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ ↗ḫazana 
    ▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl magazine, from Ar maḫāzinᵘ, pl. of maḫzan, ‘storeroom, depository, depot, magazine’, from ḫazana, vb. I, ‘to store’, from Aram ḥassen ‘to possess, hoard’, derived stem of ḥᵊsan ‘to be strong’. - Cf. also EtymOnline: Engl magazine, »1580 s, ‘place for storing goods, especially military ammunition’, from mFr magasin ‘warehouse, depot, store’ (C15), from It magazzino, from Ar maḫāzin, pl. of maḫzan ‘storehouse’ (source of Span almacén ‘warehouse, magazine’), from ḫazana ‘to store up.’ The original sense is almost obsolete; meaning ‘periodical journal’ dates from the publication of the first one, Gentleman’s Magazine, in 1731, which was so called from earlier use of the word for a printed list of military stores and information, or in a figurative sense, from the publication being a “storehouse” of information‘–
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪLL-1 Akk alālu, ḫalālu ‘pendre, suspendre (?)’, ḫalālu ‘enfermer, retenir’, ḫallat‑: sorte de corbeille, ? ḫullān‑ ‘couverture’, Hbr ḥlt ‘coffre, arche’, Phoen ḥlt, Aram ḥellᵊtā, ḥalīlā, Syr ḥālūlā ‘gaine, fourreau’, Ar ḫillaẗ ‘fourreau’, ḫalla ‘appliquer un drain, un séton’, Gz ḫəllat, Tña ḥəllät ‘canne, roseau creux sur lequel est fixée la croix’, Amh ḫəllät ‘bâton’, Tña Te ḥəll ‘sorte de bambou’. – ?2 Hbr ḥālal, Aram ḥᵃlal ‘perforer’, Ar ḫalla ‘percer, trouer, forer; pénétrer dans l’intérieur’; Jib ḫəll ‘pénétrer (pluie, eau); aḫlel ‘laisser pénétrer la pluie’; Akk ḫālil, ḫalīl ‘canal’, Ug ḥ/ḫln, Hbr ḥallōn ‘fenêtre’, ? ḫallālīt ‘pointes de flèche’, Aram ḥᵃlīl ‘creux’, ḥᵃlālā ‘cavité, caverne’, Ar ḫallaẗ ‘fente, brèche’, ḫilāl ‘intervalle’, ?Soq ḥele ‘profond’, Akk ḫālil, ḫallil: instrument en fer pour creuser. – ?3 Akk ḫalālu ‘siffler, gazouiller, murmurer’, Hbr ḥālīl: sorte de flûte. -4 Akk ḫalālu ‘(se) glisser furtivement, marcher à pas de loup’. -5 Hbr ḥālal ‘être troublé, en peine, trembler’, Ar ḫalla ‘diminuer de volume, maigrir, devenir indigent; être dérangé’, ThamAr ḫl ‘maigrir’, Jib ḫottel ‘avoir l’esprit dérangé’, Gz taḫalala, taḥalala ‘être agité, se fatiguer’, Te ḥalläla ‘rendre incapable’, taḥalläla ‘être incapable, être fatigué’. -6 Ar ḫill, ḫull, ḫalīl ‘ami intime, véritable’. -7 Akk ḫall, Syr ḥallā, Mnd hala, Ar ḫall ‘vinaigre’. -8 Akk ḫall ‘cuisse’. -9 Akk ḫallat ‘taxe sur la production horticole’. -10 Akk ḫulāl: une pierre précieuse.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪLP-1 Ar ḫalifa ‘être louche, peu fiable; être gaucher; être gâté, corrompu, puant’, YemAr ḫulf ‘mauvaise période, famine’. – ? Akk ḫalp‑ ‘accusé’. -2 Akk ḫalp‑ ‘remplaçant’, Moab *ḥlp, Hbr ḥālaf ‘passer, s’en aller, passer outre, périr, changer, substituer’, BiblAram ḥᵃlaf ‘passer (temps)’, JP ḥᵃlap ‘passer devant, disparaître’, Nab ḥlf ‘vicissitude, sort’, Syr ḥᵊlap ‘succéder à’, Ar ḫalafa ‘suivre, être derrière, succéder à; remplacer’, ḫilf ‘ce qui est différent’, ḫilāf ‘désaccord, différend, contradiction’, ? ḤassAr ḫləf ‘chamelles suitées’, Sab ḫlf ‘chamelle pleine (?)’; Sab hḫlf ‘violer (un serment)’, hlft ‘gouverneur’; Jib ḫolof ‘prendre la place de’, aḫlef ‘changer’, Mhr Ḥrs ḫaylef ‘suivre, prendre la place de’, Soq ḥtlf ‘alterner’, Gz ḫālafa, Te ḥalfa, Tña ḥalläfä, Amh Gaf alläfä, Arg halläfa, Har ḥuluf bāya ‘passer’. – ?3 Tña ḥalläfä ‘surpasser, dépasser, ḥəlfät ‘supériorité’, Te ḥalfa ‘surpasser’; Tña maḥläfiya, Amh maläfiya ‘bon, excellent’, Gur alläfä ‘être meilleur, beau, joli’ -4 Ug mḫlpt, Hbr maḥlāpōt ‘tresses de cheveux’. -5 YemAr miḫlāf ‘province, région’, southern Ar ḫalfa ‘fenêtre’, Sab Qat ḫlf ‘porte (d’une ville), région, voisinage d’une ville, extérieur (de qc), passe entre des collines’; ‘citadins (?)’, Mhr ḫəlfēt, Jib ḫofet ‘fenêtre’. – 6 Akk ḫalāpu ‘se glisser dans’, naḫlap‑ ‘vêtement, manteau’, taḫlupt ‘vêtement, déguisement’, ḫalāp ‘vêtement de dessus’, Ug ḫlpn ‘vêtement’, Sab ḫlf ‘vêtement’. -7 Akk ḫalupp‑, ḫulupp ‘chêne’. -8 ḫilēp‑, Syr ḫellōpō, Ar ḫilāf ‘saule’. -9 Akk ḫulupp‑: sorte d’oiseau’. -10 ḫalp‑: sorte de puits.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪLQ-1 Akk ḫalāqu ‘être perdu, disparaître, périr, s’enfuir’, ḫalq ‘fuyard’, ḫulq‑ ‘mauvais’, Ug ḫlq ‘périr ; être absent’, ḫlq ‘mauvais’, Hbr ḥilleq ‘détruire’, ḥālaq ‘être uni, lisse; insinuant, hypocrite’, Ar ḫaliqa, ḫaluqa ‘être usé, râpé (vêtement)’, Gz ḫalqa ‘être consumé, détruit, périr’, Tña ḥaläqä ‘finir, être fini’, Te ḥalqa ‘mourir sans avoir été abattu (animal)’, Amh Gur alläqä, Arg alläqa ‘finir, être fini, consumé’. – Akk ḫulāq‑ ‘vêtement usagé’, nHbr ḥālūq, JP ḥᵃlūqā ‘sous-vêtement’, Mhr Ḥrs ḫəlēq, Soq ḥaloq ‘habit, vêtement’. -2 Hbr ḥālaq ‘diviser, partager’, ḥȩlɛq ‘part’, BiblAram ḥᵃlāq ‘part, portion’, Syr ḥᵊlaq ‘distribuer, attribuer’, Nab ḥlq ‘créer’, Ar ḫalaqa ‘mesurer, former, composer, créer; rendre lisse, uni’, ḫalāq ‘part de bonheur attribué’, Liḥ ḥalāqat ‘portion’, Sab ḫlq ‘champ’, Min ḫlq ‘décision’, Jib ḫoloq ‘créer’, formes de passif: ḫiźiq, Mhr ḫalēq, Ḥrs ḫelēq ‘être né, créé, fait’, Soq ḥalqah ‘forme’, Gz ḫʷalaqʷa ‘compter, énumérer’, Gz Tña ḥəlqʷ ‘nombre, compte’, Amh əlq, əlqo ‘nombre’, Har ḥēläqa, Gur aläqä ‘compter’. -3 Mhr ḫəwḳāt, Ḥrs ḫəlḳāt ‘bouton d’acné, pustule’.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ Jeffery1938: »As a technical term for the portion of good allotted man by God this term occurs only in Madinan passages. In Sūra ix, it refers to man’s portion in this world, and in Sūras ii and iii to man’s portion in the life to come, the two latter passages indeed, as Margoliouth, MW, xviii, 78, notes, being practically a quotation from the Talmud (cf. Sanh, 90a, ʔyn lhm ḥlq l-ʕwlm). / It seems clear that it is a technical term of non- Arabic origin, for though the primitive sense of ḫalaqa is ‘to measure’ (cf. Eth [Gz] ḫʷalaqʷa ‘to enumerate’), its normal sense in Qurʔānic usage is ‘to create’, and this Madinan use of ḫalāq in the sense of ‘portion’ follows that of the older religions. Thus Hbr ḥälqâʰ [also ḥᵃluqqâʰ] is a ‘portion’ given by God, cf. Job xx, 29, and Aram ḥwlqʔ means a ‘portion in both worlds’ (cf. Baba Bathra, 122a, and Buxtorf, Lex. 400). Syr ḥelqā means rather ‘lot’ or ‘fate’, i.e. moîra as in ḥelqā d-mōtā = moîra θanátou, though in the ChrPal dialect ḥwlqā means ‘portion’, i.e. méros.
    26 / It is noteworthy that the Lexicons, which define it as al-ḥaẓẓ wa’l-naṣīb min al-ḫayr wa’l-ṣalāḥ,27 seem to interpret it from the Qurʔān, and the only verse they quote in illustration is from Ḥassān b. Ṯābit, which is certainly under Qurʔānic influence. Horovitz, JPN, 198 ff., thinks that the origin is Jewish, but Phoen ḥlq is also ‘to divide, apportion’ (Harris, Glossary, 102), so that the word may have been used in the Syro-Palestinian area among other groups.«
    ḫāliq خالِق 
    ID 267 • Sw – • BP 3655 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1 adj., creative; 2 n., Creator, Maker (God) – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ See ↗ḫalaqa.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḪLW خلو 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪLW_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪLW_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪLW_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to be vacant, be solitary, to vacate, be vacated; wide open space; to be set free, divorce; to be alone or in seclusion with s.o.; cell, hive; to devote o.s. to; to go past in time, of the past, passage of time; to produce herbage, pasture’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪMD خمد 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪMD_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪMD_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪMD_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘(of fire) to die out, abate; to faint, be silent, contemplative’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪMR خمر 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪMR_1 ‘to cover, hide, conceal’ ↗ḫamara_1
    ▪ ḪMR_2 ‘to leaven, raise, ferment; wine’ ↗ḫamara_2, ↗ḫamr

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘1a to mix, infect, intoxicate, intoxicating drinks, wine and spirits, to ferment; 1b to leaven, raise; 2 to hide, head‑cover, (of a woman) to cover the head and face; 3 to bear a grudge’ 
    A “root” with (according to DRS) up to 5 values in ClassAr. Whether some of these are related to each other, and if so, how, is not possible to decide from the material we have so far. Only 2 values (probably not connected) have survived into MSA: [v1] ‘to cover, hide, conceal’, and [v2] ‘to leaven, raise, ferment; wine’. 
    DRS 10 (2012)#ḪMR–1 Hbr ḥāmar ‘bouillonner, fermenter’, ḥamīr, Syr ḥᵃmīrā, Mand hmira, Ar ḫamraẗ ‘ferment, levain’, ḫamīraẗ ‘parcelle de levain’, ḫamara ‘faire lever (la pâte)’, MġrAr ‘fermenter, lever, cuver, macérer, s’imbiber’; Ug ḫmr, Hbr ḥā̈mär, Phn ḫmr, Syr ḥamrā, Mand hamra ‘vin’, Ar ḫamr ‘vin, toute boisson fermentée et enivrante’, YemAr ḫamr ‘grappe de raisin’, MġrAr ḫmər ‘fermenter, enter en transe’, Mhr ḫāmər, Jib ḫä̃r ‘vin’, oḫõr ‘enivrer’, ḫotmər ‘fermenter, pourrir, sentir mauvais’, ? Akk ḫammurt sorte de bière. –2 Akk ḫamāru, ḫemēru ‘dessécher’, ? Ar ḫamira ‘subir un changement’. –3 Ar ʔaḫmara ‘donner qc à qn’, YemAr ḫamar ‘octroyer, donner’, Sab ḫmr ‘accorder une faveur’, ḫmrn ‘donation, faveur’. –4 Ar ḫāmara ‘vendre comme esclave (un être libre d’origine)’, SAr ḫmr ‘esclave’. –5 Ar ḫamira ‘se cacher devant qn’, ḫamara ‘couvrir, envelopper, cacher’. –6 Akk ḫamurīt ‘gorge’. — Outside Sem, there is Copt ḥamir ‘levure, levain’, but this is probably a loan from Aram. 
    ▪ The identification in EtymArab of semantic values attached to the “root” ḪMR follows the differentiation made in DRS, see section "Cognates" above. Out of the 6 values listed in DRS only 4-5 are attested in Ar, and of these only 2 have survived into MSA.
    ▪ Arab lexicographers tend to connect ḪMR_1 and ḪMR_2, deriving the latter from the former, so that ‘leavening (of the dough)’ or ‘fermentation (of juice, etc.)’ is interpreted as the result of letting (dough, juice) stand ‘covered’ in a place.
    ▪ Also, ‘wine’ is said to be called ↗ḫamr because it ‘covers’ the mind. Popular etymology. 
    ¹ḫamar‑ خمر , u (ḫamr
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    vb., I 
    to leaven, raise (dough); to ferment, cause fermentation; for another value cf. ↗ḫamara_2 – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ From Ar root √ḪMR ‘to cover, conceal’ – Huehnergard2011.
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012)#ḪMR-1: Hbr ḥāmar ‘bouillonner, fermenter’, ḥamīr, Syr ḥᵃmīrā, Mand hmira, Ar ḫamraẗ ‘ferment, levain’, ḫamīraẗ ‘parcelle de levain’, ḫamara ‘faire lever (la pâte)’, MġrAr ‘fermenter, lever, cuver, macérer, s’imbiber’; Ug ḫmr, Hbr ḥā̈mär, Phn ḫmr, Syr ḥamrā, Mand hamra ‘vin’, Ar ḫamr ‘vin, toute boisson fermentée et enivrante’, YemAr ḫamr ‘grappe de raisin’, MġrAr ḫmər ‘fermenter, enter en transe’, Mhr ḫāmər, Jib ḫä̃r ‘vin’, oḫõr ‘enivrer’, ḫotmər ‘fermenter, pourrir, sentir mauvais’, ? Akk ḫammurt sorte de bière. — Outside Sem, there is Copt ḥamir ‘levure, levain’, but this is probably a loan from Aram. 
    ▪ Ar lexicographers regard this value as secondary, derived from ↗ḫamara_2 ‘to cover’, the leavening of dough, or fermentation of juice, etc. being the result of letting the dough, juice, etc., stand covered in a place for some time. EtymArab follows DRS where the value is listed separately.
    ▪ Ar ḫamr ‘wine’ (and deriv.), though belonging to the same Sem root, may not be taken directly from Sem, but have come in only later via Aram., see s.v.
    ḫammara, vb. II, = I. – Cf. also ↗ḫamara_2.
    ḫāmara, vb. III, to permeate, pervade, mix, blend; to seize, permeate (s.o., feeling, thought, doubt):.
    ʔaḫmara, vb. IV, 1 to leaven, raise (dough); 2 to ferment, cause fermentation; to harbour, entertain; 3 to bear a grudge, feel resentment (li‑ against):.
    taḫammara, vb. V, to ferment, be in a staate of fermentation; to rise (dough); – For another value cf. ↗ḫamara_2.
    taḫāmara, vb. VI, to conspire, plot, collude, scheme, intrigue (ʕalà against):.
    ĭḫtamara, vb. VIII, 1 to ferment, be in a state of fermentation; to rise (dough); 2 to become ripe, ripen (also fig.: an idea in s.o.’s mind).

    BP#2982ḫamr, n.m. & f., wine; pl. ḫumūr, alcoholic beverages, liquor: ↗s.v..
    ḫamraẗ, n.f., wine: ↗ ḫamr.
    ḫamrī, adj., golden brown, reddish brown, bronze-coloured: ↗ ḫamr.
    ḫamriyyaẗ, n.f., wine poem, bacchanalian verse: ↗ ḫamr.
    ḫumār, n., aftereffect of intoxication, hang-over: ↗ ḫamr.
    ḫamīr, 1 adj., leavened (dough); ripe, mature, mellow; leaven; 2 n., leavened bread
    ḫamīraẗ, pl. ḫamāʔirᵘ, n., 1 leaven; ferment; barm, yeast; enzyme (chem.); 2 (fig.) starter, nucleus, basis (from which greater develops): according to Jeffery1938 directly of Aram origin, e.g. Syr ḥᵃmīrā ‘leaven’.
    ḫammār, n., wine merchant, keeper of a wineshop: ↗ ḫamr.
    ḫammāraẗ, n.f., wineshop, tavern; bar: ↗ ḫamr.
    ḫimmīr, n., winebibber, drunkard, tippler, sot: ↗ ḫamr.
    taḫmīr, n., leavening, raising (of dough); fermenting, fermentation
    ĭḫtimār, n., (process of) fermentation
    maḫmūr, adj., drunk, intoxicated, inebriated: ↗ ḫamr.
    muḫtamir, adj., 1 fermenting, fermented; 2 alcoholic: PA VIII; 2 ḫamr

    ²ḫamar‑ خمر , u (ḫamr
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    vb., I 
    to cover, hide, conceal; for other meanings see ↗ḫamara_1 – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012)#ḪMR-5 sees Ar ḫamira ‘se cacher devant qn’, ḫamara ‘couvrir, envelopper, cacher’ as a value that neither has cognates in Sem, nor outside. So also Huehnergard 2011. Cf., however, section "Discussion" below, as well as ↗ḪMR. 
    Ar lexicographers regard this value as the original one, of which ↗ḫamara_1 ‘to leaven, ferment’ is derived (*‘to cover, esp. dough, juice, etc., so that it leavens, ferments, etc.’). EtymArab follows DRS where the value is listed separately. 
    ▪ Ar ḫimār has been loaned into Engl as khimar (Huehnergard2011). 
    ḫammara, vb. II, = I. – Cf. also ↗ḫamara_1.
    taḫammara, vb. V, to veil the head and face (woman): probably denom. from ḫimār. – For another value cf. ↗ḫamara_1.
    ḫimār, pl. ʔaḫmiraẗ, ḫumur, n., veil covering head and face of a woman:. 
    ḫamr خَمْر , pl. ḫumūr 
    ID 269 • Sw – • BP 2982 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    n., m. & f. 
    wine; pl. ḫumūr alcoholic beverages, liquor – WehrCowan1979. 
    Although the underlying Sem root itself is not absent from Ar, the language does not seem to have had a term derived from it before speakers of Ar came into contact with Christians who produced and traded in it. Following Jeffrey, we assume that the word is from Syr ḥamrā ‘wine’. Cf., however, Kogan2011: from protWSem *ḫamr‑ ‘wine’.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ eC7 Q 2:219, 5:90-91, 12:36,41, 47:15 ‘wine’.
    ▪ eC7 1 (intoxifating drink, spirits, wine in particular) Q 2:219 yasʔalūnaka ʕan‑i ’l‑ḫamri wa’l‑maysiri qul fīhimā ʔiṯmun kabīrun ‘they ask you about intoxicants and gambling: say, “There is great sin in both”’; 2 (grapes and other fruits taht may be fermented into wine) Q 12:36 qāla ʔaḥaduhumā ʔinnī ʔarānī ʔaʕṣiru ḫamran ‘one of them said: I see myself pressing grapes’ 
    ▪ Out of the items mentioned in DRS 10 (2012)#ḪMR-1, there is only Syr ḥamrā ‘wine’ that is directly relevant here, since the word probably is a loan from there. For the wider context of ‘to ferment, leaven’, to which ḫamr belongs via this loan, cf. ↗ḫamara_1
    ▪ Jeffery1938, 125: »The word is very commonly used in the old poetry, but as Guidi saw,28 it is not a native word, but one imported along with the article. The Ar ḫamara means ‘to cover’, ‘to conceal’ [↗ḫamara_2 ], and from this was formed ḫimār ‘a muffler’, the pl. of which, ḫumur, occurs in Sūra xxiv, 31. In the sense of ‘to give wine to’, it is denominative.29 – Its origin was doubtless the Aram חמרא = Syr ḥamrā which is of very common use. The Hbr ḥämär is poetical (BDB, 330) and probably of Aram origin.30 It is also suggestive that many of the other forms from ḫmr are clearly of Aram origin, e.g. ḥᵃmīrā ‘leaven’, gives [Ar] ḫamīr ‘ferment, leaven’, and Arm ḫmor ‘yeast'31 [Syr] ḥammārā ‘a wineseller is [Ar] ḫammār; [Syr] ḥamrān is [Ar] ḫamrān, etc. – The probabilities are all in favour of the word having come into Ar from a Christian source, for the wine trade was largely in the hands of Christians (vide supra, p. 21), and Jacob even suggests that Christianity spread among the Arabs in some parts along the routes of the wine trade.32 Most of the Ar terms used in the wine trade seem to be of Syriac origin, and ḫamr itself is doubtless an early borrowing from the Syr ḥamrā.« 
    ḫamraẗ, n.f., wine:.
    ḫamrī, adj., golden brown, reddish brown, bronze-coloured: nsb-adj; actually, ‘wine-coloured’.
    ḫamriyyaẗ, n.f., wine poem, bacchanalian verse: actually a f. nisba adj., ‘the one related to, or about, wine’.
    ḫumār, n., aftereffect of intoxication, hang-over:.
    ḫammār, n., wine merchant, keeper of a wineshop:; according to Jeffrey1938 from Syr ḥammārā ‘a wineseller’.
    ḫammāraẗ, n.f., wineshop, tavern; bar: ints. n.loc.
    ḫimmīr, n., winebibber, drunkard, tippler, sot: ints. n. formation, pej.
    maḫmūr, adj., drunk, intoxicated, inebriated: PP I.
    muḫtamir, adj., 1 fermenting, fermented; 2 alcoholic: PA VIII. 
    ḪMS خمس 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪMS_1 ‘five’ ↗ḫamsaẗ
    ▪ ḪMS_2 ‘…’ ↗
    ▪ ḪMS_3 ‘…’ ↗

    ♦ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘five, fifth, one fifth, to make five, to become five, to become the fifth, Thursday; great a;mr’ 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ Engl khamsinḫamsaẗ
    ḫamsaẗ خَمْسة , f. ḫams 
    ID … • Sw … • BP 330 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    five – WehrCowan1976. 
    ▪ From protSem *ḫam(i)š‑ ‘five’ – Huehnergard2011.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘five’) Akk ḫamšu, Hbr ḥāmēš, Syr ḥammeš, Gz ḫams.
    ▪ (Huehnergard2011:) Engl khamsin, from colloquial Ar ḫamsīn ‘fifty; khamsin’, from obl. case of Ar ḫamsūn, ‘fifty’, from ḫams, ‘five’. 
    BP#1526ḫamsūn, num.card., fifty | al‑ḫamsīnāt,, the Fifties
    BP#1115yawm al‑ḫamīs, Thursday.
    BP#1012ḫāmis, num.ord., fifth
    ḪMṢ خمص 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪMṢ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪMṢ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪMṢ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘hunger, famine, to be hungry, be slim around the waist; the hollow of the foot; a heavy garment of striped wool or silk’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪMṬ خمط 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪMṬ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪMṬ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪMṬ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘type of lotus tree; bitter fruit, inedible fruit; fragrance of the blossoms of fruit-bearing trees; to ferment, to be haughty; to take by force’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪNZR خنزر 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪNZR_1 ‘swine, pig, hog’ ↗ḫinzīr
    ▪ ḪNZR_2 ‘…’ ↗

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘thick axe or adze; to be rough and crude; pig, wild boar; ulcers afflicting the neck’ 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪNZR-1 Ar ḫinzīr ‘porc’, MġrAr ḫanzīr ‘scrofules, écrouelles’. -2 ḫanzaraẗ ‘épaisseur’. -3 EAr ḫanzar ‘être très fertile’. -4 MġrAr ḫanzīraẗ ‘moyeu de la roue du rouet’. -5 SudAr ḫanzar ‘marcher sans se dépêcher’, ḫanzarah: sorte de trot. -6 Akk (ḫ)inzūr‑ ‘pommier’.
    DRS 10 (2012) #Ḫ(N)ZR: Akk ḫuzīr‑, Ug ḫzr, ḥᵃzīr ‘porc, sanglier’, JP Syr ḥᵃzīrā, ChrPal ḥwzyr ‘porc’, Ar ḫinzīr, Gz ḫanzir, ḫanzar, ḥanzir, ḥənzir ‘porc, marcassin’.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫinzīr خِنْزير , pl. ḫanāzīrᵘ 
    ID 270 • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    swine, pig, hog – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ Kogan2011: from protSem *ḫ˅(n)zīr‑ ‘pig’.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘(wild) pig’) Akk (ḫumṣēru), Hbr ḥzīr, Syr ḥzīrā, Gz (ḥanzīr).
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪNZR-1 Ar ḫinzīr ‘porc’, MġrAr ḫanzīr ‘scrofules, écrouelles’. -2-6 […].
    DRS 10 (2012) #Ḫ(N)ZR: Akk ḫuzīr‑, Ug ḫzr, ḥᵃzīr ‘porc, sanglier’, JP Syr ḥᵃzīrā, ChrPal ḥwzyr ‘porc’, Ar ḫinzīr, Gz ḫanzir, ḫanzar, ḥanzir, ḥənzir ‘porc, marcassin’.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫinzīr barrī, n., wild boar
    ḫanāzīr, n., scrofula, scrofulosis (med.)

    ḫinzīraẗ, n.f., sow: f.
    ḫanāzīrī, adj., scrofulous: nisba formation from ḫanāzīr
    ḪNS خنس 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪNS_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪNS_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪNS_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to contract, withdraw, hide in, shrink away, cause to draw back; deer’s shelter’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪNQ خنق 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪNQ_1 ‘…’ ↗
    ▪ ḪNQ_2 ‘…’ ↗
    ▪ ḪNQ_3 ‘…’ ↗

    ♦ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to strangle, to stifle, to choke, an animal killed by choking; necklace; constriction, the mouth of a valley, small apertures; diphtheria’ 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪNQ: Akk ḫanāqu ʻcomprimer, étrangler’, Ug ḫnq, Hbr ḥannēq, Phoen *ḥnq, Syr ḥᵊnaq, Ar ḫanaqa, Jib ḫonuq, Ḥrs ḫenōq, Soq ḥnq, Gz ḫānaqa, Tña ḥanäqä, Te ḥanqa, Arg hannäqa, Har ḥanäqa, Amh annäqä, Gur anäqä ʻétrangler’.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫanaq‑ خَنَقَ , u 
    ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    vb., I 
    … – WehrCowan1976. 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ Bergsträsser1928: (*‘to strangle’) Akk ḫnq (i), Hbr (ints) ḥnq, Syr ḥnq a (u), Gz ḫnq a (e).
    ▪ Almedlaoui2012: For ClassAr ḫanaqa and Hbr ḥnaq ‘to strangle’, cf. Berb nġa ‘to kill’
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪNQ: Akk ḫanāqu ʻcomprimer, étrangler’, Ug ḫnq, Hbr ḥannēq, Phoen *ḥnq, Syr ḥᵊnaq, Ar ḫanaqa, Jib ḫonuq, Ḥrs ḫenōq, Soq ḥnq, Gz ḫānaqa, Tña ḥanäqä, Te ḥanqa, Arg hannäqa, Har ḥanäqa, Amh annäqä, Gur anäqä ʻétrangler’.
    ▪ …
    ▪ …… 
    ḪWǦ خوج 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 16May2023
    ▪ ḪWǦ_1 ‘sir, Mr. (title and form of address, esp., for Christians and Westerners)’ ↗ḫawāǧaẗ ▪ ḪWǦ_2 ‘teacher, schoolmaster’ ↗EgAr ḫōgaẗ ▪ ḪWǦ_ ... 
    ▪ [v1] : from Pers ḫʷāǧa ‘respected person, master’ – Rolland2014 ▪ [v2] : from Tu hoca (BadawiHinds1986), like [v1] from Pers ḫʷāǧa ~ ḫōǧe ‘respected person, efendi, master’, akin to oḪʷārezm ḫʷāǧīk ‘id.’ (Benzing I.3), from mPers ḫʷadāy (of uncertain origin) – Nişanyan14Nov2019 
    ḫawāǧaẗ خَواجة , pl. -āt 
    ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 16May2023
    sir, Mr. (title and form of address, esp., for Christians and Westerners, used with or without the name of the person so addressed) – WehrCowan1976 
    ▪ from Pers ḫʷāǧa ‘respected person, master’ – Rolland2014 
    – (loanword) 
    ▪ Rolland2014 adds that ḫawāǧaẗ is « du même etymon » as also ↗ḫidīw ~ ḫudaywī ‘vice-king, khedive’, from Pers ḫidīv ‘ruler, governor, king’, from mPers ḫʷatāy ‘God’, IE *gʰeu‑ ‘to pour a libation’ or *gʰeu(ə)‑ ‘to invoke’33
    ▪ (Pers) ḫʷāǧa is »a title used in many different senses in Islamic lands. In earlier times it was variously used of scholars, teachers, merchants, ministers and eunuchs. In mediaeval Egypt, according to Qalqašandī, Ṣubḥ , vi, 13, it was a title for important Persian and other foreign merchants (cf. CIA, Égypte , i, no. 24). In Sāmānid times, with the epithet buzurg ‘great’, it designated the head of the bureaucracy; later it was a title frequently accorded to wazīrs, teachers, writers, rich men, and merchants. In the Ottoman Empire it was used of the ulema, and in the pl. form ḫʷāǧegān designated certain classes of civilian officials. In modern Turkey, pronounced hoǧa (modern orthography hoca) [see ↗ḫōgaẗ] it designates the professional men of religion, but is used as a form of address for teachers in general. In Egypt and the Levant (pronounced ḫawāgaẗ or ḫawāǧaẗ) it was used for merchants, then more particularly for non-Muslim merchants, and then as a more or less polite form of address for non-Muslims in general. In India it designates those Ismāʕīlīs who follow the Agha Khān.« – art. »Khdja« (ed.), in ²EI
    EgAr ḫōgaẗ خُوجة 
    ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 16May2023
    teacher, schoolmaster – WehrCowan1976 
    ▪ from Tu hoca (BadawiHinds1986), from Pers ḫʷāǧa ~ ḫōǧe ‘respected person, efendi, master’ (cf. ↗ḫawāǧaẗ), akin to oḪʷarezm ḫʷāǧīk ‘id.’ (Benzing I.3), from mPers ḫʷadāy (of uncertain origin) (see ↗ḫidīw) – Nişanyan14Nov2019 
    – (loanword) 
    ▪ Tu hoca [Gülşehri, Manṭıḳu'ṭ-Ṭayr, 1317] satun alup satmağa çün bulaşır / assısın ol ḫoca ile üleşir – Nişanyan14Nov2019 
    ḪWR خور 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪWR_1 ‘to low, moo (cattle)’ ↗ḫāra
    ▪ ḪWR_2 ‘to be\grow weak, decline in force; to abate (heat), to soften (snow)’ ↗ḫawira
    ▪ ḪWR_3 ‘inlet, bay; tract of land between two hills; gulf; mouth of a river’ ↗ḫawr
    ▪ ḪWR_4 ‘parson, curate, priest’ ↗ḫūrī

    Other values (obsolete, or dialectal only):

    ḪWR_5 ‘rectum, anus of the horse’ ↗ḫawrān; ‘hips, buttocks’ ↗ḫawwāraẗ
    ḪWR_6 ‘the best, the choice (camels)’ ↗ḫūr
    ▪ ḪWR_7 ‘avid, greedy, voluptuous’: YemAr ḫāwur, DaṯAr ʔaḫwar
    ▪ ḪWR_8 ‘moire’: SyrAr ḫārā

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘the lowing of an ox or a cow, to low, to moo; weakness, to weaken at the time of need, a coward; low land between high hills’

    ▪ The semantics in this root partially overlap with that of ↗√ḪRː (ḪRR) and √ḤWR.

    ▪ ḪWR_1 ḫāra ‘to low, moo (cattle)’: Landberg1920 thinks it is onomatopoetic, to be compared to √ḪRː (ḪRR) (↗ḫarra ‘to murmur, bubble, gurgle; to snore’); Orel&Stolbova1994 derive it from an AfrAs *qor- ‘to shout, say’ (with assumed cognates in Berb, Eg, and some WCh langs); Tropper2008 considers a possible relation of Ug ḫwr ‘to be weak (horse)’ (and, implicitly, also of Ar ḫawira, ḪWR_2) with the animal’s uttering such a sound; according to ClassAr lexicographers, from ‘to low, moo, bellow’ derives also the meaning ‘to bend, turn, incline’; BDB1906 (s.v. Hbr √ḤWR) identifies this latter meaning with that of ḪWR_2 ‘to be weak’.
    ▪ ḪWR_2 ḫawira ‘to be\grow weak, decline in force; to abate (heat), to soften (snow)’: Tropper2008 proposes to see the item together with Ug ḫwr ‘to be weak (horse)’ and Gz ḫəwwər, ḫəwwur ‘weak, strengthless’; to the latter may (acc. to Kogan2015 and DRS #ḪWR-1) perh. also belong some modSAr (Mhr, Jib, Soq) items meaning ‘a little’; alternatively, Tropper thinks Ug ḫwr could be cognate to Ar ḫāra ‘to low’ (ḪWR_1) or to Ar ↗ḫarra ‘to fall down, sink to the ground’; BDB1906 (s.v. Hbr √ḤWR) identifies ‘to be weak’ with this the obsolete ‘to bend, turn, incline’, which ClassAr lexicographers however derive from ḪWR_1 ‘to low, moo, bellow’.
    ▪ ḪWR_3 ḫawr ‘inlet, bay; tract of land between two hills; gulf; mouth of a river’: according to Ḍannāwī2004 perh. borrowed from a Pers hor (?); Freytag1830, too, thinks it is from Pers [nothing fitting in Steingass, but VahmanPedersen1998 has nPers ḫor ‘mouth of a river, small bay’; however, this may be an Arabism]; the Pers connection can seem plausible in the light of the E/GulfAr and modSAr forms given in DRS; in contrast, Landberg1920 identifies ḫawr with ↗ġawr ‘bottom; declivity, depression; graben, valley’; Cohen1969 #162 suggests cognates in Eg ḫrw ‘depression’ (> Dem ẖlt, Copt [B] ḫel(l)ot] ‘valley, rift, river’), as well as some Berb and Cush idioms, and thus sees an AfrAs dimension; BDB1906 compares Hbr √ḤWR (only in ḥor ‘hollow’, ?and perh. the n.prop.terr. ↗Ḥawrān) with Ar ḫāra ‘to bend, turn, incline, (of man) be weak’ (cf. ḪWR_1, ḪWR_2) and ḫawr ‘hollow, depressed ground between hills’.
    ▪ ḪWR_4 ḫūrī ‘parson, curate, priest (Chr.)’: some think the word is from Grk χorós ‘choir’; Dozy considered it an abbreviated form of Grk χōrepískopos ‘vice bishop in the countryside’ (cf. ↗ʔusquf); Wahrmund, in contrast, compares Fr curé ‘parson’.

    ḪWR_5 ḫawrān ‘rectum, anus of the horse’: acc. to Lane ii (1865), some ClassAr lexicographers relate this value to ḪWR_3 »because it [the anus] is like a depressed place between two hills (ḫawr)«; seen together in DRS with ḫawwāraẗ ‘hip, buttocks’; any relation to ḪWR_2 ḫawira ‘to be weak (?hence also: soft)’?
    ḪWR_6 ḫūr ‘the best, the choice (camels)’: acc. to Lane < *ḫuyrḫayr.
    ▪ ḪWR_7 YemAr ḫāwur, DaṯAr ʔaḫwar ‘avid, greedy, voluptuous’: Landberg1920 thinks the item belongs to ḪWR_2 (*‘to be weak > to long for to eat to regain strength’).
    ▪ ḪWR_8 SyrAr ḫārā ‘moire’: prob. from Pers ḫārā ‘very hard rock, perh. granite; [?hence:] kind of watered silk stuff, waved silk’ (Steingass, Redhouse).

    ▪▪ …
    ▪▪ …
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWR-1 Ar ḫāra ‘être faible, débile’, ḫawar ‘faiblesse, manque de vigueur’; EAr ḫār ‘s’ébouler (terre)’, Gz ḫəwwər ‘faible, invalide’, ? Mhr ḫawr, Jib ḫä́rín, Soq ḥarə́rən ‘un peu’. -2 YemAr ḫāwur ‘avide, plein de convoitise, voluptueux’. -3 Ar ḫawr, Ḏ̣ofAr ‘golfe, embouchure d’un fleuve’, ʕOmAr ḥōr ‘port’, DaṯAr ḫawr ‘port, golfe’, Mhr ḫawr, Soq ḫōr, ḥōr ‘baie, embouchure’, Jib ḫohr ‘bras de mer’. -4 Ar ḫawwāraẗ ‘cul, fesses’, ḫawrān ‘orifice de l’anus (chez les animaux)’. -5 ḫāra ‘mugir, beugler’. -6 Akk ḫūrat- ‘sumac utilisé dans le corroyage’. -7 SyrAr ḫārā ‘moire’. -8 Ḥrs ḫawrət ‘base du crâne, nuque’.
    See CONC and individual entries. 
    ḫār‑ / ḫur‑ خار / خُرـ , u (ḫuwār
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    vb., I 
    to low, moo (cattle) – WehrCowan1994 
    ▪ Landberg1920 thinks it is onomatopoetic, to be compared to √ḪRː (ḪRR) (↗ḫarra ‘to murmur, bubble, gurgle; to snore’).
    ▪ Orel&Stolbova1994 derive it from an AfrAs *qor- ‘to shout, say’ (with assumed cognates in Berb, Eg, and some WCh langs).
    ▪ Tropper2008 considers a possible relation of Ug ḫwr ‘to be weak (horse)’ (and, implicitly, also of Ar ↗ḫawira) with the animal’s uttering such a sound.

    HDAL: earliest attestation in this sense 563 AD
    ▪ (ḫuwār ‘lowing, mooing’) Q 20:88 fa-ʔaḫraǧa lahum ʕiǧlan ǧasadan lahū ḫuwārun ‘so he produced for them a calf, an effigy that produced a lowing sound’
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWR-5 Ar ḫāra ‘mugir, beugler’: without cognates in Sem.
    ▪ Orel&Stolbova1994 #2044: AfrAs *qor- ‘to shout, say’ > Sem *ḫūr- ‘to bellow’ (reconstructed only from Ar ḫāra u), based on biconsonantal *ḫ˅r-. Cognates in Berb *kur- (Ahg kur-ət) ‘to call’, Eg ḫr ‘to say’ (OK), WCh *qwar- (gwar ‘to groan’; kwar, gwar-al ‘to shout, cry, call’ in some WCh idioms).
    ▪ Orel&Stolbova1994 #2044: Sem *ḫūr- ‘to bellow’ (reconstructed only from Ar ḫāra u), based on biconsonantal *ḫ˅r-, Berb *kur- (Ahg kur-ət) ‘to call’, Eg ḫr ‘to say’ (OK), WCh *qwar- (gwar ‘to groan’; kwar, gwar-al ‘to shout, cry, call’) < AfrAs *qor- ‘to shout, say’.

    ḫuwār, n., lowing, mooing: vn. I

    ḫawir‑ خَوِر , a (ḫawar), var. ḫār‑ / ḫur‑ خار , u (ḫuʔūr, ‑aẗ
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    vb., I 
    to decline in force or vigor; to grow weak, spiritless, languid, to languish, flag; to dwindle, give out (strength) – WehrCowan1994 
    ▪ Tropper2008 suggests seeing the item together with Ug ḫwr ‘to be weak (horse)’ and Gz ḫəwwər ‘weak, strengthless’; to the latter may (acc. to Kogan2015 and DRS #ḪWR-1) perh. also belong some modSAr (Mhr, Jib, Soq) items meaning ‘a little’; alternatively, Tropper thinks Ug ḫwr could be cognate to Ar ḫāra ‘to low, moo’ (ḪWR_1) or to Ar ↗ḫarra ‘to fall down, sink to the ground’.

    HDAL: earliest attestation in this sense 570 AD.
    ▪ In pre-MSA texts, ḫāra / ḫawira is also attested as ‘to abate (heat); to soften (snow)’. 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWR-1 Ar ḫāra ‘être faible, débile’, ḫawar ‘faiblesse, manque de vigueur’; EAr ḫār ‘s’ébouler (terre)’, Gz ḫəwwər ‘faible, invalide’, ? Mhr ḫawr, Jib ḫä́rín, Soq ḥarə́rən ‘un peu’.
    ▪ Kogan2015: 559 #51: For the modSAr forms Mhr ḫawr, Jib ḫɛ́rín, Soq ḥarə́rhɛn ‘a little’, Kogan reconstructs prot-modSAr *ḫūr‑, *ḫarrn- ‘a little’, adding that the origin is uncertain »although A. Jahn’s comparison (1902:199) with Ar ḫwr ‘to be weak, feeble’ is not unreasonable, see further Gz ḫəwwur ‘weak, invalid’, Te ḥawärä ‘perdre la parole (de faiblesse)’«. »Semantically more attractive is M. Bittner’s equation (1915a:40-41) with Ar ḥwr ‘to decrease, be defective or deficient’ [ḤWR_3, ↗ḥāra], but one is reluctant to accept it because of the phonological difference.«
    ▪ Tropper2008: Ug ḫwr ‘to be weak (horse)’, Gz ḫəwwər ‘weak, strengthless’. Alternatively, Ug ḫwr could be cognate to Ar ↗ḫāra ‘to low, moo’ (ḪWR_1) or to Ar ↗ḫarra ‘to fall down, sink to the ground’.
    ▪ ? Ar ḫawwāraẗ, n.f., hips, buttocks; ḫūr, (said to be pl. of sg. ḫawwār, ‑aẗ, but regarded as pl.tantum by others) ‘women of ill fame’. – Cognates of ḫawira ‘to be weak (?hence also: soft)’ or rather to be seen together with ↗ḫawrān ‘rectum, anus’?

    ḫawar, n., weakness, fatigue, enervation, languor, lassitude
    ḫawwār, adj., weak, languid, strengthless
    ḫawr خَوْر , pl. ʔaḫwār, ḫīrān 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    inlet, bay – WehrCowan1994 
    ▪ Of unclear origin. Several etymologies have been suggested. Freytag1830 and Ḍannāwī2004 assume a Pers source, which could be in line with the fact that DRS 10 (2012) only give E/GulfAr and modSAr cognates. On the other hand, the word does not seem uncommon in EgAr and SudAr (BehnstedtWoidich2011). In contrast, Landberg1920 saw ḫawr related to ġawr, while BDB1906 would not exclude kinship with items from the root √ḪWR but also consider a Hbr word as cognate. Farthest, as often, goes Cohen1969, assuming an AfrAs origin.

    HDAL: earliest attestation in this sense 709 AD (al-ʕAǧǧāǧ).
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWR-3 Ḏ̣ofAr ‘golfe, embouchure d’un fleuve’, ʕOmAr ḥōr ‘port’, DaṯAr ḫawr ‘port, golfe’; Mhr ḫawr, Soq ḫōr, ḥōr ‘baie, embouchure’, Jib ḫohr ‘bras de mer’.
    ▪ Cohen1969 #162: Eg ḫrw ‘lowland, depression’, Copt (B) ḫel(l)ot [Copt (S) šlōt – Westerndorf2008: < Eg ḫ3r(w)ṯ, Dem ẖlt] ‘valley, rift, river’; Berb (Tom) égərəw ‘large river, lake, see’, tēgərt ‘rivulet, brook’; Bed kŭān, Bil kŭra, Ch aḳual ‘river’; Som hūr ‘lake’ (< Ar ?), ḫōri ‘river bank, rivulet, brook’. – ? Hbr ḳor ‘to flow’ (?), Gz ḳʷallā ‘lowland’ (valley of a large river), Amh kʷərē ‘pond, pool’.
    ▪ BehnstedtWoidich i (2011):424 #143 – In Kordofan, ḫōr typically means ‘river’. The ClassAr meanings (Lane: ‘low, or depressed, ground or land… between two elevated parts… an inlet from a sea or large river, entering into the land… a place, or channel, where water pours into a sea or large river”) are found in Luxor (BehnstedtWoidich1994), while Qāsim2002 (QAS) notes ‘valley, graben’ for the Sudan (hence also kóóru ‘river’ im Ki-Nubi/Kenia – Heine1982).
    ▪ In pre-MSA texts, ḫawr is attested as ‘tract of land between two hills, valley; gulf, bay, gulf; mouth of a river’.
    ▪ Of Pers origin? – According to Ḍannāwī2004, it is perh. borrowed from a Pers »هور« (hor ? – unidentifiable in my Pers dictionaries). Freytag1830, too, thought it was a »vox Persica«, i.e., a borrowing from Pers; Steingass1892 does not have anything that might fit this assumption, but VahmanPedersen1998 has nPers ḫor ‘mouth of a river, small bay’; however, this may be in itself an Arabism, as is assumed in Redhouse’s Tu–Engl dictionary of 1890 where »khavr, vulg. khor ‘bay, strait, channel; river mouth on the sea, harbor; low-lying bottom where water is apt to collect« is marked »A.«, indicating Ar origin]. The Pers connection can seem plausible in the light of the E/Gulf Ar and modSAr forms given in DRS. But compare BehnstedtWoidich2011 (see COGN) who found that the word is common also in Egypt and Sudan.
    ▪ Landberg1920 identified ḫawr with ↗ġawr ‘bottom; declivity, depression; graben, valley’.
    ▪ BDB1906 compared Hbr ḥōr ‘hollow’ (√ḤWR; Klein1987: ḥūr ‘hole’, ḥōr, ḥôr ‘hole, aperture’) with Ar ḫawr, rendered as »hollow, depressed ground between hills«, which, however, is also seen as co-original with ↗ḫāra (rendered as »to bend, turn, incline, of man be weak«), in this way equating also ḪWR_1 and ḪWR_2). In contrast, a connection with the n.prop.terr. ↗Ḥawrān is seen as unlikely.
    ▪ The AfrAs dimension suggested by Cohen1969 sounds rather far-fetched at first sight. However, in the light of the evidence given by BehnstedtWoidich2011 for Egypt and the Sudan, at least the Eg items could perh. be genuine cognates.
    ḫūrī خُوريّ , pl. ḫawārinaẗ 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    parson, curate, priest (Chr.) – WehrCowan1994 
    ▪ Some think the word is from Grk χorós ‘choir’. Dozy considered it an abbreviated form of Grk χōrepískopos ‘vice bishop in the countryside’. In contrast, Wahrmund1887 compared Fr curé ‘parson’, a suggestion perh. worth following. 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ – 
    ▪ Rolland2014: as also ḫūrus ‘choir’ from Grk χorós ‘choir’, of unknown origin. According to Dozy I, however, ḫūrī is short for Grk χōrepískopos ‘vice bishop in the countryside’.
    ▪ Wahrmund1887: < Fr curé ‘parish-priest’. This suggestion has not received much attention so far, but is phonologically convincing as it explains the final ‑ī in ḫūrī.

    ▪ If ḫūrī is from Grk χorós, then it has the same origin as Engl choir, c. 1300 queor ‘part of the church where the choir sings’, from oFr cuer, quer ‘(architectural) choir of a church; chorus of singers’ (C13, modFr chœur), from Lat chorus ‘choir’ (see chorus). In Engl, the meaning ‘band of singers’ is from c. 1400, quyre. Re-spelled mC17 in an attempt to match classical forms, but the pronunciation has not changed – EtymOnline.
    ▪ If it is from Fr curé, cognates in Eur langs are items that, ultimately, go back to Lat cura ‘care, concern, trouble’. Fr curé is first attested in 1259 as ‘parish-priest’; by extension, any ‘cleric’ (1845); from mLat curatus ‘one responsible for the care (of souls)’ (C11; very rare in the Middle Ages), derived from Lat cura, curare ‘to take care of’ (CNRTL, EtymOnline).

    al-ḫūrī al-ʔusqufī, n., representative of the bishop (Chr.); see also ↗ʔaḫyarᵘ.

    ḫawrān خوْران , pl. ‑āt, ḫawārīnᵘ 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    rectum, anus of the horse – Lane ii (1865) 
    ▪ Acc. to Lane, some ClassAr lexicographers relate this value to ↗ḫawr (ḪWR_3) »because it [the anus] is like a depressed place between two hills«.
    ▪ Seen together in DRS with ḫawwāraẗ.
    ▪ Any relation to ↗ḪWR_2 ḫawira ‘to be weak (?hence also: soft)’?
    ▪ Cf. also the obsolete ḫāra, u (ḫawr), vb. I, ‘to beat or prick animals in their hind parts (ḫawrān)’

    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWR-4 Ar ḫawwāraẗ ‘cul, fesses’, ḫawrān ‘orifice de l’anus (chez les animaux)’ : no cognates given.
    ▪ ? ḫawwār ‘very weak; sensitive, touchy’, ḫawwāraẗ ‘hips, buttocks; (Hava1899:) weak; slender and fine she-camel’; ḫūr (pl.tantum, but regarded as pl. of sg. ḫawwār, ‑aẗ by some) ‘women of ill fame’ (but this latter item may be from Pers ḫʷur, ḫor ‘despicable, contemptible, abject, mean, vile, base, infamous’ – Steingass1892): cognates of ḫawrān or rather to be seen together with ↗ḪWR_2 ḫawira ‘to be weak (?hence also: soft)’? 
    ḫūr خُور (pl. tantum?) 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    √ḪWR (pl.tantum?) 
    1 the best, the choice (camels); 2 women of ill fame – Lane ii (1865) 
    ▪ [v1] Acc. to Lane < *ḫuyr; thus, see ↗ḫayr, √ḪYR

    ▪ [v2] Regarded as pl. of sg. ḫawwār, ‑aẗ ‘very weak; sensitive, touchy’ by some (↗ḫawira), but more likely a pl.tantum and as such from Pers ḫʷur, ḫor ‘despicable, contemptible, abject, mean, vile, base, infamous’ (Steingass1892)

    ▪ … 
    ▪ See CONC. 
    See CONC. 
    ḪWḌ خوض 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪWḌ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪWḌ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪWḌ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to wade, ford, a ford; to plunge into a subject heedlessly, engage in discussion without much knowledge; ambiguity, confusion, to shake up’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪWF خوف 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪWF_1 ‘to be frightened, scared, afraid, anxious’ ↗ḫāfa
    ▪ ḪWF_2 ‘…’ ↗

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘fear, fright, to fear, to frighten; awe, concern, worry; to know, to suspect, to become aware; unworthy act; fighting, to decrease, to shorten’ 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWP-1 Akk ḫāpu, Ar ḫāfa ‘avoir peur’, Mhr ḫwīf, Soq ḥayef ‘craindre’. -2 Akk ḫūp‑ ‘cercle, anneau’. -3 EAr ḫāfa ‘poche en cuir’.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫāf‑ / ḫif‑ خافَ / خِفْـ , ā (ḫawf, maḫāfaẗ, ḫīfaẗ
    ID 271 • Sw –/44 • BP 1042 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    vb., I 
    ḫāfa a (ḫawf, maḫāfaẗ, ḫīfaẗ), 1a to be frightened, scared; b to be afraid (, s.o. or min of), dread (, s.o. or min s.o. or; c to fear (, s.o. or min s.o.,; ʕalà for s.o., for; ʔanna that) – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWP-1 Akk ḫāpu, Ar ḫāfa ‘avoir peur’, Mhr ḫwīf, Soq ḥayef ‘craindre’. -2-3 […].
    ▪ … 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫawwafa, vb. II, to frighten, scare, alarm, fill with fear (s.o.): D-stem, caus.
    ʔaḫāfa, vb. IV, = II: *Š-stem, caus.
    taḫawwafa, vb. V, = I: Dt-stem, intr., self-ref.

    BP#862ḫawf, n., 1 fear, dread (min of); 2 ḫawfan, adv., for fear (min of), fearing (ʕalà for): vn. I.
    ḫīfaẗ, n.f., fear, dread (min of): vn. I.
    ḫawwāf, var. ḫawwīf, 1 adj., fainthearted, fearful, timid, timorous; 2 n., coward, poltroon: ints. formation.
    ʔaḫwafᵘ, adj., 1 more timorous; 2 more dreadful, more to be feared: elat.
    BP#2846maḫāfaẗ, n.f., fear, dread: vn. I | maḫāfaẗan ʔanna, adv., for fear that…, afraid that…
    maḫāwifᵘ, (pl. of maḫāfaẗ), n. pl., 1a fears, apprehensions, anxieties; b horrors, dangers, perils.
    taḫwīf, n., and var. ʔiḫāfaẗ, n.f., intimidation, bullying, cowing, frightening, scaring: vn. II and IV, respectively.
    taḫawwuf, n., fear, dread: vn. V.
    BP#1503ḫāʔif, pl. ḫuwwaf, adj., 1a fearful, timid, timorous; b scared, frightened, alarmed (min by); c afraid (min of); d anxious (ʕalà about), apprehensive (ʕalà for): PA I.
    maḫūf, adj., 1 feared, dreaded; 2 dangerous, perilous: PP I.
    BP#3387muḫīf, adj., fear-inspiring, frightful, dreadful, terrible, horrible: PA IV.
    ḪWL خول 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪWL_1 ʻ(maternal) uncle’ ↗¹ḫāl
    ▪ ḪWL_2 ʻchattels, property (livestock, slaves); servants; (EgAr) dancer, effeminate person’ ↗ḫawal; ʻoverseer (of a plantation), gardener’ ↗ḫawlī; ʻto authorize’ ↗ḫawwala
    ▪ ḪWL_3 ʻmole, birthmark (on the face); patch, beauty spot’ ↗²ḫāl (s.r. √ḪYL)

    Other values, now obsolete, include (Hava1899):

    ḪWL_4 ʻlower part of the bit’ : ḫawal (pl. ḫuwal)
    ḪWL_5 ʻcolours of an army’ : ḫāl
    ḪWL_6 ʻblack stallion-camel’ : ḫāl
    ḪWL_7 ʻbox-thorn’ : ʕawd al-ḫawlān
    ḪWL_8 ʻscattered on all sides (adv.)’: ʔaḫwalᵃ ʔaḫwalᵃ
    ḪWL_ ʻ…’ : …

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): (There is a degree of overlap between this root and ḪYL) ‘maternal uncle, maternal aunt; household, servants, helpers; ownership, property; to give in ownership, to bestow; to authorise, to enable; an overseer; to show pride, to scatter’ 
    ▪ [v1] Kogan2011: from protWSem *ḫāl‑ ‘maternal uncle’.
    ▪ [v2] DRS is not sure whether ʻproperty; to guard, administer (property); to authorize s.o.’ perh. depends on, or is related to, [v1] ʻmaternal uncle’. – For unknown reasons, DRS separates ʻdancer, effeminate person’ from ʻproperty (livestock, slaves); servants’ although it seems clear that the former is a derogatory development from the latter.
    ▪ [v3]: grouped s.r. √ḪWL in WehrCowan, but treated s.r. √ḪYL in DRS – prob. rightly so, as it seems to belong together with the appearance of omina and the complex of imagination.
    [v4] : mentioned also in Lane, but obviously regarded as dubious by many ClassAr lexicographers.
    [v5] : prob. from ↗√ḪYL rather from √ḪWL.
    [v6] : special use of [v2] ʻchattels, property (livestock, slaves)’?
    [v7] : ?
    [v8] : ?
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWL-1 Akk ḫāl‑, Palm ḥl ‘oncle maternel’, Nab *ḥlh ‘tante’, Syr ḥālā, Ar ḫāl, Ṣaf ḫl, Mhr Ḥrs ḫayl, Jib ḥiź, Soq ḥel (Kogan2011: ḥalēle) ‘oncle maternel’. – ?2 Ar ḫāla ‘garder, gérer, administrer’, ḫawal ‘biens, avoir’; Min ḫwl ‘personne autorisée’, Qat šḫl ‘diriger, administrer’, ?MġrAr ḫāl ‘octroyer, assigner’. -3 Ar ḫuwāl ‘jeune garçon danseur’, EgAr ḫawal ‘danseur, efféminé, homosexuel passif’, SudAr ḫawal: terme de mépris par lequel on traite l’homme qui manque de virilité; ḫawl d’un homme: sa domesticité. -4 EAr maḫyūl ‘somnolent’. -5 Akk ḫālu, ḫuālu ‘fondre, se dissoudre; exsuder, répandre un liquide’. -6 Akk ḫūl‑ ‘chemin, route’. -7 Jib aḫbel ‘provoquer (en ayant mal posé une attelle) la saillie d’un os cassé sous la peau d’un animal’, ḫoblun ‘maladroit’.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ As is clear from [v3] and [v5], there is some overlapping between √ḪWL and √ḪYL.
    ▪ For [v1] and [v2], cf. also ↗√ḤW/YL (e.g., ḥawl ‘strength, power, might’ < protSem *ḥayl‑/*ḫayl‑ ‘strength’ – Kogan2015: 118 #12? – If there is such a connection, the ʻmaternal uncle’ is perh. *ʻthe powerful one (due to his possession of property, incl. livestock and slaves)’.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫawwal‑ خَوَّلَ (taḫwīl
    ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    vb., II 
    to grant, accord, give, concede (to s.o., also li‑; esp., the right, the power to do, bestow, confer (upon s.o., also li‑), vest, endow (s.o. with, also li‑) – WehrCowan1976. 
    ▪ D-stem, caus., from the obs. vb. I, ḫāla ʻto manage (a business etc.), take care (ʕalà of)’ (Hava1899), perh. denom. from ↗ḫawal ʻchattels, property (livestock, slaves); servants’. Thus, the power\auhority bestowed upon s.o. through the action expressed in vb. II is, originally, the right to manage\control one’s livestock, servants, and slaves.
    ▪ If the ʻmaternal uncle’, ↗¹ḫāl, should be akin to ↗ḫawal ʻchattels, property (livestock, slaves); servants’ (as considered possible in DRS, the granting of authority could also be interpreted as *ʻmaking s.o. the “uncle” of livestock, slaves, servants, etc., i.e., its/their master’.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWL-1 Akk ḫāl‑, Palm ḥl ‘oncle maternel’, Nab *ḥlh ‘tante’, Syr ḥālā, Ar ḫāl, Ṣaf ḫl, Mhr Ḥrs ḫayl, Jib ḥiź, Soq ḥel (Kogan2011: ḥalēle) ‘oncle maternel’. – ?2 Ar ḫāla ‘garder, gérer, administrer’, ḫawal ‘biens, avoir’; Min ḫwl ‘personne autorisée’, Qat šḫl ‘diriger, administrer’, ?MġrAr ḫāl ‘octroyer, assigner’. -3-6 […].
    ▪ … 
    ▪ See above, section CONCISE.
    ▪ … 
    muḫawwal, adj., authorized (bi‑ to): PP II.

    For other values of the root, cf. ↗¹ḫāl, ↗²ḫāl, ↗ḫawal, and ↗ḫawlī, as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ḪWL and ↗√ḪYL. 
    ¹ḫāl خال , pl. ʔaḫwāl, huʔūl, ḫuʔūlaẗ 
    ID 272 • Sw – • BP 3188 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1 (maternal) uncle – WehrCowan1976. – 2 (pl. ḫīlān) ↗²ḫāl (√ḪYL). 
    ▪ Kogan2011: from protWSem *ḫāl‑ ‘maternal uncle’.
    DRS does not exclude the possibility that ʻmaternal uncle’, ¹ḫāl, may be akin somehow to the complex of ʻadministring’, or granting the right\power to administer, ↗ḫawal ʻchattels, property (livestock, slaves); servants’, so that either the former is dependent on the latter (the maternal uncle as *ʻowner\master of property, servants, slaves, etc.’), or vice versa (livestock and other property as *ʻ under the control\administration of a maternal uncle’).
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWL-1 Akk ḫāl‑, Palm ḥl ‘oncle maternel’, Nab *ḥlh ‘tante’, Syr ḥālā, Ar ḫāl, Ṣaf ḫl, Mhr Ḥrs ḫayl, Jib ḥiź, Soq ḥel (Kogan2011: ḥalēle) ‘oncle maternel’. – ?2 Ar ḫāla ‘garder, gérer, administrer’, ḫawal ‘biens, avoir’; Min ḫwl ‘personne autorisée’, Qat šḫl ‘diriger, administrer’, ?MġrAr ḫāl ‘octroyer, assigner’. -3-7 […].
    ▪ … 
    ▪ See above, section CONCISE.
    ▪ … 
    BP#2962ḫālaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., (maternal) aunt
    ḫuʔūlaẗ, n.f., relationship of the maternal uncle

    For other values of the root, cf. ↗²ḫāl, ↗ḫawal, ↗ḫawlī, and ↗ḫawwala, as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ḪWL and ↗√ḪYL. 
    ḫawal خَوَل 
    ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1 chattels, property, esp., that consisting in livestock and slaves; 2 servants; 3 (EgAr) dancer; 4 effeminate person, sissy – WehrCowan1976. 
    ▪ Either is ḫawal from the obs. vb. I, ḫāla ʻto manage (a business etc.), take care (ʕalà of)’ (Hava1899), property etc. being interpreted as *ʻ under the authority\control of s.o.’, or it is the other way round and the vb. I is denom. from ḫawal, in which case ʻmanaging a business etc.’ originally would be ʻadministering chattels, property, etc.’.
    ▪ If the ʻmaternal uncle’, ↗¹ḫāl, should be akin to ḫawal (as is considered possible in DRS), the granting of authority could also be interpreted as *ʻmaking s.o. the “uncle” of livestock, slaves, servants, etc., i.e., its/their master’.
    ▪ It is not clear why DRS treats [v1-2] ʻchattels, property’, esp., that consisting in ʻlivestock and slaves; servants’ (their #ḪWL-2, see below, section COGN) as distinct from [v3-4] ʻdancer; effeminate person, sissy’ (their #ḪWL-3), while the latter meaning (an Arabic idiosyncrasy!) quite obviously seems to be a special – derogatory – use of the former: servants and slaves would be considered weak, their masters (“uncles”?) having the power to “let them dance”. Dancing slaves may also have been part of the owner’s property.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWL-1 Akk ḫāl‑, Palm ḥl ‘oncle maternel’, Nab *ḥlh ‘tante’, Syr ḥālā, Ar ḫāl, Ṣaf ḫl, Mhr Ḥrs ḫayl, Jib ḥiź, Soq ḥel (Kogan2011: ḥalēle) ‘oncle maternel’. – ?2 Ar ḫāla ‘garder, gérer, administrer’, ḫawal ‘biens, avoir’; Min ḫwl ‘personne autorisée’, Qat šḫl ‘diriger, administrer’, ?MġrAr ḫāl ‘octroyer, assigner’. -3 Ar ḫuwāl ‘jeune garçon danseur’, EgAr ḫawal ‘danseur, efféminé, homosexuel passif’, SudAr ḫawal: terme de mépris par lequel on traite l’homme qui manque de virilité; ḫawl d’un homme: sa domesticité. -4-7 […].
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ See above, section CONCISE.
    ▪ … 
    ḫawwala, vb. II, to grant, accord, give, concede (to s.o., also li‑; esp., the right, the power to do, bestow, confer (upon s.o., also li‑), vest, endow (s.o. with, also li‑): D-stem, caus., from the obs. vb. I, ḫāla ʻto manage (a business etc.), take care (ʕalà of)’.

    ḫawlī, n., 1 supervisor, overseer (of a plantation); 2 gardener: nisba formation, perh. shortened from *ḫawalī ʻin charge of property, etc.’.
    muḫawwal, adj., authorized (bi‑ to): PP II.

    For other values of the root, cf. ↗¹ḫāl and ↗²ḫāl as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ḪWL and ↗√ḪYL. 
    ḫawlī خَوْليّ 
    ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1 supervisor, overseer (of a plantation); 2 gardener – WehrCowan1976. 
    ▪ Nisba formation, perh. shortened from *ḫawalī ʻin charge of property, etc.’, from ↗ḫawal ʻchattels, property (esp. livestock, slaves, etc.)’, akin to the obsol. vb. I, ḫāla ʻto manage (a business etc.), take care (ʕalà of)’ (Hava1899).
    DRSḫāl, belongs to this complex (see below, section COGN).
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪWL-1 Akk ḫāl‑, Palm ḥl ‘oncle maternel’, Nab *ḥlh ‘tante’, Syr ḥālā, Ar ḫāl, Ṣaf ḫl, Mhr Ḥrs ḫayl, Jib ḥiź, Soq ḥel (Kogan2011: ḥalēle) ‘oncle maternel’. – ?2 Ar ḫāla ‘garder, gérer, administrer’, ḫawal ‘biens, avoir’; Min ḫwl ‘personne autorisée’, Qat šḫl ‘diriger, administrer’, ?MġrAr ḫāl ‘octroyer, assigner’. -3-7 […]. 
    ▪ See above, section CONCISE.
    ▪ … 
    For other values of the root, cf. ↗¹ḫāl, ↗²ḫāl, ↗ḫawal, and ↗ḫawwala, as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ḪWL and ↗√ḪYL. 
    ḪWN خون 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪWN_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪWN_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪWN_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘treachery, falsehood, disloyalty; to betray, let down; to give false advice; to shortchange; a furtive glance, glance furtively; to look after; to fall on hard times’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪWY خوي 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪWY_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪWY_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪWY_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘space, void, an opening, emptiness, to be deserted; to be derelict, be crumbling; ruins; to be uprooted; wasteland; hunger’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪYB خيب 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪYB_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪYB_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪYB_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘the losing arrow in a game of fortune; to fail, be disappointed; to go wrong; frustration, failure’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪYR خير 
    ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪYR_1 ‘to choose, select, prefer; good, better, the best; elite; charitableness’ ↗ḫayr
    ▪ ḪYR_2 ‘(LevAr) old man, senior’ ↗ĭḫtiyār
    ▪ ḪYR_3 ‘cucumber’ ↗ḫiyār
    ▪ ḪYR_4 ‘gillyflower’ ↗ḫīriyy

    ▪ Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): [ḪYR_1] ‘goodness, to be good, be of use; to put ahead, select above others, the select, choice, the best; to have the/an option, preference, seek the best, seek God’s guidance before an action’ 
    ▪ ḪYR_1 (Huehnergard2011: protSem *√ḪYR ‘to choose’) belongs perhaps to a group of derivations from / extensions of a bi-consonantal root ↗*ḪR- ‘good’.
    ▪ Although ḪYR_2 ‘old man, senior’ is a borrowing from Tu, it ultimately belongs together with ḪYR_1 ‘to choose, prefer’ (< Sem *ḪYR).
    ▪ ḪYR_3 ‘cucumber’ and ḪYR_4 ‘gillyflower’ are both loan words from Pers. 
    DRS 10 (2012): Out of the six values the root *ḪYR can take in Sem, only two are represented in Ar: #ḪYR–1 Akk ḫiāru, ḫāru ‘choisir, élire’, ḫāʔir‑, ḫāwir‑, ḫāmir‑, ḫāyyir‑, ḫābir‑ ‘mari’, ḫāʔirut ‘état conjugal’, Nab ḥyr (adv.) ‘bien’, ḥyry(hm) ‘(leurs) notables’, Ar ḫāra ‘etre favorable à qn, préférer, choisir’, ḫayr ‘bon, meilleur; bien, avoir, bonheur’, ḫīr ‘noblesse, générosité’, MġrAr ḫayr ‘biens, richesse’, ḫīr ‘mieux, meilleur que’, Sab ḫyr ‘noble’, Mhr ḫayr ‘bien, santé, bien-être’, Soq ḥayr ‘meilleur, mieux’, Jib ḫar ‘bien-être, bien’, aḫyer ‘donner un choix’, Gz ḫayara ‘être bien, bon’, Tña ḫeray ‘bon, compatissant’. [–2 …; –3 …; –4 …; –5 …]. –6 Ar ḫiyār ‘concombre’. 
    ḪYR_1 = DRS #ḪYR-1; ḪYR_3 = DRS #ḪYR-6. – ḪYR_2 and ḪYR_4: not mentioned in DRS.
    ▪ Dolgopolsky2012#1934 reconstructs a Sem vb. *ḪYR (*‑ḫīr‑) ‘to prefer, choose; to be(come) good’ and a WSem n. *ḫayar ‘goodness’, both from Nostr *q̣uy˅r˅‑ ‘to love, covet’ (> ‘to prefer’). Sem *ḫ‑ goes back to *q‑, resulting from pAfrAs deglottalization of Nostr *q̣‑
    ▪ Engl mohair, moire, moiréḫayr
    ḫayr خَيْر , pl. ḫiyār , ʔaḫyār

    NB: For the notion of ‘goodness; select, pick (the good)’, the n. ḫayr has been chosen here as the main entry. But the vb. I, ḫāra , could have served the same purpose. It is impossible to decide whether ḫāra is denominative or ḫayr deverbative. Dolgopolski2012#1934 distinguishes WSem *ḫayar‑ ‘goodness’ (> Ar ḫayr , n.) from Sem *ḪYR (*‑ḫīr‑) ‘to prefer, choose; to be(come) good’ (> Ar ḫāra , vb. I). 
    ID – • Sw – • BP 140 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    good; excellent, outstanding, superior, admirable; better; best; – (pl. ḫuyūr) good thing, blessing; wealth, property; – good, benefit, interest, advantage; welfare; charity – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ (According to Dolgopolsky2012#1934:) From WSem *ḫayar‑ ‘goodness’, Sem *ḪYR (*‑ḫīr‑) ‘to prefer, choose; to be(come) good’ (from Nostr *q̣uy˅r˅‑ ‘to love, covet’ > ‘to prefer’). 
    ▪ eC7 I (n.) 1 (goodness, all that is good) Q 3:26 bi-yadi-ka ’l-ḫayru ‘in Your hand is the good’; 2 (much wealth, great property) 2:180 kutiba ʕalay-kum ʔiḏā ḥaḍara ʔaḥada-kum-u ’l-mawtu ʔin taraka ḫayran-i ’l-waṣiyyatu lil-wālidayni wa’l-ʔaqrabīna ‘it is prescribed for you, when death comes to one of you if he is leaving behind great property, that he should make bequests to parents and close relatives’. II (elat.) 1 (usually with prep. min) 2:263 qawlun maʕrūfun wa-maʕrifatun ḫayrun min ṣadaqaẗin yatbaʕu-hā ʔaḏàn ‘a kind word [from a would-be giver] and forgiveness [from the would-be receiver of charity] is better than almsgiving after which follows hurt’, 2 (in ʔiḍāfaẗ) 3:110 kuntum ḫayra ʔummatin ʔuḫriǧat lil-nāsi ‘you are the best nation that has been brought forth for humankind’ – BAH2008. 
    DRS 10 (2012)#ḪYR-1: Akk ḫiāru, ḫāru ‘choisir, élire’, ḫāʔir‑, ḫāwir‑, ḫāmir‑, ḫāyyir‑, ḫābir‑ ‘mari’, ḫāʔirut ‘état conjugal’, Nab ḥyr (adv.) ‘bien’, ḥyry(hm) ‘(leurs) notables’, Ar ḫāra ‘etre favorable à qn, préférer, choisir’, ḫayr ‘bon, meilleur; bien, avoir, bonheur’, ḫīr ‘noblesse, générosité’, MġrAr ḫayr ‘biens, richesse’, ḫīr ‘mieux, meilleur que’, Sab ḫyr ‘noble’, Mhr ḫayr ‘bien, santé, bien-être’, Soq ḥayr ‘meilleur, mieux’, Jib ḫar ‘bien-être, bien’, aḫyer ‘donner un choix’, Gz ḫayara ‘être bien, bon’, Tña ḫeray ‘bon, compatissant’.
    ▪ See also the cognates given by Dolgopolsky (cf. DISC, below). 
    ▪ Dolgopolsky2012#1934 reconstructs a Sem vb. and a WSem n. – According to the author, 1 Sem *ḪYR (*‑ḫīr‑) ‘to prefer, choose; to be(come) good’ gave Akk ḫiāru ~ ḫāru ‘to choose, select; to pick and take as mate’, Ar ḫāra ī ‘to be propicious to; to prefer, select’, Gz ḫayara ~ ḫēra, Min ḫyr ‘to choose, authorize’; 2 WSem *ḫayar‑ ‘goodness’ gave Ar ḫayr ‘id.; good (n.); good, better, the best’ (> Soq ḥayr ‘better [adj., adv.]’, Mhr Ḥrs ḫayr ‘good, health’, Jib ḫer ‘best interest’), Mhr ḫār ‘better’, Mhr ḫɜyor, Ḥrs ḫɜyōr ‘best’, Jib ḫar ‘well-being, good’, Sab ḫyr ‘nobleman, noble’ (pl. ʔḫyr), Qat ʔḫyr (pl.) ‘élite, noblemen’, Gz ḫēr ‘good, excellent, good thing’.
    ▪ According to Dolgopolsky2012#1934, both Sem items (and a number of others from non-AfrAs families) are from Nostr *q̣uy˅r˅‑ ‘to love, covet’ (> ‘to prefer’). 
    ▪ Huehnergard2011, EtymOnline: Engl mohair (1610 s), earlier mocayre (1560 s) ‘fine hair of the Angora goat; a fabric made from this’, from mFr mocayart (C16), Ital mocaiarro, both from Ar muḫayyar ‘cloth of goat hair (lit., selected, choice)’, from ḫayyara, vb. II, ‘to (make) choose’. Spelling influenced in Engl by association with hair. – Engl moire ‘watered silk’ (1650 s), from Fr moire (C17), probably Engl mohair; thus, the item seems to have been first borrowed from Fr, then loaned back into this languange, and ultimately loaned back from there. – The adj. Engl moiré ‘having the appearance of watered silk’ is attested from 1823
    ḫayr al-nās, the best of all people; ḫiyār al-nās, ʔaḫyār al-nās, the best people, the pick of the human race.
    huwa ḫayr min-ka, he is better than you.
    huwa ḫayr la-ka, it is better for you.
    al-ḫayr kull al-ḫayr, the very best.
    al-ḫayr al-ʕāmm, the commonweal, general welfare; dawlaẗ al-ḫayr al-ʕāmm, welfare state.
    li-ḫayri, prep., for the benefit of; ~ ʔanfusi-him, for their own good.
    ʔaʕmāl al-ḫayr, charitable deeds.
    ṣabāḥ al-ḫayr and ṣabāḥ-ak bi’l-ḫayr, good morning!
    ḏakara-hū bi’l-ḫayr, to retain a good impression of s.o.; to speak well of s.o.
    bi-ḫayr, fine, in good health (as an answer to inquiries about one’s health and in wishes).
    ʔaḫū ’l-ḫayr, a good, benevolent person.
    ʔahl al-ḫayr, charitable people.

    ḫāra i to choose, make one’s choice; to prefer (ʕalà to): denominative from ḫayr, or is ḫayr from ḫāra?
    ḫayyara, vb. II, to make or let choose (bayna between, from), give (s.o.) the alternative, option or choice (bayna between, in); to prefer ( ʕalà to): D-stem, denom./caus.
    ḫāyara, vb. Ill, to vie, compete (DO with s.o.); to make or let (s.o.) choose, give (s.o.) the choice, option or alternative: L-stem, associative.
    taḫayyara, vb. V, to choose, select, pick (DO s.o., tD-stem, autoben.
    BP#1205ĭḫtāra, vb. VIII, to choose, make one’s choice; to choose, select, elect, pick (s.o.,, fix upon s.o. or (DO); to prefer (ʕalà to): T-stem, autoben./refl. | ~ ’llāhu ʔilà ǧiwārihī, (approx.:) the Lord has taken… unto Himself.
    ĭstaḫāra, vb. X, to seek or request what is good or best for o.s. (2x DO); to consult an oracle, cast lots: Št-stem, request. | ~ ’llāha fī, to ask God for proper guidance in.

    BP#1256ḫayrī, adj., charitable, beneficent, benevolent, philanthropic: nsb-adj. | ǧamʕiyyaẗ ~aẗ, n., charitable organization.
    ḫayriyyaẗ, n.f., charity, charitableness, benevolence, beneficence: abstr. formation in ‑iyyaẗ.
    ḫayyir, adj., generous, liberal, openhanded, munificent; charitable, beneficent, benevolent; benign, gracious, kind: ints. adj.
    BP#3882ḫayraẗ, pl. ‑āt, n., good deed, good; pl. resources, treasures (e.g., of the earth, of a country), boons, blessings: n.un.
    BP#4964ḫīraẗ and ḫiyaraẗ, n.f., the best, choice, prime, flower, pick, elite:…
    ʔaḫyarᵘ, f. ḫīrà, ḫūrà, pl. ʔaḫāyirᵘ, adj., better, superior: elat.
    BP#1321ḫiyār, n., 1 choice; option, exercise of the power of choice (Isl. Law); refusal, right of withdrawal (Isl. Law); the best, choice, prime, flower, pick, elite; 2s.v..
    ḫiyārī, adj., optional, facultative; voluntary: nsb-adj. of ḫiyār.
    ĭḫtiyār, n., BP#9591 choice; election (also pol.; pl. ‑āt); selection; preference (ʕalà to); option; free will (philos.); ~an, of one’s own accord, spontaneously, voluntarily: vn. VIII. – 2 pl. ‑iyyaẗ, (Ir., Lev.), also ḫityār, pl. -iyyaẗ, adj., old; n., old man; elder, senior person in a community: (loaned into Tu, then back into Ar with the special meaning the word had acquired in Tu, lit., *‘wise person who knows how to make the right choices, experienced’).
    ĭḫtiyārī, adj., voluntary, facultative, elective (studies): nsb-adj., from ĭḫtiyār.
    muḫayyar, adj., having the choice or option: PP II.
    BP#4507muḫtār, 1 adj., free to choose, having the choice or option ( in), volunteering; ~an, adv., voluntarily, spontaneously, of one’s own accord: PA VIII; choice, select, exquisite; chosen, preferred, favorite; a favorite; ‑āt, pl., selection, selected writings, anthology: PP VIII; 2 pl. maḫātīrᵘ, n., village chief, mayor of a village; mayor of a city district (Syr., Leb., lr.): nominalized PP VIII.

    For other items of √ḪYR, cf. ↗ḫiyār and ↗ḫīriyy
    ḫīriyy خِيريّ 
    ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    √ḪYR, ḪYRY 
    gillyflower (bot.) – WehrCowan1979. – Other dictionaries give ‘Viola alba, eiusque genera’ (Freytag1838), ‘(espèce de) violette’ (Kazimirski1860), ‘giroflée’ (Rolland2014). 
    ▪ From Pers ḫīrī ‘plant family of Malvaceae’ (Rolland2014), ‘mallows; name of a certain flower of which there are several species’ (Steingass1892), ‘levkøy’ (Petersen) 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ – 
    ▪ See above, section CONCISE. 
    ḫiyār خِيار 
    ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    √ḪYR, ḪYāR 
    1ḫayr . – 2 cucumber – WehrCowan1979. 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪYR-6, Rolland2014: From Pers ḫiyār ‘cucumber’. 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ – 
    ▪ See above, section CONCISE. 
    ĭḫtiyār اخْتِيار , pl. ‑iyyaẗ , (Ir., Lev.), also ḫityār , pl. ‑iyyaẗ 
    ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    n., adj. 
    adj./n., 1ḫayr. – 2, adj., old; n., old man; elder, senior person in a community – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ Ultimately, the word belongs to the complex treated under ↗ḫayr, from Sem *ḪYR ‘to choose, prefer’. More specifically, it is the genuine Ar vn. VIII ĭḫtiyār (from ĭḫtāra, vb. VIII, ‘to choose, make one’s choice; to select, elect, pick; to prefer’) loaned into Tu as ihtiyar. In Tu, the sense of ‘(knowing how) to make the right choice, choose the best’ was transferred on the experienced usually elderly persons who had this quality, and was then generalized, coming to mean ‘aged, old’. As such, the word was loaned back into Ar in areas under Ottoman influence. 
    ▪ According to Nişanyan (29Dec2014), the word is first attested in OttTu in Meninski, Thesaurus, 1680
    ▪ For the complex ‘to choose, prefer, etc.’ to which the item belongs, see ↗ḫayr
    ▪ For the complex ‘to choose, prefer, etc.’ to which the item belongs, see ↗ḫayr
    muḫtār مُخْتار , ‑ūn , maḫātīrᵘ 
    ID 273 • Sw – • BP 4507 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ¹adj.; ²n. 
    1 adj., free to choose, having the choice or option ( in), volunteering; ~an, adv., voluntarily, spontaneously, of one’s own accord; choice, select, exquisite; chosen, preferred, favorite; a favorite; ‑āt, pl., selection, selected writings, anthology. – 2 pl. maḫātīrᵘ, n., village chief, mayor of a village; mayor of a city district (Syr., Leb., Ir.) – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ As an adj., the values of the word are those of a PA and PP of ĭḫtāra, vb. VIII, ‘to choose, make one’s choice; to select, elect, pick; to prefer’, i.e., they go back to a literal meaning of either ‘choosing, making a choice’ or ‘made to choose, given the chance/right to make a choice’.
    ▪ The value ‘village chief’ etc. is originally *‘the chosen one’ (or ‘s.o. having the ability to make the right choice’? Cf. ↗ĭḫtiyār). 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ For the complex ‘to choose, prefer, etc.’ to which the item belongs, see ↗ḫayr
    ▪ For the complex ‘to choose, prefer, etc.’ to which the item belongs, see ↗ḫayr
    ḪYṬ خيط 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Mar2023
    ▪ ḪYṬ_1 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪYṬ_2 ‘...’ ↗...
    ▪ ḪYṬ_3 ‘...’ ↗...

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘thread, wire, string, rope; to sew, stitch up; needle, tailor, tailoring’ 
    ▪ … 
    ḪYL خيل 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪYL_1 ʻto imagine, fancy, think, believe, suppose; (D-stem) to suggest, make believe; (Gt- and Lt-stems) to feel self-important, be conceited; to behave in a pompous, arrogant manner, swagger, strut about’ ↗ḫāla; ʻghost, spectre, phantom, fantasy, chimera; vision, imagination; shadow, trace, dim reflection’ ↗ḫayāl; ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ ↗²ḫāl
    ▪ ḪYL_2 ʻgreen woodpecker’ ↗ʔaḫyal
    ▪ ḪYL_3 ʻhorses’ ↗ḫayl

    Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): (There is a degree of overlapping between this root and ḪWL:) ‘imagining, to fancy, to suppose, to guess, to presuppose, to foresee; spectre, ghost, apparition, shadow; pride, conceit, snobbery; horse riders, horses; maternal uncle and aunt; mole (on skin)’ 
    ▪ [v1] : Although the semantic field built around the idea of ʻfantasy, imagination’ in Ar is rather broad and diversified and thus points to a long history and the genuineness of the root, the corresponding Ar items remain without obvious cognates in Sem. The picture changes slightly if we regard ʻfantasy, imagination’ (DRS #ḪYL-2) and ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ (DRS #ḪYL-4) as possibly belonging together, both sharing the basic idea of *ʻappearing, becoming visible’; moreover, in older times, birthmarks were often seen as omina, thus evoking a certain vision.6 Should the two be akin, then the Ar lexemes would perh. get at least one relative in Akk, and ²ḫāl ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ could be tentatively interpreted as *ʻmark\sign appearing, becoming visible (on the face or skin of a newborn child)’, or the complex of ʻfantasy, imagination’ could be regarded as derived from ²ḫāl, a fantasy or imagination appearing like a mole or a beauty spot on the face\skin of a newborn. But this is unsecured speculation that cannot build on harder data than the mere possibility of semantic dependence. The Akk “relative” signifying ʻblack mole (on the face and body); black spot (a disease of barley)’ may also be unrelated: while von Soden (on whom the data given in DRS are built) gives it as Akk ḫālu, CAD quotes it as Akk ḫalû (from oBab on), in which case it would belong together with Ar ḥalaʔ ʻpustules upon the lips (Hava1899) / boutons aux lèvres à la suite de la fièvre (BK1860)’ rather than with ²ḫāl.7
    ▪ [v2] : The modern use of ʔaḫyal for ʻgreen woodpecker’ may be dependent on [v1], more specifically on ²ḫāl in the sense of ʻpatch, beauty spot’, as the bird has white spots on some of its feathers (DRS #ḪYL-4). In older times, the word signified some (less specified) kind of bird that may have been called ʔaḫyal on account of its association with evil omen. Others explain it as an epithet based on taḫayyul, thus meaning *ʻthe one who feels self-important, conceited, the arrogant one’. – The word may have a cognate in a Hbr hapax. MilitarevKogan2005 (SED II #107) tentatively reconstruct protSem *ḫ˅l‑ ‘kind of bird’, adding that the reconstruction is little reliable, due to scarce attestation.
    ▪ [v3] : Ar ḫayl for ʻhorses’ stands isolated within Sem (Jib aḫyel ‘faire galoper’ could be an Arabism). Given that it cannot be connected to [v1] or [v2], it may belong to the complex of *ʻpower, strength’ (cf. DRS #ḪYL-5 in section COGN, below), otherwise realised in Ar by ↗√ḤW/YL (< protSem *ḥayl‑/*ḫayl‑ ‘strength’ – Kogan2015: 118 #12), rather than to √ḪYL or √ḪWL.8 According to Kogan (ibid., fn. 340), ḫayl ‘horses; riders’ has been interpreted already quite often as belonging together with ‘strength, power, might’ (cf. Marrassini 1971: 59).
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪYL-1 Akk ḫiālu, ḫālu ‘frémir, éprouver les douleurs de l’accouchement’, ḫīlū ‘douleurs de l’accouchement’, Ug ḫl ‘éprouver de telles douleurs’; ‘sautiller’, ḫl ‘angoisse, douleur’, Hbr ḥīl ‘douleur (en particulier celle de l’accouchement), crainte, tremblement d’angoisse’, ? Soq meḥailil, muhailil ‘peureux’. -2 Ar ḫāla, ḫayyala ‘s’imaginer, se figurer’, ḫayāl ‘fantôme, ombre’, ḫāl ‘outrecuidance, arrogance, présomption’, YemAr ḫayāl ‘convoiter’. -3 Ar ḫayl ‘chevaux’, ḫayyālaẗ ‘troupeau de chevaux’, Jib aḫyel ‘faire galoper (son cheval)’. -4 Akk ḫālu ‘tache noire sur la peau’, Ar ḫāl ‘signe sur le visage, grain de beauté’, ʔaḫyalᵘ ‘qui a des grains de beauté (sur le visage)’, ḫīlān ‘signe, signe sur le corps ou le visage, grain de beauté’. -5 Hbr ḥayil ‘puissance’, SyrAr ḥēl, ‘vigueur, allant’, Sab ḫyl ‘pouvoir, puissance’, Qat ‘ressources, aide’, Gz ḫayl, Tña ḥayli, Te ḥil, Amh Gur hayl ‘pouvoir, puissance’. -6 Soq ḥal, ḥēl ‘aine’. -7 Tña ḫayal ‘cerf, grande antilope’. -8 Akk ḫīl‑ ‘résine’.
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ As is clear from [v…] and [v…], there is some overlapping between √ḪYL and ↗√ḪWL, and prob. also ↗√ḤW/YL.
    ▪ The value *ʻto be in labour; have labour pains’ (protSem *ḫylSED I #33) does not seem to have cognates in Ar, although it is quite widely attested throughout Sem (see DRS #ḪYL-1 in section COGN, above, and SED I #33).
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫāl‑ / ḫil‑ خال/خِلْـ , ā 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1 to imagine, fancy, think, believe, suppose (ʔanna that); 2 to consider, deem, think (s.o. to be ..., to be ...), regard (s.o. as, as) – WehrCowan1976. 
    ▪ Akin to ²ḫāl ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’, sharing with it a basic idea of *ʻappearing, becoming visible’? If so, then ḫāla ʻto imagine, etc.’ is perh. also akin to ↗ʔaḫyal ʻgreen woodpecker’ (modern meaning) (< *ʻhaving spots on its wings’) – see DISC below.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪYL-1 […]. -2 Ar ḫāla, ḫayyala ‘s’imaginer, se figurer’, ḫayāl ‘fantôme, ombre’, ḫāl ‘outrecuidance, arrogance, présomption’, YemAr ḫayāl ‘convoiter’. -3 […]. -4 Akk ḫālu ‘tache noire sur la peau’, Ar ḫāl ‘signe sur le visage, grain de beauté’, ʔaḫyalᵘ ‘qui a des grains de beauté (sur le visage)’, ḫīlān ‘signe, signe sur le corps ou le visage, grain de beauté’. -5-8 […].
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ Although the semantic field built around the idea of ʻfantasy, imagination’ in Ar is rather broad and diversified (cf. DERIV) and thus points to a long history and the genuineness of the root, the corresponding Ar items remain without obvious cognates in Sem. Things will look slightly different if we regard ʻfantasy, imagination’ (DRS #ḪYL-2) and ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ (DRS #ḪYL-4) as possibly belonging together, both sharing the basic idea of *ʻappearing, becoming visible’; moreover, in older times, birthmarks were often seen as omina, thus evoking a certain vision, esp. the imagination of an evil threatening the future; cf. also the fact that one explanation of the name ʔaḫyal given to a certain type of bird was its association with an evil omen.34 Thus, ²ḫāl ʻmole, beauty spot’ could be tentatively interpreted as *ʻmark\sign appearing, becoming visible (on the face or skin of a newborn)’, or the complex of ʻfantasy, imagination’ could be regarded as derived from ²ḫāl, a fantasy or imagination appearing like a mole or a beauty spot on the face\skin of a newborn. But this is unsecured speculation that cannot build on harder evidence than the mere possibility of semantic dependence. A possible Akk cognate of Ar ²ḫāl, signifying ʻblack mole (on the face and body); black spot (a disease of barley)’, may just as well be unrelated: while von Soden (on whom the data given in DRS are built) gives it as Akk ḫālu, CAD quotes it as Akk ḫalû (from oBab on), in which case it would belong together with Ar ḥalaʔ ʻpustules upon the lips (Hava1899) / boutons aux lèvres à la suite de la fièvre (BK1860)’ rather than with ²ḫāl.35
    ▪ Accord. to Lane ii (1865), the form V vb. taḫawwala (from √ḪWL) is found as a variant of ʔaḫāla, vb. IV, in the ClassAr expr. ʔaḫāla fīhi ḫālan min al-ḫayr ʻto bode well of’. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that ²ḫāl ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ is treated s.r. √ḪWL in some dictionaries, incl. WehrCowan, not sub √ḪYL.
    ▪ The modern use of ↗ʔaḫyal for ʻgreen woodpecker’ may be dependent on ²ḫāl in the sense of ʻpatch, beauty spot’, as the bird has white spots on some of its feathers (DRS #ḪYL-4). In older times, the word signified some (less specified) kind of bird that may have been called ʔaḫyal on account of its association with evil omen (ḫayāl). Others explain it as an epithet based on taḫayyul, thus meaning *ʻthe one who feels self-important, conceited, the arrogant one’ (cf. ḫuyalāʔᵘ, ḫaylūlaẗ, maḫīlaẗ ʻconceit, haughtiness, snobbery, arrogance, etc.’).
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫayyala, vb. II, to make (ʔilà s.o.) believe (ʔanna that), suggest (ʔilà to s.o., a, give s.o. (ʔilà) the impression that: D-stem, caus. | ḫuyyila ʔilayhi (lahū) ʔanna, expr., he imagined, fancied, thought that..., it seemed, it appeared to him that...; ʕalà mā ḫayyalat (al-nafs being understood), expr., as the heart dictates, i.e., as chance will have it, at random, unhesitatingly
    ʔaḫāla, vb. IV, to be dubious, doubtful, uncertain, intricate: *Š-stem, denom (from ḫayāl?)
    BP#4140taḫayyala, vb. V, 1 to imagine, fancy (; 2 to present itself, reveal itself (li‑ to s.o.’s mind), become the object of imagination, appear ( = II; li‑ to s.o.): Dt-stem, intr., self-ref./refl. | ~ fīhi ’l-ḫayr, vb., to suspect good qualities in s.o., have an inkling of s.o.’s good qualities, think, well of s.o., have a good opinion of s.o.
    taḫāyala, vb. VI, 1 to pretend (bi‑, li‑ to s.o., that ...), act (li‑ toward s.o., bi‑ as if); 2 to feel self-important, be conceited; 3 to behave in a pompous manner, swagger, strut about; 4 to conceive eccentric ideas, get all kinds of fantastic notions, have a bee in one’s bonnet; 5 to appear dimly, in shadowy outlines; 6 to appear, show (ʕalà on), hover (ʕalà about; e.g., a smile about s.o.’s lips), flit (ʕalà across, e.g., a shadow across s.o.’s face, etc.): Lt-stem, pretentious.
    ĭḫtāla, vb. VIII, 1 to feel self-important, be conceited; 2 to behave in a pompous manner, swagger, strut about: Gt-stem, self-ref.

    ²ḫāl, pl. ḫīlān, n., 1 (pl. ʔaḫwāl, huʔūl, ḫuʔūlaẗ) ↗¹ḫāl (√ḪWL); 2a mole, birthmark (on the face); b patch, beauty spot
    BP#1975ḫayāl, pl. ʔaḫyilaẗ, n., 1a disembodied spirit, ghost, specter; b phantom, apparition; c phantasm, fantasy, chimera, vision; 2a imagination; b shadow, trace, dim reflection | ~ šakk, n., slightest doubt; ~ al-ṣaḥrāʔ, n., scarecrow; ~ al-ẓill, n., shadow play
    ḫayālaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1 ghost, spirit, specter; 2 phantom; 3 phantasm, fantasy, chimera
    BP#3946ḫayālī, adj., 1 imaginary, unreal; 2 ideal, ideational, conceptual; 3 utopian: nisba formation, from ḫayāl
    ʔaḫyalᵘ, adj., more conceited, haughtier, prouder: elative formation (from ḫayāl?)
    ʔaḫyal, pl. ḫīl, ʔaḫāyilᵘ, n., green woodpecker: lit., *ʻthe arrogant one’ or *ʻthe one with spots on its wings’?
    ḫuyalāʔᵘ, n.f., 1 conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride; 2 al‑~, adv., haughtily, proudly
    ḫaylūlaẗ, n.f., conceit, conceitedness, snobbery, arrogance, haughtiness
    maḫīlaẗ, n.f., 1 conceit, conceitedness, snobbery, arrogance, haughtiness; 2 pl. maḫāyilᵘ,, indication, sign, symptom, characteristic; 3 visions, mental images, imagery
    taḫyīl, n., play acting | fann al‑~, n., dramatic art
    taḫayyul, pl. ‑āt, n., imagination, phantasy; 2 delusion, hallucination, fancy, whim, fantastic notion
    taḫayyulī, adj., fantastic, fanciful, imaginary
    ĭḫtiyāl, n., 1 pride; 2 arrogance, haughtiness
    muḫayyilaẗ, n.f., imagination, phantasy
    muḫīl, adj., 1 dubious, doubtful, uncertain, intricate, tangled, confused; 2 confusing, bewildering
    muḫtāl, adj., conceited, haughty, arrogant

    For other values of the root, cf. ↗ḫayl and ↗ʔaḫyal as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ḪYL and √ḪWL. 
    ḫayāl خَيال 
    ID 274 • Sw – • NahḍConBP 1975 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1a disembodied spirit, ghost, specter; b phantom, apparition; c phantasm, fantasy, chimera, vision; 2a imagination; b shadow, trace, dim reflection – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ ↗ḫāla
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ ↗ḫāla .
    ▪ … 
    ▪ See above, section CONCISE.
    ▪ … 
    ḫayālaẗ, pl. ‑āt, n.f., 1 ghost, spirit, specter; 2 phantom; 3 phantasm, fantasy, chimera
    BP#3946ḫayālī, adj., 1 imaginary, unreal; 2 ideal, ideational, conceptual; 3 utopian: nisba formation, from ḫayāl
    ḫayāliyyaẗ خَياليّة 
    Sw – • NahḍConBP … • APD … • © SG | created 4Jun2023
    ▪ abstr. formation in -iyyaẗ 
    ʔaḫyal أَخْيَل , pl. ḫīl, ʔaḫāyilᵘ 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    green woodpecker – WehrCowan1976. 
    ▪ Accord. to Lane ii (1865) (see below, section HIST), ʻgreen woodpecker’ is a modern use, while in older times it meant a certain bird. Some ClassAr lexicographers explain the name of this bird as an epithet based on taḫayyul, thus meaning *ʻthe one who feels self-important, conceited, the arrogant one’; for others, it is connected to the idea of a bad omen. The more modern use could be due to the spots on the bird’s wings, reminding of a ²ḫāl ʻmole, birthmark; patch, beauty spot’ (see ↗ḫāla).
    ▪ (MilitarevKogan2005 SED II #107:) From protSem *ḫ˅l- ‘kind of bird’ (not very reliable, due to scarce attestation: in Hbr and Ar only, both not secured).
    ▪ … 
    ▪ Lane ii (1865): ʻa certain bird that alights upon the rump of the camel and is app. for that reason held to be of evil omen;1 applied in the present day to the green wood-pecker (picus viridis), and to the common roller (coracias garrula), so called because upon its wings are colours differing from its general colour, or because diversified with black and white, or the ↗šāhīn (a species of falcon)’.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ MilitarevKogan2005 (SED II) #107: Hbr ḥōl ‘name of a fabulous bird, Phoenix’ (hapax in Job 29.18), Ar ʔaḫyal ‘faucon blanc de bon nid; oiseau à plumage bigarre, et regardé comme de mauvais augure’.
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪYL-1 […]. -2 Ar ḫāla, ḫayyala ‘s’imaginer, se figurer’, ḫayāl ‘fantôme, ombre’, ḫāl ‘outrecuidance, arrogance, présomption’, YemAr ḫayāl ‘convoiter’. -3 […]. -4 Akk ḫālu ‘tache noire sur la peau’, Ar ḫāl ‘signe sur le visage, grain de beauté’, ʔaḫyalᵘ ‘qui a des grains de beauté (sur le visage)’, ḫīlān ‘signe, signe sur le corps ou le visage, grain de beauté’. -5-8 […].
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ See above, section CONCISE.
    ▪ … 
    For other values of the root, cf. ↗ḫāla and ↗ḫayl as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ḪYL and √ḪWL. 
    ḫayl خَيْل 
    ID 275 • Sw – • BP 2456 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    1 horses; 2 horsepower, H.P. – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ The term ḫayl for ‘horses’ is an Ar idiosyncrasy. But, as Kogan2011 (# states, there is also »no deeply rooted common term for ‘horse’« in Sem. (For other terms, cf. ↗ḥiṣān, ↗faras, EgAr ↗sīsī.) ḫayl may belong to the complex of *ʻpower, strength, might’ (↗√ḤW/YL, with in from *); thus, it may originally be *ʻthe powerful one’.
    ▪ … 
    ▪ … 
    DRS 10 (2012) #ḪYL-1-2 […]. -3 Ar ḫayl ‘chevaux’, ḫayyālaẗ ‘troupeau de chevaux’, Jib aḫyel ‘faire galoper (son cheval)’. -4 […]. -5 Hbr ḥayil ‘puissance’, SyrAr ḥēl, ‘vigueur, allant’, Sab ḫyl ‘pouvoir, puissance’, Qat ‘ressources, aide’, Gz ḫayl, Tña ḥayli, Te ḥil, Amh Gur hayl ‘pouvoir, puissance’. -6-8 […].
    ▪ … 
    ▪ The Ar term ḫayl for ʻhorses’ stands isolated within Sem (Jib aḫyel ‘faire galoper’ could be an Arabism). Given that it cannot be connected to other items of ↗√ḪYL or ↗√ḪWL, it may be true what earlier research often suggested,36 , namely that it belongs to the complex of *ʻpower, strength, might’ (cf. DRS #ḪYL-5 in section COGN, above), otherwise realised in Ar by ↗√ḤW/YL (< protSem *ḥayl‑/*ḫayl‑ ‘strength’ – Kogan2015: 118 #12), rather than to √ḪYL or √ḪWL.37
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    sabāq al-ḫayl, n., horse racing, horse race

    ḫayyala, vb. II, to gallop (on horseback): D-stem, denom.
    ḫayyāl, pl. -aẗ, ‑ūn, n., horseman, rider: ints. formation /
    ḫayyālaẗ, n.f., cavalry (Ir.; Eg. 1939) | sariyyaẗ ḫayyālaẗ, n.f., cavalry squadron (Eg. 1939)

    For other values of the root, cf. ↗ḫāla and ↗ʔaḫyal as well as, for the whole picture, root entries ↗√ḪYL and √ḪWL. 
    ḪYM خيم 
    ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    ▪ ḪYM_1 ‘tent, pavilion’ ↗ḫaymaẗ
    ▪ ḪYM_2 ‘…’ ↗
    ▪ … 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ▪ …
    ▪ … 
    ḫaymaẗ خَيْمَة , pl. ‑āt , ḫiyām , ḫiyam 
    ID 276 • Sw – • BP 3255 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
    tent; tarpaulin; arbor, bower; pavilion – WehrCowan1979. 
    ▪ … 
    ▪ eC7 Q 55:72 ‘tent; pavilion’ 
    ▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#2058: Within Sem, the many cognates of Ar ḫaym-at‑ have either the ‎meaning ‘tent’ (Ug ḫm-t, Gz ḫaymat, Jib ḫom = pl.) or ‘hut, cabin’ (SAr ḫym, Tgr ḫaymät, ‎Amh haym-ät), while Ḥrs ḫīm-ēt‑ can mean both.
    Outside Sem the word has cognates in Berb ‎‎*γ(˅)yam‑ (ta-γyam-t, Kby a-ḫḫam, Ahg ta-ḫyam-t ‘tent’; another ta-ḫyam-t ‘village’), ‎Eg ḫm ‘temple’ (pyr), ECh *kam-kam‑ (redupl.; reconstructed from the forms kankama and kamkama). 
    ▪ Jeffery1938: »It is found only in the pl. ḫiyām ‎in an early Meccan description of Paradise, where we are told that the Houries are maqṣūrāt fī ‘l-‎ḫiyām ‘kept close in pavilions’. – The word is obviously not Ar, and Fraenkel, Fremdw, 30, ‎though admitting that he was not certain of its origin, suggested that it came to the Arabs from ‎Abyssinia.38 Eth [Gz] ḫaymat means ‘tentorium’, ‘tabernaculum’ (Dillmann, ‎‎Lex, 610), and translates both the Hbr אהל‏ and Grk skēnḗ. Vollers, however, in ZDMG, ‎‎1, 631, is not willing to accept this theory of Abyssinian derivation,39 and thinks we must look to ‎Persia or NAfrica for its origin. The Pers ḫaymat, ḫiyam and ḫiyām, however, are direct ‎borrowings from the Ar40 and not formations from the root ‎‎√ḪMY meaning ‘curvature’. – We find the word not infrequently in the early poetry, and so it ‎must have been an early borrowing, probably from the same source as the Eth ḫaymat

    ▪ Orel&Stolbova1994#2058: The common Sem ancestor is to be ‎reconstructed as *ḫaym‑ ‘tent; hut, cabin’. The cognates in Berb, ‎Eg, and ECh make the ‎authors suggest a common etymon in AfrAs *q̇am‑ / *q̇ayam‑ ‘tent, house’. 

    ḫayyama, vb. II, ‎to pitch one's tent, to camp; to settle down; to stay, linger, rest, lie down, lie; (fig.) to reign (e.g., ‎calm, silence, peace, etc.), settle: denominative.
    taḫayyama, vb. V, to pitch one's tent; to camp: denominative.

    ḫayyām, n., tentmaker:
    BP#1249 muḫayyam, pl. ‑āt, n., camping ground, camp, ‎encampment: n.loc. II. 

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