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siǧill سِجِلّ , pl. ‑āt
ID 381 • Sw – • BP 3019 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021, last updated 17Apr2023
1 scroll; 2a register; b list, index; c pl. siǧillāt, records, archives – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ Jeffery1938, Rolland2014: from (Grk sigíllon =) Lat sigillum ‘small picture, engraved figure, seal’, dimin. of sīgnum ‘sign, distinctive mark’ (see below, section WEST). 
▪ eC7 (‘scribe, overseer of records; written scroll’) Q 21:104 yawma naṭwī ’l-samāʔa ka-ṭayyi ’l-siǧilli li-l-kutubi ‘The Day when We shall roll up the heavens as a recorder rolleth up a written scroll | on the Day, We roll up the skies the way a scribe rolls up scrolls (or, the way a folded up scroll rolls up/enfolds [its] writings)’ 
▪ – (loanword). – OrelStolbova1994 #2234 mention the parallel Eg (OK) sḏꜢw.t ‘stamp, seal’ [TLÆ: ‘Siegelung’; cf. also sḏꜢ ‘Halskette mit Siegelzylinder’], but think the item is probably a Sem loanword.
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▪ Jeffery1938: »The meaning of sijill in this eschatological passage was unknown to the early interpreters of the Qurʔān. Some took it to be the name of an angel, or of the Prophet’s amanuensis, but the majority are in favour of its meaning some kind of writing or writing material. (Ṭab. and Bagh. on the passage, and Rāghib, Mufradāt, 223.) – There was also some difference of opinion as to its origin, some like Bagh. taking it as an Arabic word derived from musājalaẗ, and others admitting that it was a foreign word, of Abyssinian or Persian origin.1 It is, however, neither Persian2 nor Abyssinian, but the Grk sigíllon = Lat sigillum, used in Byzantine Grk for an Imperial edict.3 The word came into very general use in the eastern part of the Empire, so that we find Syr sīgīlyūn (PSm, 2607)4 meaning ‘diploma’, and Arm sigel meaning ‘seal’.5 It may have come through Syr to Ar as Mingana, Syriac Influence, 90, claims, but the word appears not to occur in Arabic earlier than the Qurʔān, and may be one of the words picked up by Muḥammad himself as used among the people of NArabia in its Grk form. In any case, as Nöldeke insists,6 it is clear that he quite misunderstood its real meaning.«
▪ OrelStolbova1994 #2234 think Eg sḏꜢw.t ‘stamp, seal’ is probably a Sem loanword (< Lat sigillum). But if not, one would have to think of a shared origin of the Eg and Ar words in a hypothetical AfrAs *sigul- ‘stamp, seal’ (> Sem *šigil- ‘roll, scroll, register’).
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▪ Not from Ar siǧill but from the same source is Engl seal ‘design stamped on wax’, especially an impressed figure attached to a document as evidence of authenticity, c. 1200, sel, sele, from oFr seel, seal ‘seal on a letter’ (modFr sceau), from VulgLat *sigellum (source of suggello, Span sello; also oFris mHGe sigel, Ge Siegel), from Lat sigillum ‘small picture, engraved figure, seal’, dimin. of sīgnum ‘identifying mark, token, symbol; signal, omen; sign in the heavens, constellation’ (EtymOnline). According to Watkins (cited ibid.), the latter is literally *‘standard that one follows’, from protIndEur *sekw-no-, from root *sekw- (1) ‘to follow’. »De Vaan has it from protIndEur *sekh-no- ‘cut’, from protIndEur root *sek- ‘to cut’. He writes: “The etymological appurtenance to seco ‘to cut’ implies a semantic shift of *sek-no- ‘what is cut out’, ‘carved out’ > ‘sign’.” But he also compares Hbr sakkīn, Aram sakkīn ‘slaughtering-knife’ [see Ar ↗sikkīn], and mentions a theory that “both words are probably borrowed from an unknown third source”«. Pfeifer (in DWDS) supports derivation of Lat sīgnum from *‘to cut’: »eigentlich wohl ‘eingeschnitzte Marke, geschnitztes Bild’ oder auch ‘auf Holzstäben eingekerbtes Zeichen beim Losorakel’, zu Lat secāre ‘schneiden’, auch ‘schnitzen’; [in Ge] zuerst [C14] in der Lat Kaufmannssprache der Hanse für ‘Firmenzeichen, Handelsmarke’ gebräuchlich, von da im [C16] in den allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch übergegangen für ‘(abgekürzte) Unterschrift, Namenszeichen, Monogramm’, seit dem [C18] übertragen ‘Kennzeichen, Merkmal, Stempel, Gepräge’.«
▪ ... 
al-siǧill al-tiǧārī, n., commercial register;
al-siǧill al-ḏahabī, Golden Book;
siǧill al-ziyārāt, visitors’ book, guest book;
al-siǧill al-tašrīfāt, list of visitors (dipl.);
siǧill (or siǧillāt) al-ʔaṭyān, cadastre, land register;
al-siǧill al-ʕaqārī, do.

BP#877saǧǧala, vb. II, 1a to register, enter (‑h, make an entry (‑h of; b to note down, record, make a note of; c to put down, write down, book ( ʕalà to s.o.’s debit); d to have ( recorded, put on record, make a deposition or statement for the official records; e to capture, catch (a scene); f to set (a record; athlet.); g to register (a letter); h to enter ( in the commercial register; i to have (an invention) patented, secure a patent (‑h on); j to record (said of an apparatus; also, e.g., fī l-šarāʔiṭ al-musaǧǧalaẗ on tape); 2a to document, prove by documentary evidence; b to give evidence (-h of; to score (, e.g., ʔiṣābaẗ a hit): D-stem, denom. | saǧǧala ʕalà nafsi-h ʔan, expr., to go on record for (doing or being
BP#1297tasǧīl, pl. ‑āt, n., 1a entering, entry, registration; b booking; c recording; d tape-recording; e registering (of mail) 2a documentation; b authentication: vn. II | tasǧīl ʕaqārī, n., entry in the land register; ʔālaẗ tasǧīl al-ṣawt, n.f., tape recorder
BP#2805musaǧǧil, pl. ‑ūn, 1a registrar; b notary public; 2 (pl. ‑āt) tape recorder: PA II | šarīṭ musaǧǧil, magnetic tape; musaǧǧil al-kulliyyaẗ, secretary of the faculty
BP#2956musaǧǧal, adj., registered, etc.: PP II. | risālaẗ musaǧǧalaẗ, registered letter; murāsalāt musaǧǧalaẗ, registered mail; ʔaṭnān musaǧǧalaẗ, register tons; haflaṭ musaǧǧalaẗ, concert of recorded music

For other values attached to the root, cf. ↗sāǧala, as well as, for the whole picture, root entry ↗SǦL. 
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