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qufl قُفْل 
ID – • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 3Jun2023
lock – Jeffery1938 
▪ … 
▪ eC7 Q xlvii, 26 – Jeffery1938.
▪ Jeffery1938: »Only in the pl. ʔaqfāl, where al-Ǧawālīqī, Muʕarrab, 125, says it is a borrowing from Pers.1 / The verb qaffala is denominative2 and the word cannot be derived from an Ar root. It is probably the Aram qwplʔ ‘a fetter’, or Syr qplā, which translates the Grk kleîθron, and would have been an early borrowing.3 «
QFW قفو 
ID – • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 1May2023
▪ QFW_1 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ QFW_2 ‘...’ ↗...
▪ QFW_3 ‘...’ ↗...

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘back of the neck, nape, back of the head, the reverse; to follow, track, send after; to rhyme, poem; to slander, slander; advantage, hospitality’ 
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QLː (QLL) قلّ / قلل 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 06Jun2021
√QLː (QLL) 
▪ QLː (QLL)_1 ʻ(to be\become) little, small, few, insignificant; (to be) rare, scarce; to decrease, diminish, grow less; (to be) inferior’ ↗¹qalla (qill, qull, qillaẗ)
▪ QLː (QLL)_2 ʻto pick up, raise, lift, carry’ ↗²qalla (qall)
▪ QLː (QLL)_3 ʻto rise; to be independent; to possess alone; to board (, e.g., a ship)’ ↗ĭstaqalla
▪ QLː (QLL)_4 ʻtremor’ ↗qill
▪ QLː (QLL)_5 ʻrecovery, recuperation; restoration of prosperity’ ↗qallaẗ
▪ QLː (QLL)_6 ʻhighest point; top, summit; apex; vertex’ ↗¹qullaẗ
▪ QLː (QLL)_7 ʻ(cannon) ball’ ↗²qullaẗ
▪ QLː (QLL)_8 ʻjug, pitcher’ ↗³qullaẗ
▪ QLː (QLL)_9 ʻcompletely, wholly, entirely’ (adv.): bi- ↗¹qilliyyati-h
▪ QLː (QLL)_10 ʻcell; closet; residence of a bishop’ ↗²qilliyyaẗ, qillāyaẗ~qallāyaẗ

Other values, now obsolete (Hava1899):

QLː (QLL)_11 : qill ʻlow wall’
QLː (QLL)_12 : muqallal ʻadorned with a stud (sword)’
QLː (QLL)_13 : ĭstaqalla ʻto become angry; to seize s.o. (fear)’

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘to be, or become little, small, or few; to trifle with; to lift up; to accompany; summit of a mountain; to travel around, be agile’ 
▪ Semantic relations within the root are still rather obscure. There seem to be two larger complexes ([v1] *‘to be little, small, insignificant, rare, inferior’, attested also in other Sem langs, and [v2][v3][v6] *‘summit; to be high, rise; to raise, lift’) as well as at least two loanwords ([v8] ³qullaẗ ‘jug, pitcher’ and [v10] qilliyyaẗ ~ qillāyaẗ ʻcell; closet’). Some of the other values may be related to, or derived from, the aforementioned, others are hard to connect. Leaving loanwords aside, the question is whether the remaining values all depend on [v1] as Ar idiosyncrasies, or whether they have other etymologies, or whether, perhaps, Ar has preserved in them some more original value, lost in other Sem langs, on which [v1] itself might be based.
▪ [v1] ¹qalla (qill, qull, qillaẗ) ʻ(to be\become) little, small, few, insignificant; (to be) rare, scarce; to decrease, diminish, grow less; (to be) inferior’: from Sem *QLL ‘light, little, fast’ – Bergsträsser1928. – Is [v11] qill ʻlow wall’ directly akin to [v1]? – Should we also connect [v2] and [v3], regarding the notion of *‘rising, raising’ implied in them as the result of *‘being light’? But there are other suggestions, see below.
▪ [v2] ²qalla (qall) ʻto pick up, raise, lift, carry’: based on [v1] (see preceding), or rather forming a semantic complex with [v3] and [v6], based on *‘highest point, top’? – LandbergZetterstein1942 suggested that it is a development from ↗√QNː (QNN) ‘to be high, elevated’, with n > l.
▪ [v3] ĭstaqalla ʻto rise; to be independent; to possess alone; to board (, e.g., a ship)’: Similar to [v2], the value is of obscure etymology. The basic meaning seems to be *‘to separate o.s., stand out’, which could be a development from [v1], as form X is desiderative and could thus express a *‘wish/effort to appear singular, look small, little (as compared to the rest from which one separates/distances o.s.)’. But it could also be based on [v6] ʻhighest point, top’, the desiderative form X expressing a *‘wish/effort to reach the top of, look as if standing on the top, being exceptional’. Wahrmund II 1887 has also an obsolete qull ʻeinsam, vereinzelt’ (not mentioned elsewhere though) that would fit as a base to derive the meaning of *‘separating o.s., wishing to stand out, look exceptional’ from.
▪ [v4] qill ʻtremor’: etymology obscure. A secondary semantic development, based on [v13] ʻto become angry; to seize s.o. (fear)’ (which in turn may be from [v6])?
▪ [v5] qallaẗ ʻrecovery, recuperation; restoration of prosperity’: etymology obscure; perh. from [v3] ‘to rise’?
▪ [v6] ¹qullaẗ ʻhighest point; top, summit; apex; vertex’: etymology obscure. – LandbergZetterstein1942 suggested that it was a phonetic variant of/development from ↗qunnaẗ ‘mountaintop, summit, peak’, with n > l (cf. also ↗qimmaẗ, with m); see also [v2] and [v3] above, which may be based on [v6]. – See also below, section DISC.
▪ [v7] ²qullaẗ ʻ(cannon) ball’: etymology obscure. Could be a foreign word; cf. perh. Engl cannon (< oFr canon < It cannone ʻlarge tube, barrel’, augmentative of Lat canna ʻreed, tube’; cf. ↗qanāẗ, ↗qānūn, ↗qinnīnaẗ).
▪ [v8] ³qullaẗ ʻjug, pitcher’: from Aram qwltā (Zimmern1914: qullətā), Syr qūltā ʻwine jar’ – Fraenkel1886.
▪ [v9] ¹qilliyyaẗ, in bi-qilliyyati-h ʻcompletely, wholly, entirely’ (adv.): Obscure semantics, can hardly be connected to any of the main values ([v1] *ʻlittle, small, light’, [v2][v3][v6] *ʻto rise, raise, be high, top, peak’) nor to that of the homonymous ↗²qilliyyaẗ ʻcell; closet’ ([v10]).
▪ [v10] ²qilliyyaẗ, also qallāyaẗ ~ qillāyaẗ ʻcell; closet; residence of a bishop’: via Syr qellītā from Lat cella ʻsmall chamber, cell’ < IE *kel- ʻto cover, hide’ – Rolland2014.
[v11] : qill ʻlow wall’: akin to [v1] ?
[v12] : muqallal ʻadorned with a stud (sword)’: perh. < *ʻadorned with a peak, with standing out/protruding’, from [v6] ¹qullaẗ ʻhighest point, top’?
[v13] : ĭstaqalla ʻto become angry; to seize s.o. (fear)’: perh. metaphorical *ʻto seek to overwhelm, sit on top of, overcome s.o.’, from [v6] ¹qullaẗ ʻhighest point, top’?

▪ …
▪ [v1] : cf. also vb. III qālla lahu 'l-ʕaṭāʔ ʻhe gave him very little’, IV ʔaqalla ʻto possess little’, VI taqālla ʻto find small, little, few’, X ĭstaqalla ʻto make little of’, qill, qull, ʻexiguity, small number; poverty’, raǧul qull ʻlonely, helpless man’, qulul ʻscattered people from various tribes’, qulal ʻpeople gathered from various places’
▪ [v3] : cf. also VI taqālla ʻto rise high (sun)’, VI ĭstaqalla ʻto rise in its flight (bird); to raise o.s.; to grow (plant)’, ĭstaqalla ʕan ʻto go away from (the tents: people)’, ĭstaqalla bi’l-wilāyaẗ ʻto be independent, absolute (governor)’, ĭstaqalla bi-raʔyi-h ʻhe is alone in his opinion’, ĭstiqlāl ʻindependence; absolutism’, mustaqill ʻindependent (sovereign)’. – Wahrmund II 1887 has also qull ʻeinsam, vereinzelt’, not mentioned elsewhere though.
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▪ [v1] Bergsträsser1928: (*‘light, little, fast’) Akk qallu, Hbr qal, Syr (vb. qal, ipfv. neqqal), Gz (qalī́l).
▪ [v1] Zammit2002, Leslau2006: Akk qalālu ʻto be(come) light, little, few’, Ug qlt ʻshame’, ql ʻfallen (zu Füssen); to humiliate’, Hbr Phoen qālal ʻto be slight, swift, trifling’, qal ʻlight, easy’, Aram qᵊlal ʻto be light; be reduced’, Syr qal ʻto diminish, lessen, be lightened’, Mnd qalil ʻlight’, SAr qll ʻa little, small quantity’, Soq qel(l) ʻto be small, Gz qalla, qalala ʻto be light, easy, slight, swift, rapid’, ʔaqlala ʻto vilify’ (< ʻto be little’), Tña Gur qälälä ʻto be light’, Te qälla, Har qäläla, Amh qällälä, Arg qälläla, Gaf qälliyä ʻlight’.
▪ [v7] Fraenkel1886: Ar qullaẗ < Aram qwltā, Syr qūltā ʻwine jar’; cf. also Zimmern1914: Akk qallu ʻlarge jar’ [not in CAD] > prob. JudAram qallā.
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▪ [v1] Bergsträsser1928: Sem *qll ‘light, little, fast’.
▪ [v2] LandbergZetterstein1942: ClassAr qalla ʻporter, soulever, supporter’, DaṯAr ʕUmAr ʻdresser, aufrecht stellen’ < √QNN ʻêtre haut’, avec n > l; DaṯAr ĭqtall ʻmonter en haut, se dresser’ = ClassAr ĭqtanna; DaṯAr qullaẗ ʻsommet’ = ClassAr qunnaẗ, cf. also qimmaẗ.
▪ [v6] Ḍinnāwī2004 gives also qilālaẗ as a synonym of ¹qullaẗ and claims that the two be from Pers kullaẗ [should be: kalle] ‘head of, top’, which, accord. to the author, in turn goes back to an Akk kullutuwwu [sic!] – untenable for phonological reasons.
▪ [v7] Zimmern1914 suggests also: Akk gullatu prob. kind of jar (CAD: ‘ewer’) > perh. Hbr gullā ʻoil jar’; cf. perh. also Aram qullətā ʻwine jar’ (> Ar qullaẗ), as well as perh. Lat culullus (Horace). – However, against such a hypothesis, cf. DRS #GLL-2 Akk gullat- ‘bassin, aiguière’, ? gull- un contenant, Ug gl ‘coupe, cuvette’, Hbr gullā ‘bassin, cuvette’, Ar ǧullaẗ ‘panier fait de feuilles de palmier’; Syr gūllīnā ‘tour de potier’.
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