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ZRQ زرق 
ID … • Sw – • BP – • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
▪ ZRQ_1 ‘to drop excrement (bird)’ ↗zaraqa
▪ ZRQ_2 ‘to hit, pierce, jab, bore; injection; javelin; to throw, hurl (’ ↗zaraqa
▪ ZRQ_3 ‘(to be/come) blue; dark-coloured; glaucoma; cyanosis (med.); jay (zool.)’ ↗ʔazraqᵘ
▪ ZRQ_4 (= ZWRQ) ‘boat, rowboat, skiff’ ↗zawraq
▪ ZRQ_5 (= ZRQN) ‘a bright red’ ↗zarqūn

Other values, now obsolete, include:
  • ZRQ_6 ‘blindness’ : zaraq
  • ZRQ_7 ‘lie’ : zūraq

Semantic value spectrum in ClassAr (acc. to BAH2008): ‘blue, to become blue; to pass through swiftly, to pass excrement’. – The term ʔazraq, which is usually translated as ‘blue’, in fact covers a range of colours in Arabic including grey, green, and white and also means purity of water. 
▪ Out of the 5 values listed in DRS for the root ZRQ in Sem, 3 are represented in Ar, of which 2 have survived into MSA. But there are more than only those listed in DRS.
▪ ZRQ_1-4 [≙ DRS#ZRQ-1&2]: In DRS, zaraqa in the sense of ‘to drop excrement (bird)’ (ZRQ_1) is seen together with zaraqa ‘to throw, hurl; to hit, pierce, jab, bore’ (ZRQ_2) and even zawraq ‘small boat’ (ZRQ_4). The meaning of the root in Sem in general varies between ‘to sprinkle, scatter’ and ‘to hit (and hence also: pierce)’. For the 2-cons. root nucleus *ZR- from which this ZRQ can be seen as an extension in *‑ḳ (Ar ‑q), Ehret1989 assumes an original value of ‘to spill’. If this is true, the semantic development could be imagined to have been as follows: ‘to spill’ > ‘to sprinkle, scatter, disperse’ > ‘to drop; to throw, hurl’ > ‘to hit’ > ‘to pierce’. In contrast, Orel&Stolbova1994#2610 reconstruct a Sem *z˅r˅ḳ‑ ‘to dart’, which they derive (together with SaAf *ʒ˅rig‑ ‘to stir’ and LEC *ʒarug‑ / *ʒaruk‑ ‘to shift, push’, from AfrAs *ʒariḳ‑ / *ʒaruḳ‑ ‘to throw, push’). – Given that the original value of Ar ʔazraqᵘ (ZRQ_3 = DRS#ZRQ-2) was not ‘blue’ but rather ‘iridescent, shimmering, glittering, flashing’ (said of water, eyes of birds, metallic arrowheads, etc.), a relation between ‘to sprinkle > to throw/hurl > to hit’ and ‘to radiate, shimmer, glitter, flash’ (i.e., “sprinkle > throw/hurl > hit with” light) does not seem too unlikely.
▪ ZRQ_3 [≙ DRS#ZRQ-2] : The value ‘blue’ is a rather late development from an earlier ‘iridescent, shimmering, glittering, flashing’. With this, the value can be seen as originating in a figurative use of ZRQ_2 ‘to throw, hurl’ (sc. beams of light, to radiate), which in itself is based on ZRQ_1 ‘to spill, disperse’ (esp. excrements, said of birds).
▪ ZRQ_4 [treated within DRS#ZRQ-1] : The value ‘boat, rowboat, skiff’ seems to be figurative use: a small boat (which elsewhere may be likened to a nutshell) is called a ‘bowl, basin’ here (cf. Ar mizraq ‘drinking cup, [Freytag1830:] crater, phiala’, Hbr mizrāq [Klein1987:] ‘bowl, basin’). The latter value seems to be derived from ‘to sprinkle’, the basic value inherent in ZRQ_1 and ZRQ_2 (and, indirectly, also ZRQ_3), see preceding paragraphs.
▪ ZRQ_5 [DRS: –] : from Pers zargūn ‘gold-coloured’ (composed of Pers zar ‘gold’ + gūn ‘colour’).
▪ ZRQ_6 [DRS: –] zaraq ‘blindness’: essentially the same as ZRQ_3 which today mainly signifies ‘blue’ but originally just described ‘iridescent, shimmering, glittering, flashing’, a quality that also characterizes the eyes of a blind person.
▪ ZRQ_7 [≙ DRS#ZRQ-5] zūraq ‘lie’: ?
DRS 8 (1999)#ZRQ -1 Akk zarāqu ‘asperger’, Hbr zāraq [Klein1987: ‘to throw, toss, sprinkle’], JP Syr zᵊraq ‘répandre, asperger’, mzrqyʔ (pl.) ‘aspersoirs’; nSyr zāriq ‘paraître (soleil)’, zrāqa ‘lever (du soleil), Est’, Ar zaraqa ‘fienter (oiseau), lancer, jeter, percer, injecter (avec une seringue)’, zarraqa ‘répandre de l’eau, pisser; inciter’, Ḥass zrīg ‘lait additionné d’eau’; Ar mizrāq ‘javelot, lance courte’ mazāriq (pl.) ‘rayons de soleil’, zurraq : nom de diverses espèces de rapaces, PalAr zēraq ‘taon’, MġrAr zarrāqaẗ ‘tuyau, seringue’, zroq, zaraq ‘se lever, pointer à l’horizon (astre)’, ẓṛug ‘bondir, jaillir’, zrəg ‘glisser furtivement’, Ḥass ẓaṛgeg ‘couler lentement, à petit filet, laisser filtrer la lumière’; Mhr zərūq, Ḥrs zeroq, Jib zoroq ‘porter un coup avec une pointe, piquer’, Gz zaraqa, Tña zäräqä ‘percer d’une lance’, zäräq̄ä ‘percer, fendre, découper en lanières; tamiser’, Amh zärräqä ‘découper du bois à jour’. ? Te zärqä ‘être abondante (pluie)’, Gz məzrāq, Tña mäzraq ‘javelot’, Te märzaq : grand bâton avec une pointe en fer; Mhr Ḥrs zērəq, Jib zerq : sorte de serpent très rapide. – Akk zirīq-, zuruqq- : appareil primitif pour puiser de l’eau pour l’irrigation, Ar zirq ‘litière, fourrage’. Hbr mizrāq [Klein1987: ‘bowl, basin’], Ar mizraq ‘vase à boire’, Syr zūrqā, Ar zawraq, GulfAr zārūg ‘petit bateau’. – For possible cognates outside Sem cf. below, section DISC. -2 Akk zarrīq- ‘aux yeux iridescents’, Syr zārqā ‘bleu, vert bleu’, Mand zarūq, nSyr mazrič̣ ‘briller (yeux)’, Ar ʔazraqᵘ ‘bleu, pâle, livide; qui a les yeux bleu pâle, aveugle, brillant’, zarraqa ‘briller’, IrqAr zaraq, zarwaq ‘décorer, colorer’, Ḥass aẓṛag ‘pie (robe d’animaux), bariolé, bigarré’, ʕOmAr mzarga, Ḥrs mezarrget ‘chamelle rousse et noire’, Gz ʔazraq ‘bleu sombre’. – For possible cognates outside Sem cf. below, section DISC. – -3 Akk zirq ‘mouton’. -4 zirqaẗ : sorte de lynx. -5 Ar zūraq ‘mensonge’, Gz zaraqa ‘dire des paroles vaines, plaisanter’, Tña zäqqärä ‘plaisanter’, Gz zarq, Amh zärq ‘plaisanterie’. 
▪ ZRQ_1/2 [= DRS #ZRQ-1] : cf. above, section CONC. – Else (according to DRS): Sur les rapports entre Akk zuruqq- et Aram zarnūqā, Ar zurnūq, v. s. ZRNQ. – Ebl semble attester une forme de la racine désignant un bâton long; peut-être mazriqu à rapprocher de l’Ar mizrāq ou zirīq comme en Akk, v. ci-dessus. – Une forme Hbr zārqā (Hos. 7 /9) est parfois traduite par ‘s’insinuer’ d’après l’Ar dial. – TargAram présente quelques formes à consonne initiale d : dᵊraq, dārēq ‘asperger, répandre’; peut-être est-ce dû à l’influence de dᵊrā de même sens, v.s. ḎRW/Y? Il peut s’agir aussi d’un phénomène de dissimilation. – Pour zarrāq ‘astrologue’ = ‘jeteur (de sorts)’, rapport avec ‘percer’? – PalAr zeraq ‘taon’, en relation avec ‘injecter, piquer’. – Cf. also ZQː (ZQQ), ZRZQ. – As for outside Sem, DRS, quoting HSED 543 [#2610], compares some Cush formes: Sa -izrig-, -idrig- ‘to stir’, Som durk-, durug-, Arbore zarug, zurg-, zurug-) ‘to shift, push’; (Cush g/k corresponding Sem q ?). – DRS also suggests to compare [Berb] Mzab əzrəg ‘jaillir’, Tqblt zrirəg ‘couler, filer rapidement sur une surface lisse’, Tua əzrəg, əhrəg ‘aller à l’eau’, et aussi Tua zəreggət ‘percer, commencer à paraître’; emprunts à l’Ar? – Noter, en regard des formes éthiopiennes, [Berb] Tqblt aməẓṛag ‘gros bâton, lance, javelot’. – Orel&Stolbova1994#2610 reconstruct Sem *z˅r˅ḳ- ‘to dart’, [Cush] SaAf *ʒ˅rig- ‘to stir’, LEC *ʒarug- / *ʒaruk- ‘to shift, push’, all from AfrAs *ʒariḳ- / *ʒaruḳ- ‘to throw, push’.
▪ ZRQ_3 [= DRS #ZRQ-2] : In modAr, the sense of ‘blue’ is dominant in ʔazraqᵘ, but cf. e.g. Fischer1965 on earlier values in ClassAr. With these, the item is probably dependent on ZRQ_1/2, cf. above, section CONC. – NB in DRS : »Peut-être faut-il séparer le Ḥass ‘pie, bariolé, bigarré’ de la racine Ar et lier au [Berb] Tqblt izirig ‘ligne, rayures’, Tšlḥt azrirəg ‘rayure d’une étoffe’. – Par ailleurs on relève Tqblt zrurəg et ẓṛurəq ‘briller, étinceler’, ainsi que Mzab əzzərrag ‘bleu à rincer le linge’, emprunts à l’Ar.«
▪ ZRQ_4 [cf. also DRS #ZRQ-1] : As already mentioned above (section CONC), the Ar word for a small boat, zawraq, seems to be akin to Sem words for ‘to sprinkle’, hence also ‘to irrigate’ and ‘bowl’ (i.e., vessel for throwing or tossing a liquid). – According to PayneSmith1903, Syr zūrqā is from Ar (in DRS it is given as a genuine cognate).
▪ ZRQ_5 : From Pers zargūn ‘gold-coloured’, composed of Pers zar ‘gold’ (Av zar ‘gold’) + gūn ‘colour’ (EtymOnline ), akin to Aram zarag, zargūn ‘peony, peony-coloured’, Syr zrag ‘to glisten, be red’ (with wine, said of the eyes), zārgâ ‘wine colour (a colour betw. red and yellow), topaz, amethyst’ (PayneSmith1903).1
▪ ZRQ_6 zaraq ‘blindness’: belonging to ZRQ_3 which originally meant an ‘iridescence, shimmering, glittering, flashing’, that often also was ascribed to eyes, esp. those of birds, but evidently also to the eyes of blind persons.
▪ ZRQ_7 zūraq ‘lie’: probably akin to one of the above, but semantics are obscure.
1 zaraq‑ زَرَقَ , u , i (zarq)
2 zaraq‑ زَرَقَ , u (zarq
ID … • Sw – • BP … • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
vb., I 
1 to drop excrement (bird)
2 a to hit, pierce (s.o. bi‑ with); b to jab, bore (into s.o. or; c to throw, hurl ( – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ In DRS, zaraqa in the sense of ‘to drop excrement (bird)’ is seen together with zaraqa ‘to throw, hurl; to hit, pierce, jab, bore’ (and even ↗zawraq ‘small boat’). The meaning of the root in Sem in general varies between ‘to sprinkle, scatter’ and ‘to hit (and hence also: pierce)’. For the 2-cons. root nucleus *ZR- from which this ZRQ can be seen as an extension in *‑ḳ (Ar ‑q), Ehret1989 assumes a basic value of ‘to spill’. If this is correct, the semantic development could be imagined to have been as follows: ‘to spill’ > ‘to sprinkle, scatter, disperse’ > ‘to drop [=v1]; to throw, hurl [=v2c]’ > ‘to hit’ [=v2a] > ‘to pierce’ [=v2ab]. In contrast, Orel&Stolbova1994#2610 reconstruct a 3-cons. root Sem *z˅r˅ḳ‑ ‘to dart’, from AfrAs *ʒariḳ‑ / *ʒaruḳ‑ ‘to throw, push’.
▪ The vn. zarq seems to have been an early, though not very common med. techn. term for ‘injecting, injections’ (today: zarq al-ʔibar).
▪ For a possible connection with ↗ʔazraqᵘ (today: ‘blue’, but originally:) ‘iridescent, shimmering, glittering, flashing’ (water, eyes of birds, metallic arrowheads, etc.), cf. s.v. and DISC on ZRQ_1-4 and esp. ZRQ_3 in entry ↗ZRQ.
▪ Cf. also ZRQ_4 in ↗ZRQ on a possible relation between zaraqa and ↗zawraq ‘small boat’. 
▪ … 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZRQ-2 Akk zarrīq- ‘aux yeux iridescents’, Syr zārqā ‘bleu, vert bleu’, Mand zarūq, nSyr mazrič̣ ‘briller (yeux)’, Ar ʔazraqᵘ ‘bleu, pâle, livide; qui a les yeux bleu pâle, aveugle, brillant’, zarraqa ‘briller’, IrqAr zaraq, zarwaq ‘décorer, colorer’, Ḥass aẓṛag ‘pie (robe d’animaux), bariolé, bigarré’, ʕOmAr mzarga, Ḥrs mezarrget ‘chamelle rousse et noire’, Gz ʔazraq ‘bleu sombre’. – For possible cognates outside Sem cf. below, section DISC.
▪ For cognates of other items that perhaps also are related, cf. ↗ʔazraqᵘ, ↗zawraq, and ↗ZRQ. 
▪ In addition to what is said above, section CONC, DRS comments: Sur les rapports entre Akk zuruqq- et Aram zarnūqā, Ar zurnūq, v. s. ZRNQ. – Ebl semble attester une forme de la racine désignant un bâton long; peut-être mazriqu à rapprocher de l’Ar mizrāq ou zirīq comme en Akk, v. ci-dessus. – Une forme Hbr zārqā (Hos. 7 /9) est parfois traduite par ‘s’insinuer’ d’après l’Ar dial. – TargAram présente quelques formes à consonne initiale d : dᵊraq, dārēq ‘asperger, répandre’; peut-être est-ce dû à l’influence de dᵊrā de même sens, v.s. ḎRW/Y? Il peut s’agir aussi d’un phénomène de dissimilation. – Pour zarrāq ‘astrologue’ = ‘jeteur (de sorts)’, rapport avec ‘percer’? – PalAr zeraq ‘taon’, en relation avec ‘injecter, piquer’. – Cf. also ZQː (ZQQ), ZRZQ. – As for outside Sem, DRS, quoting HSED 543 [#2610], compares some Cush formes: Sa -izrig-, -idrig- ‘to stir’, Som durk-, durug-, Arbore zarug, zurg-, zurug-) ‘to shift, push’; (Cush g/k corresponding to Sem q ?). – DRS also suggests to compare [Berb] Mzab əzrəg ‘jaillir’, Tqblt zrirəg ‘couler, filer rapidement sur une surface lisse’, Tua əzrəg, əhrəg ‘aller à l’eau’, et aussi Tua zəreggət ‘percer, commencer à paraître’; emprunts à l’Ar? – Noter, en regard des formes éthiopiennes, [Berb] Tqblt aməẓṛag ‘gros bâton, lance, javelot’. – Orel&Stolbova1994#2610 reconstruct Sem *z˅r˅ḳ- ‘to dart’, [Cush] SaAf *ʒ˅rig- ‘to stir’, LEC *ʒarug- / *ʒaruk- ‘to shift, push’, all from AfrAs *ʒariḳ- / *ʒaruḳ- ‘to throw, push’.
▪ For a possible connection between ʔazraqᵘ ‘blue; (originally:) iridescent, shimmering’ and zaraqa in the sense of ‘to throw, hurl; to hit, pierce’, cf. ʔazraqᵘ and DISC in ↗ZRQ.
▪ Tu zerk ‘throwing a javelin’ (1680 Meninski, Thesaurus) < Ar vn. zarq. – The use as a med. technical term in the sense of ‘injecting, injection’ was marginal in Ar and did not appear in Ottoman before the 20th c. Then, however, it became widespread in this sense – Nişanyan_31Dec2014. – Tu mızrak ‘javelin’ (1354 Masʕūd b. ʔAḥmed, Süheyl ü Nevbahar terc. ], from Ar mizrāq ‘id.’ < Ar zaraqa ‘to throw a javelin’– Nişanyan_30Oct2014. 
zarq al-ʔibar, n., injections, injectings: vn. I, specialisation.

mizrāq, pl. mazārīqᵘ, n., javelin: n.instr. (from [v2ab]). 
ʔazraqᵘ أَزْرَقُ , f. zarqāʔᵘ , pl. zurq 
ID 354 • Sw – • BP 1754 • APD … • © SG | 15Feb2021
1 blue; 2 dark-coloured – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ ‘Blue’ does not belong to the system of basic colour designations reconstructed (acc. to Kogan2011) by Bulakh for Sem (white ↗LBN, black ↗ẒLM, red ↗ʔDM, yellow-green ↗WRQ).
▪ BAH2008: »The term ʔazraq, which is usually translated as ‘blue’, in fact covers a range of colours in Ar including grey, green, and white and also means purity of water.«
▪ Fischer1965, 47 ff.: The original meaning of the adj. is ‘iridescent, shimmering, glittering, flashing’ (schillernd, schimmernd, glitzernd, blinkend, said of water, eyes of birds, metallic arrowheads,…), cf. also ʔazraqī ‘(a certain type of) falcon’ (so called because of the iridescence of the bird’s eyes), or zaraq ‘blindness’ (so called after the iridescence of blind people’s eyes); cf. ZRQ_3 and ZRQ_6 in “root” entry ↗ZRQ.
▪ Given the original value just mentioned, a relation between this ‘iridescence, shimmering, glittering’ and the semantic complex treated s.v. ↗zaraqa does not seem too unlikely: the iridescence of a water surface, of eyes, or of metallic arrowheads was perh. perceived as a kind of ‘sprinkling’ of light, or ‘throwing/hurling’ and ‘hitting’ the observer by the beams/flashes of light emitted by the glittering object. The value could thus be seen as having emerged from a figurative use of ↗zaraqa ‘to throw, hurl’ (ZRQ_2), which in itself is based on zaraqa ‘to spill, disperse’ (esp. excrements, said of birds = ZRQ_1). – Cf. also DISC in “root” entry ↗ZRQ.
▪ For suggestions on an AfrAs dimension in the etymology of zaraqa or its composition of a 2-cons. root nucleus + extension in *‑ḳ (Ar ‑q) cf. ↗ZRQ and ↗*ZR-.
▪ eC7 [blue, grey, green, white-eyed (with terror); sightless] Q 20:102 yawma yunfaḫu fī ’l-ṣūri wa-naḥšuru ’l-muǧrimīna yawmaʔiḏin zurqan ‘the day the Trumpet will be sounded and We gather the sinful, sightless’ 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZRQ-2 Akk zarrīq- ‘aux yeux iridescents’, Syr zārqā ‘bleu, vert bleu’, Mand zarūq, nSyr mazrič̣ ‘briller (yeux)’, Ar ʔazraqᵘ ‘bleu, pâle, livide; qui a les yeux bleu pâle, aveugle, brillant’, zarraqa ‘briller’, IrqAr zaraq, zarwaq ‘décorer, colorer’, Ḥass aẓṛag ‘pie (robe d’animaux), bariolé, bigarré’, ʕOmAr mzarga, Ḥrs mezarrget ‘chamelle rousse et noire’, Gz ʔazraq ‘bleu sombre’.
▪ Cf. perh. also the cognates of ↗zaraqa (if ʔazraqᵘ should be etymologically related to zaraqa – see above, section CONC, and ↗ZRQ, ↗zaraqa). 
See above, section CONC. 
al-zarqāʔᵘ, n.f., the blue sky, the blue
al-māʔ al-zarqāʔᵘ (eg.), n.f., glaucoma (med.)

zariqa, a (zaraq), vb. I, to be blue: prob. denom. (from zaraq or ʔazraqᵘ).
ĭzraqqa, vb. IX, to be blue: form IX for colours and handicaps.

zaraq, n., 1 blue, blueness, blue color; 2 glaucoma (med.): vn. I.
zurqaẗ, n.f., 1 blue, blueness, blue color; 2 cyanosis (med.):…
zurayq and ʔabū zurayq, n., jay (zool.): so called on account of the colour/iridescence of its eyes.
ĭzriqāq, n., blueness, blue: vn IX. | dāʔ al-~, n., cyanosis. 
zawraq زَوْرَق , pl. zawāriqᵘ 
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boat, rowboat, skiff – WehrCowan1979. 
▪ In DRS, zawraq is treated together with ↗zaraqa. If this is correct, the value ‘boat, rowboat, skiff’ can be explained as figurative use: a small boat (which elsewhere is often likened to a nutshell) is called a ‘bowl, basin’ here (cf. Ar mizraq ‘drinking cup, [Freytag1830:] crater, phiala’, Hbr mizrāq ‘bowl, basin’). The latter value seems to be derived from ‘to sprinkle’, the basic value inherent in zaraqa. One could also imagine the small boat being likened to that is ‘thrown around’ or ‘scattered’ (by the waves).
▪ … 
DRS 8 (1999)#ZRQ -1 Akk zarāqu ‘asperger’, Hbr zāraq [Klein1987: ‘to throw, toss, sprinkle’], JP Syr zᵊraq ‘répandre, asperger’, mzrqyʔ (pl.) ‘aspersoirs’; nSyr zāriq ‘paraître (soleil)’, zrāqa ‘lever (du soleil), Est’, Ar zaraqa ‘fienter (oiseau), lancer, jeter, percer, injecter (avec une seringue)’, zarraqa ‘répandre de l’eau, pisser; inciter’, Ḥass zrīg ‘lait additionné d’eau’; Ar mizrāq ‘javelot, lance courte’ mazāriq (pl.) ‘rayons de soleil’, zurraq : nom de diverses espèces de rapaces, PalAr zēraq ‘taon’, MġrAr zarrāqaẗ ‘tuyau, seringue’, zroq, zaraq ‘se lever, pointer à l’horizon (astre)’, ẓṛug ‘bondir, jaillir’, zrəg ‘glisser furtivement’, Ḥass ẓaṛgeg ‘couler lentement, à petit filet, laisser filtrer la lumière’; Mhr zərūq, Ḥrs zeroq, Jib zoroq ‘porter un coup avec une pointe, piquer’, Gz zaraqa, Tña zäräqä ‘percer d’une lance’, zäräq̄ä ‘percer, fendre, découper en lanières; tamiser’, Amh zärräqä ‘découper du bois à jour’. ? Te zärqä ‘être abondante (pluie)’, Gz məzrāq, Tña mäzraq ‘javelot’, Te märzaq : grand bâton avec une pointe en fer; Mhr Ḥrs zērəq, Jib zerq : sorte de serpent très rapide. – Akk zirīq-, zuruqq- : appareil primitif pour puiser de l’eau pour l’irrigation, Ar zirq ‘litière, fourrage’. Hbr mizrāq [Klein1987: ‘bowl, basin’], Ar mizraq ‘vase à boire’, Syr zūrqā, Ar zawraq, GulfAr zārūg ‘petit bateau’.
▪ For possible cognates outside Sem (if zawraq is related to ‘to throw, hurl’), cf. ↗zaraqa, ↗ZRQ. 
See above, section CONC. 
zawraq buḫārī, n., steam launch
zawraq aṣ-ṣayd, n., fishing boat
zawraq kanadī, n., Canadian canoe
zawraq kayāk/kāyāk, n., kayak (rowing sport)
zawraq al-naǧāẗ, n., lifeboat
zawraq nāsif, n., torpedo boat
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