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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala I
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala II
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala III
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IV
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala V
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VI
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IX
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala X
2,41 Various Deities 
2.XLI Various Deities 
vā́yo yé te sahasríṇo ráthāsas tébhir ā́ gahi |
niyútvān sómapītaye || 
1 O VĀYU, come to us with all the thousand chariots that are thine, Team-borne, to drink the Soma juice. 
niyútvān vāyav ā́ gahi ayáṃ śukró ayāmi te |
gántāsi sunvató gr̥hám || 
2 Drawn by thy team, O Vāyu, come; to thee is offered this, the pure. Thou visitest the presser's house. 
śukrásyādyá gávāśira índravāyū niyútvataḥ |
ā́ yātam píbataṃ narā || 
3 Indra and Vāyu, drawn by teams, ye Heroes, come today and drink. Of the bright juice when blent with milk. 
ayáṃ vām mitrāvaruṇā sutáḥ sóma r̥tāvr̥dhā |
máméd ihá śrutaṃ hávam || 
4 This Soma hath been shed for you, Law-strengtheners, Mitra-Varuṇa! Listen ye here to this my call. 
rā́jānāv ánabhidruhā dhruvé sádasi uttamé |
sahásrasthūṇa āsate° || 
5 Both Kings who never injure aught seat them in their supremest home, The thousand-pillared, firmly-based. 
tā́ samrā́jā ghr̥tā́sutī ādityā́ dā́nunas pátī |
sácete ánavahvaram || 
6 Fed with oblation, Sovran Kings, Ādityas, Lords of liberal gifts. They wait on him whose life is true. 
gómad ū ṣú nāsatiyā áśvāvad yātam aśvinā |
vartī́ rudrā nr̥pā́yiyam || 
7 With kine, Nāsatyas, and with steeds, come, Aśvins, Rudras, to the house That will protect its heroes well; 
ná yát páro ná ántara ādadhárṣad vr̥ṣaṇvasū |
duḥśáṃso mártiyo ripúḥ || 
8 Such, wealthy Gods! as none afar nor standing nigh to us may harm, Yea, no malicious mortal foe. 
tā́ na ā́ voḷham aśvinā rayím piśáṅgasaṃdr̥śam |
dhíṣṇiyā varivovídam || 
9 As such, O longed-far Aśvins, lead us on to wealth of varied sort, Wealth that shall bring us room and rest. 
índro aṅgá mahád bhayám abhī́ ṣád ápa cucyavat |
sá hí sthiró vícarṣaṇiḥ || 
10 Verily Indra, conquering all, driveth e’en mighty fear away, For firm is he and swift to act. 
índraś ca mr̥̄ḷáyāti+ no ná naḥ paścā́d agháṃ naśat |
bhadrám bhavāti naḥ puráḥ || 
11 Indra be gracious unto us: sin shall not reach us afterward, And good shall be before us still. 
índra ā́śābhiyas pári sárvābhyo ábhayaṃ karat |
jétā śátrūn vícarṣaṇiḥ || 
12 From all the regions of the world let Indra send security, The foe-subduer, swift to act. 
víśve devāsa ā́ gata śr̥ṇutā́ ma imáṃ hávam |
édám barhír ní ṣīdata || 
13 O all ye Gods, come hitherward: hear this mine invocation, seat Yourselves upon this sacred grass. 
tīvró vo mádhumām̐ ayáṃ śunáhotreṣu matsaráḥ |
etám pibata kā́miyam || 
14 Among the Śunahotras strong for you is this sweet gladdening draught. Drink ye of this delightsome juice. 
índrajyeṣṭhā márudgaṇā dévāsaḥ pū́ṣarātayaḥ |
víśve máma śrutā hávam || 
15 Ye Maruts led by Indra, Gods with Pūṣan for your bounteousest, Hear all of you this call of mine. 
ámbitame nádītame dévitame sárasvati |
apraśastā́ iva smasi práśastim amba nas kr̥dhi || 
16 Best Mother, best of Rivers, best of Goddesses, Sarasvatī, We are, as ’twere, of no repute and dear Mother, give thou us renown. 
tuvé víśvā sarasvati śritā́ ā́yūṃṣi deviyā́m |
śunáhotreṣu matsuva prajā́ṃ devi didiḍḍhi naḥ || 
17 In thee, Sarasvatī, divine, all generations have their stay. Be, glad with Śunahotra's sons: O Goddess grant us progeny. 
imā́ bráhma sarasvati juṣásva vājinīvati |
yā́ te mánma gr̥tsamadā́ r̥tāvari priyā́ devéṣu júhvati || 
18 Enriched with sacrifice, accept Sarasvatī, these prayers of ours, Thoughts which Gṛtsamadas beloved of Gods bring, Holy One, to thee. 
prétāṃ yajñásya śambhúvā yuvā́m íd ā́ vr̥ṇīmahe |
agníṃ ca havyavā́hanam || 
19 Ye who bless sacrifice, go forth, for verily we choose you both, And Agni who conveys our gifts. 
dyā́vā naḥ pr̥thivī́ imáṃ sidhrám adyá divispŕ̥śam |
yajñáṃ devéṣu yachatām || 
20 This our effectual sacrifice, reaching the sky, shall Heaven and Earth Present unto the Gods to-day. 
ā́ vām upástham adruhā devā́ḥ sīdantu yajñíyāḥ |
ihā́dyá sómapītaye || 
21 In both your laps, ye guileless Ones, the Holy Gods shall sit them down To-day to drink the Soma here. 
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