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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala I
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala II
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala III
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IV
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala V
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VI
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala VIII
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala IX
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMaṇḍala X
8,87 Aśvins 
8.LXXVI Aśvins 
dyumnī́ vāṃ stómo aśvinā krívir ná séka ā́ gatam |
mádhvaḥ sutásya sá diví priyó narā pātáṃ gaurā́v ivériṇe || 
1 SPLENDID, O Aśvins, is your praise. Come fountain-like, to pour the stream. Of the sweet juice effused-dear is it, Chiefs, in heaven-drink like two wild bulls at a pool. 
píbataṃ gharmám mádhumantam aśvinā ā́ barhíḥ sīdataṃ narā |
tā́ mandasānā́ mánuṣo duroṇá ā́ ní pātaṃ védasā váyaḥ || 
2 Drink the libation rich in sweets, O Aśvins Twain: sit. Heroes, on the sacred grass. Do ye with joyful heart in the abode of man preserve his life by means of wealth. 
ā́ vāṃ víśvābhir ūtíbhiḥ priyámedhā ahūṣata |
tā́ vartír yātam úpa vr̥ktábarhiṣo júṣṭaṃ yajñáṃ díviṣṭiṣu || 
3 The Priyamedhas bid you come with all the succours that are yours. Come to his house whose holy grass is trimmed, to dear sacrifice at the morning rites. 
píbataṃ sómam mádhumantam aśvinā ā́ barhíḥ sīdataṃ sumát |
tā́ vāvr̥dhānā́ úpa suṣṭutíṃ divó gantáṃ gaurā́v ivériṇam || 
4 Drink ye the Soma rich in meath, ye Aśvins Twain: sit gladly on the sacred grass. So, waxen mighty, to our eulogy from heaven come ye as wild-bulls to the pool. 
ā́ nūnáṃ yātam aśvinā áśvebhiḥ pruṣitápsubhiḥ |
dásrā híraṇyavartanī śubhas patī pātáṃ sómam r̥tāvr̥dhā || 
5 Come to us, O ye Aśvins, now with steeds of many a varied hue, Ye Lords of splendour, wondrous, borne on paths of gold, drink Soma, ye who strengthen Law. 
vayáṃ hí vāṃ hávāmahe vipanyávo víprāso vā́jasātaye |
tā́ valgū́ dasrā́ purudáṃsasā dhiyā́ áśvinā śruṣṭī́ ā́ gatam || 
6 For we the priestly singers, fain tohymn your praise, invoke you for the gain of strength. So, wondrous, fair, and famed for great deeds come to us, through our hymn, Aśvins, when ye hear. 
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